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DDMsgReader.js 824 KiB
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			console.print("\1n\1h\1yWarning: \1wThe Message Reader connot continue because an invalid");
			console.print("sub-board code was specified (" + pSubBoardCode + "). Please notify the sysop.");
			return retObj;
	if (this.subBoardCode.length == 0)
		console.print("\1n\1h\1yWarning: \1wThe Message Reader connot continue because no message\r\n");
		console.print("sub-board was specified. Please notify the sysop.\r\n\1p");
		return retObj;

	// If the user doesn't have permission to read the current sub-board, then
	// don't allow the user to read it.
		if (!msg_area.sub[this.subBoardCode].can_read)
			var errorMsg = format(bbs.text(CantReadSub), msg_area.sub[this.subBoardCode].grp_name, msg_area.sub[this.subBoardCode].name);
			console.print("\1n" + errorMsg);
			return retObj;
	// If there are no messages to display in the current sub-board, then let the
	// user know and exit.
	if (this.NumMessages() == 0)
		console.clear("\1n");"\1n\1h\1yThere are no messages to display.\r\n\1p");
		return retObj;
	// Construct the traditional UI pause text and the line of help text for lightbar
	// mode.  This adds the delete and edit keys if the user is allowed to delete & edit
	// messages.

	// If this.reverseListOrder is the string "ASK", prompt the user for whether
	// they want to list the messages in reverse order.
	if ((typeof(this.reverseListOrder) == "string") && (this.reverseListOrder.toUpperCase() == "ASK"))
		if (numMessages(bbs.cursub_code) > 0)
			this.reverseListOrder = !console.noyes("\1n\1cList in reverse (newest on top)");
	// List the messages using the lightbar or traditional interface, depending on
	// what this.msgListUseLightbarListInterface is set to.  The lightbar interface requires ANSI.
	if (this.msgListUseLightbarListInterface && canDoHighASCIIAndANSI())
		retObj = this.ListMessages_Lightbar(pAllowChgSubBoard);
		retObj = this.ListMessages_Traditional(pAllowChgSubBoard);
	return retObj;
// For the DigDistMsgReader class: Performs the message listing, given a
// sub-board code.  This version uses a traditional user interface, prompting
// the user at the end of each page to continue, quit, or read a message.
// Parameters:
//  pAllowChgSubBoard: Optional - A boolean to specify whether or not to allow
//                     changing to another sub-board.  Defaults to true.
// Return value: An object containing the following properties:
//               lastUserInput: The user's last keypress/input
//               selectedMsgOffset: The index of the message selected to read,
//                                  if one was selected.  If none was selected,
//                                  this will be -1.
function DigDistMsgReader_ListMessages_Traditional(pAllowChgSubBoard)
	var retObj = {
		lastUserInput: "",
		selectedMsgOffset: -1
	// If the user doesn't have permission to read the current sub-board, then
	// don't allow the user to read it.
		if (!msg_area.sub[this.subBoardCode].can_read)
			var errorMsg = format(bbs.text(CantReadSub), msg_area.sub[this.subBoardCode].grp_name, msg_area.sub[this.subBoardCode].name);
			console.print("\1n" + errorMsg);
			return retObj;
	// Reset this.readAMessage and deniedReadingmessage to false, in case the
	// message listing has previously ended with them set to true.
	this.readAMessage = false;
	this.deniedReadingMessage = false;

	var msgbase = new MsgBase(this.subBoardCode);
	if (!"\1n\1h\1yError: \1wUnable to open the sub-board.\r\n\1p");
	var allowChgSubBoard = (typeof(pAllowChgSubBoard) == "boolean" ? pAllowChgSubBoard : true);

	// this.tradMsgListNumLines stores the maximum number of lines to write.  It's the number
	// of rows on the user's screen - 3 to make room for the header line
	// at the top, the question line at the bottom, and 1 extra line at
	// the bottom of the screen so that displaying carriage returns
	// doesn't mess up the position of the header lines at the top.
	this.tradMsgListNumLines = console.screen_rows-3;
	var nListStartLine = 2; // The first line number on the screen for the message list
	// If we will be displaying the message group and sub-board in the
	// header at the top of the screen (an additional 2 lines), then
	// update this.tradMsgListNumLines and nListStartLine to account for this.
	if (this.displayBoardInfoInHeader)
		this.tradMsgListNumLines -= 2;
		nListStartLine += 2;
	// If the user's terminal doesn't support ANSI, then re-calculate
	// this.tradMsgListNumLines - we won't be keeping the headers at the top of the
	// screen.
	if (!canDoHighASCIIAndANSI()) // Could also be !console.term_supports(USER_ANSI)
		this.tradMsgListNumLines = console.screen_rows - 2;

	// Clear the screen and write the header at the top

	// If this.tradListTopMsgIdx hasn't been set yet, then get the index of the user's
	// last read message and figure out which page it's on and set the top message
	// index accordingly.
	if (this.tradListTopMsgIdx == -1)
	// Write the message list
	var continueOn = true;
	var retvalObj = null;
	var curpos = null; // Current character position
	var lastScreen = false;
	while (continueOn)
		// Go to the top and write the current page of message information,
		// then update curpos.
		console.gotoxy(1, nListStartLine);
		lastScreen = this.ListScreenfulOfMessages(this.tradListTopMsgIdx, this.tradMsgListNumLines);
		curpos = console.getxy();
		// Prompt the user whether or not to continue or to read a message
		// (by message number).
			retvalObj = this.PromptContinueOrReadMsg((this.tradListTopMsgIdx == this.NumMessages()-1), lastScreen, allowChgSubBoard);
			retvalObj = this.PromptContinueOrReadMsg((this.tradListTopMsgIdx == 0), lastScreen, allowChgSubBoard);
		retObj.lastUserInput = retvalObj.userInput;
		retObj.selectedMsgOffset = retvalObj.selectedMsgOffset;

		continueOn = retvalObj.continueOn;
		// TODO: Update this to use PageUp & PageDown keys for paging?  It would
		// require updating PromptContinueOrReadMsg(), which would be non-trivial
		// because that method uses console.getkeys() with a list of allowed keys
		// and a message number limit.
		if (continueOn)
			// If the user chose to go to the previous page of listings,
			// then subtract the appropriate number of messages from
			// this.tradListTopMsgIdx in order to do so.
			if (retvalObj.userInput == "P")
					this.tradListTopMsgIdx += this.tradMsgListNumLines;
					// If we go past the beginning, then we need to reset
					// msgNum so we'll be at the beginning of the list.
					var totalNumMessages = this.NumMessages();
					if (this.tradListTopMsgIdx >= totalNumMessages)
						this.tradListTopMsgIdx = totalNumMessages - 1;
					this.tradListTopMsgIdx -= this.tradMsgListNumLines;
					// If we go past the beginning, then we need to reset
					// msgNum so we'll be at the beginning of the list.
					if (this.tradListTopMsgIdx < 0)
						this.tradListTopMsgIdx = 0;
			// If the user chose to go to the next page, update
			// this.tradListTopMsgIdx appropriately.
			else if (retvalObj.userInput == "N")
					this.tradListTopMsgIdx -= this.tradMsgListNumLines;
					this.tradListTopMsgIdx += this.tradMsgListNumLines;
			// First page
			else if (retvalObj.userInput == "F")
					this.tradListTopMsgIdx = this.NumMessages() - 1;
					this.tradListTopMsgIdx = 0;
			// Last page
			else if (retvalObj.userInput == "L")
					this.tradListTopMsgIdx = (this.NumMessages() % this.tradMsgListNumLines) - 1;
					// If this.tradListTopMsgIdx is now invalid (below 0), then adjust it
					// to properly display the last page of messages.
					if (this.tradListTopMsgIdx < 0)
						this.tradListTopMsgIdx = this.tradMsgListNumLines - 1;
					var totalNumMessages = this.NumMessages();
					this.tradListTopMsgIdx = totalNumMessages - (totalNumMessages % this.tradMsgListNumLines);
					if (this.tradListTopMsgIdx >= totalNumMessages)
						this.tradListTopMsgIdx = totalNumMessages - this.tradMsgListNumLines;
			// D: Delete a message
			else if (retvalObj.userInput == "D")
				if (this.CanDelete() || this.CanDeleteLastMsg())
					var msgNum = this.PromptForMsgNum({ x: curpos.x, y: curpos.y+1 }, replaceAtCodesInStr(this.text.deleteMsgNumPromptText), false, ERROR_PAUSE_WAIT_MS, false);
					// If the user enters a valid message number, then call the
					// DeleteMessage() method, which will prompt the user for
					// confirmation and delete the message if confirmed.
					if (msgNum > 0)
					// Refresh the top header on the screen for continuing to list
					// messages.
			// E: Edit a message
			else if (retvalObj.userInput == "E")
				if (this.CanEdit())
					var msgNum = this.PromptForMsgNum({ x: curpos.x, y: curpos.y+1 }, replaceAtCodesInStr(this.text.editMsgNumPromptText), false, ERROR_PAUSE_WAIT_MS, false);
					// If the user entered a valid message number, then let the
					// user edit the message.
					if (msgNum > 0)
						// See if the current message header has our "isBogus" property and it's true.
						// Only let the user edit the message if it's not a bogus message header.
						// The message header could have the "isBogus" property, for instance, if
						// it's a vote message (introduced in Synchronet 3.17).
						var tmpMsgHdr = this.GetMsgHdrByIdx(msgNum-1);
						var hdrIsBogus = (tmpMsgHdr.hasOwnProperty("isBogus") ? tmpMsgHdr.isBogus : false);
						if (!hdrIsBogus)
							var returnObj = this.EditExistingMsg(msgNum-1);
							console.print("\1n\r\n\1h\1yThat message isn't editable.\n");

					// Refresh the top header on the screen for continuing to list
					// messages.
			// G: Go to a specific message by # (place that message on the top)
			else if (retvalObj.userInput == "G")
				var msgNum = this.PromptForMsgNum(curpos, "\1n" + replaceAtCodesInStr(this.text.goToMsgNumPromptText), false, ERROR_PAUSE_WAIT_MS, false);
				// Refresh the top header on the screen for continuing to list
				// messages.
			// ?: Display help
			else if (retvalObj.userInput == "?")
				this.DisplayMsgListHelp(allowChgSubBoard, true);
			// C: Change to another message area (sub-board)
			else if (retvalObj.userInput == "C")
				if (allowChgSubBoard && (this.subBoardCode != "mail"))
					// Store the current sub-board code so we can see if it changed
					var oldSubCode = bbs.cursub_code;
					// Let the user choose another message area.  If they chose
					// a different message area, then set up the message base
					// object accordingly.
					if (bbs.cursub_code != oldSubCode)
						var chgSubRetval = this.ChangeSubBoard(bbs.cursub_code);
						continueOn = chgSubRetval.succeeded;
					// Update the traditional list variables and refresh the screen
					if (continueOn)
			// S: Select message(s)
			else if (retvalObj.userInput == "S")
				// Input the message number list from the user
				console.print("\1n\1cNumber(s) of message(s) to select, (\1hA\1n\1c=All, \1hN\1n\1c=None, \1hENTER\1n\1c=cancel)\1g\1h: \1c");
				var userNumberList = console.getstr(128, K_UPPER);
				// If the user entered A or N, then select/un-select all messages.
				// Otherwise, select only the messages that the user entered.
				if ((userNumberList == "A") || (userNumberList == "N"))
					var messageSelectToggle = (userNumberList == "A");
					var totalNumMessages = this.NumMessages();
					for (var msgIdx = 0; msgIdx < totalNumMessages; ++msgIdx)
						this.ToggleSelectedMessage(this.subBoardCode, msgIdx, messageSelectToggle);
					if (userNumberList.length > 0)
						var numArray = parseNumberList(userNumberList);
						for (var numIdx = 0; numIdx < numArray.length; ++numIdx)
							this.ToggleSelectedMessage(this.subBoardCode, numArray[numIdx]-1);
				// Refresh the top header on the screen for continuing to list
				// messages.
			// Ctrl-D: Batch delete (for selected messages)
			else if (retvalObj.userInput == CTRL_D)
				if (this.NumSelectedMessages() > 0)
					// The PromptAndDeleteSelectedMessages() method will prompt the user for confirmation
					// to delete the message and then delete it if confirmed.

					// In case all messages were deleted, if that's the case, show
					// an appropriate message and don't continue listing messages.
					//if (this.NumMessages(true) == 0)
					if (!this.NonDeletedMessagesExist())
						continueOn = false;
						// Note: The following doesn't seem to be necessary, since
						// the ReadOrListSubBoard() method will show a message saying
						// there are no messages to read and then will quit out.
						//"\1n\1h\1yThere are no messages to display.");
						// There are still messages to list, so refresh the top
						// header on the screen for continuing to list messages.
					// There are no selected messages
					console.print("\1n\1h\1yThere are no selected messages.");
					// Refresh the top header on the screen for continuing to list messages.
				// If a message has been selected, exit out of this input loop
				// so we can return from this method - The calling method will
				// call the enhanced reader method.
				if (retObj.selectedMsgOffset >= 0)
// For the DigDistMsgReader class: Performs the message listing, given a
// sub-board code.  This verison uses a lightbar interface for message
//  pAllowChgSubBoard: Optional - A boolean to specify whether or not to allow
//                     changing to another sub-board.  Defaults to true.
// Return value: An object containing the following properties:
//               lastUserInput: The user's last keypress/input
//               selectedMsgOffset: The index of the message selected to read,
//                                  if one was selected.  If none was selected,
//                                  this will be -1.
function DigDistMsgReader_ListMessages_Lightbar(pAllowChgSubBoard)
	var retObj = {
		lastUserInput: "",
		selectedMsgOffset: -1
	// If the user doesn't have permission to read the current sub-board, then
	// don't allow the user to read it.
		if (!msg_area.sub[this.subBoardCode].can_read)
			var errorMsg = format(bbs.text(CantReadSub), msg_area.sub[this.subBoardCode].grp_name, msg_area.sub[this.subBoardCode].name);
			console.print("\1n" + errorMsg);
			return retObj;
	// This method is only supported if the user's terminal supports
	// ANSI.
	if (!canDoHighASCIIAndANSI()) // Could also be !console.term_supports(USER_ANSI)
		console.print("\r\n\1h\1ySorry, an ANSI terminal is required for this operation.\1n\1w\r\n");
		return retObj;

	// Reset this.readAMessage and deniedReadingMessage to false, in case the
	// message listing has previously ended with them set to true.
	this.readAMessage = false;
	this.deniedReadingMessage = false;


	var allowChgSubBoard = (typeof(pAllowChgSubBoard) == "boolean" ? pAllowChgSubBoard : true);
	// This function will be used for displaying the help line at
	// the bottom of the screen.
	function DisplayHelpLine(pHelpLineText)
		console.gotoxy(1, console.screen_rows);
	// Clear the screen and write the header at the top

	// If the lightbar message list index & cursor position variables haven't been
	// set yet, then set them.
	if ((this.lightbarListTopMsgIdx == -1) || (this.lightbarListSelectedMsgIdx == -1) ||
	    (this.lightbarListCurPos == null))

	// Create a DDLightbarMenu for the message list and list messages
	// and let the user choose one
	var msgListMenu = this.CreateLightbarMsgListMenu();
		var userChoice = msgListMenu.GetVal(drawMenu);
		drawMenu = true;
		var lastUserInputUpper = (typeof(msgListMenu.lastUserInput) == "string" ? msgListMenu.lastUserInput.toUpperCase() : msgListMenu.lastUserInput);
		this.lightbarListSelectedMsgIdx = msgListMenu.selectedItemIdx;
		// If userChoice is a number, then it will be a message number for a message to read
		if (typeof(userChoice) == "number")
			// The user choice a message to read
			this.lightbarListSelectedMsgIdx = msgListMenu.selectedItemIdx;
			msgHeader = this.GetMsgHdrByIdx(this.lightbarListSelectedMsgIdx, this.showScoresInMsgList);
			this.PrintMessageInfo(msgHeader, true, this.lightbarListSelectedMsgIdx+1);
			console.gotoxy(this.lightbarListCurPos); // Make sure the cursor is still in the right place
			var hdrIsBogus = (msgHeader.hasOwnProperty("isBogus") ? msgHeader.isBogus : false);
			if (!hdrIsBogus)
				// Allow the user to read the current message.
				var readMsg = true;
				if (this.promptToReadMessage)
					// Confirm with the user whether to read the message.
					var sReadMsgConfirmText = this.colors.readMsgConfirmColor
											+ this.colors.readMsgConfirmNumberColor
											+ +(this.GetMsgIdx(msgHeader.number) + 1)
											+ ": Are you sure";
					console.gotoxy(1, console.screen_rows);
					readMsg = console.yesno(sReadMsgConfirmText);
				if (readMsg)
					// If there is a search specified and the search result objects are
					// set up for the current sub-board, then the selected message offset
					// should be the search result array index.  Otherwise (if not
					// searching), the message offset should be the actual message offset
					// in the message base.
					if (this.SearchingAndResultObjsDefinedForCurSub())
						retObj.selectedMsgOffset = this.lightbarListSelectedMsgIdx;
						//retObj.selectedMsgOffset = msgHeader.offset;
						retObj.selectedMsgOffset = this.GetMsgIdx(msgHeader.number);
						if (retObj.selectedMsgOffset < 0)
							retObj.selectedMsgOffset = 0;
					// Return from here so that the calling function can switch into
					// reader mode.
					continueOn = false;
					return retObj;
				// Ask the user if  they want to continue reading messages
				if (this.promptToContinueListingMessages)
					continueOn = console.yesno(this.colors["afterReadMsg_ListMorePromptColor"] + "Continue listing messages");
				// If the user chose to continue reading messages, then refresh
				// the screen.  Even if the user chooses not to read the message,
				// the screen needs to be re-drawn so it appears properly.
				if (continueOn)
		// If userChoice is not a number, then it should be null in this case,
		// and the user would have pressed one of the additional quit keys set
		// up for the menu.  So look at the menu's lastUserInput and do the
		// appropriate thing.
		else if ((lastUserInputUpper == "Q") || (lastUserInputUpper == KEY_ESC)) // Quit
			continueOn = false;
			retObj.lastUserInput = "Q"; // So the reader will quit out
		// Numeric digit: The start of a number of a message to read
		else if (lastUserInputUpper.match(/[0-9]/))
			// Put the user's input back in the input buffer to
			// be used for getting the rest of the message number.
			// Move the cursor to the bottom of the screen and
			// prompt the user for the message number.
			console.gotoxy(1, console.screen_rows);
			var userInput = this.PromptForMsgNum({ x: 1, y: console.screen_rows }, replaceAtCodesInStr(this.text.readMsgNumPromptText), true, ERROR_PAUSE_WAIT_MS, false);
				// See if the current message header has our "isBogus" property and it's true.
				// Only let the user read the message if it's not a bogus message header.
				// The message header could have the "isBogus" property, for instance, if
				// it's a vote message (introduced in Synchronet 3.17).
				//GetMsgHdrByIdx(pMsgIdx, pExpandFields)
				var tmpMsgHdr = this.GetMsgHdrByIdx(+(userInput-1), false);
				var hdrIsBogus = (tmpMsgHdr.hasOwnProperty("isBogus") ? tmpMsgHdr.isBogus : false);
				if (!hdrIsBogus)
					// Confirm with the user whether to read the message
					var readMsg = true;
					if (this.promptToReadMessage)
						var sReadMsgConfirmText = this.colors.readMsgConfirmColor
												+ this.colors.readMsgConfirmNumberColor
												+ userInput + this.colors.readMsgConfirmColor
												readMsg = console.yesno(sReadMsgConfirmText);
					if (readMsg)
						// Update the message list screen variables
						retObj.selectedMsgOffset = userInput - 1;
						// Return from here so that the calling function can switch
						// into reader mode.
						return retObj;
						this.deniedReadingMessage = true;

					// Prompt the user whether or not to continue listing
					// messages.
					if (this.promptToContinueListingMessages)
						continueOn = console.yesno(this.colors.afterReadMsg_ListMorePromptColor + "Continue listing messages");
					writeWithPause(1, console.screen_rows, "\1n\1h\1yThat's not a readable message.", ERROR_PAUSE_WAIT_MS, "\1n", true);
			// If the user chose to continue listing messages, then re-draw
			// the screen.
			if (continueOn)
		// DEL key: Delete a message
		else if (lastUserInputUpper == KEY_DEL)
			if (this.CanDelete() || this.CanDeleteLastMsg())
				console.gotoxy(1, console.screen_rows);
				// The PromptAndDeleteMessage() method will prompt the user for confirmation
				// to delete the message and then delete it if confirmed.
				this.PromptAndDeleteMessage(this.lightbarListSelectedMsgIdx, { x: 1, y: console.screen_rows});
				// In case all messages were deleted, if that's the case, show
				// an appropriate message and don't continue listing messages.
				//if (this.NumMessages(true) == 0)
				if (!this.NonDeletedMessagesExist())
					continueOn = false;
					// There are still some messages to show, so refresh the screen.
				// See if the current message header has our "isBogus" property and it's true.
				// Only let the user edit the message if it's not a bogus message header.
				// The message header could have the "isBogus" property, for instance, if
				// it's a vote message (introduced in Synchronet 3.17).
				var tmpMsgHdr = this.GetMsgHdrByIdx(this.lightbarListSelectedMsgIdx, false);
				var hdrIsBogus = (tmpMsgHdr.hasOwnProperty("isBogus") ? tmpMsgHdr.isBogus : false);
				if (!hdrIsBogus)
					// Ask the user if they really want to edit the message
					console.gotoxy(1, console.screen_rows);
					// Let the user edit the message
					//var returnObj = this.EditExistingMsg(tmpMsgHdr.offset);
					var returnObj = this.EditExistingMsg(this.lightbarListSelectedMsgIdx);
				drawMenu = false; // No need to re-draw the menu
		// G: Go to a specific message by # (highlight or place that message on the top)
			// Move the cursor to the bottom of the screen and
			// prompt the user for a message number.
			console.gotoxy(1, console.screen_rows);
			var userMsgNum = this.PromptForMsgNum({ x: 1, y: console.screen_rows }, "\n" + replaceAtCodesInStr(this.text.goToMsgNumPromptText), true, ERROR_PAUSE_WAIT_MS, false);
				// Make sure the message number is for a valid message (i.e., it
				// could be an invalid message number if there is a search, where
				// not all message numbers are consecutive).
				if (this.GetMsgHdrByMsgNum(userMsgNum) != null)
					// If the message is on the current page, then just go to and
					// highlight it.  Otherwise, set the user's selected message on the
					// top of the page.  We also have to make sure that this.lightbarListCurPos.y and
					// originalCurpos.y are set correctly.  Also, account for search
					// results if there are any (we'll need to have the correct array
					// index for the search results).
					if ((chosenMsgIndex <= bottomMsgIndex) && (chosenMsgIndex >= this.lightbarListTopMsgIdx))
						this.lightbarListSelectedMsgIdx = chosenMsgIndex;
						msgListMenu.selectedItemIdx = this.lightbarListSelectedMsgIdx;
						this.lightbarListTopMsgIdx = this.lightbarListSelectedMsgIdx = chosenMsgIndex;
						msgListMenu.topItemIdx = this.lightbarListTopMsgIdx;
					console.print("\1n" + replaceAtCodesInStr(format(this.text.invalidMsgNumText, userMsgNum)) + "\1n");
					console.inkey(K_NONE, ERROR_PAUSE_WAIT_MS);
		// C: Change to another message area (sub-board)
			if (allowChgSubBoard && (this.subBoardCode != "mail"))
				// Store the current sub-board code so we can see if it changed
				var oldSubCode = bbs.cursub_code;
				// Let the user choose another message area.  If they chose
				// a different message area, then set up the message base
				// object accordingly.
				if (bbs.cursub_code != oldSubCode)
					var chgSubRetval = this.ChangeSubBoard(bbs.cursub_code);
					continueOn = chgSubRetval.succeeded;
					if (chgSubRetval.succeeded)
						console.gotoxy(1, console.screen_rows);
						console.gotoxy(1, console.screen_rows);
				// Update the lightbar list variables and refresh the header & help lines
					// Adjust the menu indexes to ensure they're correct for the current sub-board
				drawMenu = false; // No need to re-draw the menu
		else if (lastUserInputUpper == "?") // Show help
			this.DisplayMsgListHelp(allowChgSubBoard, true);
			// Re-draw the message list header & help line before
			// the menu is re-drawn
		// Spacebar: Select a message for batch operations (such as batch
		// delete, etc.)
			this.ToggleSelectedMessage(this.subBoardCode, this.lightbarListSelectedMsgIdx);
			// Have the menu draw only the check character column in the
			// next iteration
			msgListMenu.nextDrawOnlyItemSubstr = { start: this.MSGNUM_LEN, end: this.MSGNUM_LEN+1 };
		// Ctrl-A: Select/de-select all messages
		else if (lastUserInputUpper == CTRL_A)
			console.gotoxy(1, console.screen_rows);
			console.gotoxy(1, console.screen_rows);

			// Prompt the user to select All, None (un-select all), or Cancel
			console.print("\1n\1gSelect \1c(\1hA\1n\1c)\1gll, \1c(\1hN\1n\1c)\1gone, or \1c(\1hC\1n\1c)\1gancel: \1h\1g");
			var userChoice = getAllowedKeyWithMode("ANC", K_UPPER | K_NOCRLF);
			if ((userChoice == "A") || (userChoice == "N"))
				// Toggle all the messages
				var messageSelectToggle = (userChoice == "A");
				var totalNumMessages = this.NumMessages();
				var messageIndex = 0;
				for (messageIndex = 0; messageIndex < totalNumMessages; ++messageIndex)
					this.ToggleSelectedMessage(this.subBoardCode, messageIndex, messageSelectToggle);
				// Have the menu draw only the check character column in the
				// next iteration
				msgListMenu.nextDrawOnlyItemSubstr = { start: this.MSGNUM_LEN, end: this.MSGNUM_LEN+1 };
				drawMenu = false; // No need to re-draw the menu
		// Ctrl-D: Batch delete (for selected messages)
		else if (lastUserInputUpper == CTRL_D)
			if (this.NumSelectedMessages() > 0)
				console.gotoxy(1, console.screen_rows);

				// The PromptAndDeleteSelectedMessages() method will prompt the user for confirmation
				// to delete the message and then delete it if confirmed.
				this.PromptAndDeleteSelectedMessages({ x: 1, y: console.screen_rows});

				// In case all messages were deleted, if that's the case, show
				// an appropriate message and don't continue listing messages.
				//if (this.NumMessages(true) == 0)
				if (!this.NonDeletedMessagesExist())
					continueOn = false;
					// There are still messages to list, so refresh the header & help lines
				// There are no selected messages
				writeWithPause(1, console.screen_rows, "\1n\1h\1yThere are no selected messages.",
				ERROR_PAUSE_WAIT_MS, "\1n", true);
				// Refresh the help line
		// S: Sorting options
		else if (lastUserInputUpper == "S")
			// Refresh the help line
	this.lightbarListSelectedMsgIdx = msgListMenu.selectedItemIdx;
	this.lightbarListTopMsgIdx = msgListMenu.topItemIdx;
// For the DigDistMsgLister class: Creates & returns a DDLightbarMenu for
// performing the lightbar message list.
function DigDistMsgReader_CreateLightbarMsgListMenu()
	// Start & end indexes for the various items in each message list row
	var msgListIdxes = {
		msgNumStart: 0,
		msgNumEnd: this.MSGNUM_LEN,
		selectMarkStart: this.MSGNUM_LEN,
		selectMarkEnd: this.MSGNUM_LEN+1,
	msgListIdxes.fromNameStart = this.MSGNUM_LEN + 1;
	msgListIdxes.fromNameEnd = msgListIdxes.fromNameStart + +this.FROM_LEN + 1;
	msgListIdxes.toNameStart = msgListIdxes.fromNameEnd;
	msgListIdxes.toNameEnd = msgListIdxes.toNameStart + +this.TO_LEN + 1;
	msgListIdxes.subjStart = msgListIdxes.toNameEnd;
	msgListIdxes.subjEnd = msgListIdxes.subjStart + +this.SUBJ_LEN + 1;
	if (this.showScoresInMsgList)
		msgListIdxes.scoreStart = msgListIdxes.subjEnd;
		msgListIdxes.scoreEnd = msgListIdxes.scoreStart + +this.SCORE_LEN + 1;
		msgListIdxes.dateStart = msgListIdxes.scoreEnd;
		msgListIdxes.dateStart = msgListIdxes.subjEnd;
	msgListIdxes.dateEnd = msgListIdxes.dateStart + +this.DATE_LEN + 1;
	msgListIdxes.timeStart = msgListIdxes.dateEnd;
	msgListIdxes.timeEnd = console.screen_columns - 1; // msgListIdxes.timeStart + +this.TIME_LEN + 1;
	var msgListMenuHeight = console.screen_rows - this.lightbarMsgListStartScreenRow;
	var msgListMenu = new DDLightbarMenu(1, this.lightbarMsgListStartScreenRow, console.screen_columns, msgListMenuHeight);
	msgListMenu.scrollbarEnabled = true;
	msgListMenu.borderEnabled = false;
		itemColor: [{start: msgListIdxes.msgNumStart, end: msgListIdxes.msgNumEnd, attrs: this.colors.msgListMsgNumColor},
		            {start: msgListIdxes.selectMarkStart, end: msgListIdxes.selectMarkEnd, attrs: this.colors.selectedMsgMarkColor},
		            {start: msgListIdxes.fromNameStart, end: msgListIdxes.fromNameEnd, attrs: this.colors.msgListFromColor},
		            {start: msgListIdxes.toNameStart, end: msgListIdxes.toNameEnd, attrs: this.colors.msgListToColor},
		            {start: msgListIdxes.subjStart, end: msgListIdxes.subjEnd, attrs: this.colors.msgListSubjectColor},
		            {start: msgListIdxes.dateStart, end: msgListIdxes.dateEnd, attrs: this.colors.msgListDateColor},
		            {start: msgListIdxes.timeStart, end: msgListIdxes.timeEnd, attrs: this.colors.msgListTimeColor}],
		altItemColor: [{start: msgListIdxes.msgNumStart, end: msgListIdxes.msgNumEnd, attrs: this.colors.msgListToUserMsgNumColor},
		               {start: msgListIdxes.selectMarkStart, end: msgListIdxes.selectMarkEnd, attrs: this.colors.selectedMsgMarkColor},
		               {start: msgListIdxes.fromNameStart, end: msgListIdxes.fromNameEnd, attrs: this.colors.msgListToUserFromColor},
		               {start: msgListIdxes.toNameStart, end: msgListIdxes.toNameEnd, attrs: this.colors.msgListToUserToColor},
		               {start: msgListIdxes.subjStart, end: msgListIdxes.subjEnd, attrs: this.colors.msgListToUserSubjectColor},
		               {start: msgListIdxes.dateStart, end: msgListIdxes.dateEnd, attrs: this.colors.msgListToUserDateColor},
		               {start: msgListIdxes.timeStart, end: msgListIdxes.timeEnd, attrs: this.colors.msgListToUserTimeColor}],
		selectedItemColor: [{start: msgListIdxes.msgNumStart, end: msgListIdxes.msgNumEnd, attrs: this.colors.msgListMsgNumHighlightColor},
		                    {start: msgListIdxes.selectMarkStart, end: msgListIdxes.selectMarkEnd, attrs: this.colors.selectedMsgMarkColor + this.colors.msgListHighlightBkgColor},
		                    {start: msgListIdxes.fromNameStart, end: msgListIdxes.fromNameEnd, attrs: this.colors.msgListFromHighlightColor},
		                    {start: msgListIdxes.toNameStart, end: msgListIdxes.toNameEnd, attrs: this.colors.msgListToHighlightColor},
		                    {start: msgListIdxes.subjStart, end: msgListIdxes.subjEnd, attrs: this.colors.msgListSubjHighlightColor},
		                    {start: msgListIdxes.dateStart, end: msgListIdxes.dateEnd, attrs: this.colors.msgListDateHighlightColor},
		                    {start: msgListIdxes.timeStart, end: msgListIdxes.timeEnd, attrs: this.colors.msgListTimeHighlightColor}],
		altSelectedItemColor: [{start: msgListIdxes.msgNumStart, end: msgListIdxes.msgNumEnd, attrs: this.colors.msgListMsgNumHighlightColor},
		                       {start: msgListIdxes.selectMarkStart, end: msgListIdxes.selectMarkEnd, attrs: this.colors.selectedMsgMarkColor + this.colors.msgListHighlightBkgColor},
		                       {start: msgListIdxes.fromNameStart, end: msgListIdxes.fromNameEnd, attrs: this.colors.msgListFromHighlightColor},
		                       {start: msgListIdxes.toNameStart, end: msgListIdxes.toNameEnd, attrs: this.colors.msgListToHighlightColor},
		                       {start: msgListIdxes.subjStart, end: msgListIdxes.subjEnd, attrs: this.colors.msgListSubjHighlightColor},
		                       {start: msgListIdxes.dateStart, end: msgListIdxes.dateEnd, attrs: this.colors.msgListDateHighlightColor},
		                       {start: msgListIdxes.timeStart, end: msgListIdxes.timeEnd, attrs: this.colors.msgListTimeHighlightColor}]
	// If we are to show message vote scores in the list (i.e., if the
	// user's terminal is wide enough), then splice in color specifiers
	// for the score column.
	if (this.showScoresInMsgList)
		msgListMenu.colors.itemColor.splice(5, 0, {start: msgListIdxes.scoreStart, end: msgListIdxes.scoreEnd, attrs: this.colors.msgListScoreColor});
		msgListMenu.colors.altItemColor.splice(5, 0, {start: msgListIdxes.scoreStart, end: msgListIdxes.scoreEnd, attrs: this.colors.msgListToUserScoreColor});
		msgListMenu.colors.selectedItemColor.splice(5, 0, {start: msgListIdxes.scoreStart, end: msgListIdxes.scoreEnd, attrs: this.colors.msgListScoreHighlightColor + this.colors.msgListHighlightBkgColor});
		msgListMenu.colors.altSelectedItemColor.splice(5, 0, {start: msgListIdxes.scoreStart, end: msgListIdxes.scoreEnd, attrs: this.colors.msgListScoreHighlightColor + this.colors.msgListHighlightBkgColor});

	msgListMenu.multiSelect = false;
	msgListMenu.ampersandHotkeysInItems = false;
	msgListMenu.wrapNavigation = false;

	// Add additional keypresses for quitting the menu's input loop so we can
	// respond to these keys
	var additionalQuitKeys = "EeqQgGcCsS ?0123456789" + CTRL_A + CTRL_D;
	if (this.CanDelete() || this.CanDeleteLastMsg())
		additionalQuitKeys += KEY_DEL;
	if (this.CanEdit())
		additionalQuitKeys += "E";

	// Change the menu's NumItems() and GetItem() function to reference
	// the message list in this object rather than add the menu items
	// to the menu
	msgListMenu.msgReader = this; // Add this object to the menu object
	msgListMenu.NumItems = function() {
		return this.msgReader.NumMessages();
	msgListMenu.GetItem = function(pItemIndex) {
		var menuItemObj = this.MakeItemWithRetval(-1);
		var itemIdx = (this.msgReader.reverseListOrder ? this.msgReader.NumMessages() - pItemIndex - 1 : pItemIndex);
		// In order to get vote score information (displayed if the user's terminal is wide
		// enough), the 2nd parameter to GetMsgHdrByIdx() should be true.
		var msgHdr = this.msgReader.GetMsgHdrByIdx(itemIdx, this.msgReader.showScoresInMsgList);
		if (msgHdr != null)
			// When setting the item text, call PrintMessageInfo with true as
			// the last parameter to return the string instead
			menuItemObj.text = strip_ctrl(this.msgReader.PrintMessageInfo(msgHdr, false, itemIdx+1, true));
			menuItemObj.retval = msgHdr.number;
			if (this.msgReader.subBoardCode != "mail")
				menuItemObj.useAltColors = userHandleAliasNameMatch(;
			// If the message is marked as deleted, ensure the correct color is used
			// for the mark character in the menu
			if ((msgHdr.attr & MSG_DELETE) == MSG_DELETE)
				var fromColor = this.msgReader.colors.msgListFromColor;
				var toColor = this.msgReader.colors.msgListToColor;
				var subjColor = this.msgReader.colors.msgListSubjectColor;
				if ((this.msgReader.subBoardCode != "mail") && (userHandleAliasNameMatch(
					fromColor = this.msgReader.colors.msgListToUserFromColor;
					toColor = this.msgReader.colors.msgListToUserToColor;
					subjColor = this.msgReader.colors.msgListToUserSubjectColor;
				menuItemObj.itemColor = [{start: msgListIdxes.msgNumStart, end: msgListIdxes.msgNumEnd, attrs: this.msgReader.colors.msgListMsgNumColor},
				                         {start: msgListIdxes.selectMarkStart, end: msgListIdxes.selectMarkEnd, attrs: "\1r\1h\1i"},
				                         {start: msgListIdxes.fromNameStart, end: msgListIdxes.fromNameEnd, attrs: fromColor},
				                         {start: msgListIdxes.toNameStart, end: msgListIdxes.toNameEnd, attrs: toColor},
				                         {start: msgListIdxes.subjStart, end: msgListIdxes.subjEnd, attrs: subjColor},
				                         {start: msgListIdxes.dateStart, end: msgListIdxes.dateEnd, attrs: this.msgReader.colors.msgListDateColor},
				                         {start: msgListIdxes.timeStart, end: msgListIdxes.timeEnd, attrs: this.msgReader.colors.msgListTimeColor}];
				menuItemObj.itemSelectedColor = [{start: msgListIdxes.msgNumStart, end: msgListIdxes.msgNumEnd, attrs: this.msgReader.colors.msgListMsgNumHighlightColor},
				                                 {start: msgListIdxes.selectMarkStart, end: msgListIdxes.selectMarkEnd, attrs: "\1r\1h\1i" + this.msgReader.colors.msgListHighlightBkgColor},
				                                 {start: msgListIdxes.fromNameStart, end: msgListIdxes.fromNameEnd, attrs: this.msgReader.colors.msgListFromHighlightColor},
				                                 {start: msgListIdxes.toNameStart, end: msgListIdxes.toNameEnd, attrs: this.msgReader.colors.msgListToHighlightColor},
				                                 {start: msgListIdxes.subjStart, end: msgListIdxes.subjEnd, attrs: this.msgReader.colors.msgListSubjHighlightColor},
				                                 {start: msgListIdxes.dateStart, end: msgListIdxes.dateEnd, attrs: this.msgReader.colors.msgListDateHighlightColor},
				                                 {start: msgListIdxes.timeStart, end: msgListIdxes.timeEnd, attrs: this.msgReader.colors.msgListTimeHighlightColor}];
		return menuItemObj;