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areamgr.hlp 1.47 KiB
Address all Area Management requests to 'AreaFix' (without quotes).
Your Area Manager password goes in the message subject.

In the body of the message, one or more:

<areatag>             Connect a message area (echo)
-<areatag>            Disconnect an area
%HELP                 Request this message
%LIST                 Request a list of areas (tags) available to you
%QUERY                Request a list of areas to which you are connected
%UNLINKED             Request a list of areas to which you are not connected
%COMPRESSION <type>   Change the compression type (e.g. ARC, ARJ, LZH, ZIP)
%PASSWORD <password>  Change your Area Manager password
%PKTPWD <password>    Set or change your Packet password
%TICPWD <password>    Set or change your TIC File password
%RESCAN               Request a rescan of all connected areas
%RESCAN <areatag>     Request a rescan of a single connected area
%ECHOSTATS <areatag>  Request statistics (import/export details) of an area
%ACTIVE               Reconnect (resume) all temporarily disconnected areas
%PASSIVE              Temporarily disconnect (pause) all connected areas
%NOTIFY <ON | OFF>    Turn periodic Notification Messages ON or OFF
%FROM <address>       Remote/proxy Area Management, must be the first command
%+ALL                 Connect all available areas
%-ALL                 Disconnect all areas
[---]                 Everything below the tear line is ignored

NOTE: A compression type of NONE is also supported for uncompressed packets.