nightfox authored
Version 1.07 beta 2 - Added a way to select multiple messages in the message list and batch-delete selected messages (only if permissions allow deleting all messages). This is most useful for personal mail when a user gets a lot of spam messages. In the lightbar message list, the spacebar selects individual messages and CTRL-A is used to select/de-select all messages. In the traditional UI message list, the S key is used for message selection. CTRL-D then does a batch delete of selected messages in the message list. The spacebar can also be used to select a message when reading it. This is marked as 'beta', but I have tested the new features and they appear to be working as intended. I will likely release a non-beta soon.
nightfox authoredVersion 1.07 beta 2 - Added a way to select multiple messages in the message list and batch-delete selected messages (only if permissions allow deleting all messages). This is most useful for personal mail when a user gets a lot of spam messages. In the lightbar message list, the spacebar selects individual messages and CTRL-A is used to select/de-select all messages. In the traditional UI message list, the S key is used for message selection. CTRL-D then does a batch delete of selected messages in the message list. The spacebar can also be used to select a message when reading it. This is marked as 'beta', but I have tested the new features and they appear to be working as intended. I will likely release a non-beta soon.
DefaultTheme.cfg 10.18 KiB
; -------- Misc./General colors --------
; Message body color
; Read message confirmation colors
; Prompt for continuing to list messages after reading a message
; Continue prompt colors for the traditional interface
tradInterfaceContPromptMainColor=ng ; Main text color
tradInterfaceContPromptHotkeyColor=hc ; Hotkey color
tradInterfaceContPromptUserInputColor=hg ; User input color
; Text for "Loading personal mail..." %s will be replaced with "personal mail".
loadingPersonalMailText=ncLoading %s...
; Prompt text to confirm message deletion (without the ? at the end). %d will
; be replaced with the message number.
msgDelConfirmText=nhyDeletenc message #h%dnc: Are you sure
; Prompt text to confirm deletion of selected messages
delSelectedMsgsConfirmText=nhyDelete selected messages: Are you sure
; Text for when a message has been marked for deletion. %d will be replaced
; with the message number.
msgDeletedText=ncMessage #h%dnc has been marked for deletion.
; Text for when selected (multiple) messages have been deleted
selectedMsgsDeletedText=ncSelected messages have been marked for deletion.
; Error text for cannot delete a message because the message is not the user's
; message or the user is not a sysop. %d will be replaced with the message
; number.
cannotDeleteMsgText_notYoursNotASysop=nhwCannot delete message #y%d wbecause it's not yours or you're not a sysop.
; Error text for cannot delete a message because it's not the user's last
; posted message in a sub-board. %d will be replaced with the message number.
cannotDeleteMsgText_notLastPostedMsg=nhg* yCannot delete message #%d. You can only delete your last message in this area.
; Error text for cannot delete all selected messages
cannotDeleteAllSelectedMsgsText=nyh* Cannot delete all selected messages
; Prompt text to confirm message edit (without the ? at the end). %d will be
; replaced with the message number.
msgEditConfirmText=ncEdit message #h%dnc: Are you sure
; -------- Message list colors & text --------
; Header line: "Current msg group:" - Normal cyan on blue background
msgListHeaderMsgGroupTextColor=n7r ; Red on white background
; Header line: Message group name - High cyan
msgListHeaderMsgGroupNameColor=b ; Blue (will use the background specified in the last color)
; Header line: "Current sub-board:" - Normal cyan on blue background
msgListHeaderSubBoardTextColor=n7r ; Red on white background
; Header line: Message sub-board name - High cyan
msgListHeaderMsgSubBoardName=b ; Blue (will use the background specified in the last color)
; Line with column headers - High white on black background
; Message information displayed in the message list
; Message information for messages written to the user
; Message information for messages from the user
; Message list highlight background color
; Message list highlighted message number
; Message list highlighted 'from' name
; Message list highlighted 'to' name
; Message list highlighted subject
; Message list highlighted date
; Message list highlighted time
; Colors for the lightbar message list help line text:
; Background
; The color for general text in the help line in the lightbar message list
; The color for the hotkeys in the help line in the lightbar message list
; The color for the ) separating the hotkeys from the general text in the
; help line in the lightbar message list
; Go to message number prompt text - Used for the G key in the message list to
; "go to" (move the screen/lightbar selection to) a specified message number
goToMsgNumPromptText=ncGo to message # (or hENTERnc to cancel)gh: c
; -------- Colors for choosing a sub-board --------
; Highlighted colors for choosing a sub-board (for lightbar mode)
; Colors for the lightbar area chooser help line text:
; Background
; The color for general text in the help line in the lightbar message list
; The color for the hotkeys in the help line in the lightbar message list
; The color for the ) separating the hotkeys from the general text in the
; help line in the lightbar message list
; -------- Scrollable reader interface colors & text --------
; Scrollbar background color & character
; Scrollbar scroll block color & character
; Color for the line drawn in the 2nd to last line of the message
; area in the enhanced reader mode before a prompt
; Text to use for prompting the user whether or not to go to the previous or
; next message area (without the ? on the end)
goToPrevMsgAreaPromptText=nchGo to the previous message area
goToNextMsgAreaPromptText=nchGo to the next message area
; Colors for the enhanced reader help line text:
; Background
; The color for general text in the help line in the scrollable reader
; interface
; The color for the hotkeys in the help line in the scrollable reader
; interface
; The color for the ) separating the hotkeys from the general text in the
; help line in the scrollable reader interface
; -------- Search & scan colors & text --------
; The first text displayed when doing a new message scan, before
; the sub-board/group/all prompt is displayed
newMsgScanText=chNncew hMncessage hSnccan
; The first text displayed when doing a new-to-you message scan, before
; the sub-board/group/all prompt is displayed
newToYouMsgScanText=chNncew hTnco hYncou hMncessage hSnccan
; The first text displayed when doing a all-messages-to-you message scan,
; before the sub-board/group/all prompt is displayed
allToYouMsgScanText=chAncll hMncessages hTnco hYncou hSnccan
; The text used for prompting to scan in the sub-board, group, or all (or ENTER
; to cancel)
scanScopePromptText=nhwSngub-board, hwGngroup, or hwAngll h(wENTERng to cancelh)ng: hc
; Text to display when the message scan is complete
msgScanCompleteText=nhcMncessage scan completehg.
; Text to display when the message scan has been aborted
msgScanAbortedText=nhcMncessage scan hyiabortedn
; Text for "Searching (current sub-board: ...)" above the search text prompt
; (%s is replaced with the sub-board name)
searchingSubBoardAbovePromptText=ncSearching (current sub-board: bh%snc)
; For displaying the sub-board name when doing a search. %s will be replaced
; with a sub-board name.
searchingSubBoardText=ncSearching h%snc...
; No messages in a sub-board (i.e., trying to read a sub-board that has no
; messages). %s will be replaced with a sub-board name.
noMessagesInSubBoardText=nhbThere are no messages in the area w%sb.
; For no search results found in a sub-board. %s will be replaced with a
; sub-board name.
noSearchResultsInSubBoardText=nhbNo messages were found in the area w%sb with the given search criteria.
; Prompt text to input a number of a message to read
readMsgNumPromptText=nghi* ncRead message #: h
; Invalid message number. %d will be replaced with the message number.
invalidMsgNumText=nyhInvalid message number: %d
; A message has been deleted. %d will be replaced with the message number.
msgHasBeenDeletedText=nhg* yMessage #w%d yhas been deleted.
; No kludge lines for this message
noKludgeLinesForThisMsgText=nhyThere are no kludge lines for this message.
; Text for "Seraching personal mail"
searchingPersonalMailText=whSearching personal mail
; Text for prompting for search text
searchTextPromptText=cEnter the search textgh:nc
; Text for prompting for a 'from' name
fromNamePromptText=cEnter the 'from' name to search forgh:nc
; Text for prompting for a 'To' name
toNamePromptText=cEnter the 'to' name to search forgh:nc
; Text for an aborted operation (i.e., "Aborted")
; Text for no personal email messages
noPersonalEmailText=ncYou have no messages.
; -------- Traditional reader interface colors & text --------
; Text for the prompt for a message number for a message to be deleted
deleteMsgNumPromptText=ncNumber of the message to be deleted (or hENTERnc to cancel)gh: c
; Text for the prompt for a message number for a message to be edited
editMsgNumPromptText=ncNumber of the message to be edited (or hENTERnc to cancel)gh: c
; Traditional/lightbar interface help screen text color
; -------- Colors for message header/kludge lines --------
; Selected message check mark color