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  • rswindell's avatar
    YMODEM/YMODEM-G: · 931a18c2
    rswindell authored
    Purge any pending receive data before sending the YMODEM header block.
    This helps to insure that the next byte received from the receiver
    (ACK, NAK, 'C' or 'G') is an actual response to the header block we sent and
    not some other pending receiver start-request.
    The problem that was observed was upon YMODEM-G uploads to the BBS/sexyz, the
    receiver (sexyz) would send a few 'G's before the sender (e.g. SyncTERM)
    would get around to sending the YMODEM header block (while the user selects
    the file path/name to upload, takes a few seconds). The sender would see
    the first of these buffered 'G's received while selecting a file as an
    acknowledgement of the header block and then immediatley start sending file
    data. Meanwhile, the receiver sees incoming file data *before* he actually
    acknowledges the header block and throws it out as unexpectd data, so we're
    out-of-sync and with YMODEM-G there is no recovery/retry scheme.