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  • rswindell's avatar
    According to August Abolins (2:221/1.58): · 9798e647
    rswindell authored
    "Other systems produce [FTN MSG-IDs for NetMail messages) quite nicely: HotdogEd, BBBS, Mageia, Platinum
    Express, GED+LNX, and OpenXP.   I took it for granted that SBBS would be
    in the same league.   It makes it super easy to link up a netmail
    conversation or generate a graphical-tree when a msgid exists.
    I was spoiled into thinking that msgid was ubiquitous in netmail as well."
    Reviewing FTS-9, I see no restriction to only echomail, so sure, why not:
    add_msg_ids() now adds FTN Message-IDs to outbound NetMail messages too (not just FTN echomail). No configuration or SBBSecho change needed.