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  • Rob Swindell's avatar
    De-duplicate the lists returned by iniGet/ReadSectionList() · dd9c4607
    Rob Swindell authored
    I noticed a duplicate area name (AGN_MODS) in a filefix %LIST response
    from my FidoNet hub that's running TickIt/TickFix, and I thought to myself:
    Self, that shouldn't be possible. But alas, if one does have duplicate
    sections in a .ini file (e.g. tickit.ini), the iniGet/ReadSectionList()
    function would indeed return duplicate items in the list. Since the second
    section with the same name is not actually accessible, it shouldn't be counted
    as a valid section and thus not returned as part of the section list. Section
    names are not case sensitive, so the names are compared case-insensitively for
    de-duplication purposes too.