Send all log messages to statfp (defaults to stderr) instead of confp (defaults
to stdout). Previous behaviour was: 1) By default, send error messages to errfp (stderr), and other log messages to confp (stdout). 2) If -e and one of -o or -q are specified, also send a copy of error messages to statfp (defaults to stderr, changed to /dev/null by -n) 3) If -e is specified, also send a copy of error messages to confp (defaults to stdout) If -e, -o, were both specified, this resulted in an error log entry going into the file specified by -e, the file specified by -o, and confp (stdout by default). New behaviour: 1) By default, send error messages to errfp (stderr), and other log messages to statfp (stderr). 2) If -e is specified, send error messages to the specified file and statfp (stderr). 3) Always send status messages to statfp (stderr). Set up some more stuff for jsdoor... Call gethostname() since there is no "SCFG value" for it. Send "status messages" (log messages that aren't errors, and the banner) to /dev/null by default (ie: force the "-n" argument) Send "error messages" (log messages that are error according to log level) to "error.log" by default (ie: force the "-eerror.log" argument)
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