" room exit links for you, if any. they can still",
" be set/unset manually"
"create a new zone or object:",
"new zone <level> <title>",
"new item <not yet implemented>",
"new mob <not yet implemented>",
"new door <not yet implemented>"
"To start playing, you must first create a character.",
"To see a list of character races and classes, type 'rpg classes' and 'rpg races'.",
"When you have settled on a combination, type 'rpg create <race> <class>.",
"Once your character is created type 'rpg login' to start playing!"
"To see a list of character races and classes, type '"
+get_cmd_prefix()+"classes' and '"
"When you have settled on a combination, type '"
+get_cmd_prefix()+"create <race> <class>.",
"Once your character is created type '"
+get_cmd_prefix()+"login' to start playing!"
"The default world is very small. To get comfortable you may want to start by creating a new zone, and seeing how everything works.",
"You must first create a character and login before you can edit. Once you have logged in, type 'rpg edit' to toggle the editor on/off.",
"To create a new zone, turn the editor on and type 'new zone <level> <my new zone name>'.",
"You must first create a character and login before you can edit. Once you have logged in, type '"
+get_cmd_prefix()+"edit' to toggle the editor on/off.",
"To create a new zone, turn the editor on and type '"
+get_cmd_prefix()+"edit new zone'.",
"By default, all exits will link automatically if the editor finds a room that is adjacent to you upon creating a new room. You can either turn this feature off, or modify those links later if you choose.",
"To create new rooms, simply walk in any direction while in edit mode.",