<td>send a line of text to the console or event log with automatic line termination (CRLF), <i>values</i> are typically string constants or variables (AKA print)
<trvalign=top><td><b>printf</b><td>string<td><tt>printf(string format [,value][,value])
<td>print a formatted string - <small>CAUTION: for experienced C programmers ONLY</small>
<td>print a formatted string - <small>CAUTION: for experienced C programmers ONLY</small>
<td>Move cursor to a specific screen coordinate (ANSI)
<td>Move cursor to a specific screen coordinate (ANSI), arguments can be separate x and y cooridinates or an object with x and y properites (like that returned from <tt>console.getxy()</tt>)