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Commit 2186022f authored by ree's avatar ree
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parent 2b6f7548
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with 227 additions and 58 deletions
function ClientClrScr() {
if ((typeof(HtmlTerm) !== "undefined") && HtmlTerm.Loaded) {
} else {
var FO = GetfTelnetObject();
if (FO) { FO.ClrScr(); }
function ClientConnect(AHost, APort) {
if (HtmlTerm.Loaded) {
if ((typeof(HtmlTerm) !== "undefined") && HtmlTerm.Loaded) {
HtmlTerm.Connect(AHost, APort);
} else {
var FO = GetfTelnetObject();
......@@ -8,7 +17,7 @@ function ClientConnect(AHost, APort) {
function ClientConnected() {
if (HtmlTerm.Loaded) {
if ((typeof(HtmlTerm) !== "undefined") && HtmlTerm.Loaded) {
return HtmlTerm.Connected();
} else {
var FO = GetfTelnetObject();
......@@ -19,7 +28,7 @@ function ClientConnected() {
function ClientDisconnect() {
if (HtmlTerm.Loaded) {
if ((typeof(HtmlTerm) !== "undefined") && HtmlTerm.Loaded) {
} else {
var FO = GetfTelnetObject();
......@@ -27,24 +36,12 @@ function ClientDisconnect() {
function ClientSetBorderStyle(AStyle) {
ClientVars.BorderStyle = AStyle;
if (HtmlTerm.Loaded) {
// TODO HtmlTerm doesn't support border style yet
// TODO HtmlTerm.SetBorderStyle(ClientVars.BorderStyle);
} else {
var FO = GetfTelnetObject();
if (FO) { FO.SetBorderStyle(ClientVars.BorderStyle); }
function ClientSetFont(ACodePage, AWidth, AHeight) {
ClientVars.CodePage = ACodePage;
ClientVars.FontWidth = AWidth;
ClientVars.FontHeight = AHeight;
if (HtmlTerm.Loaded) {
if ((typeof(HtmlTerm) !== "undefined") && HtmlTerm.Loaded) {
Crt.SetFont(ClientVars.CodePage, ClientVars.FontWidth, ClientVars.FontHeight);
} else {
var FO = GetfTelnetObject();
......@@ -52,11 +49,20 @@ function ClientSetFont(ACodePage, AWidth, AHeight) {
function ClientSetLocalEcho(ALocalEcho) {
if ((typeof(HtmlTerm) !== "undefined") && HtmlTerm.Loaded) {
//TODO Add local echo support to HtmlTerm Crt.LocalEcho = ALocalEcho;
} else {
var FO = GetfTelnetObject();
if (FO) { FO.SetLocalEcho(ALocalEcho); }
function ClientSetScreenSize(AColumns, ARows) {
ClientVars.ScreenColumns = AColumns;
ClientVars.ScreenRows = ARows;
if (HtmlTerm.Loaded) {
if ((typeof(HtmlTerm) !== "undefined") && HtmlTerm.Loaded) {
Crt.SetScreenSize(ClientVars.ScreenColumns, ClientVars.ScreenRows);
} else {
var FO = GetfTelnetObject();
......@@ -64,6 +70,33 @@ function ClientSetScreenSize(AColumns, ARows) {
function ClientSetVirtualKeyboardWidth(ANewWidth) {
if ((typeof(HtmlTerm) !== "undefined") && HtmlTerm.Loaded) {
//TODO Add virtual keyboard to HtmlTerm
} else {
var FO = GetfTelnetObject();
if (FO) { FO.SetVirtualKeyboardWidth(ANewWidth); }
function ClientWrite(AText) {
if ((typeof(HtmlTerm) !== "undefined") && HtmlTerm.Loaded) {
} else {
var FO = GetfTelnetObject();
if (FO) { FO.Write(AText); }
function ClientWriteLn(AText) {
if ((typeof(HtmlTerm) !== "undefined") && HtmlTerm.Loaded) {
} else {
var FO = GetfTelnetObject();
if (FO) { FO.WriteLn(AText); }
function fTelnetResize(AWidth, AHeight) {
var FO = GetfTelnetObject();
if (FO) {
var ClientVars = {};
// AlertDialogX and AlertDialogY control where the connect button will be displayed
// NOTE: To center the connect button, use 0 for both values
// NOTE: To position relative to the top or left, use positive values. To position relative to the bottom or right, use negative values
// NOTE: To position based on percent instead of pixel count, use values between 0 and 1 (or 0 and -1) (0.50 = 50%, for example)
// Default: 0
ClientVars.AlertDialogX = 0;
ClientVars.AlertDialogY = 0;
// AutoConnect controls how a connection to the remote server is initiated.
// 0 = Disabled -- User must click a button to connect
// 1 = Enabled -- Connection is made after the page loads
......@@ -14,25 +22,6 @@ ClientVars.AutoConnect = 0;
// Default: 115200
ClientVars.BitsPerSecond = 115200;
// Blink controls whether blinking text and high intensity background colours
// are available.
// 0 = Blinking text is disabled, high intensity background colours are
// enabled (this is how modern Windows OS's handle blinking text)
// 1 = Blinking text is enabled, high intensity background colours are
// disabled (this is how it was with DOS)
// Default: 1
ClientVars.Blink = 1;
// BorderStyle controls how the border and close button looks.
// "FlashTerm" = Single pixel border, like FlashTerm, no close button
// "None" = No border, no close button
// "Ubuntu1004" = Ubuntu 10.04 style
// "Win2000" = Windows 2000 style
// "Win7" = Windows 7 style
// "WinXP" = Windows XP style
// Default: Win7
ClientVars.BorderStyle = "None";
// CodePage controls which font file to use.
// NOTE: Each code page has its own set of supported FondWidth and FontHeight
// values, so see the online documentation for help selecting OK values
......@@ -70,21 +59,38 @@ ClientVars.BorderStyle = "None";
ClientVars.CodePage = "437";
// ConnectAnsi controls which ANSI file to display under the initial Connect button
// NOTE: Many webservers don't like the .ans extension, so use .txt instead
// NOTE: This setting has no effect when ClientVars.RIP is set to 1
// Default: connect.ans
ClientVars.ConnectAnsi = "/ftelnet/connect.ans";
// NOTE: This should be the full absolute path, so if the .ans file is at
// then the absolute path would be "/mybbs/connectansi.txt"
// Default: Commented out, which uses the embedded default
// ClientVars.ConnectAnsi = "/ftelnet/ftelnet-resources/connectansi.txt";
// ConnectButtonDown (and Over and Up) control the image used for the connect button
// NOTE: When commented out, or when the given images do not exist, the default embedded connect button will be used
// NOTE: This should be the full absolute path, so if the .png files are at
//*.png then the absolute path would be "/mybbs/Connect*.png"
// Default: Commented out, which uses the embedded default
// ClientVars.ConnectButtonDown = "/ftelnet/ftelnet-resources/ConnectDown.png";
// ClientVars.ConnectButtonOver = "/ftelnet/ftelnet-resources/ConnectOver.png";
// ClientVars.ConnectButtonUp = "/ftelnet/ftelnet-resources/ConnectUp.png";
// ConnectButtonX and ConnectButtonY control where the connect button will be displayed
// NOTE: To center the connect button, use 0 for both values
// NOTE: To position relative to the top or left, use positive values. To position relative to the bottom or right, use negative values
// Default: 0
ClientVars.ConnectButtonX = -30;
ClientVars.ConnectButtonY = -30;
// NOTE: To position based on percent instead of pixel count, use values between 0 and 1 (or 0 and -1) (0.50 = 50%, for example)
// Default (ANSI): -0.08, 0.30
// Default (RIP): -10, 90
ClientVars.ConnectButtonX = -0.08;
ClientVars.ConnectButtonY = 0.30;
// ConnectRIP controls which RIP file to display under the initial Connect button
// NOTE: Many webservers don't like the .rip extension, so use .txt instead
// NOTE: This setting has no effect unless ClientVars.RIP is set to 1
// Default:
ClientVars.ConnectRIP = "/ftelnet/";
// NOTE: This should be the full absolute path, so if the .rip file is at
// then the absolute path would be "/mybbs/connectrip.txt"
// Default: Commented out, which uses the embedded default
// ClientVars.ConnectRIP = "/ftelnet/ftelnet-resources/connectrip.txt";
// Enter controls what to send to the server when the Enter key is pressed.
// The telnet specification says to send \r\n (ASCII CRLF) when the Enter key
......@@ -98,30 +104,122 @@ ClientVars.Enter = "\r";
// The Amiga and Atari code pages will override these values, as there
// is only one available font size for those "code pages".
// Available IBM PC code page sizes:
// 437 = 8x12, 8x13, 9x16, 10x19, 12x23
// 737 = 9x16, 12x23
// 850 = 8x13, 9x16, 10x19, 12x23
// 852 = 9x16, 10x19, 12x23
// 855 = 9x16
// 857 = 9x16
// 860 = 9x16
// 861 = 9x16
// 862 = 10x19
// 863 = 9x16
// 865 = 8x13, 9x16, 10x19, 12x23
// 866 = 9x16
// 869 = 9x16
// 437 = 6x8, 7x11, 8x12, 8x13, 9x16, 10x19, 12x23
// 737 = 9x16, 12x23
// 775 = 9x16
// 850 = 8x13, 9x16, 10x19, 12x23
// 852 = 9x16, 10x19, 12x23
// 855 = 9x16
// 857 = 9x16
// 860 = 9x16
// 861 = 9x16
// 862 = 10x19
// 863 = 9x16
// 865 = 8x13, 9x16, 10x19, 12x23
// 866 = 9x16
// 869 = 9x16
// Default: 9x16
ClientVars.FontWidth = 9;
ClientVars.FontHeight = 16;
// LocalEcho controls whether keypresses will be echod locally or not
// 0 = Disabled -- Keypresses will NOT be echod locally
// 1 = Enabled -- Keypresses WILL be echod locally
// Default: 0
ClientVars.LocalEcho = 0;
// Proxy settings allow fTelnet and HtmlTerm to connect to ANY telnet server,
// regardless of whether they have the proper flash socket policy server
// installed, or if the understand the WebSocket protocol.
// NOTE: No publicly available proxy is currently available, so you'll have to
// create your own if you want to use these settings.
// These settings are commented out by default, which disables proxy use.
// ClientVars.ProxyRLoginHostName = "";
// ClientVars.ProxyRLoginPort = 51313;
// ClientVars.ProxySocketPolicyPort = 843;
// ClientVars.ProxyTelnetHostName = "";
// ClientVars.ProxyTelnetPort = 2323;
// ClientVars.ProxyWebSocketHostName = "";
// ClientVars.ProxyWebSocketPort = 11235;
// RIP controls whether the client will display RIPscrip or ANSI
// Default: 0
ClientVars.RIP = 0;
// RIPIconPath controls where .ICN files are loaded from.
// Flash requires the icons to be on the same domain that fTelnet.swf is being loaded from, so
// you don't need to include that here, just the path.
// For example, if the icons are in*.ICN
// then the absolute path to the icons entered below would be "/mybbs/ripicon/"
// Default: "/ripicon"
ClientVars.RIPIconPath = "/ripicon";
// RLogin* controls whether RLogin is used to connect to the remote server (instead of Telnet)
ClientVars.RLogin = 0;
ClientVars.RLoginHostName = "";
ClientVars.RLoginPort = 513;
ClientVars.RLoginClientUserName = "";
ClientVars.RLoginServerUserName = "";
ClientVars.RLoginTerminalType = "";
// SaveFilesButtonDown (and Over and Up) control the image used for the save file(s) button
// NOTE: When commented out, or when the given images do not exist, the default embedded save file(s) button will be used
// Default: Commented out, which uses the embedded default
// ClientVars.SaveFilesButtonDown = "/ftelnet/ftelnet-resources/SaveFilesDown.png";
// ClientVars.SaveFilesButtonOver = "/ftelnet/ftelnet-resources/SaveFilesOver.png";
// ClientVars.SaveFilesButtonUp = "/ftelnet/ftelnet-resources/SaveFilesUp.png";
// ScreenColumns and ScreenRows control the size of the screen.
// Anything within reason should be accepted
// (no sanity checking is done, so bad values can/will crash the program)
// Default: 80x25
// Default: 80x24
ClientVars.ScreenColumns = 80;
ClientVars.ScreenRows = 25;
\ No newline at end of file
ClientVars.ScreenRows = 25;
// SendOnConnect controls what text will be sent to the server immediately
// after connecting. Possibly useful for auto-login purposes (although RLogin is preferred for that purpose)
// Default: empty
ClientVars.SendOnConnect = "";
// ServerName is the display name for the server
ClientVars.ServerName = "fTelnet and HtmlTerm Support BBS";
// SocketPolicyPort is the port that your flash socket policy server is
// running on the remote server (required by flash, wish I could disable it!)
// For more information on setting up a flash socket policy server, please see
// the online documentation.
// Default: 843
ClientVars.SocketPolicyPort = 843;
// TelnetHostName is the host name or IP address of the remote telnet server
// NOTE: fTelnet specific setting
ClientVars.TelnetHostName = "";
// TelnetPort is the port number to connect to on the remote telnet server
// NOTE: fTelnet specific setting
// Default: 23
ClientVars.TelnetPort = 23;
// VirtualKeyboardWidth determines whether a virtual keyboard is shown, and what size to use
// Valid values are:
// 0 -- disable the virtual keyboard
// 1 -- auto detect (use the largest compatible virtual keyboard, but only on mobile devices)
// 600 -- force on a keyboard that is 600 pixels wide by 200 pixels tall
// 672 -- force on a keyboard that is 672 pixels wide by 250 pixels tall
// 768 -- force on a keyboard that is 768 pixels wide by 287 pixels tall
// Default: 1
ClientVars.VirtualKeyboardWidth = 1;
// VT controls whether fTelnet should try to be more like a VTxxx series terminal,
// rather than like a BBS terminal client
// Default: 0
ClientVars.VT = 0;
// WebSocketHostName is the host name or IP address of the remote websocket server
// NOTE: HtmlTerm specific setting
ClientVars.WebSocketHostName = "";
// WebSocketPort is the port number to connect to on the remote websocket server
// NOTE: HtmlTerm specific setting
// Default: 1123
ClientVars.WebSocketPort = 1123;
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No preview for this file type

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� Welcome! �
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����������������������������������  � fTelnet & HtmlTerm from R&M Software�
  ����������������������������������  � Web based BBS telnet clients* �
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Copyright (C) 2000-2012 R&M Software. All Rights Reserved
 * NOTE: HtmlTerm is actually a WebSocket client, not a Telnet client
\ No newline at end of file
!|@A052fTelnet & HtmlTerm|c09|@9Z51fTelnet & HtmlTerm|Y00000100|c08|@B060Web based BBS telnet clients|c0F
!|@AY5ZWeb based BBS telnet clients|c08|L096D090Y|L090Y9H0Y|c0F|L096D9H6D|L9H0Y9H6D|=00000001|S0007|B0B109F6B
!|Y02000400|c08|@AA18Copyright (C) 2000-2012 R&M Software|@C11JAll Rights Reserved|Y00000100|c01
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