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Commit 222daa3e authored by rswindell's avatar rswindell
Browse files

Added index files edit box to allow index filename list to be configured.

parent 0d4b927f
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......@@ -55,6 +55,7 @@ __fastcall TWebCfgDlg::TWebCfgDlg(TComponent* Owner)
void __fastcall TWebCfgDlg::FormShow(TObject *Sender)
char str[128];
char** p;
......@@ -80,6 +81,13 @@ void __fastcall TWebCfgDlg::FormShow(TObject *Sender)
for(p=MainForm->web_startup.index_file_name;*p;p++) {
......@@ -133,6 +141,10 @@ void __fastcall TWebCfgDlg::OKBtnClick(TObject *Sender)
......@@ -3,69 +3,69 @@ object WebCfgDlg: TWebCfgDlg
Top = 403
BorderStyle = bsDialog
Caption = 'Web Server Configuration'
ClientHeight = 245
ClientWidth = 286
ClientHeight = 302
ClientWidth = 352
Color = clBtnFace
Font.Color = clWindowText
Font.Height = -10
Font.Height = -13
Font.Name = 'MS Sans Serif'
Font.Style = []
OldCreateOrder = False
Position = poScreenCenter
OnShow = FormShow
DesignSize = (
PixelsPerInch = 96
TextHeight = 13
PixelsPerInch = 120
TextHeight = 16
object PageControl: TPageControl
Left = 3
Top = 3
Width = 278
Height = 199
Left = 4
Top = 4
Width = 342
Height = 245
ActivePage = HttpTabSheet
TabIndex = 1
TabOrder = 0
object GeneralTabSheet: TTabSheet
Caption = 'General'
object MaxClientesLabel: TLabel
Left = 7
Top = 86
Width = 78
Height = 20
Left = 9
Top = 106
Width = 96
Height = 24
AutoSize = False
Caption = 'Max Clients'
object MaxInactivityLabel: TLabel
Left = 7
Top = 112
Width = 78
Height = 20
Left = 9
Top = 138
Width = 96
Height = 24
AutoSize = False
Caption = 'Max Inactivity'
object PortLabel: TLabel
Left = 7
Top = 60
Width = 78
Height = 20
Left = 9
Top = 74
Width = 96
Height = 24
AutoSize = False
Caption = 'Listening Port'
object InterfaceLabel: TLabel
Left = 7
Top = 34
Width = 78
Height = 20
Left = 9
Top = 42
Width = 96
Height = 24
AutoSize = False
Caption = 'Interface (IP)'
object AutoStartCheckBox: TCheckBox
Left = 7
Top = 10
Width = 117
Height = 20
Left = 9
Top = 12
Width = 144
Height = 25
Hint = 'Automatically start Web server'
Caption = 'Auto Startup'
ParentShowHint = False
......@@ -73,9 +73,9 @@ object WebCfgDlg: TWebCfgDlg
TabOrder = 0
object MaxClientsEdit: TEdit
Left = 85
Top = 86
Width = 39
Left = 105
Top = 106
Width = 48
Height = 24
Hint = 'Maximum number of simultaneous clients (default=10)'
ParentShowHint = False
......@@ -83,9 +83,9 @@ object WebCfgDlg: TWebCfgDlg
TabOrder = 4
object MaxInactivityEdit: TEdit
Left = 85
Top = 112
Width = 39
Left = 105
Top = 138
Width = 48
Height = 24
Hint =
'Maximum number of seconds of inactivity before disconnect (defau' +
......@@ -95,9 +95,9 @@ object WebCfgDlg: TWebCfgDlg
TabOrder = 5
object PortEdit: TEdit
Left = 85
Top = 60
Width = 39
Left = 105
Top = 74
Width = 48
Height = 24
Hint = 'TCP port to use for HTTP connections (default=80)'
ParentShowHint = False
......@@ -105,9 +105,9 @@ object WebCfgDlg: TWebCfgDlg
TabOrder = 3
object NetworkInterfaceEdit: TEdit
Left = 85
Top = 34
Width = 156
Left = 105
Top = 42
Width = 192
Height = 24
Hint = 'Your network adapter'#39's static IP address or blank for <ANY>'
ParentShowHint = False
......@@ -115,10 +115,10 @@ object WebCfgDlg: TWebCfgDlg
TabOrder = 2
object HostnameCheckBox: TCheckBox
Left = 148
Top = 10
Width = 119
Height = 20
Left = 182
Top = 12
Width = 147
Height = 25
Hint = 'Automatically lookup client'#39's hostnames via DNS'
Caption = 'Hostname Lookup'
ParentShowHint = False
......@@ -130,63 +130,71 @@ object WebCfgDlg: TWebCfgDlg
Caption = 'HTTP'
ImageIndex = 3
object HtmlDirLabel: TLabel
Left = 7
Top = 10
Width = 78
Height = 20
Left = 9
Top = 12
Width = 96
Height = 25
AutoSize = False
Caption = 'HTML Root'
object ErrorSubDirLabel: TLabel
Left = 7
Top = 36
Width = 78
Height = 20
Left = 9
Top = 44
Width = 96
Height = 25
AutoSize = False
Caption = 'Error SubDir'
object ServerSideJsExtLabel: TLabel
Left = 7
Top = 88
Width = 143
Height = 20
Left = 9
Top = 140
Width = 176
Height = 25
AutoSize = False
Caption = 'Server-Side JS File Extension'
object EmbeddedJsExtLabel: TLabel
Left = 7
Top = 62
Width = 143
Height = 20
Left = 9
Top = 108
Width = 176
Height = 25
AutoSize = False
Caption = 'Embedded JS File Extension'
Enabled = False
object IndexLabel: TLabel
Left = 9
Top = 76
Width = 96
Height = 25
AutoSize = False
Caption = 'Index Files'
object HtmlRootEdit: TEdit
Left = 85
Top = 10
Width = 156
Height = 21
Left = 105
Top = 12
Width = 192
Height = 24
Hint = 'Root directory for HTML files (off of CTRL directory)'
ParentShowHint = False
ShowHint = True
TabOrder = 0
object ErrorSubDirEdit: TEdit
Left = 85
Top = 36
Width = 156
Height = 21
Left = 105
Top = 44
Width = 192
Height = 24
Hint = 'Error sub-directory (off of HTML root)'
ParentShowHint = False
ShowHint = True
TabOrder = 1
object ServerSideJsExtEdit: TEdit
Left = 156
Top = 88
Width = 85
Height = 21
Left = 192
Top = 140
Width = 105
Height = 24
Hint =
'File extension that denotes server-side JavaScript files (e.g. "' +
......@@ -195,10 +203,10 @@ object WebCfgDlg: TWebCfgDlg
TabOrder = 2
object EmbeddedJsExtEdit: TEdit
Left = 156
Top = 62
Width = 85
Height = 21
Left = 192
Top = 108
Width = 105
Height = 24
Hint =
'File extension that denotes embedded JavaScript files (e.g. ".bb' +
......@@ -208,33 +216,40 @@ object WebCfgDlg: TWebCfgDlg
TabOrder = 3
object VirtualHostsCheckBox: TCheckBox
Left = 7
Top = 114
Width = 85
Height = 19
Left = 9
Top = 172
Width = 104
Height = 24
Hint = 'Support virtual host directories off the HTML root directory'
Caption = 'Virtual Hosts'
ParentShowHint = False
ShowHint = True
TabOrder = 4
object IndexFileEdit: TEdit
Left = 104
Top = 76
Width = 193
Height = 24
TabOrder = 5
object LogTabSheet: TTabSheet
Caption = 'Log'
ImageIndex = 1
object LogBaseLabel: TLabel
Left = 7
Top = 88
Width = 78
Height = 20
Left = 9
Top = 108
Width = 96
Height = 25
AutoSize = False
Caption = 'Base Filename'
object DebugTxCheckBox: TCheckBox
Left = 7
Top = 34
Width = 156
Height = 20
Left = 9
Top = 42
Width = 192
Height = 24
Hint = 'Log (debug) transmitted HTTP responses'
Caption = 'Transmitted Responses'
ParentShowHint = False
......@@ -242,10 +257,10 @@ object WebCfgDlg: TWebCfgDlg
TabOrder = 1
object DebugRxCheckBox: TCheckBox
Left = 7
Top = 10
Width = 156
Height = 19
Left = 9
Top = 12
Width = 192
Height = 24
Hint = 'Log (debug) all received HTTP requests'
Caption = 'Received Requests'
ParentShowHint = False
......@@ -253,10 +268,10 @@ object WebCfgDlg: TWebCfgDlg
TabOrder = 0
object AccessLogCheckBox: TCheckBox
Left = 7
Top = 59
Width = 156
Height = 19
Left = 9
Top = 73
Width = 192
Height = 23
Hint = 'Create HTTP access log files'
Caption = 'Create Access Log Files'
ParentShowHint = False
......@@ -265,9 +280,9 @@ object WebCfgDlg: TWebCfgDlg
OnClick = AccessLogCheckBoxClick
object LogBaseNameEdit: TEdit
Left = 85
Top = 88
Width = 156
Left = 105
Top = 108
Width = 192
Height = 24
Hint = 'Base directory and filename for HTTP access log files'
ParentShowHint = False
......@@ -279,33 +294,33 @@ object WebCfgDlg: TWebCfgDlg
Caption = 'Sound'
ImageIndex = 2
object AnswerSoundLabel: TLabel
Left = 7
Top = 10
Width = 65
Height = 20
Left = 9
Top = 12
Width = 80
Height = 25
AutoSize = False
Caption = 'Connect'
object HangupSoundLabel: TLabel
Left = 7
Top = 36
Width = 65
Height = 20
Left = 9
Top = 44
Width = 80
Height = 25
AutoSize = False
Caption = 'Disconnect'
object HackAttemptSoundLabel: TLabel
Left = 7
Top = 62
Width = 65
Height = 20
Left = 9
Top = 76
Width = 80
Height = 25
AutoSize = False
Caption = 'Hack Attempt'
object AnswerSoundEdit: TEdit
Left = 85
Top = 10
Width = 156
Left = 105
Top = 12
Width = 192
Height = 24
Hint = 'Sound file to play when users connect'
ParentShowHint = False
......@@ -313,18 +328,18 @@ object WebCfgDlg: TWebCfgDlg
TabOrder = 0
object AnswerSoundButton: TButton
Left = 247
Top = 10
Width = 20
Height = 21
Left = 304
Top = 12
Width = 25
Height = 26
Caption = '...'
TabOrder = 1
OnClick = AnswerSoundButtonClick
object HangupSoundEdit: TEdit
Left = 85
Top = 36
Width = 156
Left = 105
Top = 44
Width = 192
Height = 24
Hint = 'Sound file to play when users disconnect'
ParentShowHint = False
......@@ -332,18 +347,18 @@ object WebCfgDlg: TWebCfgDlg
TabOrder = 2
object HangupSoundButton: TButton
Left = 247
Top = 36
Width = 20
Height = 21
Left = 304
Top = 44
Width = 25
Height = 26
Caption = '...'
TabOrder = 3
OnClick = HangupSoundButtonClick
object HackAttemptSoundEdit: TEdit
Left = 85
Top = 62
Width = 156
Left = 105
Top = 76
Width = 192
Height = 24
Hint = 'Sound file to play when users disconnect'
ParentShowHint = False
......@@ -351,10 +366,10 @@ object WebCfgDlg: TWebCfgDlg
TabOrder = 4
object HackAttemptSoundButton: TButton
Left = 247
Top = 62
Width = 20
Height = 21
Left = 304
Top = 76
Width = 25
Height = 26
Caption = '...'
TabOrder = 5
OnClick = HackAttemptSoundButtonClick
......@@ -362,10 +377,10 @@ object WebCfgDlg: TWebCfgDlg
object OKBtn: TButton
Left = 20
Top = 211
Width = 76
Height = 25
Left = 25
Top = 260
Width = 93
Height = 30
Anchors = [akLeft, akBottom]
Caption = 'OK'
Default = True
......@@ -374,10 +389,10 @@ object WebCfgDlg: TWebCfgDlg
OnClick = OKBtnClick
object CancelBtn: TButton
Left = 104
Top = 211
Width = 75
Height = 25
Left = 128
Top = 260
Width = 92
Height = 30
Anchors = [akLeft, akBottom]
Cancel = True
Caption = 'Cancel'
......@@ -385,10 +400,10 @@ object WebCfgDlg: TWebCfgDlg
TabOrder = 2
object ApplyBtn: TButton
Left = 189
Top = 211
Width = 76
Height = 25
Left = 233
Top = 260
Width = 93
Height = 30
Anchors = [akLeft, akBottom]
Cancel = True
Caption = 'Apply'
......@@ -55,6 +55,8 @@ __published: // IDE-managed Components
TEdit *LogBaseNameEdit;
TLabel *LogBaseLabel;
TOpenDialog *OpenDialog;
TLabel *IndexLabel;
TEdit *IndexFileEdit;
void __fastcall FormShow(TObject *Sender);
void __fastcall AnswerSoundButtonClick(TObject *Sender);
void __fastcall HangupSoundButtonClick(TObject *Sender);
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