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Commit 40715475 authored by Rob Swindell's avatar Rob Swindell :speech_balloon:
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Merge branch 'dd_msg_reader_timeout_disconnect_and_dd_lightbar_menu_console_getkey' into 'master'

DDMsgReader: Inactivity disconnection more consistent with Synchronet behavior. DDLightbarMenu: Use console.getkey() instead of getKeyWithESCChars(), as getKeyWithESCChars() is no longer needed.

See merge request !493
parents aa258686 b53a6310
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1 merge request!493DDMsgReader: Inactivity disconnection more consistent with Synchronet behavior. DDLightbarMenu: Use console.getkey() instead of getKeyWithESCChars(), as getKeyWithESCChars() is no longer needed.
Pipeline #8044 passed
......@@ -110,6 +110,8 @@ lbMenu.AddAdditionalSelectItemKeys("Ee");
Also, after showing the menu & getting a value from the user (using the GetVal()
function), the lastUserInput property will have the user's last keypress.
If lastUserInput is an empty string, then it's likely that the inactivity timeout was reached.
This menu class also supports an optional "numbered mode", where each option is
displayed with a number to the left (starting at 1), and the user is allowed to
choose an option by typing the number of the item. Numbered mode is disabled
......@@ -2019,7 +2021,7 @@ function DDLightbarMenu_GetVal(pDraw, pSelectedItemIndexes)
else // this.mouseEnabled is false
this.lastUserInput = getKeyWithESCChars(inputMode);
this.lastUserInput = console.getkey(inputMode);
// If the user is no longer online (disconnected) or the JS engine has
......@@ -4006,6 +4008,8 @@ function printedToRealIdxInStr(pStr, pIdx)
return realIdx;
// TODO: getKeyWithESCCHars() is deprecated, as it's no longer needed.
// It's still here because some scripts are still using it.
// Inputs a keypress from the user and handles some ESC-based
// characters such as PageUp, PageDown, and ESC. If PageUp
// or PageDown are pressed, this function will return the
......@@ -4024,7 +4028,7 @@ function getKeyWithESCChars(pGetKeyMode)
var getKeyMode = (typeof(pGetKeyMode) === "number" ? pGetKeyMode : K_NONE);
// Input a key from the user and take action based on the user's input. If
// the user is a sysop, don't use an input timeout.
// the user has the H (inactivity) exemption, don't use an input timeout.
var userInput = "";
if ( // Inactivity exemption
userInput = console.getkey(getKeyMode);
......@@ -211,6 +211,16 @@
* 2024-12-22 Eric Oulashin Version 1.96i
* When doing an indexed newscan, display the progress percentage
* when doing the newscan
* 2025-01-25 Eric Oulashin Version 1.96j
* User timeout 'AreYouThere' message and disconnection are
* more consistent with Synchronet's behavior. However, if the
* scrollable reader or lightbar list interface is being used,
* the 'AreYouThere' text will be set to a blank string for the
* duration of this script's run due to how the text can interfere
* with the screen and scrolling. The 'AreYouThere' sound will
* still occur though, and the user will be disconnected if
* they don't respond. getKeyWithESCChars() is no longer used
* in favor of console.getkey().
"use strict";
......@@ -318,8 +328,8 @@ var hexdump = load('hexdump_lib.js');
// Reader version information
var READER_VERSION = "1.96i";
var READER_DATE = "2024-12-22";
var READER_VERSION = "1.96j";
var READER_DATE = "2025-01-25";
// Keyboard key codes for displaying on the screen
var UP_ARROW = ascii(24);
......@@ -362,31 +372,7 @@ var CTRL_Z = "\x1a";
//var KEY_ESC = "\x1b";
var KEY_ESC = ascii(27);
// PageUp & PageDown keys - Synchronet 3.17 as of about December 18, 2017
// use CTRL-P and CTRL-N for PageUp and PageDown, respectively. sbbsdefs.js
// defines them as KEY_PAGEUP and KEY_PAGEDN; I've used slightly different names
// in this script so that this script will work with Synchronet systems before
// and after the update containing those key definitions.
// Ensure KEY_PAGE_UP and KEY_PAGE_DOWN are set to what's defined in sbbs.js
// for KEY_PAGEUP and KEY_PAGEDN in case they change
if (typeof(KEY_PAGEUP) === "string")
if (typeof(KEY_PAGEDN) === "string")
// These are defined in sbbsdefs.js:
//var KEY_UP ='\x1e'; // ctrl-^ (up arrow)
//var KEY_DOWN ='\x0a'; // ctrl-j (dn arrow)
//var KEY_RIGHT ='\x06'; // ctrl-f (rt arrow)
//var KEY_LEFT ='\x1d'; // ctrl-] (lf arrow)
//var KEY_HOME ='\x02'; // ctrl-b (home)
//var KEY_END ='\x05'; // ctrl-e (end)
//var KEY_DEL ='\x7f'; // (del)
// These were added to sbbsdef.js around December 17, 2017:
//var KEY_PAGEUP ='\x10'; /* ctrl-p (Page Up) */
//var KEY_PAGEDN ='\x0e'; /* ctrl-n (Page Down) */
// Characters for display
// Box-drawing/border characters: Single-line
......@@ -657,6 +643,17 @@ if (gDoDDMR)
readerSubCode = gCmdLineArgVals["subboard"];
var msgReader = new DigDistMsgReader(readerSubCode, gCmdLineArgVals);
// If the user's terminal supports ANSI and we will be using any of the lightbar/scrollable
// user interfaces, then blank out the AreYouThere timeout warning string (used by
// console.getkey()), which would interfere with full-screen display and scrolling display
// functionality. Also, have the script set it back to its previous (possibly sysop-customized)
// value on exit.
if (console.term_supports(USER_ANSI) && (msgReader.scrollingReaderInterface || msgReader.msgListUseLightbarListInterface))
bbs.replace_text(AreYouThere, "");
// -indexedMode command-line arg specified and not doing a search (including
// newscan): Do indexed read mode (show all sub-boards rather than only
// sub-boards enabled in the user's newscan configuration)
......@@ -2435,6 +2432,10 @@ function DigDistMsgReader_ReadOrListSubBoard(pSubBoardCode, pStartingMsgOffset,
// Check whether the user aborted (i.e., pressed Ctrl-C during the last operation); if so,
// then we'll want to quit.
if (console.aborted)
......@@ -4049,6 +4050,8 @@ function DigDistMsgReader_ListMessages_Lightbar(pAllowChgSubBoard)
// End Temporary
var userChoice = msgListMenu.GetVal(drawMenu);
if (console.aborted)
drawMenu = true;
var lastUserInputUpper = (typeof(msgListMenu.lastUserInput) == "string" ? msgListMenu.lastUserInput.toUpperCase() : msgListMenu.lastUserInput);
// If the user's last input is null, then something bad/weird must have
......@@ -7328,8 +7331,10 @@ function DigDistMsgReader_ReadMessageEnhanced_Traditional(msgHeader, allowChgMsg
writeMessage = true;
writePromptText = true;
// Input a key from the user and take action based on the keypress.
//retObj.lastKeypress = getKeyWithESCChars(K_UPPER|K_NOCRLF|K_NOECHO|K_NOSPIN);
retObj.lastKeypress = getKeyWithESCChars(K_UPPER);
//retObj.lastKeypress = console.getkey(K_UPPER|K_NOCRLF|K_NOECHO|K_NOSPIN);
retObj.lastKeypress = console.getkey(K_UPPER);
if (console.aborted)
switch (retObj.lastKeypress)
case this.enhReaderKeys.deleteMessage: // Delete message
......@@ -8373,6 +8378,14 @@ function DigDistMsgReader_ReadMessageEnhanced_Traditional(msgHeader, allowChgMsg
retObj.nextAction = ACTION_QUIT;
continueOn = false;
case "": // User input timeout
console.attributes = "N";
writeMessage = false;
writePromptText = false;
continueOn = false;
// No need to do anything
writeMessage = false;
......@@ -8419,6 +8432,8 @@ function DigDistMsgReader_ShowReadModeOpMenuAndGetSelection()
//GetVal(pDraw, pSelectedItemIndexes)
retObj.chosenOption = opMenu.GetVal();
if (console.aborted)
return retObj;
if (typeof(opMenu.lastUserInput) === "string")
retObj.lastUserInput = opMenu.lastUserInput;
// If the user pressed one of the additional quit keys set up for the
......@@ -11971,11 +11986,8 @@ function DigDistMsgReader_DisplayEnhancedReaderHelp(pDisplayChgAreaOpt, pDisplay
// Pause and let the user press a key to continue. Note: For some reason,
// with console.pause(), not all of the message on the screen would get
// refreshed. So instead, we display the system's pause text and input a
// key from the user. Calling getKeyWithESCChars() to input a key from the
// user to allow for multi-key sequence inputs like PageUp, PageDown, F1,
// etc. without printing extra characters on the screen.
// key from the user.
//console.print("\x01n" + this.pausePromptText);
// I'm not sure the above is needed anymore. Should be able to use
// console.pause(), which easily supports custom pause scripts being loaded.
......@@ -13050,6 +13062,8 @@ function DigDistMsgReader_SelectMsgArea_Lightbar(pMsgGrp, pGrpIdx)
chosenIdx = -1;
var msgGrpIdx = msgAreaMenu.GetVal(drawMenu);
if (console.aborted)
drawMenu = true;
var lastUserInputUpper = (typeof(msgAreaMenu.lastUserInput) == "string" ? msgAreaMenu.lastUserInput.toUpperCase() : msgAreaMenu.lastUserInput);
if (typeof(msgGrpIdx) == "number")
......@@ -16965,6 +16979,8 @@ function DigDistMsgReader_IndexedModeChooseSubBoard(pClearScreen, pDrawMenu, pDi
while (continueOn)
var menuRetval = this.indexedModeMenu.GetVal(drawMenu);
if (console.aborted)
// Show the menu and get the user's choice
retObj.lastUserInput = this.indexedModeMenu.lastUserInput;
var lastUserInputUpper = "";
......@@ -19706,65 +19722,6 @@ function getGreatestNumMsgs(pGrpIndex)
return greatestNumMsgs;
// Inputs a keypress from the user and handles some ESC-based
// characters such as PageUp, PageDown, and ESC. If PageUp
// or PageDown are pressed, this function will return the
// string defined by KEY_PAGE_UP or KEY_PAGE_DOWN,
// respectively. Also, F1-F5 will be returned as "\x01F1"
// through "\x01F5", respectively.
// Thanks goes to Psi-Jack for the original impementation
// of this function.
// Parameters:
// pGetKeyMode: Optional - The mode bits for console.getkey().
// If not specified, K_NONE will be used.
// Return value: The user's keypress
function getKeyWithESCChars(pGetKeyMode)
var getKeyMode = K_NONE;
if (typeof(pGetKeyMode) == "number")
getKeyMode = pGetKeyMode;
var userInput = console.getkey(getKeyMode);
if (userInput == KEY_ESC) {
switch (console.inkey(K_NOECHO|K_NOSPIN, 2)) {
case '[':
switch (console.inkey(K_NOECHO|K_NOSPIN, 2)) {
case 'V':
userInput = KEY_PAGE_UP;
case 'U':
userInput = KEY_PAGE_DOWN;
case 'O':
switch (console.inkey(K_NOECHO|K_NOSPIN, 2)) {
case 'P':
userInput = "\x01F1";
case 'Q':
userInput = "\x01F2";
case 'R':
userInput = "\x01F3";
case 'S':
userInput = "\x01F4";
case 't':
userInput = "\x01F5";
return userInput;
// Finds the next or previous non-empty message sub-board. Returns an
// object containing the message group & sub-board indexes. If all of
// the next/previous sub-boards are empty, then the given current indexes
......@@ -20178,8 +20135,8 @@ function scrollTextLines(pTxtLines, pTopLineIdx, pTxtAttrib, pWriteTxtLines, pTo
// Get a keypress from the user and take action based on it
console.gotoxy(pPostWriteCurX, pPostWriteCurY);
retObj.lastKeypress = getKeyWithESCChars(K_UPPER|K_NOCRLF|K_NOECHO|K_NOSPIN);
if (!continueOn)
retObj.lastKeypress = console.getkey(K_UPPER|K_NOCRLF|K_NOECHO|K_NOSPIN);
if (console.aborted)
switch (retObj.lastKeypress)
......@@ -20198,7 +20155,7 @@ function scrollTextLines(pTxtLines, pTopLineIdx, pTxtAttrib, pWriteTxtLines, pTo
writeTxtLines = true;
case KEY_PAGE_UP: // Previous page
case KEY_PAGEUP: // Previous page
if (retObj.topLineIdx > 0)
retObj.topLineIdx -= pHeight;
......@@ -20207,7 +20164,7 @@ function scrollTextLines(pTxtLines, pTopLineIdx, pTxtAttrib, pWriteTxtLines, pTo
writeTxtLines = true;
case KEY_PAGE_DOWN: // Next page
case KEY_PAGEDN: // Next page
if (retObj.topLineIdx < topLineIdxForLastPage)
retObj.topLineIdx += pHeight;
......@@ -20231,6 +20188,11 @@ function scrollTextLines(pTxtLines, pTopLineIdx, pTxtAttrib, pWriteTxtLines, pTo
case "": // User input timeout
console.attributes = "N";
continueOn = false;
continueOn = false;
......@@ -24257,11 +24219,13 @@ function ChoiceScrollbox_DoInputLoop(pDrawBorder)
// Get a key from the user (upper-case) and take action based upon it.
retObj.lastKeypress = getKeyWithESCChars(K_UPPER|K_NOCRLF|K_NOSPIN, this.programCfgObj);
retObj.lastKeypress = console.getkey(K_UPPER|K_NOCRLF|K_NOSPIN);
if (console.aborted)
switch (retObj.lastKeypress)
case 'N': // Next page
//if (user.is_sysop) console.print("\x01n\r\nMenu page down pressed\r\n\x01p"); // Temproary;
refreshList = (this.pageNum < this.numPages-1);
if (refreshList)
......@@ -24288,7 +24252,7 @@ function ChoiceScrollbox_DoInputLoop(pDrawBorder)
case 'P': // Previous page
refreshList = (this.pageNum > 0);
if (refreshList)
......@@ -24446,6 +24410,13 @@ function ChoiceScrollbox_DoInputLoop(pDrawBorder)
refreshList = false;
continueOn = false;
case "": // User input timeout
console.attributes = "N";
refreshList = false;
continueOn = false;
// If the keypress is an additional key to exit the input loop, then
// do so.
......@@ -25582,8 +25553,9 @@ function doFrameInputLoop(pFrame, pScrollbar, pFrameContentStr, pAdditionalQuitK
// Note: getKeyWithESCChars() is defined in dd_lightbar_menu.js.
userInput = getKeyWithESCChars(K_NOECHO|K_NOSPIN|K_NOCRLF, 30000).toUpperCase();
userInput = console.getkey(K_NOECHO|K_NOSPIN|K_NOCRLF).toUpperCase();
if (console.aborted)
if (userInput == KEY_UP)
if (frameContentTopYOffset > 0)
......@@ -25610,9 +25582,18 @@ function doFrameInputLoop(pFrame, pScrollbar, pFrameContentStr, pAdditionalQuitK
frameContentTopYOffset = 0;
else if (userInput == KEY_END)
frameContentTopYOffset = maxFrameYOffset;
else if (userInput == "") // User input timeout
console.attributes = "N";
continueOn = false;
// Check for whether to continue the input loop
continueOn = (userInput != "Q" && userInput != KEY_ENTER && userInput != KEY_ESC);
if (continueOn)
continueOn = (userInput != "Q" && userInput != KEY_ENTER && userInput != KEY_ESC);
// If the additional quit keys does not contain the user's keypress, then continue
// the input loop.
// In other words, if the additional quit keys includes the user's keypress, then
......@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@
// If you have DDMsgReader in a directory other than xtrn/DDMsgReader, then the changes to
// DDMsgReader.cfg will be saved in that directory (assuming you're running ddmr_cfg.js from
// that same directory).
// Currently for DDMsgReader 1.96i.
// Currently for DDMsgReader 1.96j.
// If you're running DDMsgReader from xtrn/DDMsgReader (the standard location) and you want
// to save the configuration file there (rather than sbbs/mods), you can use one of the
......@@ -18,7 +18,7 @@ require("sbbsdefs.js", "P_NONE");
require("uifcdefs.js", "UIFC_INMSG");
if (!uifc.init("DigDist. Message Reader 1.96i Configurator"))
if (!uifc.init("DigDist. Message Reader 1.96j Configurator"))
print("Failed to initialize uifc");
Digital Distortion Message Reader
Version 1.96i
Release date: 2024-12-22
Version 1.96j
Release date: 2025-01-25
......@@ -1432,3 +1432,5 @@ This message reader uses the following lines from Synchronet's text.dat file
781 (R_Voting)
783 (VoteMsgUpDownOrQuit)
787 (PollVoteNotice)
558 (CallBackWhenYoureThere)
......@@ -5,6 +5,14 @@ Revision History (change log)
Version Date Description
------- ---- -----------
1.96j 2025-01-25 User timeout 'AreYouThere' message and disconnection are
more consistent with Synchronet's behavior. However, if
the scrollable reader or lightbar list interface is being
used, the 'AreYouThere' text will be set to a blank string
for the duration of this script's run due to how the text
can interfere with the screen and scrolling. The
'AreYouThere' sound will still occur though, and the user
will be disconnected if they don't respond.
1.96i 2024-12-22 When doing an indexed newscan, display the progress
percentage when doing the newscan
1.96h 2024-12-18 Bug fix: When reading messages with the scrolling
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