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Commit 4c85fbe8 authored by Rob Swindell's avatar Rob Swindell :speech_balloon:
Browse files

Merge branch 'dd_msg_reader_personal_twit_list' into 'master'

DDMsgReader v1.54: Users now have a personal twit list (configurable via Ctrl-U, user settings).

See merge request !205
parents a2467e79 0efeef18
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......@@ -51,6 +51,8 @@
* Deleted messages can now be un-marked for deletion from the message
* list with the U key (if the user has delete permissions). Also, the reader now
* honors the system setting for whether users can view deleted messages.
* 2022-08-06 Eric Oulashin Version 1.54
* Users now have a personal twit list (configurable via Ctrl-U, user settings).
"use strict";
......@@ -155,8 +157,8 @@ var ansiterm = require("ansiterm_lib.js", 'expand_ctrl_a');
// Reader version information
var READER_VERSION = "1.53";
var READER_DATE = "2022-07-18";
var READER_VERSION = "1.54";
var READER_DATE = "2022-08-06";
// Keyboard key codes for displaying on the screen
var UP_ARROW = ascii(24);
......@@ -272,9 +274,6 @@ var LOWER_CENTER_BLOCK = "\xDC";
const ERROR_PAUSE_WAIT_MS = 1500;
// Store whether or not the Synchronet compile date is at least May 12, 2013
// so that we don't have to call compileDateAtLeast2013_05_12() multiple times.
var gSyncCompileDateAtLeast2013_05_12 = compileDateAtLeast2013_05_12();
// Reader mode definitions:
......@@ -417,6 +416,10 @@ if (file_exists(backslash(system.exec_dir) + "load/smbdefs.js") && file_exists(b
gAvatar = load({}, "avatar_lib.js");
// User twitlist filename (and settings filename)
var gUserTwitListFilename = backslash(system.data_dir + "user") + format("%04d", user.number) + ".DDMsgReader_twitlist";
//var gUserSettingsFilename = backslash(system.data_dir + "user") + format("%04d", user.number) + ".DDMsgReader_Settings";
// Script execution code
......@@ -507,6 +510,13 @@ if (gCmdLineArgVals.hasOwnProperty("search") && (gCmdLineArgVals["search"].toLow
if (gDoDDMR)
// Write the user's default twitlist if it doesn't already exist
// Set a control key pass-thru so we can capture certain control keys that we normally wouldn't be able to
var gOldCtrlKeyPassthru = console.ctrlkey_passthru; // Backup to be restored later
console.ctrlkey_passthru = "+ACGKLOPQRTUVWXYZ_";
// Create an instance of the DigDistMsgReader class and use it to read/list the
// messages in the user's current sub-board. Pass the parsed command-line
// argument values object to its constructor.
......@@ -524,97 +534,104 @@ if (gDoDDMR)
readerSubCode = gCmdLineArgVals["subboard"];
var msgReader = new DigDistMsgReader(readerSubCode, gCmdLineArgVals);
// If the option to choose a message area first was enabled on the command-line
// (and neither the -subBoard nor the -personalEmail options were specified),
// then let the user choose a sub-board now.
if (gCmdLineArgVals.hasOwnProperty("chooseareafirst") && gCmdLineArgVals["chooseareafirst"] && !gCmdLineArgVals.hasOwnProperty("subboard") && !gListPersonalEmailCmdLineOpt)
// Back up the user's current sub-board so that we can change back
// to it after searching is done, if a search is done.
var originalMsgGrpIdx = bbs.curgrp;
var originalSubBoardIdx = bbs.cursub;
var restoreOriginalSubCode = true;
// Based on the reader's start mode/search type, do the appropriate thing.
switch (msgReader.searchType)
if (gCmdLineArgVals.indexedmode)
restoreOriginalSubCode = false;
if (msgReader.subBoardCode != "mail")
console.print("Loading " + subBoardGrpAndName(msgReader.subBoardCode) + "....");
console.line_counter = 0; // To prevent a pause before the message list comes up
var txtToSearch = (gCmdLineArgVals.hasOwnProperty("searchtext") ? gCmdLineArgVals.searchtext : null);
var subBoardCode = (gCmdLineArgVals.hasOwnProperty("subboard") ? gCmdLineArgVals.subboard : null);
msgReader.SearchMsgScan("keyword_search", txtToSearch, subBoardCode);
if (!gCmdLineArgVals.suppresssearchtypetext)
msgReader.MessageAreaScan(SCAN_CFG_NEW, SCAN_NEW);
msgReader.MessageAreaScan(SCAN_CFG_NEW, SCAN_NEW, "S");
msgReader.MessageAreaScan(SCAN_CFG_NEW, SCAN_NEW, "G");
msgReader.MessageAreaScan(SCAN_CFG_NEW, SCAN_NEW, "A");
if (!gCmdLineArgVals.suppresssearchtypetext)
msgReader.MessageAreaScan(SCAN_CFG_TOYOU/*SCAN_CFG_YONLY*/, SCAN_UNREAD, "S");
msgReader.MessageAreaScan(SCAN_CFG_TOYOU/*SCAN_CFG_YONLY*/, SCAN_UNREAD, "G");
msgReader.MessageAreaScan(SCAN_CFG_TOYOU/*SCAN_CFG_YONLY*/, SCAN_UNREAD, "A");
if (!gCmdLineArgVals.suppresssearchtypetext)
msgReader.MessageAreaScan(SCAN_CFG_TOYOU, SCAN_TOYOU);
// If we should restore the user's original message area, then do so.
if (restoreOriginalSubCode)
bbs.cursub = 0;
bbs.curgrp = originalMsgGrpIdx;
bbs.cursub = originalSubBoardIdx;
// If the option to choose a message area first was enabled on the command-line
// (and neither the -subBoard nor the -personalEmail options were specified),
// then let the user choose a sub-board now.
if (gCmdLineArgVals.hasOwnProperty("chooseareafirst") && gCmdLineArgVals["chooseareafirst"] && !gCmdLineArgVals.hasOwnProperty("subboard") && !gListPersonalEmailCmdLineOpt)
// Back up the user's current sub-board so that we can change back
// to it after searching is done, if a search is done.
var originalMsgGrpIdx = bbs.curgrp;
var originalSubBoardIdx = bbs.cursub;
var restoreOriginalSubCode = true;
// Based on the reader's start mode/search type, do the appropriate thing.
switch (msgReader.searchType)
restoreOriginalSubCode = false;
if (msgReader.subBoardCode != "mail")
console.print("Loading " + subBoardGrpAndName(msgReader.subBoardCode) + "....");
console.line_counter = 0; // To prevent a pause before the message list comes up
var txtToSearch = (gCmdLineArgVals.hasOwnProperty("searchtext") ? gCmdLineArgVals.searchtext : null);
var subBoardCode = (gCmdLineArgVals.hasOwnProperty("subboard") ? gCmdLineArgVals.subboard : null);
msgReader.SearchMsgScan("keyword_search", txtToSearch, subBoardCode);
if (!gCmdLineArgVals.suppresssearchtypetext)
msgReader.MessageAreaScan(SCAN_CFG_NEW, SCAN_NEW);
msgReader.MessageAreaScan(SCAN_CFG_NEW, SCAN_NEW, "S");
msgReader.MessageAreaScan(SCAN_CFG_NEW, SCAN_NEW, "G");
msgReader.MessageAreaScan(SCAN_CFG_NEW, SCAN_NEW, "A");
if (!gCmdLineArgVals.suppresssearchtypetext)
msgReader.MessageAreaScan(SCAN_CFG_TOYOU/*SCAN_CFG_YONLY*/, SCAN_UNREAD, "S");
msgReader.MessageAreaScan(SCAN_CFG_TOYOU/*SCAN_CFG_YONLY*/, SCAN_UNREAD, "G");
msgReader.MessageAreaScan(SCAN_CFG_TOYOU/*SCAN_CFG_YONLY*/, SCAN_UNREAD, "A");
if (!gCmdLineArgVals.suppresssearchtypetext)
msgReader.MessageAreaScan(SCAN_CFG_TOYOU, SCAN_TOYOU);
// If we should restore the user's original message area, then do so.
if (restoreOriginalSubCode)
bbs.cursub = 0;
bbs.curgrp = originalMsgGrpIdx;
bbs.cursub = originalSubBoardIdx;
// Remove the temporary attachments & ANSI temp directories if they exists
......@@ -626,7 +643,10 @@ if (gDoDDMR)
// blink, etc.)
if (console.term_supports(USER_ANSI))
console.print("\x01B[0m"); // ESC[0m
// Set the original control key passthru back into the console object
console.ctrlkey_passthru = gOldCtrlKeyPassthru;
// End of script execution. Functions below:
......@@ -706,6 +726,7 @@ function DigDistMsgReader(pSubBoardCode, pScriptArgs)
this.WriteMsgListScreenTopHeader = DigDistMsgReader_WriteMsgListScreenTopHeader;
this.ReadMessageEnhanced = DigDistMsgReader_ReadMessageEnhanced;
this.ReadMessageEnhanced_Scrollable = DigDistMsgReader_ReadMessageEnhanced_Scrollable;
this.ScrollableReaderNextReadableMessage = DigDistMsgReader_ScrollableReaderNextReadableMessage;
this.ScrollReaderDetermineClickCoordAction = DigDistMsgReader_ScrollReaderDetermineClickCoordAction;
this.ReadMessageEnhanced_Traditional = DigDistMsgReader_ReadMessageEnhanced_Traditional;
this.EnhReaderPrepLast2LinesForPrompt = DigDistMsgReader_EnhReaderPrepLast2LinesForPrompt;
......@@ -725,6 +746,7 @@ function DigDistMsgReader(pSubBoardCode, pScriptArgs)
this.CanEdit = DigDistMsgReader_CanEdit;
this.CanQuote = DigDistMsgReader_CanQuote;
this.ReadConfigFile = DigDistMsgReader_ReadConfigFile;
this.ReadUserSettingsFile = DigDistMsgReader_ReadUserSettingsFile;
// TODO: Is this.DisplaySyncMsgHeader even needed anymore? Looks like it's not being called.
this.DisplaySyncMsgHeader = DigDistMsgReader_DisplaySyncMsgHeader;
this.GetMsgHdrFilenameFull = DigDistMsgReader_GetMsgHdrFilenameFull;
......@@ -1003,6 +1025,7 @@ function DigDistMsgReader(pSubBoardCode, pScriptArgs)
showVotes: "T",
closePoll: "!",
bypassSubBoardInNewScan: "B",
userSettings: CTRL_U,
threadView: "*" // TODO: Implement this
if (user.is_sysop)
......@@ -1015,6 +1038,7 @@ function DigDistMsgReader(pSubBoardCode, pScriptArgs)
editMsg: "E",
goToMsg: "G",
chgMsgArea: "C",
userSettings: CTRL_U,
quit: "Q",
showHelp: "?"
......@@ -1035,6 +1059,10 @@ function DigDistMsgReader(pSubBoardCode, pScriptArgs)
// Read the settings from the config file
this.cfgFileSuccessfullyRead = false;
this.userSettings = {
twitList: []
// Set any other values specified by the command-line parameters
// Reader start mode - Read or list mode
if (scriptArgsIsValid)
......@@ -1286,6 +1314,15 @@ function DigDistMsgReader(pSubBoardCode, pScriptArgs)
this.ValidateMsgAreaChoice = DigDistMsgReader_ValidateMsgAreaChoice;
this.ValidateMsg = DigDistMsgReader_ValidateMsg;
this.GetGroupNameAndDesc = DigDistMsgReader_GetGroupNameAndDesc;
this.DoUserSettings_Scrollable = DigDistMsgReader_DoUserSettings_Scrollable;
this.DoUserSettings_Traditional = DigDistMsgReader_DoUserSettings_Traditional;
this.RefreshMsgAreaRectangle = DigDistMsgReader_RefreshMsgAreaRectangle;
this.MsgHdrFromOrToInUserTwitlist = DigDistMsgReader_MsgHdrFromOrToInUserTwitlist;
// For indexed mode
this.DoIndexedMode = DigDistMsgReader_DoIndexedMode;
this.DoIndexedModeLightbar = DigDistMsgReader_DoIndexedModeLightbar;
this.DoIndexedModeTraditional = DigDistMsgReader_DoIndexedModeTraditional;
this.MakeLightbarIndexedModeMenu = DigDistMsgReader_MakeLightbarIndexedModeMenu;
// printf strings for message group/sub-board lists
// Message group information (printf strings)
......@@ -1435,25 +1472,11 @@ function DigDistMsgReader_PopulateHdrsForCurrentSubBoard()
// First get all headers in a temporary array, then filter them into
// this.hdrsForCurrentSubBoard.
// If get_all_msg_headers exists as a function, then use it. Otherwise,
// iterate through all message offsets and get the headers.
if (typeof(msgbase.get_all_msg_headers) === "function")
// The first parameter is whether to include votes (the parameter was introduced in Synchronet 3.17+).
// We used to pass false here.
tmpHdrs = msgbase.get_all_msg_headers(true);
tmpHdrs = [];
var msgHdr;
var numMsgs = msgbase.total_msgs;
for (var msgIdx = 0; msgIdx < numMsgs; ++msgIdx)
msgHdr = msgbase.get_msg_header(true, msgIdx, expandFields);
// Note: get_all_msg_headers() was added in Synchronet 3.16. DDMsgReader requires a minimum
// of 3.18, so we're okay to use it.
// The first parameter is whether to include votes (the parameter was introduced in Synchronet 3.17+).
// We used to pass false here.
tmpHdrs = msgbase.get_all_msg_headers(true);
......@@ -1482,11 +1505,12 @@ function DigDistMsgReader_FilterMsgHdrsIntoHdrsForCurrentSubBoard(pMsgHdrs, pCle
for (var prop in pMsgHdrs)
// Only add the message header if the message is readable to the user.
// Only add the message header if the message is readable to the user
// and the from & to name isn't in the user's personal twitlist.
// this.hdrsForCurrentSubBoardByMsgNum also has to be populated, but
// that's done later in this function, in case this.hdrsForCurrentSubBoard
// needs to be sorted.
if (isReadableMsgHdr(pMsgHdrs[prop], this.subBoardCode))
if (isReadableMsgHdr(pMsgHdrs[prop], this.subBoardCode) && !this.MsgHdrFromOrToInUserTwitlist(pMsgHdrs[prop]))
// This isn't done right here anymore due to the possibility of
......@@ -3192,7 +3216,7 @@ function DigDistMsgReader_ListMessages_Traditional(pAllowChgSubBoard)
// D: Delete a message
else if (retvalObj.userInput == "D")
else if (retvalObj.userInput == "D" || retvalObj.userInput == this.msgListKeys.deleteMessage) // KEY_DEL
if (this.CanDelete() || this.CanDeleteLastMsg())
......@@ -3210,7 +3234,7 @@ function DigDistMsgReader_ListMessages_Traditional(pAllowChgSubBoard)
// E: Edit a message
else if (retvalObj.userInput == "E")
else if (retvalObj.userInput == this.msgListKeys.editMsg) // "E"
if (this.CanEdit())
......@@ -3262,7 +3286,7 @@ function DigDistMsgReader_ListMessages_Traditional(pAllowChgSubBoard)
// C: Change to another message area (sub-board)
else if (retvalObj.userInput == "C")
else if (retvalObj.userInput == this.msgListKeys.chgMsgArea) // "C"
if (allowChgSubBoard && (this.subBoardCode != "mail"))
......@@ -3316,7 +3340,7 @@ function DigDistMsgReader_ListMessages_Traditional(pAllowChgSubBoard)
// Ctrl-D: Batch delete (for selected messages)
else if (retvalObj.userInput == CTRL_D)
else if (retvalObj.userInput == this.msgListKeys.batchDelete) // CTRL_D
......@@ -3362,6 +3386,57 @@ function DigDistMsgReader_ListMessages_Traditional(pAllowChgSubBoard)
// User settings
else if (retvalObj.userInput == this.msgListKeys.userSettings)
var continueOn = true;
var retvalObj = null;
var curpos = null; // Current character position
var lastScreen = false;
if (this.tradListTopMsgIdx == -1)
var userSettingsRetObj = this.DoUserSettings_Traditional();
retvalObj.userInput = "";
//drawMenu = userSettingsRetObj.needWholeScreenRefresh;
// In case the user changed their twitlist, re-filter the messages for this sub-board
if (userSettingsRetObj.userTwitListChanged)
console.gotoxy(1, console.screen_rows);
console.print("\x01nTwitlist changed; re-filtering..");
var tmpMsgbase = new MsgBase(this.subBoardCode);
if (
var tmpAllMsgHdrs = tmpMsgbase.get_all_msg_headers(true);
this.FilterMsgHdrsIntoHdrsForCurrentSubBoard(tmpAllMsgHdrs, true);
console.print("\x01y\x01hFailed to open the messagbase!\x01\r\n\x01p");
if (this.tradListTopMsgIdx == -1)
// If there are still messages in this sub-board, and the message offset is beyond the last
// message, then adjust the top message index as necessary.
if (this.hdrsForCurrentSubBoard.length > 0)
if (this.tradListTopMsgIdx > this.hdrsForCurrentSubBoard.length)
this.tradListTopMsgIdx = this.hdrsForCurrentSubBoard.length - this.tradMsgListNumLines;
continueOn = false;
retObj.selectedMsgOffset = -1;
if (userSettingsRetObj.needWholeScreenRefresh)
// If a message has been selected, exit out of this input loop
......@@ -3852,6 +3927,38 @@ function DigDistMsgReader_ListMessages_Lightbar(pAllowChgSubBoard)
else if (lastUserInputUpper == this.msgListKeys.userSettings)
var userSettingsRetObj = this.DoUserSettings_Scrollable();
lastUserInputUpper = "";
drawMenu = userSettingsRetObj.needWholeScreenRefresh;
// In case the user changed their twitlist, re-filter the messages for this sub-board
if (userSettingsRetObj.userTwitListChanged)
console.gotoxy(1, console.screen_rows);
console.print("\x01nTwitlist changed; re-filtering..");
var tmpMsgbase = new MsgBase(this.subBoardCode);
if (
var tmpAllMsgHdrs = tmpMsgbase.get_all_msg_headers(true);
this.FilterMsgHdrsIntoHdrsForCurrentSubBoard(tmpAllMsgHdrs, true);
console.print("\x01y\x01hFailed to open the messagbase!\x01\r\n\x01p");
msgListMenu = this.CreateLightbarMsgListMenu();
drawMenu = true;
if (userSettingsRetObj.needWholeScreenRefresh)
msgListMenu.DrawPartialAbs(userSettingsRetObj.optionBoxTopLeftX, userSettingsRetObj.optionBoxTopLeftY, userSettingsRetObj.optionBoxWidth, userSettingsRetObj.optionBoxHeight);
// S: Sorting options
else if (lastUserInputUpper == "S")
......@@ -3944,11 +4051,12 @@ function DigDistMsgReader_CreateLightbarMsgListMenu()
// Add additional keypresses for quitting the menu's input loop so we can
// respond to these keys
var additionalQuitKeys = "EeqQgGcCsS ?0123456789" + CTRL_A + CTRL_D;
// Ctrl-A: Select all messages
var additionalQuitKeys = "EeqQgGcCsS ?0123456789" + CTRL_A + this.msgListKeys.batchDelete + this.msgListKeys.userSettings;
if (this.CanDelete() || this.CanDeleteLastMsg())
additionalQuitKeys += ("uU" + KEY_DEL); // U: Undelete message
additionalQuitKeys += this.msgListKeys.deleteMessage + this.msgListKeys.undeleteMessage.toLowerCase() + this.msgListKeys.undeleteMessage.toUpperCase();
if (this.CanEdit())
additionalQuitKeys += "E";
additionalQuitKeys += this.msgListKeys.editMsg;
// Change the menu's NumItems() and GetItem() function to reference
......@@ -4385,6 +4493,7 @@ function DigDistMsgReader_PromptContinueOrReadMsg(pStart, pEnd, pAllowChgSubBoar
// the end of the message list.
var userInput = "";
var allowedKeys = "?GS"; // ? = help, G = Go to message #, S = Select message(s), Ctrl-D: Batch delete
allowedKeys += this.msgListKeys.userSettings;
if (allowChgSubBoard)
allowedKeys += "C"; // Change to another message area
if (this.CanDelete() || this.CanDeleteLastMsg())
......@@ -5154,59 +5263,12 @@ function DigDistMsgReader_ReadMessageEnhanced_Scrollable(msgHeader, allowChgMsgA
// if we don't find one, we'll still want to return from this
// function (with message index -1) so that this script can go
// onto the next message sub-board/group.
retObj.newMsgOffset = this.FindNextNonDeletedMsgIdx(pOffset, true);
// Note: Unlike the left arrow key, we want to exit this method when
// navigating to the next message, regardless of whether or not the
// user is allowed to change to a different sub-board, so that processes
// that require continuation (such as new message scan) can continue.
// Still, if there are no more readable messages in the current sub-board
// (and thus the user would go onto the next message area), prompt the
// user whether they want to continue onto the next message area.
if (retObj.newMsgOffset == -1 && !curMsgSubBoardIsLast())
// For personal mail, don't do anything, and don't refresh the
// message. In a sub-board, ask the user if they want to go
// to the next one.
if (this.readingPersonalEmail)
writeMessage = false;
// If configured to allow the user to post in the sub-board
// instead of going to the next message area and we're not
// scanning, then do so.
if (this.readingPostOnSubBoardInsteadOfGoToNext && !this.doingMsgScan)
// Ask the user if they want to post on the sub-board.
// If they say yes, then do so before exiting.
var grpNameAndDesc = this.GetGroupNameAndDesc();
if (!console.noyes(replaceAtCodesInStr(format(this.text.postOnSubBoard, grpNameAndDesc.grpName, grpNameAndDesc.grpDesc))))
continueOn = false;
retObj.nextAction = ACTION_QUIT;
// Prompt the user whether they want to go to the next message area
if (this.EnhReaderPromptYesNo(replaceAtCodesInStr(this.text.goToNextMsgAreaPromptText), msgInfo.messageLines, topMsgLineIdx, msgLineFormatStr, solidBlockStartRow, numSolidScrollBlocks))
// Let this method exit and let the caller go to the next sub-board
continueOn = false;
retObj.nextAction = ACTION_GO_NEXT_MSG;
writeMessage = false; // No need to refresh the message
// We're not at the end of the sub-board, so it's okay to exit this
// method and go to the next message.
continueOn = false;
retObj.nextAction = ACTION_GO_NEXT_MSG;
var findNextMsgRetObj = this.ScrollableReaderNextReadableMessage(pOffset, msgInfo, topMsgLineIdx, msgLineFormatStr, solidBlockStartRow, numSolidScrollBlocks);
if (findNextMsgRetObj.newMsgOffset > -1)
retObj.newMsgOffset = findNextMsgRetObj.newMsgOffset;
writeMessage = findNextMsgRetObj.writeMessage;
continueOn = findNextMsgRetObj.continueOn;
retObj.nextAction = findNextMsgRetObj.nextAction;
// First & last message: Quit out of this input loop and let the
// calling function, this.ReadMessages(), handle the action.
......@@ -5370,10 +5432,8 @@ function DigDistMsgReader_ReadMessageEnhanced_Scrollable(msgHeader, allowChgMsgA
// Refresh the last 2 lines of the message on the screen to overwrite
// the file save prompt
this.DisplayEnhReaderError("", msgInfo.messageLines, topMsgLineIdx, msgLineFormatStr);
writeMessage = false; // Don't write the whole message again
writeMessage = false;
writeMessage = false; // Don't write the whole message again
case this.enhReaderKeys.userEdit: // Edit the user who wrote the message
if (user.is_sysop)
......@@ -5652,6 +5712,68 @@ function DigDistMsgReader_ReadMessageEnhanced_Scrollable(msgHeader, allowChgMsgA
writeMessage = false;
case this.enhReaderKeys.userSettings:
var userSettingsRetObj = this.DoUserSettings_Scrollable();
retObj.lastKeypress = "";
writeMessage = userSettingsRetObj.needWholeScreenRefresh;
// In case the user changed their twitlist, re-filter the messages for this sub-board
if (userSettingsRetObj.userTwitListChanged)
console.gotoxy(1, console.screen_rows);
console.print("\x01nTwitlist changed; re-filtering..");
var tmpMsgbase = new MsgBase(this.subBoardCode);
if (
continueOn = false;
writeMessage = false;
var tmpAllMsgHdrs = tmpMsgbase.get_all_msg_headers(true);
this.FilterMsgHdrsIntoHdrsForCurrentSubBoard(tmpAllMsgHdrs, true);
// If the user is currently reading a message a message by someone who is now
// in their twit list, change the message currently being viewed.
if (this.MsgHdrFromOrToInUserTwitlist(msgHeader))
var findNextMsgRetObj = this.ScrollableReaderNextReadableMessage(pOffset, msgInfo, topMsgLineIdx, msgLineFormatStr, solidBlockStartRow, numSolidScrollBlocks);
if (findNextMsgRetObj.newMsgOffset > -1)
retObj.newMsgOffset = findNextMsgRetObj.newMsgOffset;
retObj.nextAction = ACTION_GO_SPECIFIC_MSG;
retObj.nextAction = ACTION_GO_NEXT_MSG_AREA;
// If there are still messages in this sub-board, and the message offset is beyond the last
// message, then show the last message in the sub-board. Otherwise, go to the next message area.
if (this.hdrsForCurrentSubBoard.length > 0)
if (pOffset > this.hdrsForCurrentSubBoard.length)
retObj.newMsgOffset = this.hdrsForCurrentSubBoard.length - 1;
retObj.nextAction = ACTION_GO_SPECIFIC_MSG;
retObj.nextAction = ACTION_GO_NEXT_MSG_AREA;
console.print("\x01y\x01hFailed to open the messagbase!\x01\r\n\x01p");
writeMessage = true;
if (userSettingsRetObj.needWholeScreenRefresh)
this.DisplayEnhancedMsgHdr(msgHeader, pOffset+1, 1);
this.DisplayEnhancedReaderWholeScrollbar(solidBlockStartRow, numSolidScrollBlocks);
this.DisplayEnhancedMsgReadHelpLine(console.screen_rows, allowChgMsgArea);
this.RefreshMsgAreaRectangle(msgInfo.messageLines, topMsgLineIdx, userSettingsRetObj.optionBoxTopLeftX, userSettingsRetObj.optionBoxTopLeftY, userSettingsRetObj.optionBoxWidth, userSettingsRetObj.optionBoxHeight);
case this.enhReaderKeys.quit: // Quit
retObj.nextAction = ACTION_QUIT;
continueOn = false;
......@@ -5664,6 +5786,91 @@ function DigDistMsgReader_ReadMessageEnhanced_Scrollable(msgHeader, allowChgMsgA
return retObj;
// Helper method for ReadMessageEnhanced_Scrollable(): Determines if there is a readable message after the
// one at the given offset.
// Parameters:
// pOfset: The offset of the current message
// pMsgInfo: An object contaiining message information
// pTopMsgLineIdx: The index of the message line at the top of the reader area
// pMsgLineFormatStr: A format string for the message line
// pSolidBlockStartRow: The screen row of where the solid blocks start for the scrollbar
// pNumSolidScrollBlocks: The number of solid blocks in the scrollbar
// Return value: An object containing the following properties:
// newMsgOffset: The offset of the next readable message, if available. If not available, this will be -1.
// writeMessage: Boolean - Whether or not to write the whole message again (for the scrollable interface)
// continueOn: Boolean - Whether or not to continue with the reader input loop
// nextAction: A value indicating the next action for the reader to take after leaving the reader function
function DigDistMsgReader_ScrollableReaderNextReadableMessage(pOffset, pMsgInfo, pTopMsgLineIdx, pMsgLineFormatStr, pSolidBlockStartRow, pNumSolidScrollBlocks)
var retObj = {
newMsgOffset: -1,
writeMessage: true,
continueOn: true,
nextAction: ACTION_NONE
// Look for a later message that isn't marked for deletion. Even
// if we don't find one, we'll still want to return from this
// function (with message index -1) so that this script can go
// onto the next message sub-board/group.
retObj.newMsgOffset = this.FindNextNonDeletedMsgIdx(pOffset, true);
// Note: Unlike the left arrow key, we want to exit this method when
// navigating to the next message, regardless of whether or not the
// user is allowed to change to a different sub-board, so that processes
// that require continuation (such as new message scan) can continue.
// Still, if there are no more readable messages in the current sub-board
// (and thus the user would go onto the next message area), prompt the
// user whether they want to continue onto the next message area.
if (retObj.newMsgOffset == -1 && !curMsgSubBoardIsLast())
// For personal mail, don't do anything, and don't refresh the
// message. In a sub-board, ask the user if they want to go
// to the next one.
if (this.readingPersonalEmail)
retObj.writeMessage = false;
// If configured to allow the user to post in the sub-board
// instead of going to the next message area and we're not
// scanning, then do so.
if (this.readingPostOnSubBoardInsteadOfGoToNext && !this.doingMsgScan)
// Ask the user if they want to post on the sub-board.
// If they say yes, then do so before exiting.
var grpNameAndDesc = this.GetGroupNameAndDesc();
if (!console.noyes(replaceAtCodesInStr(format(this.text.postOnSubBoard, grpNameAndDesc.grpName, grpNameAndDesc.grpDesc))))
retObj.continueOn = false;
retObj.nextAction = ACTION_QUIT;
// Prompt the user whether they want to go to the next message area
if (this.EnhReaderPromptYesNo(replaceAtCodesInStr(this.text.goToNextMsgAreaPromptText), pMsgInfo.messageLines, pTopMsgLineIdx, pMsgLineFormatStr, pSolidBlockStartRow, pNumSolidScrollBlocks))
// Let this method exit and let the caller go to the next sub-board
retObj.continueOn = false;
retObj.nextAction = ACTION_GO_NEXT_MSG;
retObj.writeMessage = false; // No need to refresh the message
// We're not at the end of the sub-board, so it's okay to exit this
// method and go to the next message.
retObj.continueOn = false;
retObj.nextAction = ACTION_GO_NEXT_MSG;
return retObj;
// Helper method for ReadMessageEnhanced() - Determines the next keypress for a click
// coordinate outside the scroll area.
......@@ -6497,28 +6704,81 @@ function DigDistMsgReader_ReadMessageEnhanced_Traditional(msgHeader, allowChgMsg
writeMessage = false;
case this.enhReaderKeys.quit: // Quit
retObj.nextAction = ACTION_QUIT;
continueOn = false;
// No need to do anything
writeMessage = false;
writePromptText = false;
return retObj;
// For the ReadMessageEnhanced methods: This function converts a thread navigation
// key character to its corresponding thread type value
function keypressToThreadType(pKeypress, pEnhReaderKeys)
var threadType = THREAD_BY_ID;
switch (pKeypress)
case this.enhReaderKeys.userSettings:
var userSettingsRetObj = this.DoUserSettings_Traditional();
// In case the user changed their twitlist, re-filter the messages for this sub-board
if (userSettingsRetObj.userTwitListChanged)
console.print("\x01nTwitlist changed; re-filtering..");
var tmpMsgbase = new MsgBase(this.subBoardCode);
if (
continueOn = false;
writeMessage = false;
var tmpAllMsgHdrs = tmpMsgbase.get_all_msg_headers(true);
this.FilterMsgHdrsIntoHdrsForCurrentSubBoard(tmpAllMsgHdrs, true);
// If the user is currently reading a message a message by someone who is now
// in their twit list, change the message currently being viewed.
if (this.MsgHdrFromOrToInUserTwitlist(msgHeader))
var newReadableMsgOffset = this.FindNextNonDeletedMsgIdx(pOffset, true);
if (newReadableMsgOffset > -1)
retObj.newMsgOffset = newReadableMsgOffset;
retObj.offsetValid = true;
retObj.nextAction = ACTION_GO_SPECIFIC_MSG;
retObj.nextAction = ACTION_GO_NEXT_MSG_AREA;
// If there are still messages in this sub-board, and the message offset is beyond the last
// message, then show the last message in the sub-board. Otherwise, go to the next message area.
if (this.hdrsForCurrentSubBoard.length > 0)
if (pOffset > this.hdrsForCurrentSubBoard.length)
retObj.newMsgOffset = this.hdrsForCurrentSubBoard.length - 1;
retObj.offsetValid = true;
retObj.nextAction = ACTION_GO_SPECIFIC_MSG;
retObj.nextAction = ACTION_GO_NEXT_MSG_AREA;
console.print("\x01y\x01hFailed to open the messagbase!\x01\r\n\x01p");
writeMessage = true;
case this.enhReaderKeys.quit: // Quit
retObj.nextAction = ACTION_QUIT;
continueOn = false;
// No need to do anything
writeMessage = false;
writePromptText = false;
return retObj;
// For the ReadMessageEnhanced methods: This function converts a thread navigation
// key character to its corresponding thread type value
function keypressToThreadType(pKeypress, pEnhReaderKeys)
var threadType = THREAD_BY_ID;
switch (pKeypress)
case pEnhReaderKeys.prevMsgByTitle:
case pEnhReaderKeys.nextMsgByTitle:
threadType = THREAD_BY_TITLE;
......@@ -7111,7 +7371,7 @@ function DigDistMsgReader_ListScreenfulOfMessages(pTopIndex, pMaxLines)
// Get the message header (it will be a MsgHeader object) and
// display it.
msgHeader = this.GetMsgHdrByIdx(msgIndex, this.showScoresInMsgList);
var msgHeader = this.GetMsgHdrByIdx(msgIndex, this.showScoresInMsgList);
if (msgHeader == null)
......@@ -7969,6 +8229,112 @@ function DigDistMsgReader_ReadConfigFile()
// For the DigDistMsgReader class: Reads the user settings file
// Parameters:
// pOnlyTwitlist: Optional boolean - Whether or not to only read the user's twitlist. Defaults to false.
function DigDistMsgReader_ReadUserSettingsFile(pOnlyTwitlist)
var onlyTwitList = (typeof(pOnlyTwitlist) === "boolean" ? pOnlyTwitlist : false);
// Open the user's personal twit list file, if it exists
var userTwitlistFile = new File(gUserTwitListFilename);
if ("r"))
while (!userTwitlistFile.eof)
// Read the next line from the config file.
var fileLine = userTwitlistFile.readln(2048);
// fileLine should be a string, but I've seen some cases
// where for some reason it isn't. If it's not a string,
// then continue onto the next line.
if (typeof(fileLine) != "string")
// If the line starts with with a semicolon (the comment
// character) or is blank, then skip it.
if ((fileLine.substr(0, 1) == ";") || (fileLine.length == 0))
// In case there are any commas, split on commas. Add all names to the user's twitlist
var names = fileLine.split(",");
for (var i = 0; i < names.length; ++i)
var twitListNameEntry = names[i].trim().toLowerCase(); // Lowercase for case-insensitive comparisons
if (twitListNameEntry.length > 0)
if (!onlyTwitList)
// Open the user settings file, if it exists
var userSettingsFile = new File(gUserSettingsFilename);
if ("r"))
var settingsMode = "behavior";
var equalsPos = 0; // Position of a = in the line
var commentPos = 0; // Position of the start of a comment
var setting = null; // A setting name (string)
var settingUpper = null; // Upper-case setting name
var value = null; // A value for a setting (string)
var valueUpper = null; // Upper-cased value
while (!userSettingsFile.eof)
// Read the next line from the config file.
var fileLine = userSettingsFile.readln(2048);
// fileLine should be a string, but I've seen some cases
// where for some reason it isn't. If it's not a string,
// then continue onto the next line.
if (typeof(fileLine) != "string")
// If the line starts with with a semicolon (the comment
// character) or is blank, then skip it.
if ((fileLine.substr(0, 1) == ";") || (fileLine.length == 0))
// If in the "behavior" section, then set the behavior-related variables.
if (fileLine.toUpperCase() == "[BEHAVIOR]")
settingsMode = "behavior";
// If the line has a semicolon anywhere in it, then remove
// everything from the semicolon onward.
commentPos = fileLine.indexOf(";");
if (commentPos > -1)
fileLine = fileLine.substr(0, commentPos);
// Look for an equals sign, and if found, separate the line
// into the setting name (before the =) and the value (after the
// equals sign).
equalsPos = fileLine.indexOf("=");
if (equalsPos > 0)
// Read the setting & value, and trim leading & trailing spaces.
setting = trimSpaces(fileLine.substr(0, equalsPos), true, false, true);
settingUpper = setting.toUpperCase();
value = trimSpaces(fileLine.substr(equalsPos+1), true, false, true);
valueUpper = value.toUpperCase();
if (settingsMode == "behavior")
if (settingUpper == "SOMETHING")
this.userSettings.something = (valueUpper == "TRUE");
// For the DigDistMsgReader class: Lets the user edit an existing message.
// Parameters:
......@@ -9399,20 +9765,6 @@ function DigDistMsgReader_ReplyToMsg(pMsgHdr, pMsgText, pPrivate, pMsgIdx)
msgBaseInfoFile.writeln(this.NumMessages(msgbase).toString()); // Total # messages
// Message number (Note: For SlyEdit, requires SlyEdit 1.27 or newer).
msgBaseInfoFile.writeln(pMsgHdr.number.toString()); // # of the message being read (New: 2013-05-14)
// Old: Using either the message number or offset:
// Message number/offset:
// If the Synchronet version is at least 3.16 and the Synchronet compile
// date is at least May 12, 2013, then use bbs.msg_number. Otherwise,
// use bbs.smb_curmsg. bbs.msg_number is the absolute message number and
// is always accurate, but bbs.msg_number only works properly in the
// Synchronet 3.16 daily builds starting on May 12, 2013, which was right
// after Digital Man committed his fix to make bbs.msg_number work properly.
if ((system.version_num >= 3.16) && gSyncCompileDateAtLeast2013_05_12)
msgBaseInfoFile.writeln(pMsgHdr.number.toString()); // # of the message being read (New: 2013-05-14)
msgBaseInfoFile.writeln(pOffset.toString()); // Offset of the message (for older builds of Synchronet)
msgBaseInfoFile.writeln(this.subBoardCode); // Sub-board code
......@@ -9475,20 +9827,9 @@ function DigDistMsgReader_ReplyToMsg(pMsgHdr, pMsgText, pPrivate, pMsgIdx)
else if (this.hdrsForCurrentSubBoard.length > 0)
if (typeof(msgbase.get_all_msg_headers) === "function")
// Pass false to get_all_msg_headers() to tell it not to return vote messages
// (the parameter was introduced in Synchronet 3.17+)
this.FilterMsgHdrsIntoHdrsForCurrentSubBoard(msgbase.get_all_msg_headers(true), true);
// Can't use get_all_msg_headers(). Also, append the new message
// headers to the end of this.hdrsForCurrentSubBoard and
// this.hdrsForCurrentSubBoardByMsgNum.
var msgHeaders = searchMsgbase(this.subBoardCode, this.searchType, this.searchString, this.readingPersonalEmailFromUser, numMessagesBefore, msgbase.total_msgs);
this.FilterMsgHdrsIntoHdrsForCurrentSubBoard(msgHeaders.indexed, false);
// Pass false to get_all_msg_headers() to tell it not to return vote messages
// (the parameter was introduced in Synchronet 3.17+)
this.FilterMsgHdrsIntoHdrsForCurrentSubBoard(msgbase.get_all_msg_headers(true), true);
......@@ -9691,6 +10032,7 @@ function DigDistMsgReader_DisplayEnhancedReaderHelp(pDisplayChgAreaOpt, pDisplay
"\x01h\x01cPageUp\x01g/\x01cPageDown \x01g: \x01n\x01cScroll up\x01g/\x01cdown a page in the message",
"\x01h\x01cHOME \x01g: \x01n\x01cGo to the top of the message",
"\x01h\x01cEND \x01g: \x01n\x01cGo to the bottom of the message"];
keyHelpLines.push("\x01h\x01cCtrl-U \x01g: \x01n\x01cUser settings (including personal twit list)");
if (user.is_sysop)
keyHelpLines.push("\x01h\x01cDEL \x01g: \x01n\x01cDelete the current message");
......@@ -13043,6 +13385,290 @@ function DigDistMsgReader_GetGroupNameAndDesc()
return retObj;
// For the DigDistMsgReader class: Lets the user manage their preferences/settings (scrollable/ANSI user interface).
// Return value: An object containing the following properties:
// needWholeScreenRefresh: Boolean - Whether or not the whole screen needs to be
// refreshed (i.e., when the user has edited their twitlist)
// optionBoxTopLeftX: The top-left screen column of the option box
// optionBoxTopLeftY: The top-left screen row of the option box
// optionBoxWidth: The width of the option box
// optionBoxHeight: The height of the option box
// userTwitListChanged: Boolean - Whether or not the user's personal twit list changed
function DigDistMsgReader_DoUserSettings_Scrollable()
var retObj = {
needWholeScreenRefresh: false,
optionBoxTopLeftX: 1,
optionBoxTopLeftY: 1,
optionBoxWidth: 0,
optionBoxHeight: 0,
userTwitListChanged: false
if (!canDoHighASCIIAndANSI())
return retObj;
// Save the user's current settings so that we can check them later to see if any
// of them changed, in order to determine whether to save the user's settings file.
var originalSettings = {};
for (var prop in gUserSettings)
if (gUserSettings.hasOwnProperty(prop))
originalSettings[prop] = gUserSettings[prop];
// Create the user settings box
var optBoxTitle = "Setting Enabled";
var optBoxWidth = ChoiceScrollbox_MinWidth();
var optBoxHeight = 10;
var optBoxStartX = this.msgAreaLeft + Math.floor((this.msgAreaWidth/2) - (optBoxWidth/2));
if (optBoxStartX < this.msgAreaLeft)
optBoxStartX = this.msgAreaLeft;
var optionBox = new ChoiceScrollbox(optBoxStartX, this.msgAreaTop+1, optBoxWidth, optBoxHeight, optBoxTitle,
null/*gConfigSettings*/, false, true);
// Update the bottom help text to be more specific to the user settings box
var bottomBorderText = "\x01n\x01h\x01c" + UP_ARROW + "\x01b, \x01c" + DOWN_ARROW + "\x01b, \x01cEnter\x01y=\x01bSelect\x01n\x01c/\x01h\x01btoggle, "
+ "\x01cESC\x01n\x01c/\x01hQ\x01n\x01c/\x01hCtrl-U\x01y=\x01bClose";
// This one contains the page navigation keys.. Don't really need to show those,
// since the settings box only has one page right now:
/*var bottomBorderText = "\x01n\x01h\x01c"+ UP_ARROW + "\x01b, \x01c"+ DOWN_ARROW + "\x01b, \x01cN\x01y)\x01bext, \x01cP\x01y)\x01brev, "
+ "\x01cF\x01y)\x01birst, \x01cL\x01y)\x01bast, \x01cEnter\x01y=\x01bSelect, "
+ "\x01cESC\x01n\x01c/\x01hQ\x01n\x01c/\x01hCtrl-U\x01y=\x01bClose";*/
optionBox.setBottomBorderText(bottomBorderText, true, false);
// Add the options to the option box
const checkIdx = 48;
//const TAGLINE_OPT_INDEX = optionBox.addTextItem("Taglines [ ]");
//if (this.userSettings.twitList.enableTaglines)
// optionBox.chgCharInTextItem(TAGLINE_OPT_INDEX, checkIdx, CHECK_CHAR);
// Create an object containing toggle values (true/false) for each option index
var optionToggles = {};
//optionToggles[TAGLINE_OPT_INDEX] = this.userSettings.enableTaglines;
// Other actions
var USER_TWITLIST_OPT_INDEX = optionBox.addTextItem("Personal twit list");
// Set up the enter key in the box to toggle the selected item.
optionBox.readerObj = this;
optionBox.setEnterKeyOverrideFn(function(pBox) {
var itemIndex = pBox.getChosenTextItemIndex();
if (itemIndex > -1)
// If there's an option for the chosen item, then update the text on the
// screen depending on whether the option is enabled or not.
if (optionToggles.hasOwnProperty(itemIndex))
// Toggle the option and refresh it on the screen
optionToggles[itemIndex] = !optionToggles[itemIndex];
if (optionToggles[itemIndex])
optionBox.chgCharInTextItem(itemIndex, checkIdx, CHECK_CHAR);
optionBox.chgCharInTextItem(itemIndex, checkIdx, " ");
optionBox.refreshItemCharOnScreen(itemIndex, checkIdx);
// Toggle the setting for the user in global user setting object.
switch (itemIndex)
// this.userSettings.enableTaglines = !this.userSettings.enableTaglines;
// break;
// For options that aren't on/off toggle options, take the appropriate action.
switch (itemIndex)
// break;
console.clear("\x01n", false);
// Re-read the user's twitlist and see if the user's twitlist changed
var oldUserTwitList = this.readerObj.userSettings.twitList;
this.readerObj.userSettings.twitList = [];
retObj.userTwitListChanged = !arraysHaveSameValues(this.readerObj.userSettings.twitList, oldUserTwitList);
optionBox.continueInputLoopOverride = false; // Exit the input loop of the option box
retObj.needWholeScreenRefresh = true;
}); // Option box enter key override function
// Display the option box and have it do its input loop
var boxRetObj = optionBox.doInputLoop(true);
// If the user changed any of their settings, then save the user settings.
// If the save fails, then output an error message.
var settingsChanged = false;
for (var prop in this.userSettings)
if (this.userSettings.hasOwnProperty(prop))
//settingsChanged = (originalSettings[prop] != this.userSettings[prop]);
if (settingsChanged)
if (settingsChanged)
if (!WriteUserSettingsFile(this.userSettings))
writeMsgOntBtmHelpLineWithPause("\x01n\x01y\x01hFailed to save settings!\x01n", ERRORMSG_PAUSE_MS);
// Prepare return object values and return
retObj.optionBoxTopLeftX = optionBox.dimensions.topLeftX;
retObj.optionBoxTopLeftY = optionBox.dimensions.topLeftY;
retObj.optionBoxWidth = optionBox.dimensions.width;
retObj.optionBoxHeight = optionBox.dimensions.height;
return retObj;
// For the DigDistMsgReader class: Lets the user manage their preferences/settings (traditional user interface)
// Return value: An object containing the following properties:
// needWholeScreenRefresh: Boolean - Whether or not the whole screen needs to be
// refreshed (i.e., when the user has edited their twitlist)
// optionBoxTopLeftX: The top-left screen column of the option box
// optionBoxTopLeftY: The top-left screen row of the option box
// optionBoxWidth: The width of the option box
// optionBoxHeight: The height of the option box
// userTwitListChanged: Boolean - Whether or not the user's personal twit list changed
function DigDistMsgReader_DoUserSettings_Traditional()
var retObj = {
needWholeScreenRefresh: true,
optionBoxTopLeftX: 1,
optionBoxTopLeftY: 1,
optionBoxWidth: 0,
optionBoxHeight: 0,
userTwitListChanged: false
console.print("\x01n\x01c\x01hU\x01n\x01cser \x01hS\x01n\x01cettings\x01n\r\n");
console.print("\x01c\x01h1\x01g: \x01n\x01c\x01hP\x01n\x01cersonal \x01ht\x01n\x01cwit list\x01n\r\n");
console.print("\x01cYour choice (\x01hQ\x01n\x01c: Quit)\x01h: \x01g");
var userChoiceNum = console.getnum(HIGHEST_CHOICE_NUM);
var userChoiceStr = userChoiceNum.toString().toUpperCase();
if (userChoiceStr.length == 0 || userChoiceStr == "Q")
return retObj;
switch (userChoiceNum)
// Re-read the user's twitlist and see if the user's twitlist changed
var oldUserTwitList = this.userSettings.twitList;
this.userSettings.twitList = [];
retObj.userTwitListChanged = !arraysHaveSameValues(this.userSettings.twitList, oldUserTwitList);
retObj.needWholeScreenRefresh = true;
return retObj;
// For the DigDistMsgReader class: Starts indexed mode
function DigDistMsgReader_DoIndexedMode()
if (this.msgListUseLightbarListInterface && canDoHighASCIIAndANSI())
function DigDistMsgReader_DoIndexedModeLightbar()
// Stuff for DDMsgReader "Indexed" reader mode:
for (var grpIdx = 0; grpIdx < msg_area.grp_list.length; ++grpIdx)
console.print(msg_area.grp_list[grpIdx].name + " - " + msg_area.grp_list[grpIdx].description + ":\r\n");
for (var subIdx = 0; subIdx < msg_area.grp_list[grpIdx].sub_list.length; ++subIdx)
//console.print(" " + msg_area.grp_list[grpIdx].sub_list[subIdx].name + " - " + msg_area.grp_list[grpIdx].sub_list[subIdx].description + "\r\n");
// scan_ptr: user's current new message scan pointer (highest-read message number)
var displayThisSub = false;
// posts: number of messages currently posted to this sub-board (introduced in v3.18c)
var totalNumMsgsInSub = msg_area.grp_list[grpIdx].sub_list[subIdx].posts;
var newMsgsInSub = 0;
if (typeof(msg_area.grp_list[grpIdx].sub_list[subIdx].scan_ptr) === "number")
var msgbase = new MsgBase(msg_area.grp_list[grpIdx].sub_list[subIdx].code);
if (
//displayThisSub = (msg_area.grp_list[grpIdx].sub_list[subIdx].scan_ptr < msgbase.last_msg);
if (msg_area.grp_list[grpIdx].sub_list[subIdx].scan_ptr < msgbase.last_msg)
displayThisSub = true;
var msgIdx = msgbase.get_msg_index(false, msg_area.grp_list[grpIdx].sub_list[subIdx].scan_ptr, false);
if (msgIdx != null)
newMsgsInSub = msg_area.grp_list[grpIdx].sub_list[subIdx].posts - msgIdx.offset;
if (newMsgsInSub < 0) newMsgsInSub = 0;
// last_read: user's last-read message number
if (typeof(msg_area.grp_list[grpIdx].sub_list[subIdx].last_read) === "number")
if (displayThisSub)
var descWidth = 50;
var numMsgsWidth = 5;
var numNewMsgsWidth = 5;
var formatStr = "%-" + descWidth + "s %" + numMsgsWidth + "s %" + numNewMsgsWidth + "s";
var subDesc = msg_area.grp_list[grpIdx].sub_list[subIdx].name + " - " + msg_area.grp_list[grpIdx].sub_list[subIdx].description;
subDesc = subDesc.substr(0, descWidth);
printf(formatStr + "\r\n", "Description", "Total", "New");
printf(formatStr + "\r\n", subDesc, totalNumMsgsInSub, newMsgsInSub);
function DigDistMsgReader_DoIndexedModeTraditional()
function DigDistMsgReader_MakeLightbarIndexedModeMenu()
// For the DigDistMsgReader class: Writes message lines to a file on the BBS
// machine.
......@@ -13991,26 +14617,23 @@ function DigDistMsgReader_VoteOnMessage(pMsgHdr, pRemoveNLsFromVoteText)
if (this.hdrsForCurrentSubBoardByMsgNum.hasOwnProperty(pMsgHdr.number))
var originalMsgIdx = this.hdrsForCurrentSubBoardByMsgNum[pMsgHdr.number];
if (typeof(msgbase.get_all_msg_headers) === "function")
var tmpHdrs = msgbase.get_all_msg_headers(true);
if (tmpHdrs.hasOwnProperty(pMsgHdr.number))
var tmpHdrs = msgbase.get_all_msg_headers(true);
if (tmpHdrs.hasOwnProperty(pMsgHdr.number))
this.hdrsForCurrentSubBoard[originalMsgIdx] = tmpHdrs[pMsgHdr.number];
// Originally, this script assigned retObj.updatedHdr as follows:
//retObj.updatedHdr = pMsgHdr;
// However, after an update, there were a couple errors that total_votes and upvotes
// were read-only, so it wuldn't assign to them, so now we copy pMsgHdr this way:
retObj.updatedHdr = {};
for (var prop in pMsgHdr)
retObj.updatedHdr[prop] = pMsgHdr[prop];
if (this.hdrsForCurrentSubBoard[originalMsgIdx].hasOwnProperty("total_votes"))
retObj.updatedHdr.total_votes = this.hdrsForCurrentSubBoard[originalMsgIdx].total_votes;
if (this.hdrsForCurrentSubBoard[originalMsgIdx].hasOwnProperty("upvotes"))
retObj.updatedHdr.upvotes = this.hdrsForCurrentSubBoard[originalMsgIdx].upvotes;
if (this.hdrsForCurrentSubBoard[originalMsgIdx].hasOwnProperty("tally"))
retObj.updatedHdr.tally = this.hdrsForCurrentSubBoard[originalMsgIdx].tally;
this.hdrsForCurrentSubBoard[originalMsgIdx] = tmpHdrs[pMsgHdr.number];
// Originally, this script assigned retObj.updatedHdr as follows:
//retObj.updatedHdr = pMsgHdr;
// However, after an update, there were a couple errors that total_votes and upvotes
// were read-only, so it wuldn't assign to them, so now we copy pMsgHdr this way:
retObj.updatedHdr = {};
for (var prop in pMsgHdr)
retObj.updatedHdr[prop] = pMsgHdr[prop];
if (this.hdrsForCurrentSubBoard[originalMsgIdx].hasOwnProperty("total_votes"))
retObj.updatedHdr.total_votes = this.hdrsForCurrentSubBoard[originalMsgIdx].total_votes;
if (this.hdrsForCurrentSubBoard[originalMsgIdx].hasOwnProperty("upvotes"))
retObj.updatedHdr.upvotes = this.hdrsForCurrentSubBoard[originalMsgIdx].upvotes;
if (this.hdrsForCurrentSubBoard[originalMsgIdx].hasOwnProperty("tally"))
retObj.updatedHdr.tally = this.hdrsForCurrentSubBoard[originalMsgIdx].tally;
......@@ -14102,26 +14725,23 @@ function DigDistMsgReader_GetUpvoteAndDownvoteInfo(pMsgHdr)
var msgbase = new MsgBase(this.subBoardCode);
if (
if (typeof(msgbase.get_all_msg_headers) === "function")
// Pass true to get_all_msg_headers() to tell it to return vote messages
// (the parameter was introduced in Synchronet 3.17+)
var tmpHdrs = msgbase.get_all_msg_headers(true);
for (var tmpProp in tmpHdrs)
// Pass true to get_all_msg_headers() to tell it to return vote messages
// (the parameter was introduced in Synchronet 3.17+)
var tmpHdrs = msgbase.get_all_msg_headers(true);
for (var tmpProp in tmpHdrs)
if (tmpHdrs[tmpProp] == null)
// If this header's thread_back or reply_id matches the poll message
// number, then append the 'user voted' string to the message body.
if ((tmpHdrs[tmpProp].thread_back == pMsgHdr.number) || (tmpHdrs[tmpProp].reply_id ==
if (tmpHdrs[tmpProp] == null)
// If this header's thread_back or reply_id matches the poll message
// number, then append the 'user voted' string to the message body.
if ((tmpHdrs[tmpProp].thread_back == pMsgHdr.number) || (tmpHdrs[tmpProp].reply_id ==
var tmpMessageBody = msgbase.get_msg_body(false, tmpHdrs[tmpProp].number, false, false, true, true);
if ((tmpHdrs[tmpProp].field_list.length == 0) && (tmpMessageBody.length == 0))
var tmpMessageBody = msgbase.get_msg_body(false, tmpHdrs[tmpProp].number, false, false, true, true);
if ((tmpHdrs[tmpProp].field_list.length == 0) && (tmpMessageBody.length == 0))
var msgWrittenLocalTime = msgWrittenTimeToLocalBBSTime(tmpHdrs[tmpProp]);
var voteDate = strftime("%a %b %d %Y %H:%M:%S", msgWrittenLocalTime);
voteInfo.push("\x01n\x01c\x01h" + tmpHdrs[tmpProp].from + "\x01n\x01c voted on this message on " + voteDate + "\x01n");
var msgWrittenLocalTime = msgWrittenTimeToLocalBBSTime(tmpHdrs[tmpProp]);
var voteDate = strftime("%a %b %d %Y %H:%M:%S", msgWrittenLocalTime);
voteInfo.push("\x01n\x01c\x01h" + tmpHdrs[tmpProp].from + "\x01n\x01c voted on this message on " + voteDate + "\x01n");
......@@ -14243,37 +14863,34 @@ function DigDistMsgReader_GetMsgBody(pMsgHdr)
// Check all the messages in the messagebase after the current one
// to find poll response messages
if (typeof(msgbase.get_all_msg_headers) === "function")
// Get the line from text.dat for writing who voted & when. It
// is a format string and should look something like this:
//"\r\n\x01n\x01hOn %s, in \x01c%s \x01n\x01c%s\r\n\x01h\x01m%s voted in your poll: \x01n\x01h%s\r\n" 787 PollVoteNotice
var userVotedInYourPollText = bbs.text(typeof(PollVoteNotice) != "undefined" ? PollVoteNotice : 787);
// Pass true to get_all_msg_headers() to tell it to return vote messages
// (the parameter was introduced in Synchronet 3.17+)
var tmpHdrs = msgbase.get_all_msg_headers(true);
for (var tmpProp in tmpHdrs)
// Get the line from text.dat for writing who voted & when. It
// is a format string and should look something like this:
//"\r\n\x01n\x01hOn %s, in \x01c%s \x01n\x01c%s\r\n\x01h\x01m%s voted in your poll: \x01n\x01h%s\r\n" 787 PollVoteNotice
var userVotedInYourPollText = bbs.text(typeof(PollVoteNotice) != "undefined" ? PollVoteNotice : 787);
// Pass true to get_all_msg_headers() to tell it to return vote messages
// (the parameter was introduced in Synchronet 3.17+)
var tmpHdrs = msgbase.get_all_msg_headers(true);
for (var tmpProp in tmpHdrs)
if (tmpHdrs[tmpProp] == null)
// If this header's thread_back or reply_id matches the poll message
// number, then append the 'user voted' string to the message body.
if ((tmpHdrs[tmpProp].thread_back == pMsgHdr.number) || (tmpHdrs[tmpProp].reply_id ==
if (tmpHdrs[tmpProp] == null)
// If this header's thread_back or reply_id matches the poll message
// number, then append the 'user voted' string to the message body.
if ((tmpHdrs[tmpProp].thread_back == pMsgHdr.number) || (tmpHdrs[tmpProp].reply_id ==
var msgWrittenLocalTime = msgWrittenTimeToLocalBBSTime(tmpHdrs[tmpProp]);
var voteDate = strftime("%a %b %d %Y %H:%M:%S", msgWrittenLocalTime);
var grpName = "";
var msgbaseCfgName = "";
var msgbase = new MsgBase(this.subBoardCode);
if (
var msgWrittenLocalTime = msgWrittenTimeToLocalBBSTime(tmpHdrs[tmpProp]);
var voteDate = strftime("%a %b %d %Y %H:%M:%S", msgWrittenLocalTime);
var grpName = "";
var msgbaseCfgName = "";
var msgbase = new MsgBase(this.subBoardCode);
if (
grpName = msgbase.cfg.grp_name;
msgbaseCfgName =;
msgBody += format(userVotedInYourPollText, voteDate, grpName, msgbaseCfgName, tmpHdrs[tmpProp].from, pMsgHdr.subject);
grpName = msgbase.cfg.grp_name;
msgbaseCfgName =;
msgBody += format(userVotedInYourPollText, voteDate, grpName, msgbaseCfgName, tmpHdrs[tmpProp].from, pMsgHdr.subject);
......@@ -14295,7 +14912,6 @@ function DigDistMsgReader_GetMsgBody(pMsgHdr)
// Remove any initial coloring from the message body, which can color the whole message
msgBody = removeInitialColorFromMsgBody(msgBody);
// For HTML-formatted messages, convert HTML entities
//console.print("\x01n\r\nSubtype: " + pMsgHdr.text_subtype + "\r\n\x01p"); // Temporary
if (pMsgHdr.hasOwnProperty("text_subtype") && pMsgHdr.text_subtype.toLowerCase() == "html")
msgBody = html2asc(msgBody);
......@@ -14508,13 +15124,111 @@ function DigDistMsgReader_WriteLightbarKeyHelpErrorMsg(pErrorMsg, pLineRefreshDe
// Helper functions
// Displays the program information.
function DisplayProgramInfo()
// For the scrollable reader interface: Refreshes a rectangular region on the screen
// by printing part of the message text.
// pTxtLines: The array of text lines of the message being displayed
// pTopLineIdx: The index of the text line currently at the top row in the reader area
// pTopLeftX: The upper-left corner column of the rectangle to be refreshed (1-based) - Absolute screen coordinate
// pTopLeftY: The upper-left corner row of the rectangle to be refreshed (1-based) - Absolute screen coordinate
// pWidth: The width of the rectangle to be refreshed
// pHeight: The height of the rectangle to be refreshed
function DigDistMsgReader_RefreshMsgAreaRectangle(pTxtLines, pTopLineIdx, pTopLeftX, pTopLeftY, pWidth, pHeight)
displayTextWithLineBelow("Digital Distortion Message Reader", true, "\x01n\x01c\x01h", "\x01k\x01h")
if (typeof(pTxtLines) !== "object")
if (typeof(pTopLineIdx) !== "number" || pTopLineIdx < 0 || pTopLineIdx >= pTxtLines.length)
if (typeof(pTopLeftX) !== "number" || pTopLeftX < 1 || pTopLeftX > console.screen_columns)
if (typeof(pTopLeftY) !== "number" || pTopLeftY < 1 || pTopLeftY > console.screen_rows)
if (typeof(pWidth) !== "number" || pWidth <= 0 || typeof(pHeight) !== "number" || pHeight <= 0)
var firstTxtLineIdx = pTopLeftY - pTopLineIdx - 1;
if (firstTxtLineIdx < 0) firstTxtLineIdx = 0; // Shouldn't happen, but just in case
//this.msgAreaLeft = 1;
//this.msgAreaRight = console.screen_columns - 1;
//this.msgAreaWidth = this.msgAreaRight - this.msgAreaLeft + 1;
//this.msgAreaHeight = this.msgAreaBottom - this.msgAreaTop + 1;
// Sanity checking
if (pTopLeftY < this.msgAreaTop)
var diff = this.msgAreaTop - pTopLeftY;
pTopLeftY = this.msgAreaTop;
pTopLineIdx += diff;
var lastScreenRow = pTopLeftY + pHeight - 1; // Inclusive, for loop
if (lastScreenRow > this.msgAreaBottom)
lastScreenRow = this.msgAreaBottom;
if (pTopLeftX + pWidth > this.msgAreaRight)
pWidth = this.msgAreaRight - pTopLeftX + 1;
// Print the parts of the text lines that make up the rectangle
var txtLineIdx = pTopLineIdx + (pTopLeftY-this.msgAreaTop);
if (txtLineIdx < 0) txtLineIdx = 0; // Just in case, but shouldn't happen
var txtLineStartIdx = pTopLeftX - this.msgAreaLeft; // Within each text line (it seemed right to subtract 1 but it wasn't)
if (txtLineStartIdx < 0) txtLineStartIdx = 0; // Just in case, but shouldn't happen
var emptyFormatStr = "\x01n%" + pWidth + "s"; // For printing empty strings after printing all text lines
for (var screenRow = pTopLeftY; screenRow <= lastScreenRow; ++screenRow)
console.gotoxy(pTopLeftX, screenRow);
// If the current text line index is within the array of text lines, then output the section of the
// text line. Otherwise, output an empty string.
if (txtLineIdx < pTxtLines.length)
// Get the text attributes up to the current point and output them
console.print(getAllEditLineAttrsUntilLineIdx(pTxtLines, txtLineIdx, true, txtLineStartIdx));
// Get the section of line (and make sure it can fill the needed width), and print it
// Note: substrWithAttrCodes(pStr, pStartIdx, pLen) is defined in dd_lightbar_menu.js
var lineText = substrWithAttrCodes(pTxtLines[txtLineIdx], txtLineStartIdx, pWidth);
var printableTxtLen = console.strlen(lineText);
if (printableTxtLen < pWidth)
var lenDiff = pWidth - printableTxtLen;
lineText += format("\x01n%" + lenDiff + "s", "");
else // We've printed all the remaining text lines, so now print an empty string.
printf(emptyFormatStr, "");
// For the scrollable reader interface: Returns whether a 'from' or 'to' name in a message header
// is in the user's personal twitlist.
// Parameters:
// pMsgHdr: A message header to check
// Return value: Boolean - Whether or not the header 'from' or 'to' name is in the user's personal twitlist
function DigDistMsgReader_MsgHdrFromOrToInUserTwitlist(pMsgHdr)
if (pMsgHdr == null || typeof(pMsgHdr) !== "object")
return false;
if (!pMsgHdr.hasOwnProperty("from") && !pMsgHdr.hasOwnProperty("to"))
return false;
// The names in the user's twitlist have been converted to lowercase for case-insensitive matching.
var fromLower = pMsgHdr.from.toLowerCase();
var toLower =;
var hdrNamesInTwitlist = false;
for (var i = 0; i < this.userSettings.twitList.length && !hdrNamesInTwitlist; ++i)
hdrNamesInTwitlist = (this.userSettings.twitList[i] == fromLower || this.userSettings.twitList[i] == toLower);
return hdrNamesInTwitlist;
// Helper functions
// Displays the program information.
function DisplayProgramInfo()
displayTextWithLineBelow("Digital Distortion Message Reader", true, "\x01n\x01c\x01h", "\x01k\x01h")"\x01n\x01cVersion \x01g" + READER_VERSION + " \x01w\x01h(\x01b" + READER_DATE + "\x01w)");
......@@ -14819,68 +15533,6 @@ function displayTextWithLineBelow(pText, pCenter, pTextColor, pLineColor)
// Returns whether the Synchronet compile date is at least May 12, 2013. That
// was when Digital Man's change to make bbs.msg_number work when a script is
// running first went into the Synchronet daily builds.
function compileDateAtLeast2013_05_12()
// system.compiled_when is in the following format:
// May 12 2013 05:02
var compileDateParts = system.compiled_when.split(" ");
if (compileDateParts.length < 4)
return false;
// Convert the month to a 1-based number
var compileMonth = 0;
if (/^Jan/.test(compileDateParts[0]))
compileMonth = 1;
else if (/^Feb/.test(compileDateParts[0]))
compileMonth = 2;
else if (/^Mar/.test(compileDateParts[0]))
compileMonth = 3;
else if (/^Apr/.test(compileDateParts[0]))
compileMonth = 4;
else if (/^May/.test(compileDateParts[0]))
compileMonth = 5;
else if (/^Jun/.test(compileDateParts[0]))
compileMonth = 6;
else if (/^Jul/.test(compileDateParts[0]))
compileMonth = 7;
else if (/^Aug/.test(compileDateParts[0]))
compileMonth = 8;
else if (/^Sep/.test(compileDateParts[0]))
compileMonth = 9;
else if (/^Oct/.test(compileDateParts[0]))
compileMonth = 10;
else if (/^Nov/.test(compileDateParts[0]))
compileMonth = 11;
else if (/^Dec/.test(compileDateParts[0]))
compileMonth = 12;
// Get the compileDay and compileYear as numeric variables
var compileDay = +compileDateParts[1];
var compileYear = +compileDateParts[2];
// Determine if the compile date is at least 2013-05-12
var compileDateIsAtLeastMin = true;
if (compileYear > 2013)
compileDateIsAtLeastMin = true;
else if (compileYear < 2013)
compileDateIsAtLeastMin = false;
else // compileYear is 2013
if (compileMonth > 5)
compileDateIsAtLeastMin = true
else if (compileMonth < 5)
compileDateIsAtLeastMin = false;
else // compileMonth is 5
compileDateIsAtLeastMin = (compileDay >= 12);
return compileDateIsAtLeastMin;
// Removes multiple, leading, and/or trailing spaces.
// The search & replace regular expressions used in this
// function came from the following URL:
......@@ -15440,6 +16092,55 @@ function scrollTextLines(pTxtLines, pTopLineIdx, pTxtAttrib, pWriteTxtLines, pTo
return retObj;
// Gets all the attribute codes from an array of text lines until a certain index.
// Parameters:
// pTxtLines: The array of text lines of the message being displayed
// pEndArrayIdx: One past the last edit line index to get attributes for
// pIncludeEndArrayIdxAttrs: Optional boolean: Whether or not to include the attributes for the line at the end array index.
// Defaults to false.
// pLastLineTextEndIdx: Optional - Only used when pIncludeEndArrayIdxAttrs is true, this parameter specifies the
// end index (non-inclusive) in the last text line to include attributes for. If not specified,
// the entire end line will be used to include its attributes.
// Return value: A string containing the relevant attribute codes to apply up to the given line index (non-inclusive).
function getAllEditLineAttrsUntilLineIdx(pTxtLines, pEndArrayIdx, pIncludeEndArrayIdxAttrs, pLastLineTextEndIdx)
if (typeof(pTxtLines) !== "object" || typeof(pEndArrayIdx) !== "number" || pEndArrayIdx < 0)
return "";
var includeEndArrayIdxAttrs = (typeof(pIncludeEndArrayIdxAttrs) === "boolean" ? pIncludeEndArrayIdxAttrs : false);
var syncAttrRegex = /\x01[krgybmcw01234567hinpq,;\.dtl<>\[\]asz]/gi;
var attributesStr = "";
var onePastLastIdx = (includeEndArrayIdxAttrs ? pEndArrayIdx + 1 : pEndArrayIdx);
for (var i = 0; i < onePastLastIdx; ++i)
if (typeof(pTxtLines[i]) !== "string") continue;
var attrCodes;
if (typeof(pLastLineTextEndIdx) === "number" && i === (onePastLastIdx-1))
// Note: dd_lightbar_menu.js defines substrWithAttrCodes(pStr, pStartIdx, pLen)
var textLine = substrWithAttrCodes(pTxtLines[i], 0, pLastLineTextEndIdx);
attrCodes = textLine.match(syncAttrRegex);
attrCodes = pTxtLines[i].match(syncAttrRegex);
if (attrCodes != null)
for (var attrMatchI = 0; attrMatchI < attrCodes.length; ++attrMatchI)
attributesStr += attrCodes[attrMatchI];
// If there is a normal attribute code in the middle of the string, remove anything before it
var normalAttrIdx = attributesStr.lastIndexOf("\x01n");
if (normalAttrIdx < 0)
normalAttrIdx = attributesStr.lastIndexOf("\x01N");
if (normalAttrIdx > -1)
attributesStr = attributesStr.substr(normalAttrIdx/*+2*/);
return attributesStr;
// Finds the (1-based) page number of an item by number (1-based). If no page
// is found, then the return value will be 0.
......@@ -15932,55 +16633,6 @@ function msgIsFromUser(pMsgHdr)
return isFromUser;
// Given some text, this converts ANSI color codes to Synchronet codes and
// removes unwanted ANSI codes (such as cursor movement codes, etc.).
// Parameters:
// pText: A string to process
// Return value: A version of the string with Synchronet color codes converted to
// Synchronet attribute codes and unwanted ANSI codes removed
function cvtANSIToSyncAndRemoveUnwantedANSI(pText)
// Attributes
var txt = pText.replace(/\[0[mM]/g, "\x01n"); // All attributes off
txt = txt.replace(/\[1[mM]/g, "\x01h"); // Bold on (use high intensity)
txt = txt.replace(/\[5[mM]/g, "\x01i"); // Blink on
// Foreground colors
txt = txt.replace(/\[30[mM]/g, "\x01k"); // Black foreground
txt = txt.replace(/\[31[mM]/g, "\x01r"); // Red foreground
txt = txt.replace(/\[32[mM]/g, "\x01g"); // Green foreground
txt = txt.replace(/\[33[mM]/g, "\x01y"); // Yellow foreground
txt = txt.replace(/\[34[mM]/g, "\x01b"); // Blue foreground
txt = txt.replace(/\[35[mM]/g, "\x01m"); // Magenta foreground
txt = txt.replace(/\[36[mM]/g, "\x01c"); // Cyan foreground
txt = txt.replace(/\[37[mM]/g, "\x01w"); // White foreground
// Background colors
txt = txt.replace(/\[40[mM]/g, "\x01" + "0"); // Black background
txt = txt.replace(/\[41[mM]/g, "\x01" + "1"); // Red background
txt = txt.replace(/\[42[mM]/g, "\x01" + "2"); // Green background
txt = txt.replace(/\[43[mM]/g, "\x01" + "3"); // Yellow background
txt = txt.replace(/\[44[mM]/g, "\x01" + "4"); // Blue background
txt = txt.replace(/\[45[mM]/g, "\x01" + "5"); // Magenta background
txt = txt.replace(/\[46[mM]/g, "\x01" + "6"); // Cyan background
txt = txt.replace(/\[47[mM]/g, "\x01" + "7"); // White background
// Convert ;-delimited modes (such as alue;...;Valuem)
txt = ANSIMultiConvertToSyncCodes(txt);
// Remove ANSI codes that are not wanted (such as moving the cursor, etc.)
txt = txt.replace(/\[[0-9]+[aA]/g, ""); // Cursor up
txt = txt.replace(/\[[0-9]+[bB]/g, ""); // Cursor down
txt = txt.replace(/\[[0-9]+[cC]/g, ""); // Cursor forward
txt = txt.replace(/\[[0-9]+[dD]/g, ""); // Cursor backward
txt = txt.replace(/\[[0-9]+;[0-9]+[hH]/g, ""); // Cursor position
txt = txt.replace(/\[[0-9]+;[0-9]+[fF]/g, ""); // Cursor position
txt = txt.replace(/\[[sS]/g, ""); // Restore cursor position
txt = txt.replace(/\[2[jJ]/g, ""); // Erase display
txt = txt.replace(/\[[kK]/g, ""); // Erase line
txt = txt.replace(/\[=[0-9]+[hH]/g, ""); // Set various screen modes
txt = txt.replace(/\[=[0-9]+[lL]/g, ""); // Reset various screen modes
return txt;
// Returns whether a given message group index & sub-board index (or the current ones,
// based on bbs.curgrp and bbs.cursub) are for the last message sub-board on the system.
......@@ -15998,22 +16650,22 @@ function cvtANSIToSyncAndRemoveUnwantedANSI(pText)
// bbs.cursub), this method will return false.
function curMsgSubBoardIsLast(pGrpIdx, pSubIdx)
var curGrp = 0;
if (typeof(pGrpIdx) == "number")
curGrp = pGrpIdx;
else if (typeof(bbs.curgrp) == "number")
curGrp = bbs.curgrp;
return false;
var curSub = 0;
if (typeof(pSubIdx) == "number")
curSub = pSubIdx;
else if (typeof(bbs.cursub) == "number")
curSub = bbs.cursub;
return false;
var curGrp = 0;
if (typeof(pGrpIdx) == "number")
curGrp = pGrpIdx;
else if (typeof(bbs.curgrp) == "number")
curGrp = bbs.curgrp;
return false;
var curSub = 0;
if (typeof(pSubIdx) == "number")
curSub = pSubIdx;
else if (typeof(bbs.cursub) == "number")
curSub = bbs.cursub;
return false;
return (curGrp == msg_area.grp_list.length-1) && (curSub == msg_area.grp_list[msg_area.grp_list.length-1].sub_list.length-1);
return (curGrp == msg_area.grp_list.length-1) && (curSub == msg_area.grp_list[msg_area.grp_list.length-1].sub_list.length-1);
// Parses arguments, where each argument in the given array is in the format
......@@ -16082,7 +16734,7 @@ function parseArgs(argv)
if ((argName == "chooseareafirst") || (argName == "personalemail") ||
(argName == "personalemailsent") || (argName == "allpersonalemail") ||
(argName == "verboselogging") || (argName == "suppresssearchtypetext") ||
(argName == "onlynewpersonalemail"))
(argName == "onlynewpersonalemail") || (argName == "indexedmode"))
argVals[argName] = true;
......@@ -16282,6 +16934,7 @@ function getDefaultArgParseObj()
personalemailsent: false,
verboselogging: false,
suppresssearchtypetext: false,
indexedmode: false,
loadableModule: false,
exitNow: false
......@@ -18559,6 +19212,814 @@ function canViewDeletedMsgs()
return (usersVDM || (user.is_sysop && sysopVDM));
// ChoiceScrollbox stuff (this was copied from SlyEdit_Misc.js; maybe there's a better way to do this)
// Returns the minimum width for a ChoiceScrollbox
function ChoiceScrollbox_MinWidth()
return 73; // To leave room for the navigation text in the bottom border
// ChoiceScrollbox constructor
// Parameters:
// pLeftX: The horizontal component (column) of the upper-left coordinate
// pTopY: The vertical component (row) of the upper-left coordinate
// pWidth: The width of the box (including the borders)
// pHeight: The height of the box (including the borders)
// pTopBorderText: The text to include in the top border
// pCfgObj: The script/program configuration object (color settings are used)
// pAddTCharsAroundTopText: Optional, boolean - Whether or not to use left & right T characters
// around the top border text. Defaults to true.
// pReplaceTopTextSpacesWithBorderChars: Optional, boolean - Whether or not to replace
// spaces in the top border text with border characters.
// Defaults to false.
function ChoiceScrollbox(pLeftX, pTopY, pWidth, pHeight, pTopBorderText, pCfgObj,
pAddTCharsAroundTopText, pReplaceTopTextSpacesWithBorderChars)
if (pCfgObj == null || typeof(pCfgObj) !== "object")
pCfgObj = {};
if (pCfgObj.colors == null || typeof(pCfgObj.colors) !== "object")
pCfgObj.colors = {
listBoxBorder: "\x01n\x01g",
listBoxBorderText: "\x01n\x01b\x01h",
listBoxItemText: "\x01n\x01c",
listBoxItemHighlight: "\x01n\x01" + "4\x01w\x01h"
if (!pCfgObj.colors.hasOwnProperty("listBoxBorder"))
pCfgObj.colors.listBoxBorder = "\x01n\x01g";
if (!pCfgObj.colors.hasOwnProperty("listBoxBorderText"))
pCfgObj.colors.listBoxBorderText = "\x01n\x01b\x01h";
if (!pCfgObj.colors.hasOwnProperty("listBoxItemText"))
pCfgObj.colors.listBoxItemText = "\x01n\x01c";
if (!pCfgObj.colors.hasOwnProperty("listBoxItemHighlight"))
pCfgObj.colors.listBoxItemHighlight = "\x01n\x01" + "4\x01w\x01h";
// The default is to add left & right T characters around the top border
// text. But also use pAddTCharsAroundTopText if it's a boolean.
var addTopTCharsAroundText = true;
if (typeof(pAddTCharsAroundTopText) == "boolean")
addTopTCharsAroundText = pAddTCharsAroundTopText;
// If pReplaceTopTextSpacesWithBorderChars is true, then replace the spaces
// in pTopBorderText with border characters.
if (pReplaceTopTextSpacesWithBorderChars)
var startIdx = 0;
var firstSpcIdx = pTopBorderText.indexOf(" ", 0);
// Look for the first non-space after firstSpaceIdx
var nonSpcIdx = -1;
for (var i = firstSpcIdx; (i < pTopBorderText.length) && (nonSpcIdx == -1); ++i)
if (pTopBorderText.charAt(i) != " ")
nonSpcIdx = i;
var firstStrPart = "";
var lastStrPart = "";
var numSpaces = 0;
while ((firstSpcIdx > -1) && (nonSpcIdx > -1))
firstStrPart = pTopBorderText.substr(startIdx, (firstSpcIdx-startIdx));
lastStrPart = pTopBorderText.substr(nonSpcIdx);
numSpaces = nonSpcIdx - firstSpcIdx;
if (numSpaces > 0)
pTopBorderText = firstStrPart + "\x01n" + pCfgObj.colors.listBoxBorder;
for (var i = 0; i < numSpaces; ++i)
pTopBorderText += "\x01n" + pCfgObj.colors.listBoxBorderText + lastStrPart;
// Look for the next space and non-space character after that.
firstSpcIdx = pTopBorderText.indexOf(" ", nonSpcIdx);
// Look for the first non-space after firstSpaceIdx
nonSpcIdx = -1;
for (var i = firstSpcIdx; (i < pTopBorderText.length) && (nonSpcIdx == -1); ++i)
if (pTopBorderText.charAt(i) != " ")
nonSpcIdx = i;
this.programCfgObj = pCfgObj;
var minWidth = ChoiceScrollbox_MinWidth();
this.dimensions = {
topLeftX: pLeftX,
topLeftY: pTopY,
width: 0,
height: pHeight,
bottomRightX: 0,
bottomRightY: 0
// Make sure the width is the minimum width
if ((pWidth < 0) || (pWidth < minWidth))
this.dimensions.width = minWidth;
this.dimensions.width = pWidth;
this.dimensions.bottomRightX = this.dimensions.topLeftX + this.dimensions.width - 1;
this.dimensions.bottomRightY = this.dimensions.topLeftY + this.dimensions.height - 1;
// The text item array and member variables relating to it and the items
// displayed on the screen during the input loop
this.txtItemList = [];
this.chosenTextItemIndex = -1;
this.topItemIndex = 0;
this.bottomItemIndex = 0;
// Top border string
var innerBorderWidth = this.dimensions.width - 2;
// Calculate the maximum top border text length to account for the left/right
// T chars and "Page #### of ####" text
var maxTopBorderTextLen = innerBorderWidth - (pAddTCharsAroundTopText ? 21 : 19);
if (strip_ctrl(pTopBorderText).length > maxTopBorderTextLen)
pTopBorderText = pTopBorderText.substr(0, maxTopBorderTextLen);
this.topBorder = "\x01n" + pCfgObj.colors.listBoxBorder + UPPER_LEFT_SINGLE;
if (addTopTCharsAroundText)
this.topBorder += RIGHT_T_SINGLE;
this.topBorder += "\x01n" + pCfgObj.colors.listBoxBorderText
+ pTopBorderText + "\x01n" + pCfgObj.colors.listBoxBorder;
if (addTopTCharsAroundText)
this.topBorder += LEFT_T_SINGLE;
const topBorderTextLen = strip_ctrl(pTopBorderText).length;
var numHorizBorderChars = innerBorderWidth - topBorderTextLen - 20;
if (addTopTCharsAroundText)
numHorizBorderChars -= 2;
for (var i = 0; i <= numHorizBorderChars; ++i)
this.topBorder += HORIZONTAL_SINGLE;
this.topBorder += RIGHT_T_SINGLE + "\x01n" + pCfgObj.colors.listBoxBorderText
+ "Page 1 of 1" + "\x01n" + pCfgObj.colors.listBoxBorder + LEFT_T_SINGLE
// Bottom border string
this.btmBorderNavText = "\x01n\x01h\x01c" + UP_ARROW + "\x01b, \x01c" + DOWN_ARROW + "\x01b, \x01cN\x01y)\x01bext, \x01cP\x01y)\x01brev, "
+ "\x01cF\x01y)\x01birst, \x01cL\x01y)\x01bast, \x01cHOME\x01b, \x01cEND\x01b, \x01cEnter\x01y=\x01bSelect, "
+ "\x01cESC\x01n\x01c/\x01h\x01cQ\x01y=\x01bEnd";
this.bottomBorder = "\x01n" + pCfgObj.colors.listBoxBorder + LOWER_LEFT_SINGLE
+ RIGHT_T_SINGLE + this.btmBorderNavText + "\x01n" + pCfgObj.colors.listBoxBorder
var numCharsRemaining = this.dimensions.width - strip_ctrl(this.btmBorderNavText).length - 6;
for (var i = 0; i < numCharsRemaining; ++i)
this.bottomBorder += HORIZONTAL_SINGLE;
this.bottomBorder += LOWER_RIGHT_SINGLE;
// Item format strings
this.listIemFormatStr = "\x01n" + pCfgObj.colors.listBoxItemText + "%-"
+ +(this.dimensions.width-2) + "s";
this.listIemHighlightFormatStr = "\x01n" + pCfgObj.colors.listBoxItemHighlight + "%-"
+ +(this.dimensions.width-2) + "s";
// Key functionality override function pointers
this.enterKeyOverrideFn = null;
// inputLoopeExitKeys is an object containing additional keypresses that will
// exit the input loop.
this.inputLoopExitKeys = {};
// For drawing the menu
this.pageNum = 0;
this.numPages = 0;
this.numItemsPerPage = 0;
this.maxItemWidth = 0;
this.pageNumTxtStartX = 0;
// Input loop quit override (to be used in overridden enter function if needed to quit the input loop there
this.continueInputLoopOverride = true;
// Object functions
this.addTextItem = ChoiceScrollbox_AddTextItem; // Returns the index of the item
this.getTextItem = ChoiceScrollbox_GetTextIem;
this.replaceTextItem = ChoiceScrollbox_ReplaceTextItem;
this.delTextItem = ChoiceScrollbox_DelTextItem;
this.chgCharInTextItem = ChoiceScrollbox_ChgCharInTextItem;
this.getChosenTextItemIndex = ChoiceScrollbox_GetChosenTextItemIndex;
this.setItemArray = ChoiceScrollbox_SetItemArray; // Sets the item array; returns whether or not it was set.
this.clearItems = ChoiceScrollbox_ClearItems; // Empties the array of items
this.setEnterKeyOverrideFn = ChoiceScrollbox_SetEnterKeyOverrideFn;
this.clearEnterKeyOverrideFn = ChoiceScrollbox_ClearEnterKeyOverrideFn;
this.addInputLoopExitKey = ChoiceScrollbox_AddInputLoopExitKey;
this.setBottomBorderText = ChoiceScrollbox_SetBottomBorderText;
this.drawBorder = ChoiceScrollbox_DrawBorder;
this.drawInnerMenu = ChoiceScrollbox_DrawInnerMenu;
this.refreshOnScreen = ChoiceScrollbox_RefreshOnScreen;
this.refreshItemCharOnScreen = ChoiceScrollbox_RefreshItemCharOnScreen;
// Does the input loop. Returns an object with the following properties:
// itemWasSelected: Boolean - Whether or not an item was selected
// selectedIndex: The index of the selected item
// selectedItem: The text of the selected item
// lastKeypress: The last key pressed by the user
this.doInputLoop = ChoiceScrollbox_DoInputLoop;
function ChoiceScrollbox_AddTextItem(pTextLine, pStripCtrl)
var stripCtrl = true;
if (typeof(pStripCtrl) == "boolean")
stripCtrl = pStripCtrl;
if (stripCtrl)
// Return the index of the added item
return this.txtItemList.length-1;
function ChoiceScrollbox_GetTextIem(pItemIndex)
if (typeof(pItemIndex) != "number")
return "";
if ((pItemIndex < 0) || (pItemIndex >= this.txtItemList.length))
return "";
return this.txtItemList[pItemIndex];
function ChoiceScrollbox_ReplaceTextItem(pItemIndexOrStr, pNewItem)
if (typeof(pNewItem) != "string")
return false;
// Find the item index
var itemIndex = -1;
if (typeof(pItemIndexOrStr) == "number")
if ((pItemIndexOrStr < 0) || (pItemIndexOrStr >= this.txtItemList.length))
return false;
itemIndex = pItemIndexOrStr;
else if (typeof(pItemIndexOrStr) == "string")
itemIndex = -1;
for (var i = 0; (i < this.txtItemList.length) && (itemIndex == -1); ++i)
if (this.txtItemList[i] == pItemIndexOrStr)
itemIndex = i;
return false;
// Replace the item
var replacedIt = false;
if ((itemIndex > -1) && (itemIndex < this.txtItemList.length))
this.txtItemList[itemIndex] = pNewItem;
replacedIt = true;
return replacedIt;
function ChoiceScrollbox_DelTextItem(pItemIndexOrStr)
// Find the item index
var itemIndex = -1;
if (typeof(pItemIndexOrStr) == "number")
if ((pItemIndexOrStr < 0) || (pItemIndexOrStr >= this.txtItemList.length))
return false;
itemIndex = pItemIndexOrStr;
else if (typeof(pItemIndexOrStr) == "string")
itemIndex = -1;
for (var i = 0; (i < this.txtItemList.length) && (itemIndex == -1); ++i)
if (this.txtItemList[i] == pItemIndexOrStr)
itemIndex = i;
return false;
// Remove the item
var removedIt = false;
if ((itemIndex > -1) && (itemIndex < this.txtItemList.length))
this.txtItemList = this.txtItemList.splice(itemIndex, 1);
removedIt = true;
return removedIt;
function ChoiceScrollbox_ChgCharInTextItem(pItemIndexOrStr, pStrIndex, pNewText)
// Find the item index
var itemIndex = -1;
if (typeof(pItemIndexOrStr) == "number")
if ((pItemIndexOrStr < 0) || (pItemIndexOrStr >= this.txtItemList.length))
return false;
itemIndex = pItemIndexOrStr;
else if (typeof(pItemIndexOrStr) == "string")
itemIndex = -1;
for (var i = 0; (i < this.txtItemList.length) && (itemIndex == -1); ++i)
if (this.txtItemList[i] == pItemIndexOrStr)
itemIndex = i;
return false;
// Change the character in the item
var changedIt = false;
if ((itemIndex > -1) && (itemIndex < this.txtItemList.length))
this.txtItemList[itemIndex] = chgCharInStr(this.txtItemList[itemIndex], pStrIndex, pNewText);
changedIt = true;
return changedIt;
function ChoiceScrollbox_GetChosenTextItemIndex()
return this.chosenTextItemIndex;
function ChoiceScrollbox_SetItemArray(pArray, pStripCtrl)
var safeToSet = false;
if ( === "[object Array]")
if (pArray.length > 0)
safeToSet = (typeof(pArray[0]) == "string");
safeToSet = true; // It's safe to set an empty array
if (safeToSet)
delete this.txtItemList;
this.txtItemList = pArray;
var stripCtrl = true;
if (typeof(pStripCtrl) == "boolean")
stripCtrl = pStripCtrl;
if (stripCtrl)
// Remove attribute/color characters from the text lines in the array
for (var i = 0; i < this.txtItemList.length; ++i)
this.txtItemList[i] = strip_ctrl(this.txtItemList[i]);
return safeToSet;
function ChoiceScrollbox_ClearItems()
this.txtItemList.length = 0;
function ChoiceScrollbox_SetEnterKeyOverrideFn(pOverrideFn)
if ( == "[object Function]")
this.enterKeyOverrideFn = pOverrideFn;
function ChoiceScrollbox_ClearEnterKeyOverrideFn()
this.enterKeyOverrideFn = null;
function ChoiceScrollbox_AddInputLoopExitKey(pKeypress)
this.inputLoopExitKeys[pKeypress] = true;
function ChoiceScrollbox_SetBottomBorderText(pText, pAddTChars, pAutoStripIfTooLong)
if (typeof(pText) != "string")
const innerWidth = (pAddTChars ? this.dimensions.width-4 : this.dimensions.width-2);
if (pAutoStripIfTooLong)
if (strip_ctrl(pText).length > innerWidth)
pText = pText.substr(0, innerWidth);
// Re-build the bottom border string based on the new text
this.bottomBorder = "\x01n" + this.programCfgObj.colors.listBoxBorder + LOWER_LEFT_SINGLE;
if (pAddTChars)
this.bottomBorder += RIGHT_T_SINGLE;
if (pText.indexOf("\x01n") != 0)
this.bottomBorder += "\x01n";
this.bottomBorder += pText + "\x01n" + this.programCfgObj.colors.listBoxBorder;
if (pAddTChars)
this.bottomBorder += LEFT_T_SINGLE;
var numCharsRemaining = this.dimensions.width - strip_ctrl(this.bottomBorder).length - 3;
for (var i = 0; i < numCharsRemaining; ++i)
this.bottomBorder += HORIZONTAL_SINGLE;
this.bottomBorder += LOWER_RIGHT_SINGLE;
function ChoiceScrollbox_DrawBorder()
console.gotoxy(this.dimensions.topLeftX, this.dimensions.topLeftY);
// Draw the side border characters
var screenRow = this.dimensions.topLeftY + 1;
for (var screenRow = this.dimensions.topLeftY+1; screenRow <= this.dimensions.bottomRightY-1; ++screenRow)
console.gotoxy(this.dimensions.topLeftX, screenRow);
console.gotoxy(this.dimensions.bottomRightX, screenRow);
// Draw the bottom border
console.gotoxy(this.dimensions.topLeftX, this.dimensions.bottomRightY);
function ChoiceScrollbox_DrawInnerMenu(pSelectedIndex)
var selectedIndex = (typeof(pSelectedIndex) == "number" ? pSelectedIndex : -1);
var startArrIndex = this.pageNum * this.numItemsPerPage;
var endArrIndex = startArrIndex + this.numItemsPerPage;
if (endArrIndex > this.txtItemList.length)
endArrIndex = this.txtItemList.length;
var selectedItemRow = this.dimensions.topLeftY+1;
var screenY = this.dimensions.topLeftY + 1;
for (var i = startArrIndex; i < endArrIndex; ++i)
console.gotoxy(this.dimensions.topLeftX+1, screenY);
if (i == selectedIndex)
printf(this.listIemHighlightFormatStr, this.txtItemList[i].substr(0, this.maxItemWidth));
selectedItemRow = screenY;
printf(this.listIemFormatStr, this.txtItemList[i].substr(0, this.maxItemWidth));
// If the current screen row is below the bottom row inside the box,
// continue and write blank lines to the bottom of the inside of the box
// to blank out any text that might still be there.
while (screenY < this.dimensions.topLeftY+this.dimensions.height-1)
console.gotoxy(this.dimensions.topLeftX+1, screenY);
printf(this.listIemFormatStr, "");
// Update the page number in the top border of the box.
console.gotoxy(this.pageNumTxtStartX, this.dimensions.topLeftY);
printf("\x01n" + this.programCfgObj.colors.listBoxBorderText + "Page %4d of %4d", this.pageNum+1, this.numPages);
return selectedItemRow;
function ChoiceScrollbox_RefreshOnScreen(pSelectedIndex)
function ChoiceScrollbox_RefreshItemCharOnScreen(pItemIndex, pCharIndex)
if ((typeof(pItemIndex) != "number") || (typeof(pCharIndex) != "number"))
if ((pItemIndex < 0) || (pItemIndex >= this.txtItemList.length) ||
(pItemIndex < this.topItemIndex) || (pItemIndex > this.bottomItemIndex))
if ((pCharIndex < 0) || (pCharIndex >= this.txtItemList[pItemIndex].length))
// Save the current cursor position so that we can restore it later
const originalCurpos = console.getxy();
// Go to the character's position on the screen and set the highlight or
// normal color, depending on whether the item is the currently selected item,
// then print the character on the screen.
const charScreenX = this.dimensions.topLeftX + 1 + pCharIndex;
const itemScreenY = this.dimensions.topLeftY + 1 + (pItemIndex - this.topItemIndex);
console.gotoxy(charScreenX, itemScreenY);
if (pItemIndex == this.chosenTextItemIndex)
// Move the cursor back to where it was originally
function ChoiceScrollbox_DoInputLoop(pDrawBorder)
var retObj = {
itemWasSelected: false,
selectedIndex: -1,
selectedItem: "",
lastKeypress: ""
// Don't do anything if the item list doesn't contain any items
if (this.txtItemList.length == 0)
return retObj;
// Locally-defined functions
// This function returns the index of the bottommost item that
// can be displayed in the box.
// Parameters:
// pArray: The array containing the items
// pTopindex: The index of the topmost item displayed in the box
// pNumItemsPerPage: The number of items per page
function getBottommostItemIndex(pArray, pTopIndex, pNumItemsPerPage)
var bottomIndex = pTopIndex + pNumItemsPerPage - 1;
// If bottomIndex is beyond the last index, then adjust it.
if (bottomIndex >= pArray.length)
bottomIndex = pArray.length - 1;
return bottomIndex;
// Code
// Variables for keeping track of the item list
this.numItemsPerPage = this.dimensions.height - 2;
this.topItemIndex = 0; // The index of the message group at the top of the list
// Figure out the index of the last message group to appear on the screen.
this.bottomItemIndex = getBottommostItemIndex(this.txtItemList, this.topItemIndex, this.numItemsPerPage);
this.numPages = Math.ceil(this.txtItemList.length / this.numItemsPerPage);
const topIndexForLastPage = (this.numItemsPerPage * this.numPages) - this.numItemsPerPage;
if (pDrawBorder)
// User input loop
// For the horizontal location of the page number text for the box border:
// Based on the fact that there can be up to 9999 text replacements and 10
// per page, there will be up to 1000 pages of replacements. To write the
// text, we'll want to be 20 characters to the left of the end of the border
// of the box.
this.pageNumTxtStartX = this.dimensions.topLeftX + this.dimensions.width - 19;
this.maxItemWidth = this.dimensions.width - 2;
this.pageNum = 0;
var startArrIndex = 0;
this.chosenTextItemIndex = retObj.selectedIndex = 0;
var endArrIndex = 0; // One past the last array item
var curpos = { // For keeping track of the current cursor position
x: 0,
y: 0
var refreshList = true; // For screen redraw optimizations
this.continueInputLoopOverride = true;
var continueOn = true;
while (continueOn && this.continueInputLoopOverride)
if (refreshList)
this.bottomItemIndex = getBottommostItemIndex(this.txtItemList, this.topItemIndex, this.numItemsPerPage);
// Write the list of items for the current page. Also, drawInnerMenu()
// will return the selected item row.
var selectedItemRow = this.drawInnerMenu(retObj.selectedIndex);
// Just for sane appearance: Move the cursor to the first character of
// the currently-selected row and set the appropriate color.
curpos.x = this.dimensions.topLeftX+1;
curpos.y = selectedItemRow;
console.gotoxy(curpos.x, curpos.y);
refreshList = false;
// Get a key from the user (upper-case) and take action based upon it.
retObj.lastKeypress = getKeyWithESCChars(K_UPPER|K_NOCRLF|K_NOSPIN, this.programCfgObj);
switch (retObj.lastKeypress)
case 'N': // Next page
refreshList = (this.pageNum < this.numPages-1);
if (refreshList)
this.topItemIndex += this.numItemsPerPage;
this.chosenTextItemIndex = retObj.selectedIndex = this.topItemIndex;
// Note: this.bottomItemIndex is refreshed at the top of the loop
case 'P': // Previous page
refreshList = (this.pageNum > 0);
if (refreshList)
this.topItemIndex -= this.numItemsPerPage;
this.chosenTextItemIndex = retObj.selectedIndex = this.topItemIndex;
// Note: this.bottomItemIndex is refreshed at the top of the loop
case 'F': // First page
refreshList = (this.pageNum > 0);
if (refreshList)
this.pageNum = 0;
this.topItemIndex = 0;
this.chosenTextItemIndex = retObj.selectedIndex = this.topItemIndex;
// Note: this.bottomItemIndex is refreshed at the top of the loop
case 'L': // Last page
refreshList = (this.pageNum < this.numPages-1);
if (refreshList)
this.pageNum = this.numPages-1;
this.topItemIndex = topIndexForLastPage;
this.chosenTextItemIndex = retObj.selectedIndex = this.topItemIndex;
// Note: this.bottomItemIndex is refreshed at the top of the loop
case KEY_UP:
// Move the cursor up one item
if (retObj.selectedIndex > 0)
// If the previous item index is on the previous page, then we'll
// want to display the previous page.
var previousItemIndex = retObj.selectedIndex - 1;
if (previousItemIndex < this.topItemIndex)
this.topItemIndex -= this.numItemsPerPage;
// Note: this.bottomItemIndex is refreshed at the top of the loop
refreshList = true;
// Display the current line un-highlighted
console.gotoxy(this.dimensions.topLeftX+1, curpos.y);
printf(this.listIemFormatStr, this.txtItemList[retObj.selectedIndex].substr(0, this.maxItemWidth));
// Display the previous line highlighted
curpos.x = this.dimensions.topLeftX+1;
printf(this.listIemHighlightFormatStr, this.txtItemList[previousItemIndex].substr(0, this.maxItemWidth));
console.gotoxy(curpos); // Move the cursor into place where it should be
refreshList = false;
this.chosenTextItemIndex = retObj.selectedIndex = previousItemIndex;
case KEY_DOWN:
// Move the cursor down one item
if (retObj.selectedIndex < this.txtItemList.length - 1)
// If the next item index is on the next page, then we'll want to
// display the next page.
var nextItemIndex = retObj.selectedIndex + 1;
if (nextItemIndex > this.bottomItemIndex)
this.topItemIndex += this.numItemsPerPage;
// Note: this.bottomItemIndex is refreshed at the top of the loop
refreshList = true;
// Display the current line un-highlighted
console.gotoxy(this.dimensions.topLeftX+1, curpos.y);
printf(this.listIemFormatStr, this.txtItemList[retObj.selectedIndex].substr(0, this.maxItemWidth));
// Display the previous line highlighted
curpos.x = this.dimensions.topLeftX+1;
printf(this.listIemHighlightFormatStr, this.txtItemList[nextItemIndex].substr(0, this.maxItemWidth));
console.gotoxy(curpos); // Move the cursor into place where it should be
refreshList = false;
this.chosenTextItemIndex = retObj.selectedIndex = nextItemIndex;
case KEY_HOME: // Go to the first row in the box
if (retObj.selectedIndex > this.topItemIndex)
// Display the current line un-highlighted
console.gotoxy(this.dimensions.topLeftX+1, curpos.y);
printf(this.listIemFormatStr, this.txtItemList[retObj.selectedIndex].substr(0, this.maxItemWidth));
// Select the top item, and display it highlighted.
this.chosenTextItemIndex = retObj.selectedIndex = this.topItemIndex;
curpos.x = this.dimensions.topLeftX+1;
curpos.y = this.dimensions.topLeftY+1;
printf(this.listIemHighlightFormatStr, this.txtItemList[retObj.selectedIndex].substr(0, this.maxItemWidth));
console.gotoxy(curpos); // Move the cursor into place where it should be
refreshList = false;
case KEY_END: // Go to the last row in the box
if (retObj.selectedIndex < this.bottomItemIndex)
// Display the current line un-highlighted
console.gotoxy(this.dimensions.topLeftX+1, curpos.y);
printf(this.listIemFormatStr, this.txtItemList[retObj.selectedIndex].substr(0, this.maxItemWidth));
// Select the bottommost item, and display it highlighted.
this.chosenTextItemIndex = retObj.selectedIndex = this.bottomItemIndex;
curpos.x = this.dimensions.topLeftX+1;
curpos.y = this.dimensions.bottomRightY-1;
printf(this.listIemHighlightFormatStr, this.txtItemList[retObj.selectedIndex].substr(0, this.maxItemWidth));
console.gotoxy(curpos); // Move the cursor into place where it should be
refreshList = false;
// If the enter key override function is set, then call it and pass
// this object into it. Otherwise, just select the item and quit.
if (this.enterKeyOverrideFn !== null)
retObj.itemWasSelected = true;
// Note: retObj.selectedIndex is already set.
retObj.selectedItem = this.txtItemList[retObj.selectedIndex];
refreshList = false;
continueOn = false;
case KEY_ESC: // Quit
case CTRL_A: // Quit
case 'Q': // Quit
this.chosenTextItemIndex = retObj.selectedIndex = -1;
refreshList = false;
continueOn = false;
// If the keypress is an additional key to exit the input loop, then
// do so.
if (this.inputLoopExitKeys.hasOwnProperty(retObj.lastKeypress))
this.chosenTextItemIndex = retObj.selectedIndex = -1;
refreshList = false;
continueOn = false;
// Unrecognized command. Don't refresh the list of the screen.
refreshList = false;
this.continueInputLoopOverride = true; // Reset
console.print("\x01n"); // To prevent outputting highlight colors, etc..
return retObj;
// Writes a default twitlist for the user if it doesn't exist
function writeDefaultUserTwitListIfNotExist()
if (file_exists(gUserTwitListFilename))
var outFile = new File(gUserTwitListFilename);
if ("w"))
outFile.writeln("; This is a personal twitlist for Digital Distortion Message Reader to block");
outFile.writeln("; messages from (and to) certain usernames. The intention is that if you are");
outFile.writeln("; being harassed by a specific person, or you simply do not wish to see their");
outFile.writeln("; messages, you can filter that person by adding their name (or email address)");
outFile.writeln("; to this file.");
// Returns whether 2 arrays have the same values
function arraysHaveSameValues(pArray1, pArray2)
if (pArray1 == null && pArray2 == null)
return true;
else if (pArray1 != null && pArray2 == null)
return false;
else if (pArray1 == null && pArray2 != null)
return false;
var arraysHaveSameValues = true;
if (pArray1.length != pArray2.length)
arraysHaveSameValues = false;
for (var a1i = 0; a1i < pArray1.length && arraysHaveSameValues; ++a1i)
var seenInArray2 = false;
for (var a2i = 0; a2i < pArray2.length && !seenInArray2; ++a2i)
seenInArray2 = (pArray2[a2i] == pArray1[a1i]);
arraysHaveSameValues = seenInArray2;
return arraysHaveSameValues;
// For debugging: Writes some text on the screen at a given location with a given pause.
// Parameters:
Digital Distortion Message Reader
Version 1.53
Release date: 2022-07-18
Version 1.54
Release date: 2022-08-06
......@@ -66,6 +66,11 @@ interface style can also be toggled by the sysop in the configuration file
in case the sysop wants the reader to use the traditional interface even for
ANSI users.
With this message reader, users can have their own personal twitlists. This
allows users to not see messages from (or to) specified usernames. A user can
edit their twit list by going into their user settings (with the Ctrl-U hotkey)
and choosing the option to edit their personal twit list.
This reader effectively replaces the Digital Distortion Message Lister, which
provided a traditional message reader interface but not the scrollable reader
interface for ANSI users.
......@@ -133,6 +138,7 @@ confirmation before deleting the messages.
- The program settings, colors, and some text can be changed via configuration
files. The configuration files may be placed in the same directory as the
.js script or in the sbbs/ctrl directory.
- Allows a personal twit list, editable via user settings (Ctrl-U)
If a message has been marked for deletion, it will appear in the message list
with a blinking red asterisk (*) after the message number.
......@@ -5,6 +5,8 @@ Revision History (change log)
Version Date Description
------- ---- -----------
1.54 2022-08-06 Users now have a personal twit list, configurable via
user settings, with the Ctrl-U hotkey.
1.53 2022-07-18 Deleted messages can now be un-marked for deletion from
the message list (if the user has delete permissions).
Also, the reader now honors the system setting for whether
0% Loading or .
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Finish editing this message first!
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