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Commit 4ecfec02 authored by nightfox's avatar nightfox
Browse files

Now includes mouse support. A mouse click on an item in the menu will make it...

Now includes mouse support.  A mouse click on an item in the menu will make it the currently highlighted item, and if the scrollbar is enabled, clicking above/below the solid scroll block will do a page up/down.
I'm wondering if there's a function (other than time()) that has higher resolution than 1 second (perhaps milliseconds?) so I can detect a double-click in a short amount of time (to perhaps add an item when multi-select is enabled).
I also saw the 'motion' variable, and I'm wondering if that coudl be used to detect mouse motion when the button is pressed (so that the menu can scroll when the mouse is moved while the mouse button is pressed over the scroll block).
parent a4df5100
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......@@ -232,9 +232,15 @@ lbMenu.GetItem = function(pItemIndex) {
if (typeof(require) === "function")
require("sbbsdefs.js", "K_UPPER");
require("mouse_getkey.js", "mouse_getkey");
// Keyboard keys
......@@ -367,7 +373,11 @@ function DDLightbarMenu(pX, pY, pWidth, pHeight)
// codes, it would have ^ and $ around it, as in
// /^\1[krgybmcw01234567hinpq,;\.dtl<>\[\]asz]$/i
this.syncAttrRegex = /\1[krgybmcw01234567hinpq,;\.dtl<>\[\]asz]/i;
// Things for mouse support
this.mouseTimeout = 0; // Timeout in ms. Currently using 0 for no timeout.
this.mouseEnabled = false; // To pass to mouse_getkey
// Member functions
this.Add = DDLightbarMenu_Add;
this.Remove = DDLightbarMenu_Remove;
......@@ -381,6 +391,7 @@ function DDLightbarMenu(pX, pY, pWidth, pHeight)
this.Draw = DDLightbarMenu_Draw;
this.DrawBorder = DDLightbarMenu_DrawBorder;
this.WriteItem = DDLightbarMenu_WriteItem;
this.WriteItemAtItsLocation = DDLightbarMenu_WriteItemAtItsLocation;
this.GetItemText = DDLightbarMenu_GetItemText;
this.Erase = DDLightbarMenu_Erase;
this.SetItemHotkey = DDLightbarMenu_SetItemHotkey;
......@@ -388,6 +399,7 @@ function DDLightbarMenu(pX, pY, pWidth, pHeight)
this.RemoveItemHotkey = DDLightbarMenu_RemoveItemHotkey;
this.RemoveItemHotkeys = DDLightbarMenu_RemoveItemHotkeys;
this.RemoveAllItemHotkeys = DDLightbarMenu_RemoveAllItemHotkeys;
this.GetMouseClickRegion = DDLightbarMenu_GetMouseClickRegion;
this.GetVal = DDLightbarMenu_GetVal;
this.SetBorderChars = DDLightbarMenu_SetBorderChars;
this.SetColors = DDLightbarMenu_SetColors;
......@@ -773,6 +785,22 @@ function DDLightbarMenu_WriteItem(pIdx, pItemLen, pHighlight, pSelected, pScreen
console.print(itemText + "\1n");
// Writes a menu item at its location on the menu. This should only be called
// if the item is on the current page.
// Parameters:
// pIdx: The index of the item to write
// pHighlight: Whether or not the item should be highlighted
// pSelected: Whether or not the item is selected
function DDLightbarMenu_WriteItemAtItsLocation(pIdx, pHighlight, pSelected)
if (this.borderEnabled)
console.gotoxy(this.pos.x+1, this.pos.y+pIdx-this.topItemIdx+1);
console.gotoxy(this.pos.x, this.pos.y+pIdx-this.topItemIdx);
this.WriteItem(pIdx, null, pHighlight, pSelected);
// Gets the text of a menu item with colors applied
// Parameters:
......@@ -964,6 +992,26 @@ function DDLightbarMenu_RemoveAllItemHotkeys()
this.items[i].hotkeys = "";
// Returns an object specifying the mouse valid click region for the menu,
// with properties left, right, top, and bottom.
function DDLightbarMenu_GetMouseClickRegion()
var clickRegion = {
left: this.pos.x,
right: this.pos.x + this.size.width - 1,
top: this.pos.y,
bottom: this.pos.y + this.size.height - 1
if (this.borderEnabled)
return clickRegion;
// Waits for user input, optionally drawing the menu first.
// Parameters:
......@@ -994,26 +1042,108 @@ function DDLightbarMenu_GetVal(pDraw, pSelectedItemIndexes)
if (this.scrollbarEnabled && !this.CanShowAllItemsInWindow())
this.lastUserInput = console.getkey(K_NOECHO|K_NOSPIN|K_NOCRLF);
//this.lastUserInput = console.getkey(K_NOECHO|K_NOSPIN|K_NOCRLF);
// TODO: With mouse_getkey(), it seems you need to press ESC twice
// to get the ESC key and exit the menu
var mk = mouse_getkey(K_NOECHO|K_NOSPIN|K_NOCRLF, this.mouseTimeout > 1 ? this.mouseTimeout : undefined, this.mouseEnabled);
var mouseNoAction = false;
if (mk.mouse !== null)
// See if the user clicked anywhere in the region where items are
// listed or the scrollbar
var clickRegion = this.GetMouseClickRegion();
// Button 0 is the left/main mouse button
if ( && (mk.mouse.button == 0) && (mk.mouse.motion == 0) &&
(mk.mouse.x >= clickRegion.left) && (mk.mouse.x <= clickRegion.right) &&
(mk.mouse.y >= && (mk.mouse.y <= clickRegion.bottom))
// If the scrollbar is enabled, then see if the mouse click was
// in the scrollbar region. If below the scrollbar bright blocks,
// then we'll want to do a PageDown. If above the scrollbar bright
// blocks, then we'll want to do a PageUp.
var scrollbarX = this.pos.x + this.size.width - 1;
if (this.borderEnabled)
if ((mk.mouse.x == scrollbarX) && this.scrollbarEnabled)
var scrollbarSolidBlockEndRow = this.scrollbarInfo.solidBlockLastStartRow + this.scrollbarInfo.numSolidScrollBlocks - 1;
if (mk.mouse.y < this.scrollbarInfo.solidBlockLastStartRow)
this.lastUserInput = KEY_PAGEUP;
else if (mk.mouse.y > scrollbarSolidBlockEndRow)
this.lastUserInput = KEY_PAGEDN;
// Mouse click no-action
// TODO: Can we detect if they're holding the mouse down
// and scroll while the user holds the mouse & scrolls on
// the scrollbar?
this.lastUserInput = "";
mouseNoAction = true;
// The user didn't click on the scrollbar or the scrollbar
// isn't enabled. Make the clicked-on item the currently
// highlighted item.
// TODO: Can we detect a fast double-click and select the
// item for multi-select in that case? (If multi-select is
// enabled)
// Only select the item if the index is valid
var topItemY = (this.borderEnabled ? this.pos.y + 1 : this.pos.y);
var distFromTopY = mk.mouse.y - topItemY;
var itemIdx = this.topItemIdx + distFromTopY;
if ((itemIdx >= 0) && (itemIdx < this.NumItems()))
this.WriteItemAtItsLocation(this.selectedItemIdx, false, selectedItemIndexes.hasOwnProperty(this.selectedItemIdx));
this.selectedItemIdx = itemIdx;
this.WriteItemAtItsLocation(this.selectedItemIdx, true, selectedItemIndexes.hasOwnProperty(this.selectedItemIdx));
// Don't have the later code do anything
this.lastUserInput = "";
mouseNoAction = true;
// The mouse click is outside the click region. Set the appropriate
// variables for mouse no-action.
// TODO: Perhaps this may also need to be done in some places above
// where no action needs to be taken
this.lastUserInput = "";
mouseNoAction = true;
// mouse is null, so a keybaord key must have been pressed
this.lastUserInput = mk.key;
// Take the appropriate action based on the user's last input/keypress
if ((this.lastUserInput == KEY_ESC) || (this.QuitKeysIncludes(this.lastUserInput)))
continueOn = false;
// Ensure any returned choice objects are null/empty to signal
// that the user aborted
userChoices = null; // For multi-select mode
selectedItemIndexes = { }; // For multi-select mode
retVal = null; // For single-choice mode
// Only exit if there was not a no-action mouse click
// TODO: Is this logic good and clean?
var goAheadAndExit = true;
if (mk.mouse !== null)
goAheadAndExit = !mouseNoAction;
if (goAheadAndExit)
continueOn = false;
// Ensure any returned choice objects are null/empty to signal
// that the user aborted
userChoices = null; // For multi-select mode
selectedItemIndexes = { }; // For multi-select mode
retVal = null; // For single-choice mode
else if ((this.lastUserInput == KEY_UP) || (this.lastUserInput == KEY_LEFT))
if (this.selectedItemIdx > 0)
// Draw the current item in regular colors
if (this.borderEnabled)
console.gotoxy(this.pos.x+1, this.pos.y+this.selectedItemIdx-this.topItemIdx+1);
console.gotoxy(this.pos.x, this.pos.y+this.selectedItemIdx-this.topItemIdx);
this.WriteItem(this.selectedItemIdx, null, false, selectedItemIndexes.hasOwnProperty(this.selectedItemIdx));
this.WriteItemAtItsLocation(this.selectedItemIdx, false, selectedItemIndexes.hasOwnProperty(this.selectedItemIdx));
// Draw the new current item in selected colors
// If the selected item is above the top of the menu, then we'll need to
......@@ -1027,11 +1157,7 @@ function DDLightbarMenu_GetVal(pDraw, pSelectedItemIndexes)
// The selected item is not above the top of the menu, so we can
// just draw the selected item highlighted.
if (this.borderEnabled)
console.gotoxy(this.pos.x+1, this.pos.y+this.selectedItemIdx-this.topItemIdx+1);
console.gotoxy(this.pos.x, this.pos.y+this.selectedItemIdx-this.topItemIdx);
this.WriteItem(this.selectedItemIdx, null, true, selectedItemIndexes.hasOwnProperty(this.selectedItemIdx));
this.WriteItemAtItsLocation(this.selectedItemIdx, true, selectedItemIndexes.hasOwnProperty(this.selectedItemIdx));
......@@ -1041,11 +1167,8 @@ function DDLightbarMenu_GetVal(pDraw, pSelectedItemIndexes)
if (this.wrapNavigation)
// Draw the current item in regular colors
if (this.borderEnabled)
console.gotoxy(this.pos.x+1, this.pos.y+this.selectedItemIdx-this.topItemIdx+1);
console.gotoxy(this.pos.x, this.pos.y+this.selectedItemIdx-this.topItemIdx);
this.WriteItem(this.selectedItemIdx, null, false, selectedItemIndexes.hasOwnProperty(this.selectedItemIdx));
//this.WriteItemAtItsLocation(pIdx, pHighlight, pSelected)
this.WriteItemAtItsLocation(this.selectedItemIdx, false, selectedItemIndexes.hasOwnProperty(this.selectedItemIdx));
// Go to the last item and scroll to the bottom if necessary
this.selectedItemIdx = numItems - 1;
var oldTopItemIdx = this.topItemIdx;
......@@ -1058,11 +1181,7 @@ function DDLightbarMenu_GetVal(pDraw, pSelectedItemIndexes)
// Draw the new current item in selected colors
if (this.borderEnabled)
console.gotoxy(this.pos.x+1, this.pos.y+this.selectedItemIdx-this.topItemIdx+1);
console.gotoxy(this.pos.x, this.pos.y+this.selectedItemIdx-this.topItemIdx);
this.WriteItem(this.selectedItemIdx, null, true, selectedItemIndexes.hasOwnProperty(this.selectedItemIdx));
this.WriteItemAtItsLocation(this.selectedItemIdx, true, selectedItemIndexes.hasOwnProperty(this.selectedItemIdx));
......@@ -1072,11 +1191,7 @@ function DDLightbarMenu_GetVal(pDraw, pSelectedItemIndexes)
if (this.selectedItemIdx < numItems-1)
// Draw the current item in regular colors
if (this.borderEnabled)
console.gotoxy(this.pos.x+1, this.pos.y+this.selectedItemIdx-this.topItemIdx+1);
console.gotoxy(this.pos.x, this.pos.y+this.selectedItemIdx-this.topItemIdx);
this.WriteItem(this.selectedItemIdx, null, false, selectedItemIndexes.hasOwnProperty(this.selectedItemIdx));
this.WriteItemAtItsLocation(this.selectedItemIdx, false, selectedItemIndexes.hasOwnProperty(this.selectedItemIdx));
// Draw the new current item in selected colors
// If the selected item is below the bottom of the menu, then we'll need to
......@@ -1091,11 +1206,7 @@ function DDLightbarMenu_GetVal(pDraw, pSelectedItemIndexes)
// The selected item is not below the bottom of the menu, so we can
// just draw the selected item highlighted.
if (this.borderEnabled)
console.gotoxy(this.pos.x+1, this.pos.y+this.selectedItemIdx-this.topItemIdx+1);
console.gotoxy(this.pos.x, this.pos.y+this.selectedItemIdx-this.topItemIdx);
this.WriteItem(this.selectedItemIdx, null, true, selectedItemIndexes.hasOwnProperty(this.selectedItemIdx));
this.WriteItemAtItsLocation(this.selectedItemIdx, true, selectedItemIndexes.hasOwnProperty(this.selectedItemIdx));
......@@ -1105,11 +1216,7 @@ function DDLightbarMenu_GetVal(pDraw, pSelectedItemIndexes)
if (this.wrapNavigation)
// Draw the current item in regular colors
if (this.borderEnabled)
console.gotoxy(this.pos.x+1, this.pos.y+this.selectedItemIdx-this.topItemIdx+1);
console.gotoxy(this.pos.x, this.pos.y+this.selectedItemIdx-this.topItemIdx);
this.WriteItem(this.selectedItemIdx, null, false, selectedItemIndexes.hasOwnProperty(this.selectedItemIdx));
this.WriteItemAtItsLocation(this.selectedItemIdx, false, selectedItemIndexes.hasOwnProperty(this.selectedItemIdx));
// Go to the first item and scroll to the top if necessary
this.selectedItemIdx = 0;
var oldTopItemIdx = this.topItemIdx;
......@@ -1119,11 +1226,7 @@ function DDLightbarMenu_GetVal(pDraw, pSelectedItemIndexes)
// Draw the new current item in selected colors
if (this.borderEnabled)
console.gotoxy(this.pos.x+1, this.pos.y+this.selectedItemIdx-this.topItemIdx+1);
console.gotoxy(this.pos.x, this.pos.y+this.selectedItemIdx-this.topItemIdx);
this.WriteItem(this.selectedItemIdx, null, true, selectedItemIndexes.hasOwnProperty(this.selectedItemIdx));
this.WriteItemAtItsLocation(this.selectedItemIdx, true, selectedItemIndexes.hasOwnProperty(this.selectedItemIdx));
......@@ -1163,6 +1266,18 @@ function DDLightbarMenu_GetVal(pDraw, pSelectedItemIndexes)
// We're already showing the first page of items.
// If the currently selected item is not the first
// item, then make it so.
if (this.selectedItemIdx > 0)
this.WriteItemAtItsLocation(this.selectedItemIdx, false, selectedItemIndexes.hasOwnProperty(this.selectedItemIdx));
this.selectedItemIdx = 0;
this.WriteItemAtItsLocation(this.selectedItemIdx, true, selectedItemIndexes.hasOwnProperty(this.selectedItemIdx));
else if (this.lastUserInput == KEY_PAGEDN)
......@@ -1200,6 +1315,18 @@ function DDLightbarMenu_GetVal(pDraw, pSelectedItemIndexes)
// We're already showing the last page of items.
// If the currently selected item is not the last
// item, then make it so.
if (this.selectedItemIdx < lastItemIdx)
this.WriteItemAtItsLocation(this.selectedItemIdx, false, selectedItemIndexes.hasOwnProperty(this.selectedItemIdx));
this.selectedItemIdx = lastItemIdx;
this.WriteItemAtItsLocation(this.selectedItemIdx, true, selectedItemIndexes.hasOwnProperty(this.selectedItemIdx));
else if (this.lastUserInput == KEY_HOME)
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