Bug-fix: when enumerating a message header (returned from
MsgBase.get_msg_header or get_all_msg_headers), the message header object's private data (used internally in these C source functions) would be freed and NULL'd, apparenty as a form of optimization. This would cause some methods which can accept a msg header object as an argument (e.g. MsgBase.put_msg_header, bbs.show_msg/show_msg_header) to fail or behave in strange ways. Instead of freeing/NULLing the private data (and depending on that as an indication that the header has been enuemrated), just set a member variable indicating that the header has been enumerated (once) already. This is the bug that has been tripping me up with my message lister JS mod (see YouTube video). I can finally get that committed to CVS for testing now. :-)
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