"mode (default: <tt>'w+'</tt>) specifies the type of access requested for the file, as follows:<br>"
"<tt>r </tt> open for reading; if the file does not exist or cannot be found, the open call fails<br>"
"<tt>w </tt> open an empty file for writing; if the given file exists, its contents are destroyed<br>"
"<tt>a </tt> open for writing at the end of the file (appending); creates the file first if it doesnt exist<br>"
"<tt>r+</tt> open for both reading and writing (the file must exist)<br>"
"<tt>w+</tt> open an empty file for both reading and writing; if the given file exists, its contents are destroyed<br>"
"<tt>a+</tt> open for reading and appending<br>"
"<tt>b </tt> open in binary (untranslated) mode; translations involving carriage-return and linefeed characters are suppressed (e.g. <tt>r+b</tt>)<br>"
"share_mode (default: <tt>'SH_COMPAT'</tt>) specifies the type of share protection requested for the file, as follows:<br>"
"<tt>SH_COMPAT</tt> Sets compatibility mode - Allows other opens with SH_COMPAT. The call will fail if the file has already been opened in any other shared mode.<br>"
"<tt>SH_DENYNO</tt> Permits read/write access - Allows other shared opens to the file, but not other SH_COMPAT opens.<br>"
"<tt>SH_DENYWR</tt> Denies write access - Allows only reads from any other open to the file<br>"
"<tt>SH_DENYRW</tt> Denies read/write access - Only the current object may have access to the file<br>"
"<br><b>Note:</b> When using the <tt>iniSet</tt> methods to modify a <tt>.ini</tt> file, "
"the file must be opened for both reading and writing.<br>"
"<br><b>Note:</b> To open an existing or create a new file for both reading and writing, "
"use the <i>file_exists</i> function like so:<br>"