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Configuring Synchronet Version 3: Answers to Frequently Asked Questions
Q: DOS programs (e.g. editors, door games) won't run on my Windows Vista-32
system running Synchronet-Win32.
A: There are 2 new requirements for 16-bit DOS programs to work under
Synchronet-Win32 on Windows Vista-32:
1. You must have SBBSEXEC.DLL rev 38 or later (this is included in SBBS
2. You must copy SBBSEXEC.DLL to your Windows "System32" folder.
Q: DOS programs won't run on my 64-bit Windows system.
A: Microsoft does not include Virtual DOS Machine (NTVDM) support in their
64-bit operating systems. Synchronet for Windows relies on NTVDM for
16-bit DOS program support, so you need to either run a 32-bit Windows
(e.g. re-install, use dual-boot, or run in a Virtual Machine) or forego
DOS programs on your BBS.
Q: I want to create custom menus. Is there any detailed documentation or
samples regarding custom menus on Synchronet?
A: Yes, see the customization chapter in the Synchronet Sysop Manual
@@ -10,12 +26,6 @@ A: Yes, see the customization chapter in the Synchronet Sysop Manual
(, or Synchronet JavaScript page
( for details.
Q: I seem to missing the menu files for non-default (Synchronet Classic)
command shells on v3.10L-win32.
A: These files were accidentally excluded from the v3.10L-win32 install.
Download and extract (with
directories) into your Synchronet text/menu directory.
Q: How do I get on the Synchronet BBS List (
A: The best way is to first join DOVE-Net, then run the Synchronet BBS List
(SBL) door on *your* BBS and add an entry for your BBS. This entry should
@@ -43,27 +53,14 @@ A: First get your BBS on the Synchronet BBS List (sbbslist.html), and if your
Q: How do I know what ports Synchronet needs opened through my firewall?
A: The answer depends on what Synchronet servers and services you have enabled
and whatever ports you have configured Synchronet to use for each.
The default port values for Synchronet servers and services are:
Telnet: 23 (TCP)
RLogin: 513 (TCP)
FTP: 21 (TCP)
SMTP: 25 (TCP)
POP3: 110 (TCP)
NNTP: 119 (TCP)
Gopher: 70 (TCP)
Finger: 79 (UDP and TCP)
HTTP: 80 (TCP)
IRC: 6667 (TCP)
You can check your configured port values in ctrl/sbbs.ini and services.ini.
See for details.
Q: How do I join DOVE-Net?
A: If you've installed v3.10, Telnet to and create a
account for your QWKnet transfers (using your system's QWK-ID for the
name), then edit your "Call-out Command Line" in SCFG->Networks->QWK->
->VERT: replace "YOURPASS" with the password you used when creating
QWKnet user account. Do NOT change anything else in the command-line!
A: If you've installed v3.10
or later
, Telnet to and create a
account for your QWKnet transfers (using your system's QWK-ID for the
name), then edit your "Call-out Command Line" in SCFG->Networks->QWK->
->VERT: replace "YOURPASS" with the password you used when creating
QWKnet user account. Do NOT change anything else in the command-line!
That's it! For more details, see docs/dove-net.txt.
Q: What is my system's QWK-ID?
@@ -72,8 +69,7 @@ A: This is normally an abbreviation of your BBS's name that YOU determine
in DOVE-NET.ZIP for any conflicts with other DOVE-Net systems' QWK-IDs.
Q: How do I get my FTP server to work behind my firewall/NAT/router?
A: See for
A: See for details.
Q: How do I disable the New User Feedback requirement?
A: In sbbs v3.10-win32, run the Configuration Wizard and un-check the
@@ -132,17 +128,9 @@ A: The easiest way is to use the ADDFILES utility which can automatically
Q: Long filename support doesn't seem to be fully functional.
A: Support for files with long filenames (greater than the MS-DOS 8.3 format)
is a work in progress. There are two main issues:
A: The current Synchronet file database format only supports 8.3 filenames.
B: The only X/Y/Zmodem file transfer program that currently works with
Synchronet-Win32 is FDSZ, which is a 16-bit DOS programs (which therefore
only supports 8.3 format filenames).
Synchronet v3.10 will display long filenames, but the files must be added to
the database using a means other than X/Y/Zmodem (at this time).
The file database format is being replaced in v3.20 and will store long
is a work in progress.
The file database format is being replaced in v4.00 and will store long
filenames as well as many other improvements.
There is work being done to create a good 32-bit Winsock alternative to FDSZ
that will support long filenames as well as consume less resources.
Q: How do I enable forced upload/download ratios.
A: By default, Synchronet utilizes a "credit" system, where a user typically
@@ -171,11 +159,6 @@ A: Add the disallowed host names to your text/host.can file or IP addresses
in Synchronet v3.10+, you can use the familiar '*' wildcard character
(e.g. "*" and "192.168.*").
Q: My CPU/kernel-utilization meter reports 100% when a user is online and
entering a string/line of text.
A: Set SBBSCTRL:BBS->Configure->Nodes->Node X->Toggle Options->Low Priority
string input to "Yes" (where X is your first telnet node).
Q: How do I allow anonymous logins to the Synchronet FTP Server?
A: You need to create a Guest account on your BBS. Create a new user (login
as "New" or use the User Editor included with v3.00b) with a user name of
@@ -211,163 +194,6 @@ A: Make sure you have "Intercept I/O Interrupts" set to "No" for all FOSSIL
FOSSIL driver is automatically configured and loaded when needed - there
is nothing you need to do to install or load the Synchronet FOSSIL driver.
Q: SyncEdit isn't working correctly.
A: See the docs/syedtfaq.txt for details.
Q: When I read messages on my v2.3c (or earlier) nodes, I sometimes get a
garbled Message Attributes line.
A: Synchronet v3 introduced a new message attribute (REPLIED) and this
attribute is not currently supported in v2.3c. To work around this problem,
remove one of the %s's from the MsgAttr line of your CTRL\TEXT.DAT file.
I plan on releasing a v2.3d with this fix (and others) in the future).
Q: I have Scroll-Lock on, but I'm still not available for chat page.
A: Synchronet version 3 no longer uses Scroll-Lock to indicate sysop
availability. Instead, there is a button on the SBBSCTRL tool bar and on
the BBS menu to toggle the sysop availability for chat (added in v3.00b).
Q: Is there any updated documentation for Synchronet v3?
Q: The documentation I have (sysop.doc) appears to be for v2.3 for DOS/OS2?
Q: Do you have documentation that is easier for me to view/print/etc?
A: Yes, the documentation included in Synchronet v3.00b was the same old
SYSOP.DOC (ASCII text file) created for Synchronet for DOS and OS/2 v2.30.
It was reformatted in HTML and updated for version 3.00c (as of
December 2000). You can view the progress of the Synchronet Documentation
project at: Contributors are welcome!
The Synchronet HTML docs have been converted to PDF for your
viewing/printing pleasure and can be downloaded @
Q: The SBBSCTRL:BBS->Login menu option isn't working for me.
A: The default local login command in v3.00 ("start telnet://localhost") does
not work on NT-based OSes (including Win2K and WinXP). If you're running
v3.00, run REGEDIT and go into
HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Swindell\Synchronet Control Panel
and change "LoginCommand" to "telnet localhost" or "mtel localhost" or
whatever your favorite telnet client is.
If you're running v3.10e or later, then the "start telnet://localhost"
command line should work (start up your registered telnet client).
Q: The SBBSCTRL:BBS->Configure menu option isn't working for me.
A: SCFG and SCFG32 are console-mode programs that only work in an 80x25
console window. If you're seeing the message "USCRN failed!" that means
you probably have your default console window set to a dimensions larger
than 80x25.
You can fix this on Windows NT/2K/XP by adjusting the properties of your
System32\command.pif file. Make sure "restore settings at startup"
(under the "Screen" tab) is not checked. Also, make sure the screen buffer
size is no larger than the screen window size (80x25).
Q: How come some of the times diplayed are off by exactly one hour?
A: In v3.10, try setting SCFG->System->Toggle Options->Use Local/System Time
Zone to "Yes". That *should* fix the problem.
A: There is a time-zone bug in the Microsoft Visual C++ run-time library I'm
using in Synchronet v3 related to day-light savings time. Those of you
using v3 in a timezone which has daylight savings, may see a different time
in the BBS (ctrl-T for example) than you do in SBBSCTRL or your system tray.
You can fix the problem by removing Windows' knowledge of daylight savings
altogether (which I think is a dumb idea to begin with). You need to run
TZEDIT which is included on the Win98 CD in the tools\reskit\config
directory. It's included with Win95 OSR2 in the Admin\Apptools\Tzedit
directory. Anyway, run tzedit, select your time-zone from the list (it
should already be selected), click the "Edit" button, and UN-CHECK the
"Automatically set Daylight Savings Time" check box. Then clck OK, then
click CLOSE.
Now, you need to RE-SELECT the time-zone by double-clicking the time in your
system-tray (lower right corner) or by re-selecting the time zone in the
control panel. Now when you run Synchronet and user logs on (for example),
the times should all be correct.
Q: I get an error message that contains "file: c:\src\sbbs3\etc" or something
similar but I do not have Synchronet installed on drive C or that path does
not exist?
A: The "Source" or "File" portion of the error message is for the author's
reference only and has nothing to do with your Synchronet configuration. The
file path in question was the original source code file where the error
occured, which you do not need to concern yourself with (unless you are
modifying the source code). Send the ENTIRE error message (as shown in your
data/error.log file) to the author if you still have any questions or
concerns that aren't answered here or in the sysop documentation.
Q: My long filenames aren't appearing correctly on the BBS?
A: The Synchronet file database currently only supports the DOS 8.3 naming
format. Longer filenames will be shown in their Micros~1 mangled form.
The Synchronet FTP server does automatically detect and display long
filenames, however. Long filenames will be supported in the BBS/Telnet
server in a future release (v3.10).
Q: File transfers (DSZ) aren't working.
A: You need to use FDSZ (FOSSIL version of DSZ) in place of DSZ:
1. Verify you have FDSZ.EXE in your Synchronet EXEC directory.
2. Change the command lines in SBBSCTRL:BBS->Configure->File Options->
Transfer Protocols from "%!dsz ..." to "%!fdsz ...".
A: If you're using an NT-based OS (including Win2K and WinXP), you'll need
to upgrade to v3.10e or later to get the fix for Zmodem transfers.
Q: Why do I get an SBBS.DLL error about missing GetDiskFreeSpaceEx?
A: You're attempting to run Synchronet v3.0 on pre-OSR2 Windows 95 or Windows
NT 3.x. Support for pre-OSR2 Windows 95 was added in Synchronet v3.00c.
See for a matrix of supported
Q: Can I run version 3 under Windows NT4/2000?
A: The first beta release (v3.00a) did not include a FOSSIL/DOS interrupt
driver for NT/2000, so only Windows 95/98 was fully supported. Version
3.00b includes a FOSSIL/DOS interrupt driver for NT4/2000. If running under
NT4/2000, see NTREADME.TXT for configuration details.
Q: How do I get Synchronet to create a DOOR32.SYS drop file?
A: In v3.10, you just select "Door32.sys" from the drop file list.
Q: How do I tell Synchronet that a program is 32-bit?
A: Add the program's base filename to SBBSCTRL:BBS->Configure->External
Programs->OS/2 Program List (this is actually the native 32-bit program
list). If you specified the executable file extension (e.g. ".exe") on
the program's command-line, then you'll also need to include the
filename with the extension in the 32-bit Program List.
In v3.10, you just set "Native Executable" to "Yes".
Q: What is SCFG?
A: The Synchronet Configuration Utility (exec/scfg.exe). This 16-bit
console/text-mode program is left-over from Synchronet v2 and is still used
(as of v3.0) to configure many of the aspects of Synchronet v3
(SBBSCTRL:BBS->Configure). See
for details.
There is also a 32-bit version of SCFG, SCFG32.EXE, that should be used in
place of SCFG.EXE when more than a few hundred kilobytes of memory are
required for configuration information (typically, for large numbers
of message areas).
You can change the program and command-line used with the
SBBSCTRL:BBS->Configure menu option: in v3.00, run REGEDIT, and change
HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Swindell\Synchronet Control Panel\ConfigCommand
or in v3.10, go to SBBSCTRL:File->Properties. Change the string to
"%sSCFG32 %s" (removing the "/t2") to utilize the 32-bit version of SCFG.
You can run SCFG/SCFG32 from the command-line by specifying the path to your
Synchronet CTRL directory as the first parameter
(e.g. "c:\sbbs\exec\scfg32 c:\sbbs\ctrl"). When running the 16-bit version of
SCFG under Windows, it is highly recommended to use the "/t2" command-line
switch to yield Windows time-slices.
SCFG and SCFG32 only work in 80x25 text windows (on Win32-based OSes).
SCFG will fail with a "USCRN failed!" error message when run in a non-80x25
** UPDATE **
SCFG.EXE v3.10 (included with Synchronet v3.10g and later) is 32-bit;
there is no more SCFG32.EXE (you can safely delete this file). Also, SCFG.EXE
is no longer limited to 80x25 text windows.
If you find SCFG is running in a Window where not all of the application is
visible, add "-l25" to your SCFG command-line to force it to 25-line mode.
As always, see the documentation if you have any questions that aren't
answered here:
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