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Commit d0b11a34 authored by deuce's avatar deuce
Browse files

Added FreeVote door

parent 1b3e90e8
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CPP := g++
CC ?= gcc
OS := $(shell uname)
OS := $(shell echo $(OS) | tr "[ A-Z]" "[\-a-z]")
OS := $(shell echo $(OS) | tr -d "/")
CCFLAGS += -g -O2 -I/usr/bbs/sbbs/src/src/odoors -L/usr/bbs/sbbs/doors/libs.$(OS) -I./xpdev
ifeq ($(OS),netbsd)
CCFLAGS += -D__unix__
OBJDIR := obj.$(OS)/
all : freevote.$(OS)
mkdir $(OBJDIR)
$(OBJDIR)filewrap.o: $(OBJDIR) xpdev/filewrap.c xpdev/filewrap.h xpdev/wrapdll.h
$(CC) $(CCFLAGS) -c xpdev/filewrap.c -o $(OBJDIR)filewrap.o
$(OBJDIR)dirwrap.o: $(OBJDIR) xpdev/dirwrap.c xpdev/dirwrap.h xpdev/genwrap.h xpdev/gen_defs.h xpdev/wrapdll.h
$(CC) $(CCFLAGS) -c xpdev/dirwrap.c -o $(OBJDIR)dirwrap.o
$(OBJDIR)genwrap.o: $(OBJDIR) xpdev/genwrap.c xpdev/genwrap.h xpdev/gen_defs.h xpdev/wrapdll.h
$(CC) $(CCFLAGS) -c xpdev/genwrap.c -o $(OBJDIR)genwrap.o
freevote.$(OS) : freevote.cpp $(OBJDIR)dirwrap.o $(OBJDIR)genwrap.o $(OBJDIR)filewrap.o
$(CPP) $(CCFLAGS) freevote.cpp $(OBJDIR)dirwrap.o $(OBJDIR)genwrap.o $(OBJDIR)filewrap.o -lODoors -o freevote.$(OS)
rm -rf freevote.$(OS) $(OBJDIR)
Hey ...
Send donations to: (money order or cash ...)
12460 n granville cyn way
tucson,az 85737
I have a lot of feature requests, but NO donations, so i'm pretty lazy on
working on the door, I add just simple features. These are planed but I
prolly won't do it unless I get some donations.
up to 30 questions, 15 two liened (but it would be flexible, like 10 2-lined
and 10 1-lined)
more editting capabilities.
larger answers
multiple question files
User editor
color options
more user specific options
badwords replacement file
More ...
But since i don't right now feel any need to add something i won't ... I'd
rather work on something i get some money for (and i don't have much of that
too!) So even a small donation will get me more motivated to work on it!
Try My Door Game!
New York 2008!!!!! The best RPG there is! Multiline aware with all kind
of multinode stuff! The most fun door to play!!! Has all that a good
RPG game should have!
Usually available where freevote is available!
here are all the filenames of the software i wrote ...
NY_010WB.ZIP (New York 2008 v0.10 WIDE BETA1 RPG Door game! $15)
NY_JP12.ZIP (Jackpot IGM v1.2 for NY2008, free)
NY_SH11.ZIP (Shoot 'Em IGM v1.1 for NY2008, 1$ donation)
NY_BAR13.ZIP (Franz's Bar IGM v1.3 for NY2008, 1$ donation)
FVOTE_32.ZIP (FrEevOtE v3.1 Voting Door!, free)
KCHAT_12.ZIP (KeWlcHaT v121 Sysop split screen chat door, rip, free)
DWALL_22.ZIP (Dirty Wall v2.2 Wall program, looks like real wall, free)
BULLS12.ZIP (BULLS 1.2 Bulletin maker, easy to use!, free)
HIDETV22.ZIP (HideT v2.2 encryption, security program!, $10-not cripled)
BATTLE.ZIP (Battle MARS programming type game for win3.1, $10-not cripled)
; FrEevOtE configuration file
; If You have multiple configuration files start them with the -C command
; line option. 'FREEVOTE.CFG' is the deafault and will be read if the -C
; option is not specified.
; Any text following a semi-colon (;), and blank lines, are ignored.
; BBS system directory. Indicates where the door information file (drop file)
; can be found. Remove the semi-colon (;) to activate this option.
; You can activate this to the door look for the drop files here or you
; can pass this directory through the command line. This is good for
; multinode sytems. (command line -Pc:\path)
; The door's working directory. This is where the door's system files are
; located. Remove the semi-colon (;) to activate this option.
; you can run multiple games when you create a different cfg file and set
; each path different, then all the datafiles will be read from that
; directory. Or if you want to have the data directory different.
; Local mode override. Forces door to always operate in local test mode.
; Remove the semi-colon (;) to activate this option. When this mode is
; activated, no door information file is required and default settings are
; used for the user's name, location, etc.
; This is also done by the -L command line option. If you use the -L option
; you can specify the user name.
; Door personality setting. This setting selects one of a number of sysop
; interface personalities. Each personality setting emulates the status line
; format and sysop function keys of a particular BBS package. Valid
; personality settings are:
; Standard (OpenDoors style, similar to RA 1.11)
; PCBoard
; RemoteAccess
; Wildcat
Personality Standard
; Voting Options, Type "Yes" or "No" after the keyword.
;Minimum security to allow in the door, if the user is lower he will be kicked
;out of the door. (0 for everyone)
MinSecurity 0
;Allow users to add questions of their own?
AllowAdd Yes
;Minimum security to allow question adding (set to 0 for everybody)
;(AllowAdd overrides this option)
AddSecurity 0
;Allow users to delete the questions they have created?
AllowDelete Yes
;Allow users to change their votes to the questions they voted on?
AllowChange Yes
;Allow users to withdraw their vote from questions? AllowChange has to
;be enabled for this to have any effect.
AllowUnvote Yes
;Allow regular users to view users results of questions they have not voted
;on? Sysop access level users can do this regardless of this settings.
ViewUnanswered No
;Answer Adding, should the creator choose if others can add answers, should
;it be completely disabled, or should it be forced for every question created
;Select from "Never" (disabled completely) "Optional" (creator chooses) or
;"Forced" (every question will allow it) old questions from previous versions
;will not use these and will be same as allways. Sysop access level users can
;always create any questions.
AnswerAdding Optional
;The new option in 2.7 is that questions which allows one user to add more
;than one answer to the question. this is by default chosen by the question
;creator, but you may disable it or force it for every question! Select from
;"Never" (disabled completely) "Optional" (creator chooses) or "Forced"
;(every question will allow it) old questions from previous versions will not
;use these and will be same as allways. Sysop access level users can always
;create any questions.
MultipleAdds Optional
;Allow anonymous question posting? Sysop access level users can allways post
;as anonymous!
AllowAnonymous Yes
;Allow creation the multiple answer questions, th eones that allow one user
;to choose more than one answer, kind of like cheack all that aplies. Sysop
;access level users will allways have this option.
MultipleAnswers Yes
;Allow user to view results of the questions they created even if they haven't
;voted on them yet. This has no meaning if you set the ViewUnunswered to yes.
ViewOwnResults Yes
; Which Color Scheme should be used, 2 color schemes available, the default
; or The Night Watcher BBS scheme. Enter DEF or TNW after the keyword.
ColorScheme DEF
; Should the answers be separated by being cyan and yellow or should they
; all be green just as it was. This is for the results graph only!
; I recomend turning it off for The Night Watcher BBS scheme.
ColoredResults Yes
; If to read handles or real names from the dropfiles.
; !!CAUTION!! Change this only when first installing the game or when you
; reset. If you chage it, the door will not recognise users and their votes
; will be wrong!!! Change this before you install freevote or when you reset!
; This also aplies when you use the BADUSERS.TXT! If you use it that is!
UseHandles No
; Time after which questions should be deleted in days. Do not set this
; option or set it to 0 if you do not want questions deleted!
;DeleteAfter 0
; BBS node number that door is running on. Only used if FrEevOtE is unable
; to determine the node number by some other means.
; (the -N command line option or the dropfile) I recomend passing the -N
; option and the -P option to FrEevOtE for a multinode system, instead of
; creating more config files.
;Node 1
; Sysop paging hours. Sysop paging will be permitted beginning at the start
; time, up until, but not including, the end time. Times should be in 24-hour
; format. To disable paging on a particular day, set the paging start and end
; times to the same time.
; Start Time End Time
SundayPagingHours 9:00 22:00
MondayPagingHours 8:30 22:00
TuesdayPagingHours 8:30 22:00
WednesdayPagingHours 8:30 22:00
ThursdayPagingHours 8:30 22:00
FridayPagingHours 8:30 22:00
SaturdayPagingHours 9:00 22:00
; Duration of sysop page. Value indicates the number of beeps that compose the
; sysop page alarm.
PageDuration 10
; Allow the user to page?
AllowPage Yes
; Maximum length of time a user is permitted to access FrEevOtE. If the user's
; total remaining time on the BBS is less than this value, the user will only
; be permitted to access the door for this shorter length of time. This option
; may be disabled by placing a semi-colon (;) at the beginning of the line.
; When this option is disabled, the user will be permitted to use the full
; of their remaining time on the BBS within the door.
;MaximumDoorTime 15
; Inactivity timeout. Specifies the maximum number of seconds that may elapse
; without the user pressing any key, before the user will be automatically
; disconnected. A value of 0 disables inactivity timeouts.
InactivityTimeout 0
; Name of the sysop. FrEevOtE can usually determine the sysop's name from the
; information passed to the door by the BBS. However, some BBS software does
; not supply this information to doors. In such cases, if the sysop's name is
; required by the door, it may be supplied here. You have to supply this in
; order to use the sysop features in the door! Remove the semi-colon (;) to
; activate this option. This has to be the sysops REAL name, not handle!
;SysopName Sysop
; If your BBS Software can pass the user security (most can) you can set
; which security has access to the sysop functions (deleteing questions...)
; It is set at 32767 by default so that nobody will have access unless his
; name is the sysop name st above. If you want to set this option, remove
; the semi-colon(;)
;SysopSecurity 100
; Name of the BBS. FrEevOtE can usually determine the name of the BBS from
; the information passed to the door by the BBS. However, some BBS software
; does not supply this information to door programs. In such cases, if the
; name of the BBS is needed by the door, it may be supplied here. Remove the
; semi-colon (;) to activate this option.
;SystemName Some BBS
; Serial port options. These options are generally not needed, as these
; settings can usually be determined from the BBS door information file.
; "LockedBPS" specifies the the BPS rate at which the door should communicate
; with the modem. "SerialPort" specifies the port port number that the modem
; is connected to. Unless you have reassigned the port numbers through your
; FOSSIL drive, port 0 corresponds to COM1, port 1 corresponds to COM2, and
; so on. Remove the semi-colon (;) to activate either of these options.
;LockedBPS 38400
;SerialPort 0
; Normally, a FOSSIL driver is used for serial I/O if one is available. If
; a FOSSIL driver has not been loaded, the door communicates directly with
; the modem. Removing the semi-colon (;) from the "NoFossil" option causes
; the door to always communicate directly with the modem, bypassing any
; FOSSIL driver.
; The following options only apply if a FOSSIL driver is NOT being used for
; serial communications. If a FOSSIL driver IS being used, these options
; are normally set on the FOSSIL driver command line.
; Hexidecimal address of the serial port. This address can usually be
; determined automatically for ports COM1, COM2, COM3, and COM4, and is
; normally only required for ports COM5 and higher. Remove the semi-colon
; (;) to activate this option.
;PortAddress 2F8
; Interrupt request line that the serial port is using. May be any IRQ line
; from 1 to 15. By default, IRQ line 4 is used for ports COM1: and COM3:,
; while IRQ line 3 is used for all other ports. Remove the semi-colon (;)
; to activate this option.
;PortIRQ 4
; Serial I/O buffer sizes. "ReceiveBuffer" specifies the number of bytes in
; the serial I/O receive buffer. You may want to increase this buffer size
; if you find that characters being sent from the user's modem are being lost.
; "TransmitBuffer" specifies the number of bytes in the serial I/O transmit
; buffer. You may want to increase this buffer size for improved performance
; in some multitasking environments.
ReceiveBuffer 256
TransmitBuffer 1024
; UART FIFO buffers. Normally, FrEevOtE will use 16550A UART FIFO buffers
; if they are available. You can prevent FrEevOtE from using the FIFO
; buffers, even if they are available, by removing the semi-colon before
; the "NoFIFO" keyword. The "FIFOTriggerSize" specifies how many characters
; may be placed in the FIFO buffers before an serial I/O interrupt is
; envoked. Valid values are 1, 4, 8 and 14 bytes. The default value is 4
; bytes.
FIFOTriggerSize 4
; Custom door information file support. FrEevOtE automatically recognizes
; most door information file (drop file) formats, including DORINFO?.DEF,
; to permit FrEevOtE to operate on BBS systems that produce a different format
; file, you may define a custom door information file format. A custom door
; information file format is defined using the "CustomFileName" command,
; followed by one or more lines beginning with the "CustomFileLine" command.
; The "CustomFileName" option specifies the filename used to distinguish this
; file format from other file formats. This filename should not include a
; path. To specify the path where the door information file is located, use
; the BBSDir setting, near the beginning of this file. If the filename of the
; custom format is the same as that of one of the built-in formats, the custom
; format will override the built-in format.
; The actual format of the custom file is specified using a number of lines
; that begin with the keyword "CustomFileLine". Each of these lines will
; correspond to a single line in the door information file, with the option
; following the "CustomFileLine" keyword specifying the information that can
; be found on that line. This can be one of the following keywords:
; Ignore - Causes the next line in the door information
; file to be ignored. Use on lines for which none
; of the options below apply.
; ComPort - COM? port the modem is connected to
; (0 indicates local mode)
; FossilPort - Fossil port number the modem is connected to
; ModemBPS - BPS rate at which to communicate with modem
; (0 or non-numerical value indicates local mode)
; LocalMode - 1, T or Y if door is operating in local mode
; UserName - Full name of the user
; UserFirstName - First name(s) of the user
; UserLastName - Last name of the user
; Alias - The user's psuedonym / handle
; HoursLeft - Hours user has left online
; MinutesLeft - Minutes user has left online, or time left online
; in format hh:mm
; SecondsLeft - Seconds user has left online, or time left online
; in format hh:mm:ss or format mm:ss
; (If more than one of the above time options are
; used, the user time left is taken to be the total
; of all of these values.)
; ANSI - 1, T, Y or G for ANSI graphics mode
; AVATAR - 1, T or Y for AVATAR graphics mode
; RIP - 1, T or Y for RIP graphics mode
; PagePausing - 1, T or Y if user wishes a pause at end of screen
; ScreenLength - Number of lines on user's screen
; ScreenClearing - 1, T or Y if screen clearing mode is on
; Security - The user's security level / access level
; City - City the user is calling from
; Node - Node number user is connected to
; SysopName - Full name of the sysop
; SysopFirstName - The sysop's first name(s)
; SysopLastName - The sysop's last name
; SystemName - Name of the BBS
; Same format as DORINFO?.DEF
; Remove semicolons to use example!
;CustomFileName EXAMPLE.DEF
;CustomFileLine SystemName
;CustomFileLine SysopFirstName
;CustomFileLine SysopLastName
;CustomFileLine ComPort
;CustomFileLine ModemBPS
;CustomFileLine Ignore
;CustomFileLine UserFirstName
;CustomFileLine UserLastName
;CustomFileLine City
;CustomFileLine ANSI
;CustomFileLine Security
;CustomFileLine MinutesLeft
This diff is collapsed.
echo This will erase all the questions!
echo Ya sure ya want to do that?
echo press enter twice to procceed or CTRL-C to quit
read temp
read temp
rm freevote.qst
rm freevote.usr
rm freevote.tmp
echo Done! FrEevOtE is now RESET and ready to go!
This diff is collapsed.
If you had v2.0 to 2.7 installed on your system READ THIS!
If you have v2.8 or v3.x installed on your system, no upgrade is neccessary.
Please run the v2xtov28.exe utility to upgrade your question file, if
you had 2.0 - 2.7 istalled.
Run this program in the utility that the FREEVOTE.QST file is located!
This has to be run for the door to function properly.
Sorry about this but the reserved flag was not zeroed properly so it's value
was either 1 or 0 depending on the version. So this upgrade is necessary.
This new flag is the one used for forced questions, if this is not run all
of the questions you have now installed could turn into forced questions!
This program zeros that flag so that it defaults all old questions to
This diff is collapsed.
0% Loading or .
You are about to add 0 people to the discussion. Proceed with caution.
Finish editing this message first!
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