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Commit daf48cf8 authored by Rob Swindell's avatar Rob Swindell :speech_balloon:
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Merge branch 'slyedit_color_selection_update' into 'master'

SlyEidt: Added the ability for the user to choose text color/attribute codes.

See merge request !193
parents 15d53f5e 7b4a8f4e
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2 merge requests!463MRC mods by Codefenix (2024-10-20),!193SlyEidt: Added the ability for the user to choose text color/attribute codes.
; This is a color theme file for SlyEdit's DCT Style.
; This color scheme mimics DCT Edit's default color scheme.
; Text edit color
; The color to use for quoted lines in the message
......@@ -85,4 +83,4 @@ msgPostedOriginalAreaText=nc
\ No newline at end of file
; This is a color theme file for SlyEdit's DCT Style.
; This is a color scheme I call "Midnight".
; Text edit color
; The color to use for quoted lines in the message
......@@ -87,4 +85,4 @@ msgPostedOriginalAreaText=nc
\ No newline at end of file
......@@ -6,6 +6,11 @@ inputTimeoutMS=300000
; so that they are complete but still look good when quoted. If this option is
; disabled, then quote lines will simply be trimmed to fit into the message.
; Whether or not to let the user change the text color
; Whether or not to save message color/attribute codes as ANSI (if not, they
; will be saved as Synchronet attribute codes)
; Whether or not to allow cross-posting
; Whether or not to enable text replacements (AKA macros).
......@@ -70,4 +75,4 @@ ThemeFilename=SlyIceColors_BlueIce.cfg
\ No newline at end of file
; This is a color theme file for SlyEdit's Ice Style.
; This color scheme mimics IceEdit/QuikEdit's "Blue Ice" theme.
; Text edit color
; The color to use for quoted lines in the message
......@@ -59,4 +57,4 @@ msgPostedOriginalAreaText=nc
\ No newline at end of file
; This is a color theme file for SlyEdit's Ice Style.
; This color scheme mimics IceEdit/QuikEdit's "Emerald City" theme.
; Text edit color
; The color to use for quoted lines in the message
......@@ -59,4 +57,4 @@ msgPostedOriginalAreaText=nc
\ No newline at end of file
; This is a color theme file for SlyEdit's Ice Style.
; This color scheme mimics IceEdit/QuikEdit's "Fiery Inferno" theme.
; Text edit color
; The color to use for quoted lines in the message
......@@ -59,4 +57,4 @@ msgPostedOriginalAreaText=nc
\ No newline at end of file
; This is a color theme file for SlyEdit's Ice Style.
; This color scheme mimics IceEdit/QuikEdit's "Fire & Ice" theme.
; Text edit color
; The color to use for quoted lines in the message
......@@ -59,4 +57,4 @@ msgPostedOriginalAreaText=nc
\ No newline at end of file
; This is a color theme file for SlyEdit's Ice Style.
; This color scheme mimics IceEdit/QuikEdit's "Generic Blue" theme.
; Text edit color
; The color to use for quoted lines in the message
......@@ -59,4 +57,4 @@ msgPostedOriginalAreaText=nc
\ No newline at end of file
; This is a color theme file for SlyEdit's Ice Style.
; Text edit color
; The color to use for quoted lines in the message
......@@ -58,4 +56,4 @@ msgPostedOriginalAreaText=nc
\ No newline at end of file
; This is a color theme file for SlyEdit's Ice Style.
; This color scheme mimics IceEdit/QuikEdit's "Shades of Gray" theme.
; Text edit color
; The color to use for quoted lines in the message
......@@ -59,4 +57,4 @@ msgPostedOriginalAreaText=nc
\ No newline at end of file
SlyEdit message editor
Version 1.75
Release date: 2021-12-11
Version 1.80
Release date: 2022-07-04
......@@ -22,15 +22,15 @@ Contents
2. Introduction
3. Installation & Setup
4. Features
5. Digital Distortion Message Lister note
6. Configuration file
7. Ice-style Color Theme Settings
8. DCT-style Color Theme Settings
9. Common colors (appearing in both Ice and DCT color theme files)
10. Text replacements (AKA Macros)
11. User settings
12. Taglines
13. Spell check and dictionaries
5. Configuration file
6. Ice-style Color Theme Settings
7. DCT-style Color Theme Settings
8. Common colors (appearing in both Ice and DCT color theme files)
9. Text replacements (AKA Macros)
10. User settings
11. Taglines
12. Spell check and dictionaries
13. Version history
1. Disclaimer
......@@ -63,6 +63,12 @@ more room for message information to be displayed. Also, a terminal height
greater than the standard 24 or 25 characters will provide a taller edit area,
allowing more of the message to be seen on the screen at a time.
SlyEdit allows the user to select/change the color of their text using the
CTRL-K key, if the allowColorSelection is set to true in SlyEdit.cfg. Also,
you can have SlyEdit convert colors to ANSI when posting messages, for
compatibility with other BBS software. To do so, set the saveColorsAsANSI
setting to true in SlyEdit.cfg.
Also, SlyEdit has no moving parts that can wear out over time.
Thanks go out to the following people for testing:
......@@ -222,20 +228,13 @@ Ctrl-A : Abort message
Ctrl-Z : Save message ¦ PageDown: Page down
Ctrl-Q : Quote message ¦ Ctrl-W : Word/text search
Insert/Ctrl-I: Toggle insert/overwrite mode ¦ Ctrl-D : Delete line
Ctrl-R : Spell checker ¦ ESC : Command menu
Ctrl-O : Import a file ¦ Ctrl-X : Export to file
Ctrl-S : Change subject ¦ ESC : Command menu
Ctrl-U : Your user settings ¦ Ctrl-C : Cross-post selection
Ctrl-S : Change subject
Ctrl-K : Change text color ¦ Ctrl-R : Spell checker
Ctrl-O : Import a file ¦ Ctrl-X : Export to file
5. Digital Distortion Message Lister note
If you use Digital Distortion's Message Lister, you must update it to version
1.36 or newer in order to properly work with this version of SlyEdit when
replying to messages. See the file "Message Lister notes.txt" for a more
detailed explanation.
6. Configuration file
5. Configuration file
The configuration file, SlyEdit.cfg, is split up into 3 sections -
Behavior, Ice colors, and DCT colors. These sections are designated
......@@ -277,6 +276,21 @@ reWrapQuoteLines Whether or not to re-wrap quote lines. Valid
be trimmed to make room for the quote prefix
character to be added to the front.
allowColorSelection Whether or not to let the user change the
color/attributes of the text they're typing.
Defaults to true. When this is enabled, the
user can change their text color with the
CTRL-K hotkey.
saveColorsAsANSI Whether or not to save message color/attribute
codes as ANSI (if not, they will be saved as
Synchronet attribute codes). Saving colors as
ANSI in posted messages provides a
compatibility with other BBS software and
message readers that might not understand
Synchronet attribute codes (but most do
understand ANSI).
allowCrossPosting Whether or not to allow cross-posting
messages into different/multiple message
sub-boards. Valid values are true and false.
......@@ -406,12 +420,10 @@ The color theme files are plain text files that can be edited with a
text editor.
7. Ice-style Color Theme Settings
6. Ice-style Color Theme Settings
The following options are valid for Ice-style theme files:
TextEditColor The color for the message text
QuoteLineColor The color for quoted lines in the message
BorderColor1 The first color to use for borders
......@@ -470,12 +482,10 @@ UnselectedOptionBorderColor The color to use for the borders around
UnselectedOptionTextColor The color to use for the text for unselected
multi-choice options
8. DCT-style Color Theme Settings
7. DCT-style Color Theme Settings
The following options are valid for DCT-style theme files:
TextEditColor The color for the message text
QuoteLineColor The color for quoted lines in the message
TopBorderColor1 The first color to use for the
......@@ -603,7 +613,7 @@ MenuUnselectedItems The color to use for unselected items on the
MenuHotkeys The color to use for the hotkey characters in the
menu items on the drop-down menus
9. Common colors (appearing in both Ice and DCT color theme files)
8. Common colors (appearing in both Ice and DCT color theme files)
listBoxBorder The color to use for the border of list
boxes, such as the cross-post area selection
......@@ -690,7 +700,7 @@ listBoxItemHighlight The color to use for the currently selected
item in list boxes (such as the list of text
replacements and the list of tag lines)
10. Text replacements (AKA Macros)
9. Text replacements (AKA Macros)
SlyEdit version 1.29 added text replacements (AKA Macros), which lets you (the
sysop) define words to be replaced with other text as the user types a message.
......@@ -783,7 +793,7 @@ store it in buffer 1, and in JavaScript (and with SlyEdit's search and
replace), you would use $1 to refer to the word "darn". For example, for
(darn), the replacement $1it would replace the word "darn" with "darnit".
11. User settings
10. User settings
Since version 1.32, SlyEdit has the ability for each user to configure some
settings for themselves. The user settings include the following:
......@@ -817,7 +827,7 @@ The user settings files will be stored in the sbbs/data/user directory with the
filename <user number>.SlyEdit_Settings, and the user number will be 0-padded
up to 4 digits.
12. Taglines
11. Taglines
SlyEdit version 1.32 added the ability for users to optionally choose a tagline
to be appended to their message upon saving the message. Each user can
......@@ -846,7 +856,8 @@ MSGINF file includes the 7th line, then the tagline will appear after the
user's signature (if they have one). If the MSGINF file does not include the
7th line, then the tagline will appear before the user's signature.
13. Spell check and dictionaries
12. Spell check and dictionaries
Since version 1.64, SlyEdit has a spell check feature. Spell check can be
started by the user with the Ctrl-R hotkey, or by the Edit > Spell Checker
......@@ -883,4 +894,109 @@ Dictionary files must be sorted in order for word matching to work properly
(SlyEdit uses a binary search for quick word matching, which requires the words
to be sorted). Also, all of the words in the dictionary files must be lower-
case, since SlyEdit does case-insensitive matching by converting words in the
message to lower-case and comparing them with the words in the dictionary.
\ No newline at end of file
message to lower-case and comparing them with the words in the dictionary.
143 Version history
Version Date Description
------- ---- -----------
1.80 2022-07-04 Added the ability to change/set the text color (using the
CTRL-K hotkey). If desired, changing the text color can
be disabled if, and the colors can be saved as ANSI
(rather than Synchronet attribute codes) for compatibility
with other BBS software & message readers. The
allowColorSelection option in SlyEdit.cfg specifies
whether or not to allow changing text colors, and the
saveColorsAsANSI option specifies whether or not to save
the message colors as ANSI.
1.79 2022-06-21 JS strict mode enabled. Small JS issues fixed.
1.78 2022-06-09 Removed high-ascii characters from the SlyEdit JS files;
used ascii() with their numeric ASCII values instead. This
should avoid issues with text editors converting
characters incorrectly.
1.77 2022-05-27 Fixed a few instances where SlyEdit was trying to access
sub-board information with an empty sub-board code (in the
rare case when no sub-boards are configured).
1.76 2022-03-05 When selecting quote lines in a reply message, SlyEdit now
remembers the position in the quote selection menu so that
the quote menu isn't always at the top whenever it's
opened again. This issue may have been introduced when
SlyEdit was refactored to use DDLightbarMenu for its
lightbar stuff.
1.75 2021-12-11 Refactored the cross-post menu and quote selection window
to use DDLightbarMenu instead of SlyEdit's own lightbar
1.74 2021-01-23 Making use of the new K_NUL and checking user input
against null, SlyEdit no longer thinks a 0x0 (sent with
CTRL-Space on a Mac) is a timeout. K_NUL was added on
Jan. 21, 2021 by Rob Swindell. (This update was from Deon
1.73 2020-03-31 Now uses DDLightbarMenu instead of SlyEdit's own internal
choice menu.
1.72 2020-03-04 For cross-posting, to make sure the user can post in a
sub-board, SlyEdit now checks the can_post property of the
sub-board rather than checking the ARS. The can_post
property covers more cases.
1.71 2020-03-03 Added a new configuration option, allowSpellCheck, which
the sysop can use to configure whether or not spell check
is allowed. You might want to disable spell check if the
spell check feature causes SlyEdit to abort with an error
saying it's out of memory.
1.70 2019-08-15 Fix for a bug introduced in the flowing-line update in
1.68 where some quote blocks were sometimes not being
included when saving a message. Also, quote lines are now
wrapped to the user's terminal width rather than 80
1.69 2019-08-14 Updated to only use console.inkey() for user input and not
use console.getkey() anymore. The change was made in the
getUserKey() function in SlyEdit_Misc.js. Also, SlyEdit
will now write the editor style (ICE or DCT) to result.ed
at the end when a message is saved. Also, when editing a
message, if the cursor is at the end of the last line and
the user presses the DEL key, then treat it as a
backspace. Some terminals send a delete for backspace,
particularly with keyboards that have a delete key but no
backspace key.
1.68 2019-08-09 Updated to honor the SUB_ANON and SUB_AONLY flags for the
sub-boards when cross-posting so that the "from" name is
"Anonymous" if either of those flags enabled.
Updated to allow message uploading. Started working on
updates to save new text lines as one long line, to help
with word wrapping in offline readers etc.
1.67 2019-07-21 Now supports the RESULT.ED drop file, with the ability to
change the subject. Synchronet 3.17c development builds
from July 21, 2019 onward support result.ed even for
editors configured for QuickBBS MSGINF/MSGTMP.
1.66 2019-05-29 Added more parsing for dictionary filenames for 'general'
dictionaries and 'supplimental' ones
1.65 2019-05-24 Added support for parsing many standard language tags for
the dictionary filenames
1.64 2019-05-24 Started working on adding a spell check feature. Also,
updated to use require() instead of load() for .js
scripts when possible.
1.63 2019-04-18 Started working on supporting word-wrapping for the entire
width of any terminal size, beyond 79.
1.62 2018-11-11 Updated to save the message if the user disconnects, to
support Synchronet's message draft feature that was added
1.61 2018-08-03 Updated to delete instances of User objects that are
created, due to an optimization in Synchronet 3.17 that
leaves user.dat open
1.54 2017-12-26 Improved quoting with author initials when a > character
exists in the quote lines: Not mistaking the preceding
text as a quote prefix if it has 3 or more non-space
characters before the >. Also fixed an issue where
wrapped quote lines were sometimes missing the quote line
1.53 2017-12-19 Updated the PageUp and PageDown keys to ensure they match
what's in sbbsdefs.js, since Synchronet added key codes
for those keys on December 17, 2018. SlyEdit should still
work with older and newer builds of Synchronet, with or
without the updated sbbsdefs.js.
1.52 2017-12-17 Added the ability for the sysop to toggle whether or not
to allow users to edit quote lines, using the
configuration option allowEditQuoteLines.
.. Removed some history comments ..
1.00 2009-08-22 Initial public release
2009-05-11 Started development
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