<td>get list of archive contents as an array of objects<br>archived object properties:<br><ul><li>string <tt>type</tt> - item type: 'file', 'link', or 'directory'<li>string <tt>name</tt> - item path/name<li>string <tt>path</tt> - source path<li>string <tt>symlink</tt><li>string <tt>hardlink</tt><li>number <tt>size</tt> - item size in bytes<li>number <tt>time</tt> - modification date/time in time_t format<li>number <tt>mode</tt> - permissions/mode flags<li>string <tt>user</tt> - owner name<li>string <tt>group</tt> - owner group<li>string <tt>format</tt> - archive format<li>string <tt>compression</tt> - compression method<li>string <tt>fflags</tt><li>number <tt>crc16</tt> - 16-bit CRC, when hash is true and type is file<li>number <tt>crc32</tt> - 32-bit CRC, when hash is true and type is file<li>string <tt>md5</tt> - hexadecimal MD-5 sum, when hash is true and type is file<li>string <tt>sha1</tt> - hexadecimal SHA-1 sum, when hash is true and type is file</ul>when <tt>hash</tt> is <tt>true</tt>, calculates and returns hash/digest values of files in stored archive
<td>Get list of archive contents as an array of objects.<br>Archived object properties:<br><ol><li>string <tt>type</tt> - item type: 'file', 'link', or 'directory'<li>string <tt>name</tt> - item path/name<li>string <tt>path</tt> - source path<li>string <tt>symlink</tt><li>string <tt>hardlink</tt><li>number <tt>size</tt> - item size in bytes<li>number <tt>time</tt> - modification date/time in time_t format<li>number <tt>mode</tt> - permissions/mode flags<li>string <tt>user</tt> - owner name<li>string <tt>group</tt> - owner group<li>string <tt>format</tt> - archive format<li>string <tt>compression</tt> - compression method<li>string <tt>fflags</tt><li>number <tt>crc16</tt> - 16-bit CRC, when hash is true and type is file<li>number <tt>crc32</tt> - 32-bit CRC, when hash is true and type is file<li>string <tt>md5</tt> - hexadecimal MD-5 sum, when hash is true and type is file<li>string <tt>sha1</tt> - hexadecimal SHA-1 sum, when hash is true and type is file</ol>When <tt>hash</tt> is <tt>true</tt>, calculates and returns hash/digest values of files in stored archive.
@@ -5992,4 +5979,4 @@ Property and Method version numbers (when available) indicate the Synchronet ver