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Commit e4b6cfaa authored by Rob Swindell's avatar Rob Swindell :speech_balloon:
Browse files

Merge branch 'dd_msg_reader_save_msg_time' into 'master'

DDMsgReader: When saving a message on the local BBS PC without all the headers, the date is now included

See merge request !322
parents 3cae636c 8815f10d
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2 merge requests!463MRC mods by Codefenix (2024-10-20),!322DDMsgReader: When saving a message on the local BBS PC without all the headers, the date is now included
......@@ -144,6 +144,8 @@
* 2023-08-20 Eric Oulashin Version 1.77
* Including all message headers when saving a message (sysop only) is now
* optional.
* 2023-08-26 Eric Oulashin Version 1.77a
* When saving a message on the local BBS PC without all the headers, the date is now included
"use strict";
......@@ -250,8 +252,8 @@ var ansiterm = require("ansiterm_lib.js", 'expand_ctrl_a');
// Reader version information
var READER_VERSION = "1.77";
var READER_DATE = "2023-08-20";
var READER_VERSION = "1.77a";
var READER_DATE = "2023-08-26";
// Keyboard key codes for displaying on the screen
var UP_ARROW = ascii(24);
......@@ -14779,7 +14781,13 @@ function DigDistMsgReader_SaveMsgToFile(pMsgHdr, pFilename, pPromptPos)
// Write to, from, subjetc, etc. to the file
if (this.subBoardCode == "mail")
messageSaveFile.writeln("From " + pMsgHdr.from + "'s personal email");
if (!msgIsToCurrentUserByName(pMsgHdr))
messageSaveFile.writeln("From " + + "'s personal email");
var line = format("From sub-board: %s, %s",
......@@ -14790,6 +14798,15 @@ function DigDistMsgReader_SaveMsgToFile(pMsgHdr, pFilename, pPromptPos)
messageSaveFile.writeln("From: " + pMsgHdr.from);
messageSaveFile.writeln("To: " +;
messageSaveFile.writeln("Subject: " + pMsgHdr.subject);
// Message time
var msgWrittenLocalTime = msgWrittenTimeToLocalBBSTime(pMsgHdr);
var dateTimeStr = "";
if (msgWrittenLocalTime != -1)
dateTimeStr = strftime("%a, %d %b %Y %H:%M:%S", msgWrittenLocalTime);
dateTimeStr = [-+][0-9]+$/, "");
messageSaveFile.writeln("Date: " + dateTimeStr);
......@@ -17703,7 +17720,7 @@ function searchMsgbase(pSubCode, pSearchType, pSearchString, pListingPersonalEma
// deleted.
function msgIsToUserByNum(pMsgHdr, pUserNum)
if (typeof(pMsgHdr) != "object")
if (typeof(pMsgHdr) !== "object")
return false;
// Return false if the message is marked as deleted and the user can't read deleted messages
if (((pMsgHdr.attr & MSG_DELETE) == MSG_DELETE) && !canViewDeletedMsgs())
......@@ -17723,6 +17740,16 @@ function msgIsToUserByNum(pMsgHdr, pUserNum)
return msgIsToUser;
// Returns whether or not a message header is to the current logged-in user by name, alias, or handle
function msgIsToCurrentUserByName(pMsgHdr)
if (typeof(pMsgHdr) !== "object" || !pMsgHdr.hasOwnProperty("to"))
return false;
var msgToUpper =;
return (msgToUpper == || msgToUpper == user.alias.toUpperCase() || msgToUpper == user.handle.toUpperCase());
// Returns whether or not a message is from the current user (either the current
// logged-in user or the user specified by the userNum command-line argument)
// and is not deleted.
Digital Distortion Message Reader
Version 1.77
Release date: 2023-08-20
Version 1.77a
Release date: 2023-08-26
......@@ -5,7 +5,9 @@ Revision History (change log)
Version Date Description
------- ---- -----------
1.77 2023-07-20 Including all message headers when saving a message (sysop
1.77a 2023-08-26 When saving a message on the local BBS PC without all the
headers, the date is now included
1.77 2023-08-20 Including all message headers when saving a message (sysop
only) is now optional.
1.76 2023-08-18 Fix for "Message header has 'expanded fields'" error when
updating message header attributes in certain conditions
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