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Commit e72cf9e2 authored by Rob Swindell's avatar Rob Swindell :speech_balloon:
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Merge branch 'dd_msg_reader_personal_email_delete_after_reply_and_fixes_for_vote_status_and_msg_attributes' into 'master'

DDMsgReader: Option to prompt when deleting a personal email replied to & fixes for message attributes & vote status display.

See merge request !368
parents 5d6fb307 467eeb3a
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1 merge request!455Update branch with changes from master
......@@ -76,6 +76,13 @@
* Otherwise, it would end up in an infinite loop.
* Updated how user settings are loaded, to ensure that default user settings
* from DDMsgReader.cfg actually get set properly in the user settings.
* 2023-11-23 Eric Oulashin Version 1.88
* New user setting/configuration option to prompt the user whether or
* not to delete a personal email after replying to it (defaults to false).
* New: Displays whether a personal email has been replied to.
* Fix: Now displaying message vote score in the default header again.
* Fix: When viewing message headers (for the sysop), now correctly
* shows the message attributes.
"use strict";
......@@ -180,8 +187,8 @@ var ansiterm = require("ansiterm_lib.js", 'expand_ctrl_a');
// Reader version information
var READER_VERSION = "1.87";
var READER_DATE = "2023-11-18";
var READER_VERSION = "1.88";
var READER_DATE = "2023-11-24";
// Keyboard key codes for displaying on the screen
var UP_ARROW = ascii(24);
......@@ -360,57 +367,6 @@ const POPULATE_NEWSCAN_FORCE_GET_ALL_HDRS = -2; // Get all message headers even
var ERROR_WAIT_MS = 1500;
var SEARCH_TIMEOUT_MS = 10000;
// Strings for the various message attributes (used by makeAllAttrStr(),
// makeMainMsgAttrStr(), makeAuxMsgAttrStr(), and makeNetMsgAttrStr())
var gMainMsgAttrStrs = {
MSG_READ: "Read",
MSG_KILLREAD: "Killread",
var gAuxMsgAttrStrs = {
if (typeof(MSG_TRUNCFILE) != "undefined")
gAuxMsgAttrStrs.MSG_TRUNCFILE = "TruncFile";
var gNetMsgAttrStrs = {
MSG_LOCAL: "FromLocal",
MSG_SENT: "Sent",
MSG_HOLD: "Hold",
MSG_CRASH: "Crash",
MSG_DIRECT: "Direct"
if (typeof(MSG_GATE) != "undefined")
gNetMsgAttrStrs.MSG_GATE = "Gate";
if (typeof(MSG_ORPHAN) != "undefined")
gNetMsgAttrStrs.MSG_ORPHAN = "Orphan";
if (typeof(MSG_FPU) != "undefined")
gNetMsgAttrStrs.MSG_FPU = "FPU";
if (typeof(MSG_TYPELOCAL) != "undefined")
gNetMsgAttrStrs.MSG_TYPELOCAL = "ForLocal";
if (typeof(MSG_TYPEECHO) != "undefined")
gNetMsgAttrStrs.MSG_TYPEECHO = "ForEcho";
if (typeof(MSG_TYPENET) != "undefined")
gNetMsgAttrStrs.MSG_TYPENET = "ForNetmail";
if (typeof(MSG_MIMEATTACH) != "undefined")
gNetMsgAttrStrs.MSG_MIMEATTACH = "MimeAttach";
// A regular expression to check whether a string is an email address
var gEmailRegex = /^(([^<>()\[\]\\.,;:\s@"]+(\.[^<>()\[\]\\.,;:\s@"]+)*)|(".+"))@((\[[0-9]{1,3}\.[0-9]{1,3}\.[0-9]{1,3}\.[0-9]{1,3}])|(([a-zA-Z\-0-9]+\.)+[a-zA-Z]{2,}))$/;
// A regular expression to check whether a string is a FidoNet email address
......@@ -1087,6 +1043,15 @@ function DigDistMsgReader(pSubBoardCode, pScriptArgs)
userSettings: CTRL_U,
// Message status characters for the message list
this.msgListStatusChars = {
selected: CHECK_CHAR,
unread: "U",
replied: "<",
attachments: "A",
deleted: "*"
// Whether or not to display avatars
this.displayAvatars = true;
this.rightJustifyAvatar = true;
......@@ -1138,7 +1103,9 @@ function DigDistMsgReader(pSubBoardCode, pScriptArgs)
// Whether or not quitting from the reader goes to the message list (instead of exiting altogether)
quitFromReaderGoesToMsgList: false,
// Whether or not the enter key in the indexed newscan menu shows the message list (rather than going to reader mode)
enterFromIndexMenuShowsMsgList: false
enterFromIndexMenuShowsMsgList: false,
// When reading personal email, whether or not to propmt if the user wants to delete a message after replying to it
promptDelPersonalEmailAfterReply: false
// Read the settings from the config file (some settings could set user settings)
this.cfgFileSuccessfullyRead = false;
......@@ -1566,7 +1533,7 @@ function DigDistMsgReader_PopulateHdrsForCurrentSubBoard(pStartIdx, pEndIdx)
var startIdxIsNumber = (typeof(pStartIdx) === "number");
// If doing a newscan but we want to get all headers anyway, then do it.
if (this.doingNewscan && startIdxIsNumber && pStartIdx == POPULATE_NEWSCAN_FORCE_GET_ALL_HDRS)
tmpHdrs = msgbase.get_all_msg_headers(false, false); // Don't include votes, don't expand fields
tmpHdrs = msgbase.get_all_msg_headers(true, false); // Include votes, don't expand fields
// If doing a newscan and the setting to only show new messages for a newscan is enabled, then
// only get messages from the user's scan pointer
else if (this.doingNewscan && (this.userSettings.newscanOnlyShowNewMsgs || (startIdxIsNumber && pStartIdx == POPULATE_MSG_HDRS_FROM_SCAN_PTR)))
......@@ -1579,8 +1546,10 @@ function DigDistMsgReader_PopulateHdrsForCurrentSubBoard(pStartIdx, pEndIdx)
tmpHdrs = {};
for (var i = startMsgIdx+1; i < endMsgIdx; ++i)
// Get message header by index; Don't expand fields, don't include votes
var msgHdr = msgbase.get_msg_header(true, i, false, false);
//var msgHdr = msgbase.get_msg_header(true, i, false, false); // Don't expand fields, don't include votes
// TODO: I think we should be able to call get_msg_header() and get valid vote information,
// but that doesn't seem to be the case:
var msgHdr = msgbase.get_msg_header(true, i, false, true); // Don't expand fields, include votes
if (msgHdr != null)
tmpHdrs[msgHdr.number] = msgHdr;
......@@ -1592,9 +1561,9 @@ function DigDistMsgReader_PopulateHdrsForCurrentSubBoard(pStartIdx, pEndIdx)
tmpHdrs = {};
for (var i = pStartIdx; i < pEndIdx; ++i)
// Get message header by index; Don't expand fields, include votes
//var msgHdr = msgbase.get_msg_header(true, i, false, true);
var msgHdr = msgbase.get_msg_header(true, i, false, false);
// Get message header by index
var msgHdr = msgbase.get_msg_header(true, i, false, true); // Don't expand fields, include vutes
//var msgHdr = msgbase.get_msg_header(true, i, false, false); // Don't expand fields, don't include votes
if (msgHdr != null)
tmpHdrs[msgHdr.number] = msgHdr;
......@@ -1604,10 +1573,7 @@ function DigDistMsgReader_PopulateHdrsForCurrentSubBoard(pStartIdx, pEndIdx)
// Get all message headers
// Note: get_all_msg_headers() was added in Synchronet 3.16. DDMsgReader requires a minimum
// of 3.18, so we're okay to use it.
// The first parameter is whether to include votes (the parameter was introduced in Synchronet 3.17+).
// We used to pass false here.
//tmpHdrs = msgbase.get_all_msg_headers(true, false); // Include votes, don't expand fields
tmpHdrs = msgbase.get_all_msg_headers(false, false); // Don't include votes, don't expand fields
tmpHdrs = msgbase.get_all_msg_headers(true, false); // Include votes, don't expand fields
......@@ -3619,8 +3585,7 @@ function DigDistMsgReader_ListMessages_Traditional(pAllowChgSubBoard)
var tmpMsgbase = new MsgBase(this.subBoardCode);
if (
//var tmpAllMsgHdrs = tmpMsgbase.get_all_msg_headers(true);
var tmpAllMsgHdrs = tmpMsgbase.get_all_msg_headers(false);
var tmpAllMsgHdrs = tmpMsgbase.get_all_msg_headers(true);
this.FilterMsgHdrsIntoHdrsForCurrentSubBoard(tmpAllMsgHdrs, true);
......@@ -4163,8 +4128,7 @@ function DigDistMsgReader_ListMessages_Lightbar(pAllowChgSubBoard)
var tmpMsgbase = new MsgBase(this.subBoardCode);
if (
//var tmpAllMsgHdrs = tmpMsgbase.get_all_msg_headers(true);
var tmpAllMsgHdrs = tmpMsgbase.get_all_msg_headers(false);
var tmpAllMsgHdrs = tmpMsgbase.get_all_msg_headers(true);
this.FilterMsgHdrsIntoHdrsForCurrentSubBoard(tmpAllMsgHdrs, true);
......@@ -4324,7 +4288,7 @@ function DigDistMsgReader_CreateLightbarMsgListMenu()
// in any of these cases; then change the attributes for the 2nd color (selected).
// Having the separate printf strings for regular, to-user, and from-user are a bit
// bit pointless now that coloring & alternate coloring is done via DDLightbarMenu
if (this.msgReader.MessageIsSelected(this.msgReader.subBoardCode, pItemIndex) || Boolean(msgHdr.attr & MSG_DELETE) || !Boolean(msgHdr.attr & MSG_READ) || msgHdrHasAttachmentFlag(msgHdr))
if (this.msgReader.MessageIsSelected(this.msgReader.subBoardCode, pItemIndex) || Boolean(msgHdr.attr & MSG_DELETE) || !Boolean(msgHdr.attr & MSG_READ) || Boolean(msgHdr.attr & MSG_REPLIED) || msgHdrHasAttachmentFlag(msgHdr))
menuItemObj.itemColor = [];
var colorSet = this.colors.itemColor;
......@@ -4363,8 +4327,8 @@ function DigDistMsgReader_CreateLightbarMsgListMenu()
if (menuItemObj.itemSelectedColor.length >= 2)
menuItemObj.itemSelectedColor[1].attrs = "\x01r\x01h\x01i" + this.msgReader.colors.msgListHighlightBkgColor;
// Selected, unread, or has attachments
else if (this.msgReader.MessageIsSelected(this.msgReader.subBoardCode, pItemIndex) || (msgHdr.attr & MSG_READ) == 0 || msgHdrHasAttachmentFlag(msgHdr))
// Selected, unread, replied, or has attachments
else if (this.msgReader.MessageIsSelected(this.msgReader.subBoardCode, pItemIndex) || !Boolean(msgHdr.attr & MSG_READ) || Boolean(msgHdr.attr & MSG_REPLIED) || msgHdrHasAttachmentFlag(msgHdr))
if (menuItemObj.itemColor.length >= 2)
menuItemObj.itemColor[1].attrs = "\x01n" + this.msgReader.colors.selectedMsgMarkColor;
......@@ -4669,13 +4633,15 @@ function DigDistMsgReader_PrintMessageInfo(pMsgHeader, pHighlight, pMsgNum, pRet
// For any indicator character next to the message, prioritize selected, then deleted,
// then unread, then attachments
if (this.MessageIsSelected(this.subBoardCode, msgNum-1))
msgIndicatorChar = "\x01n" + this.colors.selectedMsgMarkColor + this.colors.msgListHighlightBkgColor + CHECK_CHAR + "\x01n";
msgIndicatorChar = "\x01n" + this.colors.selectedMsgMarkColor + this.colors.msgListHighlightBkgColor + this.msgListStatusChars.selected + "\x01n";
else if (msgDeleted)
msgIndicatorChar = "\x01n\x01r\x01h\x01i" + this.colors.msgListHighlightBkgColor + "*\x01n";
msgIndicatorChar = "\x01n\x01r\x01h\x01i" + this.colors.msgListHighlightBkgColor + this.msgListStatusChars.deleted + "\x01n";
else if (this.readingPersonalEmail && !Boolean(pMsgHeader.attr & MSG_READ))
msgIndicatorChar = "\x01n" + this.colors.selectedMsgMarkColor + this.colors.msgListHighlightBkgColor + "U\x01n";
msgIndicatorChar = "\x01n" + this.colors.selectedMsgMarkColor + this.colors.msgListHighlightBkgColor + this.msgListStatusChars.unread + "\x01n";
else if (this.readingPersonalEmail && Boolean(pMsgHeader.attr & MSG_REPLIED))
msgIndicatorChar = "\x01n" + this.colors.selectedMsgMarkColor + this.colors.msgListHighlightBkgColor + this.msgListStatusChars.replied + "\x01n";
else if (msgHdrHasAttachmentFlag(pMsgHeader))
msgIndicatorChar = "\x01n" + this.colors.selectedMsgMarkColor + this.colors.msgListHighlightBkgColor + "A\x01n";
msgIndicatorChar = "\x01n" + this.colors.selectedMsgMarkColor + this.colors.msgListHighlightBkgColor + this.msgListStatusChars.attachments + "\x01n";
var fromName = pMsgHeader.from;
// If the message was posted anonymously and the logged-in user is
// not the sysop, then show "Anonymous" for the 'from' name.
......@@ -4703,13 +4669,15 @@ function DigDistMsgReader_PrintMessageInfo(pMsgHeader, pHighlight, pMsgNum, pRet
// For any indicator character next to the message, prioritize selected, then deleted,
// then unread, then attachments
if (this.MessageIsSelected(this.subBoardCode, msgNum-1))
msgIndicatorChar = "\x01n" + this.colors.selectedMsgMarkColor + CHECK_CHAR + "\x01n";
msgIndicatorChar = "\x01n" + this.colors.selectedMsgMarkColor + this.msgListStatusChars.selected + "\x01n";
else if (msgDeleted)
msgIndicatorChar = "\x01n\x01r\x01h\x01i*\x01n";
else if (this.readingPersonalEmail && (pMsgHeader.attr & MSG_READ) == 0)
msgIndicatorChar = "\x01n" + this.colors.selectedMsgMarkColor + "U\x01n";
msgIndicatorChar = "\x01n\x01r\x01h\x01i" + this.msgListStatusChars.deleted + "\x01n";
else if (this.readingPersonalEmail && !Boolean(pMsgHeader.attr & MSG_READ))
msgIndicatorChar = "\x01n" + this.colors.selectedMsgMarkColor + this.msgListStatusChars.unread + "\x01n";
else if (this.readingPersonalEmail && Boolean(pMsgHeader.attr & MSG_REPLIED))
msgIndicatorChar = "\x01n" + this.colors.selectedMsgMarkColor + this.msgListStatusChars.replied + "\x01n";
else if (msgHdrHasAttachmentFlag(pMsgHeader))
msgIndicatorChar = "\x01n" + this.colors.selectedMsgMarkColor + "A\x01n";
msgIndicatorChar = "\x01n" + this.colors.selectedMsgMarkColor + this.msgListStatusChars.attachments + "\x01n";
// Determine whether to use the normal, "to-user", or "from-user" format string.
// The differences are the colors. Then, output the message information line.
......@@ -6135,8 +6103,7 @@ function DigDistMsgReader_ReadMessageEnhanced_Scrollable(msgHeader, allowChgMsgA
continueOn = false;
writeMessage = false;
//var tmpAllMsgHdrs = tmpMsgbase.get_all_msg_headers(true);
var tmpAllMsgHdrs = tmpMsgbase.get_all_msg_headers(false);
var tmpAllMsgHdrs = tmpMsgbase.get_all_msg_headers(true);
this.FilterMsgHdrsIntoHdrsForCurrentSubBoard(tmpAllMsgHdrs, true);
// If the user is currently reading a message a message by someone who is now
......@@ -7185,8 +7152,7 @@ function DigDistMsgReader_ReadMessageEnhanced_Traditional(msgHeader, allowChgMsg
continueOn = false;
writeMessage = false;
//var tmpAllMsgHdrs = tmpMsgbase.get_all_msg_headers(true);
var tmpAllMsgHdrs = tmpMsgbase.get_all_msg_headers(false);
var tmpAllMsgHdrs = tmpMsgbase.get_all_msg_headers(true);
this.FilterMsgHdrsIntoHdrsForCurrentSubBoard(tmpAllMsgHdrs, true);
// If the user is currently reading a message a message by someone who is now
......@@ -8111,19 +8077,21 @@ function DigDistMsgReader_DisplayMessageListNotesHelp()
this.colors["tradInterfaceHelpScreenColor"], "\x01n\x01k\x01h")
var helpLines = [
"If a message has been marked for deletion, it will appear with a blinking red asterisk (\x01n\x01h\x01r\x01i*" + "\x01n" +
this.colors.tradInterfaceHelpScreenColor + ") after the message number in the message list.",
"If a message has attachments, an A will appear between the message number and 'from' name.",
"Unread messages written to you will have a U between the message number and 'from' name."
"Between the message number and 'From' name, a message could have the following status indicators:",
"\x01n\x01h\x01r\x01i" + this.msgListStatusChars.deleted + "\x01n" + this.colors.tradInterfaceHelpScreenColor + ": Message has been marked for deletion",
this.msgListStatusChars.attachments + ": The message has attachments",
this.msgListStatusChars.unread + ": The message is unread",
this.msgListStatusChars.replied + ": You have replied to the message"
var wrapLen = console.screen_columns-1;
for (var i = 0; i < helpLines.length; ++i)
var wrappedLines = word_wrap(helpLines[i], wrapLen).split("\n");
for (var j = 0; j < wrappedLines.length; ++j)
if (wrappedLines[j].length == 0) continue;
console.print(wrappedLines[j] + "\r\n");
// For the DigDistMsgReader Class: Sets the traditional UI pause prompt text
......@@ -8549,6 +8517,8 @@ function DigDistMsgReader_ReadConfigFile()
this.userSettings.newscanOnlyShowNewMsgs = settingsObj.newscanOnlyShowNewMsgs;
if (typeof(settingsObj["indexedModeMenuSnapToFirstWithNew"]) === "boolean")
this.userSettings.indexedModeMenuSnapToFirstWithNew = settingsObj.indexedModeMenuSnapToFirstWithNew;
if (typeof(settingsObj["promptDelPersonalEmailAfterReply"]) === "boolean")
this.userSettings.promptDelPersonalEmailAfterReply = settingsObj.promptDelPersonalEmailAfterReply;
......@@ -9168,7 +9138,7 @@ function DigDistMsgReader_IsValidMessageNum(pMsgNum)
// Parameters:
// pMsgIdx: The message index (0-based)
// pExpandFields: Whether or not to expand fields. Defaults to false.
// pMsgbase: Optional - An open MsgBase object. If not passed, the sub-board will be opened in this method.
// pMsgbase: Optional - An open MsgBase object. If not passed, the sub-board coould be opened in this method.
function DigDistMsgReader_GetMsgHdrByIdx(pMsgIdx, pExpandFields, pMsgbase)
var expandFields = (typeof(pExpandFields) == "boolean" ? pExpandFields : false);
......@@ -10092,6 +10062,14 @@ function DigDistMsgReader_ReplyToMsg(pMsgHdr, pMsgText, pPrivate, pMsgIdx)
var privReplRetObj = this.DoPrivateReply(pMsgHdr, pMsgIdx, replyMode);
retObj.postSucceeded = privReplRetObj.sendSucceeded;
retObj.msgWasDeleted = privReplRetObj.msgWasDeleted;
// If the user successfully saved the message and the message wasn't deleted,
// then apply the 'replied' attribute to the message Header
if (privReplRetObj.sendSucceeded && !privReplRetObj.msgWasDeleted)
var saveRetObj = applyAttrsInMsgHdrInMessagbase(this.subBoardCode, pMsgHdr.number, MSG_REPLIED);
if (saveRetObj.saveSucceeded)
this.RefreshHdrInSavedArrays(pMsgIdx, MSG_REPLIED, true);
......@@ -10190,7 +10168,7 @@ function DigDistMsgReader_ReplyToMsg(pMsgHdr, pMsgText, pPrivate, pMsgIdx)
// If we have cached message headers, add the user's just-posted message
else if (this.hdrsForCurrentSubBoard.length > 0)
//this.FilterMsgHdrsIntoHdrsForCurrentSubBoard(msgbase.get_all_msg_headers(false), true);
//this.FilterMsgHdrsIntoHdrsForCurrentSubBoard(msgbase.get_all_msg_headers(true), true);
var lastMsgHdr = msgbase.get_msg_header(false, msgbase.last_msg);
if (msgIsFromUser(lastMsgHdr))
......@@ -10381,9 +10359,10 @@ function DigDistMsgReader_DoPrivateReply(pMsgHdr, pMsgIdx, pReplyMode)
// If the user replied to a personal email, then ask the user if they want
// to delete the message that was just replied to, and if so, delete it.
if (retObj.sendSucceeded && this.readingPersonalEmail && (typeof(pMsgIdx) == "number"))
// If the user replied to a personal email, and the user setting to prompt
// to delete the message after replying is enabled, then ask the user if
// they want to delete the message that was just replied to; and if so, delete it.
if (retObj.sendSucceeded && this.readingPersonalEmail && (typeof(pMsgIdx) == "number") && this.userSettings.promptDelPersonalEmailAfterReply)
// Get the delete mail confirmation text from text.dat and replace
// the %s with the "from" name in the message header, and use that
......@@ -10596,21 +10575,49 @@ function DigDistMsgReader_DisplayEnhancedMsgHdr(pMsgHdr, pDisplayMsgNum, pStartS
dateTimeStr = [-+][0-9]+$/, "");
// If using the internal header (not loaded externally) and the message is not a poll and
// contains the properties total_votes and upvotes, then put some information in the header
// containing information about the message's voting results.
var msgIsAPoll = false;
if (typeof(MSG_POLL) != "undefined")
msgIsAPoll = ((pMsgHdr.attr & MSG_POLL) == MSG_POLL);
var enhHdrLines = enhMsgHdrLines.slice(0);
if (this.usingInternalEnhMsgHdr && !msgIsAPoll && pMsgHdr.hasOwnProperty("total_votes") && pMsgHdr.hasOwnProperty("upvotes"))
// Do some things if using the internal header (not loaded externally)
if (this.usingInternalEnhMsgHdr)
// If the message is not a poll and contains the properties total_votes and upvotes,
// then put some information in the header containing information about the message's
// voting results.
// Only add the vote information if the total_votes value is non-zero
if (pMsgHdr.total_votes != 0)
var msgIsAPoll = false;
if (typeof(MSG_POLL) != "undefined")
msgIsAPoll = Boolean(pMsgHdr.attr & MSG_POLL);
// TODO: Fix the issue with not showing votes. With this, it seems to think it has 0 votes
//var hdrWithVotes = getMsgHdr(this.subBoardCode, false, pMsgHdr.number, true, true);
// Temporary
if (user.is_sysop)
console.print("Has total_votes prop: " + hdrWithVotes.hasOwnProperty("total_votes") + "\r\n");
console.print("Has upvotes prop: " + hdrWithVotes.hasOwnProperty("upvotes") + "\r\n");
if (hdrWithVotes.hasOwnProperty("total_votes"))
console.print("total_votes: " + hdrWithVotes.total_votes + "\r\n");
for (var prop in hdrWithVotes)
console.print(prop + ": " + hdrWithVotes[prop] + "\r\n");
// End Temporary
if (!msgIsAPoll && pMsgHdr.hasOwnProperty("total_votes") && pMsgHdr.hasOwnProperty("upvotes") && pMsgHdr.total_votes != 0)
//if (!msgIsAPoll && hdrWithVotes.hasOwnProperty("total_votes") && hdrWithVotes.hasOwnProperty("upvotes") && hdrWithVotes.total_votes != 0)
var voteInfo = getMsgUpDownvotesAndScore(pMsgHdr);
//var voteInfo = getMsgUpDownvotesAndScore(hdrWithVotes);
var voteStatsTxt = "\x01n\x01c" + RIGHT_T_SINGLE + "\x01h\x01gS\x01n\x01gcore\x01h\x01c: \x01b" + voteInfo.voteScore + " (+" + voteInfo.upvotes + ", -" + voteInfo.downvotes + ")\x01n\x01c" + LEFT_T_SINGLE;
enhHdrLines[6] = enhHdrLines[6].slice(0, 10) + "\x01n\x01c" + voteStatsTxt + "\x01n\x01c" + HORIZONTAL_SINGLE + "\x01h\x01k" + enhHdrLines[6].slice(17 + strip_ctrl(voteStatsTxt).length);
enhHdrLines[6] = enhHdrLines[6].substring(0, 10) + "\x01n\x01c" + voteStatsTxt + "\x01n\x01c" + HORIZONTAL_SINGLE + "\x01h\x01k" + enhHdrLines[6].substring(17 + strip_ctrl(voteStatsTxt).length);
// If this is a personal email that has been replied to, then
// put the word "Replied" toward the right of the last line
if (this.readingPersonalEmail && Boolean(pMsgHdr.attr & MSG_REPLIED))
enhHdrLines[6] = enhHdrLines[6].substr(0, enhHdrLines[6].length-17) + "\x01wReplied\x01k" + enhHdrLines[6].substr(enhHdrLines[6].length-10);
......@@ -12512,6 +12519,8 @@ function DigDistMsgReader_GetExtdMsgHdrInfo(pSubCodeOrMsgbase, pMsgNum, pKludgeO
var msgbase = new MsgBase(pSubCodeOrMsgbase);
if (
// TODO: I think we should be able to call get_msg_header() and get valid vote information,
// but that doesn't seem to be the case:
msgHdr = msgbase.get_msg_header(false, pMsgNum, true, true);
......@@ -14064,7 +14073,7 @@ function DigDistMsgReader_DoUserSettings_Scrollable(pDrawBottomhelpLineFn)
// Create the user settings box
var optBoxTitle = "Setting Enabled";
var optBoxWidth = ChoiceScrollbox_MinWidth();
var optBoxHeight = 10;
var optBoxHeight = 11;
var optBoxStartX = this.msgAreaLeft + Math.floor((this.msgAreaWidth/2) - (optBoxWidth/2));
if (optBoxStartX < this.msgAreaLeft)
optBoxStartX = this.msgAreaLeft;
......@@ -14113,6 +14122,10 @@ function DigDistMsgReader_DoUserSettings_Scrollable(pDrawBottomhelpLineFn)
if (this.userSettings.quitFromReaderGoesToMsgList)
optionBox.chgCharInTextItem(READER_QUIT_TO_MSG_LIST_OPT_INDEX, checkIdx, CHECK_CHAR);
const PROPMT_DEL_PERSONAL_MSG_AFTER_REPLY_OPT_INDEX = optionBox.addTextItem(format(optionFormatStr, "Prompt delete after reply to personal email"));
if (this.userSettings.promptDelPersonalEmailAfterReply)
// Create an object containing toggle values (true/false) for each option index
var optionToggles = {};
optionToggles[ENH_SCROLLBAR_OPT_INDEX] = this.userSettings.useEnhReaderScrollbar;
......@@ -14122,6 +14135,7 @@ function DigDistMsgReader_DoUserSettings_Scrollable(pDrawBottomhelpLineFn)
optionToggles[INDEXED_MODE_MENU_SNAP_TO_NEW_MSGS_OPT_INDEX] = this.userSettings.indexedModeMenuSnapToFirstWithNew;
optionToggles[INDEX_NEWSCAN_ENTER_SHOWS_MSG_LIST_OPT_INDEX] = this.userSettings.enterFromIndexMenuShowsMsgList;
optionToggles[READER_QUIT_TO_MSG_LIST_OPT_INDEX] = this.userSettings.quitFromReaderGoesToMsgList;
optionToggles[PROPMT_DEL_PERSONAL_MSG_AFTER_REPLY_OPT_INDEX] = this.userSettings.promptDelPersonalEmailAfterReply;
// Other actions
var USER_TWITLIST_OPT_INDEX = optionBox.addTextItem("Personal twit list");
......@@ -14168,6 +14182,9 @@ function DigDistMsgReader_DoUserSettings_Scrollable(pDrawBottomhelpLineFn)
this.readerObj.userSettings.quitFromReaderGoesToMsgList = !this.readerObj.userSettings.quitFromReaderGoesToMsgList;
this.readerObj.userSettings.promptDelPersonalEmailAfterReply = !this.readerObj.userSettings.promptDelPersonalEmailAfterReply;
......@@ -14257,7 +14274,8 @@ function DigDistMsgReader_DoUserSettings_Traditional()
......@@ -14269,6 +14287,7 @@ function DigDistMsgReader_DoUserSettings_Traditional()
printTradUserSettingOption(USE_INDEXED_MODE_FOR_NEWSCAN_OPT_NUM, "Use Indexed mode for newscan", wordFirstCharAttrs, wordRemainingAttrs);
printTradUserSettingOption(INDEX_NEWSCAN_ENTER_SHOWS_MSG_LIST_OPT_NUM, "Index: Selection shows message list", wordFirstCharAttrs, wordRemainingAttrs);
printTradUserSettingOption(READER_QUIT_TO_MSG_LIST_OPT_NUM, "Quitting From reader goes to message list", wordFirstCharAttrs, wordRemainingAttrs);
printTradUserSettingOption(PROPMT_DEL_PERSONAL_MSG_AFTER_REPLY_OPT_NUM, "Prompt to delete personal message after replying", wordFirstCharAttrs, wordRemainingAttrs);
printTradUserSettingOption(USER_TWITLIST_OPT_NUM, "Personal twit list", wordFirstCharAttrs, wordRemainingAttrs);
console.print("\x01cYour choice (\x01hQ\x01n\x01c: Quit)\x01h: \x01g");
......@@ -14306,6 +14325,11 @@ function DigDistMsgReader_DoUserSettings_Traditional()
this.userSettings.quitFromReaderGoesToMsgList = !console.noyes("Quit key from reader: Go to the message list (rather than exit)");
userSettingsChanged = (this.userSettings.quitFromReaderGoesToMsgList != oldReaderQuitSetting);
var oldReaderQuitSetting = this.userSettings.promptDelPersonalEmailAfterReply;
this.userSettings.promptDelPersonalEmailAfterReply = !console.noyes("Prompt to delete personal message after replying");
userSettingsChanged = (this.userSettings.promptDelPersonalEmailAfterReply != oldReaderQuitSetting);
// Re-read the user's twitlist and see if the user's twitlist changed
......@@ -16213,8 +16237,8 @@ function DigDistMsgReader_VoteOnMessage(pMsgHdr, pRemoveNLsFromVoteText)
if (this.msgNumToIdxMap.hasOwnProperty(pMsgHdr.number))
var originalMsgIdx = this.msgNumToIdxMap[pMsgHdr.number];
//var tmpHdrs = msgbase.get_all_msg_headers(true);
var tmpHdrs = msgbase.get_all_msg_headers(false);
// Calling get_all_msg_headers() to include vote information:
var tmpHdrs = msgbase.get_all_msg_headers(true);
if (tmpHdrs.hasOwnProperty(pMsgHdr.number))
this.hdrsForCurrentSubBoard[originalMsgIdx] = tmpHdrs[pMsgHdr.number];
......@@ -16232,6 +16256,28 @@ function DigDistMsgReader_VoteOnMessage(pMsgHdr, pRemoveNLsFromVoteText)
if (this.hdrsForCurrentSubBoard[originalMsgIdx].hasOwnProperty("tally"))
retObj.updatedHdr.tally = this.hdrsForCurrentSubBoard[originalMsgIdx].tally;
// I thought we should be able to call get_msg_header() and get valid vote information,
// but that doesn't seem to be the case:
var hdrWithVotes = msgbase.get_msg_header(false, pMsgHdr.number, true, true);
if (hdrWithVotes != null)
this.hdrsForCurrentSubBoard[originalMsgIdx] = hdrWithVotes;
// Originally, this script assigned retObj.updatedHdr as follows:
//retObj.updatedHdr = pMsgHdr;
// However, after an update, there were a couple errors that total_votes and upvotes
// were read-only, so it wuldn't assign to them, so now we copy pMsgHdr this way:
retObj.updatedHdr = {};
for (var prop in pMsgHdr)
retObj.updatedHdr[prop] = pMsgHdr[prop];
if (this.hdrsForCurrentSubBoard[originalMsgIdx].hasOwnProperty("total_votes"))
retObj.updatedHdr.total_votes = this.hdrsForCurrentSubBoard[originalMsgIdx].total_votes;
if (this.hdrsForCurrentSubBoard[originalMsgIdx].hasOwnProperty("upvotes"))
retObj.updatedHdr.upvotes = this.hdrsForCurrentSubBoard[originalMsgIdx].upvotes;
if (this.hdrsForCurrentSubBoard[originalMsgIdx].hasOwnProperty("tally"))
retObj.updatedHdr.tally = this.hdrsForCurrentSubBoard[originalMsgIdx].tally;
......@@ -16475,8 +16521,7 @@ function DigDistMsgReader_GetMsgBody(pMsgHdr)
// Pass true to get_all_msg_headers() to tell it to return vote messages
// (the parameter was introduced in Synchronet 3.17+)
//var tmpHdrs = msgbase.get_all_msg_headers(true);
var tmpHdrs = msgbase.get_all_msg_headers(false);
var tmpHdrs = msgbase.get_all_msg_headers(true);
for (var tmpProp in tmpHdrs)
if (tmpHdrs[tmpProp] == null)
......@@ -16577,7 +16622,7 @@ function DigDistMsgReader_RefreshMsgHdrInArrays(pMsgNum)
if (this.msgSearchHdrs[this.subBoardCode].indexed[i].number == pMsgNum)
var newMsgHdr = msgbase.get_msg_header(false, pMsgNum, true);
var newMsgHdr = msgbase.get_msg_header(false, pMsgNum, true, true);
if (newMsgHdr != null)
this.msgSearchHdrs[this.subBoardCode].indexed[i] = newMsgHdr;
......@@ -16588,13 +16633,23 @@ function DigDistMsgReader_RefreshMsgHdrInArrays(pMsgNum)
if (this.msgNumToIdxMap.hasOwnProperty(pMsgNum))
//var msgHdrs = msgbase.get_all_msg_headers(true);
var msgHdrs = msgbase.get_all_msg_headers(false);
// Calling get_all_msg_headers() to include vote information:
var msgHdrs = msgbase.get_all_msg_headers(true);
if (msgHdrs.hasOwnProperty(pMsgNum))
var msgIdx = this.msgNumToIdxMap[pMsgNum];
this.hdrsForCurrentSubBoard[msgIdx] = msgHdrs[pMsgNum];
// I thought we should be able to call get_msg_header() and get valid vote information,
// but that doesn't seem to be the case:
var updatedMsgHdr = msgbase.get_msg_header(false, pMsgNum, true, true);
if (updatedMsgHdr != null)
var msgIdx = this.msgNumToIdxMap[pMsgNum];
this.hdrsForCurrentSubBoard[msgIdx] = updatedMsgHdr;
......@@ -18913,9 +18968,7 @@ function makeAllMsgAttrStr(pMsgHdr)
return msgAttrStr;
// Returns a string describing the main message attributes. Makes use of the
// gMainMsgAttrStrs object for the main message attributes and description
// strings.
// Returns a string describing the main message attributes.
// Parameters:
// pMainMsgAttrs: The bit field for the main message attributes
......@@ -18925,27 +18978,42 @@ function makeAllMsgAttrStr(pMsgHdr)
// Return value: A string describing the main message attributes
function makeMainMsgAttrStr(pMainMsgAttrs, pIfEmptyString)
var msgAttrStr = "";
if (typeof(pMainMsgAttrs) == "number")
for (var prop in gMainMsgAttrStrs)
if ((pMainMsgAttrs & prop) == prop)
if (msgAttrStr.length > 0)
msgAttrStr += ", ";
msgAttrStr += gMainMsgAttrStrs[prop];
if ((msgAttrStr.length == 0) && (typeof(pIfEmptyString) == "string"))
msgAttrStr = pIfEmptyString;
return msgAttrStr;
if (makeMainMsgAttrStr.attrStrs === undefined)
makeMainMsgAttrStr.attrStrs = [
{ attr: MSG_DELETE, str: "Del" },
{ attr: MSG_PRIVATE, str: "Priv" },
{ attr: MSG_READ, str: "Read" },
{ attr: MSG_PERMANENT, str: "Perm" },
{ attr: MSG_LOCKED, str: "Lock" },
{ attr: MSG_ANONYMOUS, str: "Anon" },
{ attr: MSG_KILLREAD, str: "Killread" },
{ attr: MSG_MODERATED, str: "Mod" },
{ attr: MSG_VALIDATED, str: "Valid" },
{ attr: MSG_REPLIED, str: "Repl" },
{ attr: MSG_NOREPLY, str: "NoRepl" }
var msgAttrStr = "";
if (typeof(pMainMsgAttrs) == "number")
for (var i = 0; i < makeMainMsgAttrStr.attrStrs.length; ++i)
if (Boolean(pMainMsgAttrs & makeMainMsgAttrStr.attrStrs[i].attr))
if (msgAttrStr.length > 0)
msgAttrStr += ", ";
msgAttrStr += makeMainMsgAttrStr.attrStrs[i].str;
if ((msgAttrStr.length == 0) && (typeof(pIfEmptyString) == "string"))
msgAttrStr = pIfEmptyString;
return msgAttrStr;
// Returns a string describing auxiliary message attributes. Makes use of the
// gAuxMsgAttrStrs object for the auxiliary message attributes and description
// strings.
// Returns a string describing auxiliary message attributes.
// Parameters:
// pAuxMsgAttrs: The bit field for the auxiliary message attributes
......@@ -18955,27 +19023,39 @@ function makeMainMsgAttrStr(pMainMsgAttrs, pIfEmptyString)
// Return value: A string describing the auxiliary message attributes
function makeAuxMsgAttrStr(pAuxMsgAttrs, pIfEmptyString)
var msgAttrStr = "";
if (typeof(pAuxMsgAttrs) == "number")
for (var prop in gAuxMsgAttrStrs)
if ((pAuxMsgAttrs & prop) == prop)
if (msgAttrStr.length > 0)
msgAttrStr += ", ";
msgAttrStr += gAuxMsgAttrStrs[prop];
if ((msgAttrStr.length == 0) && (typeof(pIfEmptyString) == "string"))
msgAttrStr = pIfEmptyString;
return msgAttrStr;
if (makeAuxMsgAttrStr.attrStrs === undefined)
makeAuxMsgAttrStr.attrStrs = [
{ attr: MSG_FILEREQUEST, str: "Freq" },
{ attr: MSG_FILEATTACH, str: "Attach" },
{ attr: MSG_KILLFILE, str: "KillFile" },
{ attr: MSG_RECEIPTREQ, str: "RctReq" },
{ attr: MSG_CONFIRMREQ, str: "ConfReq" },
{ attr: MSG_NODISP, str: "NoDisp" }
if (typeof(MSG_TRUNCFILE) === "number")
makeAuxMsgAttrStr.attrStrs.push({ attr: MSG_TRUNCFILE, str: "TruncFile" });
var msgAttrStr = "";
if (typeof(pAuxMsgAttrs) == "number")
for (var i = 0; i < makeAuxMsgAttrStr.attrStrs.length; ++i)
if (Boolean(pAuxMsgAttrs & makeAuxMsgAttrStr.attrStrs[i].attr))
if (msgAttrStr.length > 0)
msgAttrStr += ", ";
msgAttrStr += makeAuxMsgAttrStr.attrStrs[i].str;
if ((msgAttrStr.length == 0) && (typeof(pIfEmptyString) == "string"))
msgAttrStr = pIfEmptyString;
return msgAttrStr;
// Returns a string describing network message attributes. Makes use of the
// gNetMsgAttrStrs object for the network message attributes and description
// strings.
// Returns a string describing network message attributes.
// Parameters:
// pNetMsgAttrs: The bit field for the network message attributes
......@@ -18985,22 +19065,51 @@ function makeAuxMsgAttrStr(pAuxMsgAttrs, pIfEmptyString)
// Return value: A string describing the network message attributes
function makeNetMsgAttrStr(pNetMsgAttrs, pIfEmptyString)
var msgAttrStr = "";
if (typeof(pNetMsgAttrs) == "number")
for (var prop in gNetMsgAttrStrs)
if ((pNetMsgAttrs & prop) == prop)
if (msgAttrStr.length > 0)
msgAttrStr += ", ";
msgAttrStr += gNetMsgAttrStrs[prop];
if ((msgAttrStr.length == 0) && (typeof(pIfEmptyString) == "string"))
msgAttrStr = pIfEmptyString;
return msgAttrStr;
if (makeNetMsgAttrStr.attrStrs === undefined)
makeNetMsgAttrStr.attrStrs = [
{ attr: MSG_LOCAL, str: "FromLocal" },
{ attr: MSG_INTRANSIT, str: "Transit" },
{ attr: MSG_SENT, str: "Sent" },
{ attr: MSG_KILLSENT, str: "KillSent" },
{ attr: MSG_ARCHIVESENT, str: "ArcSent" },
{ attr: MSG_HOLD, str: "Hold" },
{ attr: MSG_CRASH, str: "Crash" },
{ attr: MSG_IMMEDIATE, str: "Now" },
{ attr: MSG_DIRECT, str: "Direct" }
if (typeof(MSG_GATE) === "number")
makeNetMsgAttrStr.attrStrs.push({ attr: MSG_GATE, str: "Gate" });
if (typeof(MSG_ORPHAN) === "number")
makeNetMsgAttrStr.attrStrs.push({ attr: MSG_ORPHAN, str: "Orphan" });
if (typeof(MSG_FPU) === "number")
makeNetMsgAttrStr.attrStrs.push({ attr: MSG_FPU, str: "FPU" });
if (typeof(MSG_TYPELOCAL) === "number")
makeNetMsgAttrStr.attrStrs.push({ attr: MSG_TYPELOCAL, str: "ForLocal" });
if (typeof(MSG_TYPEECHO) === "number")
makeNetMsgAttrStr.attrStrs.push({ attr: MSG_TYPEECHO, str: "ForEcho" });
if (typeof(MSG_TYPENET) === "number")
makeNetMsgAttrStr.attrStrs.push({ attr: MSG_TYPENET, str: "ForNetmail" });
if (typeof(MSG_MIMEATTACH) === "number")
makeNetMsgAttrStr.attrStrs.push({ attr: MSG_MIMEATTACH, str: "MimeAttach" });
var msgAttrStr = "";
if (typeof(pNetMsgAttrs) == "number")
for (var i = 0; i < makeNetMsgAttrStr.attrStrs.length; ++i)
if (Boolean(pNetMsgAttrs & makeNetMsgAttrStr.attrStrs[i].attr))
if (msgAttrStr.length > 0)
msgAttrStr += ", ";
msgAttrStr += makeNetMsgAttrStr.attrStrs[i].str;
if ((msgAttrStr.length == 0) && (typeof(pIfEmptyString) == "string"))
msgAttrStr = pIfEmptyString;
return msgAttrStr;
// Given a sub-board code, this function returns a sub-board's group and name.
......@@ -19945,7 +20054,11 @@ function getHdrFromMsgbase(pMsgbase, pSubBoardCode, pByIdx, pMsgIdxOrNum, pExpan
if (pByIdx)
getMsgHdr = ((pMsgIdxOrNum >= 0) && (pMsgIdxOrNum < msgbase.total_msgs))
if (getMsgHdr)
// TODO: I think we should be able to call get_msg_header() and get valid vote information,
// but that doesn't seem to be the case:
msgHdr = msgbase.get_msg_header(pByIdx, pMsgIdxOrNum, pExpandFields, true); // Last true: Include votes
if (pMsgbase == null)
......@@ -22187,7 +22300,11 @@ function getLatestPostTimeWithMsgbase(pMsgbase, pSubCode)
var msgIdx = pMsgbase.total_msgs - 1;
var msgHeader = pMsgbase.get_msg_header(true, msgIdx, false);
while (!isReadableMsgHdr(msgHeader, pSubCode) && (msgIdx >= 0))
msgHeader = pMsgbase.get_msg_header(true, --msgIdx, true);
// TODO: I think we should be able to call get_msg_header() and get valid vote information,
// but that doesn't seem to be the case:
msgHeader = pMsgbase.get_msg_header(true, --msgIdx, true, true);
if (this.msgAreaList_lastImportedMsg_showImportTime)
latestMsgTimestamp = msgHeader.when_imported_time;
......@@ -22770,6 +22887,22 @@ function subBoardNewscanAllRead(pSubCode)
return wasSuccessful;
// Hepler function for getting a message header: Opens a messagebase, calls
// get_msg_header(), closes the messagebase, and returns the header
function getMsgHdr(pSubCode, pByOffset, pNumOrOffset, pExpandFields, pIncludeVotes)
var msgHdr = null;
var msgbase = new MsgBase(pSubCode);
if (
var expandFields = (typeof(pExpandFields) === "boolean" ? pExpandFields : true);
var includeVotes = (typeof(pIncludeVotes) === "boolean" ? pIncludeVotes : false);
msgHdr = msgbase.get_msg_header(pByOffset, pNumOrOffset, expandFields, includeVotes);
return msgHdr;
// For debugging: Writes some text on the screen at a given location with a given pause.
......@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@
// If you have DDMsgReader in a directory other than xtrn/DDMsgReader, then the changes to
// DDMsgReader.cfg will be saved in that directory (assuming you're running ddmr_cfg.js from
// that same directory).
// Currently for DDMsgReader 1.87.
// Currently for DDMsgReader 1.88.
// If you're running DDMsgReader from xtrn/DDMsgReader (the standard location) and you want
// to save the configuration file there (rather than sbbs/mods), you can use one of the
......@@ -18,7 +18,7 @@ require("sbbsdefs.js", "P_NONE");
require("uifcdefs.js", "UIFC_INMSG");
if (!uifc.init("DigDist. Message Reader 1.87 Configurator"))
if (!uifc.init("DigDist. Message Reader 1.88 Configurator"))
print("Failed to initialize uifc");
......@@ -113,6 +113,7 @@ function doMainMenu()
"useIndexedModeForNewscan", // Boolean
"indexedModeMenuSnapToFirstWithNew", // Boolean
"newscanOnlyShowNewMsgs", // Boolean
"promptDelPersonalEmailAfterReply", // Boolean
"themeFilename" // String
// Strings for the options to display on the menu
......@@ -143,6 +144,7 @@ function doMainMenu()
"Use Indexed Mode For Newscan",
"Index menu: Snap to sub-boards w/ new messages",
"During a newscan, only show new messages",
"Personal email: Prompt to delete after reply",
"Theme Filename"
// Build an array of formatted string to be displayed on the menu
......@@ -551,6 +553,10 @@ function getOptionHelpText()
optionHelpText["newscanOnlyShowNewMsgs"] += "to only show new messages when the user is doing a newscan. Users can toggle this as ";
optionHelpText["newscanOnlyShowNewMsgs"] += "they like.";
optionHelpText["promptDelPersonalEmailAfterReply"] = "Personal email: Prompt to delete after reply: When reading personal email, ";
optionHelpText["promptDelPersonalEmailAfterReply"] += "whether or not to propmt the user if they want to delete a message after ";
optionHelpText["promptDelPersonalEmailAfterReply"] += "replying to it. This is a defafult for a user setting.";
optionHelpText["themeFilename"] = "Theme filename: The name of a file for a color theme to use";
// Word-wrap the help text items
......@@ -737,6 +743,14 @@ function readDDMsgReaderCfgFile()
retObj.cfgOptions.saveAllHdrsWhenSavingMsgToBBSPC = false;
if (!retObj.cfgOptions.hasOwnProperty("useIndexedModeForNewscan"))
retObj.cfgOptions.useIndexedModeForNewscan = false;
if (!retObj.cfgOptions.hasOwnProperty("enableIndexedModeMsgListCache"))
retObj.cfgOptions.enableIndexedModeMsgListCache = true;
if (!retObj.cfgOptions.hasOwnProperty("newscanOnlyShowNewMsgs"))
retObj.cfgOptions.newscanOnlyShowNewMsgs = true;
if (!retObj.cfgOptions.hasOwnProperty("indexedModeMenuSnapToFirstWithNew"))
retObj.cfgOptions.indexedModeMenuSnapToFirstWithNew = false;
if (!retObj.cfgOptions.hasOwnProperty("promptDelPersonalEmailAfterReply"))
retObj.cfgOptions.promptDelPersonalEmailAfterReply = false;
if (!retObj.cfgOptions.hasOwnProperty("themeFilename"))
retObj.cfgOptions.themeFilename = "DefaultTheme.cfg";
Digital Distortion Message Reader
Version 1.87
Release date: 2023-11-18
Version 1.88
Release date: 2023-11-24
......@@ -799,6 +799,12 @@ indexedModeMenuSnapToFirstWithNew For the indexed newscan sub-board menu in
menu. This is a default for a user setting
that users can toggle for themselves.
promptDelPersonalEmailAfterReply Default for a user setting: When reading
personal email, whether or not to propmt
the user if they want to delete a message
after replying to it
themeFilename The name of the configuration file to
use for colors & string settings
......@@ -5,6 +5,15 @@ Revision History (change log)
Version Date Description
------- ---- -----------
1.88 2023-11-24 New user setting/configuration option to prompt the user
whether or not to delete a personal email after replying
to it (defaults to false).
New: Displays whether a personal email has been replied
Fix: Now displaying message vote score in the default
header again.
Fix: When viewing message headers (for the sysop), now
correctly shows the message attributes.
1.87 2023-11-18 Possible speed improvement when loading messages.
New: User setting to only show new messages in a newscan
(defaults to true/enabled)
0% Loading or .
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