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Commit f837e9c7 authored by Eric Oulashin's avatar Eric Oulashin Committed by Rob Swindell
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DDMsgReader: As a loadable module, now make use of user# parameter for reading...

DDMsgReader: As a loadable module, now make use of user# parameter for reading personal email (for the sysop when deleting a user account)
parent 3709ae9d
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2 merge requests!463MRC mods by Codefenix (2024-10-20),!254DDMsgReader: As a loadable module, now make use of user# parameter for reading personal email (for the sysop when deleting a user account)
......@@ -91,11 +91,17 @@
* 2023-02-01 Eric Oulashin Version 1.63
* Fix for reading colors from the theme file. Also, the theme file now
* no longer needs the control character for color codes.
* 2023-02-09 Eric Oulashin Version 1.64
* When reading personal email (received or sent), now makes use of the
* loadable module 2nd command-line argument, which specifies the user number.
* When deleting a user, the sysop might be prompted whether to read that
* user's email.
"use strict";
// TODO: In the message list, add the ability to search with / similar to my area chooser
// TODO: In the message list, add the ability to search with / similar to my area chooser.
/* Command-line arguments (in -arg=val format, or -arg format to enable an
......@@ -195,8 +201,8 @@ var ansiterm = require("ansiterm_lib.js", 'expand_ctrl_a');
// Reader version information
var READER_VERSION = "1.63";
var READER_DATE = "2023-02-01";
var READER_VERSION = "1.64";
var READER_DATE = "2023-02-09";
// Keyboard key codes for displaying on the screen
var UP_ARROW = ascii(24);
......@@ -1089,10 +1095,18 @@ function DigDistMsgReader(pSubBoardCode, pScriptArgs)
this.cfgFilename = "DDMsgReader.cfg";
// Check the command-line arguments for a custom configuration file name
// before reading the configuration file.
// before reading the configuration file. Defaults to the current user
// number, but can be set by a loadable module command-line argument. Also,
// only allow changing it if the current user is a sysop.
this.personalMailUserNum = user.number;
var scriptArgsIsValid = (typeof(pScriptArgs) == "object");
if (scriptArgsIsValid && pScriptArgs.hasOwnProperty("configfilename"))
this.cfgFilename = pScriptArgs["configfilename"];
if (scriptArgsIsValid)
if (pScriptArgs.hasOwnProperty("configfilename"))
this.cfgFilename = pScriptArgs.configfilename;
if (pScriptArgs.hasOwnProperty("usernum") && user.is_sysop)
this.personalMailUserNum = pScriptArgs.usernum;
// Read the settings from the config file
this.cfgFileSuccessfullyRead = false;
......@@ -1962,7 +1976,6 @@ function DigDistMsgReader_ClearSearchData()
delete this.msgSearchHdrs[subCode].indexed;
delete this.msgSearchHdrs[subCode];
delete this.msgSearchHdrs;
this.msgSearchHdrs = {};
......@@ -2200,7 +2213,8 @@ function DigDistMsgReader_PopulateHdrsIfSearch_DispErrorIfNoMsgs(pCloseMsgbaseAn
//console.print("\x01n" + replaceAtCodesInStr(formattedText) + "\x01n");
console.putmsg("\x01n" + formattedText + "\x01n");
this.msgSearchHdrs[this.subBoardCode] = searchMsgbase(this.subBoardCode, this.searchType, this.searchString, this.readingPersonalEmailFromUser);
var readingMailUserNum = user.is_sysop ? this.personalMailUserNum : user.number;
this.msgSearchHdrs[this.subBoardCode] = searchMsgbase(this.subBoardCode, this.searchType, this.searchString, this.readingPersonalEmailFromUser, null, null, readingMailUserNum);
......@@ -9886,6 +9900,8 @@ function DigDistMsgReader_ReplyToMsg(pMsgHdr, pMsgText, pPrivate, pMsgIdx)
// If quoting is allowed in the sub-board, then write QUOTES.TXT in
// the node directory to allow the user to quote the original message.
// TODO: Handle things when reading another user's email (for the sysop) - "mail" as a sub-board code might
// not work
var msgbase = new MsgBase(this.subBoardCode);
if (
......@@ -16613,13 +16629,15 @@ function canDoHighASCIIAndANSI()
// pListingPersonalEmailFromUser: Optional boolean - Whether or not we're listing
// personal email sent by the user. This defaults
// to false.
// pStartIndex: The starting message index (0-based). Optional; defaults to 0.
// pEndIndex: One past the last message index. Optional; defaults to the total number
// pStartIndex: Optional: The starting message index (0-based). Defaults to 0.
// pEndIndex: Optional: One past the last message index. Defaults to the total number
// of messages.
// pUserNum: Optional: The user number (for reading personal email)
// Return value: An object with the following arrays:
// indexed: A 0-based indexed array of message headers
function searchMsgbase(pSubCode, pSearchType, pSearchString, pListingPersonalEmailFromUser, pStartIndex, pEndIndex)
function searchMsgbase(pSubCode, pSearchType, pSearchString, pListingPersonalEmailFromUser, pStartIndex, pEndIndex, pUserNum)
var msgHeaders = {
indexed: []
......@@ -16662,8 +16680,7 @@ function searchMsgbase(pSubCode, pSearchType, pSearchString, pListingPersonalEma
matchFn = function(pSearchStr, pMsgHdr, pMsgBase, pSubBoardCode) {
var msgText = strip_ctrl(pMsgBase.get_msg_body(false, pMsgHdr.number, false, false, true, true));
return gAllPersonalEmailOptSpecified || msgIsFromUser(pMsgHdr);
return gAllPersonalEmailOptSpecified || msgIsFromUser(pMsgHdr, pUserNum);
......@@ -16671,7 +16688,7 @@ function searchMsgbase(pSubCode, pSearchType, pSearchString, pListingPersonalEma
// We're reading mail to the user
matchFn = function(pSearchStr, pMsgHdr, pMsgBase, pSubBoardCode) {
var msgText = strip_ctrl(pMsgBase.get_msg_body(false, pMsgHdr.number, false, false, true, true));
var msgMatchesCriteria = (gAllPersonalEmailOptSpecified || msgIsToUserByNum(pMsgHdr));
var msgMatchesCriteria = (gAllPersonalEmailOptSpecified || msgIsToUserByNum(pMsgHdr, pUserNum));
// If only new/unread personal email is to be displayed, then check
// that the message has not been read.
if (gCmdLineArgVals.onlynewpersonalemail)
......@@ -16851,10 +16868,12 @@ function searchMsgbase(pSubCode, pSearchType, pSearchString, pListingPersonalEma
// Parameters:
// pMsgHdr: A message header object
// pUserNum: Optional - A user number to match with. If not specified, this will default to
// the current logged-in user number.
// Return value: Boolean - Whether or not the message is to the user and is not
// deleted.
function msgIsToUserByNum(pMsgHdr)
function msgIsToUserByNum(pMsgHdr, pUserNum)
if (typeof(pMsgHdr) != "object")
return false;
......@@ -16862,13 +16881,17 @@ function msgIsToUserByNum(pMsgHdr)
if ((pMsgHdr.attr & MSG_DELETE) == MSG_DELETE)
return false;
var userNum = user.number;
if (user.is_sysop && typeof(pUserNum) === "number" && pUserNum > 0 && pUserNum <= system.lastuser)
userNum = pUserNum;
var msgIsToUser = false;
// If an alternate user number was specified on the command line, then use that
// user information. Otherwise, use the current logged-in user.
if (gCmdLineArgVals.hasOwnProperty("altUserNum"))
msgIsToUser = (pMsgHdr.to_ext == gCmdLineArgVals.altUserNum);
msgIsToUser = (pMsgHdr.to_ext == user.number);
msgIsToUser = (pMsgHdr.to_ext == userNum);
return msgIsToUser;
......@@ -16878,10 +16901,12 @@ function msgIsToUserByNum(pMsgHdr)
// Parameters:
// pMsgHdr: A message header object
// pUserNum: Optional - A user number to match with. If not specified, this will default to
// the current logged-in user number.
// Return value: Boolean - Whether or not the message is from the logged-in user
// and is not deleted.
function msgIsFromUser(pMsgHdr)
function msgIsFromUser(pMsgHdr, pUserNum)
if (typeof(pMsgHdr) != "object")
return false;
......@@ -16889,6 +16914,8 @@ function msgIsFromUser(pMsgHdr)
if ((pMsgHdr.attr & MSG_DELETE) == MSG_DELETE)
return false;
var pUserNumIsValid = (typeof(pUserNum) === "number" && pUserNum > 0 && pUserNum <= system.lastuser);
var isFromUser = false;
// If an alternate user number was specified on the command line, then use that
......@@ -16899,7 +16926,7 @@ function msgIsFromUser(pMsgHdr)
if (gCmdLineArgVals.hasOwnProperty("altUserNum"))
isFromUser = (pMsgHdr.from_ext == gCmdLineArgVals.altUserNum);
isFromUser = (pMsgHdr.from_ext == user.number);
isFromUser = (pMsgHdr.from_ext == (pUserNumIsValid && user.is_sysop ? pUserNum : user.number));
......@@ -16907,7 +16934,15 @@ function msgIsFromUser(pMsgHdr)
if (gCmdLineArgVals.hasOwnProperty("altUserName") && gCmdLineArgVals.hasOwnProperty("altUserAlias"))
isFromUser = ((hdrFromUpper == gCmdLineArgVals.altUserAlias.toUpperCase()) || (hdrFromUpper == gCmdLineArgVals.altUserName.toUpperCase()));
isFromUser = ((hdrFromUpper == user.alias.toUpperCase()) || (hdrFromUpper ==;
if (pUserNumIsValid)
var theUser = new User(pUserNum);
isFromUser = ((hdrFromUpper == theUser.alias.toUpperCase()) || (hdrFromUpper ==;
isFromUser = ((hdrFromUpper == user.alias.toUpperCase()) || (hdrFromUpper ==;
return isFromUser;
......@@ -17185,13 +17220,13 @@ function parseLoadableModuleArgs(argv)
case MAIL_YOUR: // Mail sent to you
argVals.personalemail = true;
argVals.usernum = argv[1];
argVals.usernum = +(argv[1]);
if (newMailOnly)
argVals.onlynewpersonalemail = true;
case MAIL_SENT: // Mail you have sent
argVals.personalemailsent = true;
argVals.usernum = argv[1];
argVals.usernum = +(argv[1]);
case MAIL_ALL:
argVals.allpersonalemail = true;
Digital Distortion Message Reader
Version 1.63
Release date: 2023-02-01
Version 1.64
Release date: 2023-02-09
......@@ -5,6 +5,9 @@ Revision History (change log)
Version Date Description
------- ---- -----------
1.64 2023-02-09 When reading personal email (received or sent), as a
loadable module, now it can allow reading another user's
mail (for the sysop when deleting a user account).
1.63 2023-02-01 Fix for reading colors from the theme file. Also, the
theme file now no longer needs the control character for
color codes.
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