- May 25, 2019
nightfox authored
nightfox authored
Added the dictionaryFilenames option for SlyEdit 1.64. dictionaryFilenames allows the sysop to specify dictionary filenames (used for spell check): This is a comma-separated list of filenames. The dictionary filenames are in the format dictionary_<language>.txt, where <language> is the language name. You can also just specify the language name if you want. Leave blank to use all dictionary files that exist on the system. The dictionary files are located in either sbbs/mods, sbbs/ctrl, or the same directory as SlyEdit.js.
nightfox authored
SlyEdit version 1.64: Added a spell check feature. The spell checker can be started with the Ctrl-R hotkey or by selecting the spell checker option on the ESC menu. The sysop can configure multiple dictionaries, if desired, using the new dictionaryFilenames option in SlyEdit.cfg. For dictionaryFilenames , SlyEdit accepts a comma-separated list of dictionary filenames, which can be in sbbs/mods, sbbs/ctrl, or same directory as SlyEdit.js. The 'filenames' in the list can be the actual filenames, or simply the language names if desired. Also, users can toggle which dictionaries to enable for spell check in their user settings (accessible with Ctrl-U), and also toggle whether or not to prompt for spell check upon saving a message. SlyEdit also now uses "require" when available, instead of "load", to load .js libraries. Also, note that SlyEdit now requires dd_lightbar_menu.js in exec/load - Be sure to get the latest one from CVS. dd_lightbar_menu.js is used for displaying the list of dictionaries via the user options.
nightfox authored
This is an English dictionary for spell checking purposes - basically just a list of words, in text format. Note that this must be sorted in order for spell checking to work. SlyEdit's new spell checker feature, for instance, uses a binary search with an array of words loaded from a dictionary to check the validity of words. SlyEdit's new spell check feature assumes dictionary filenames are dictionary_<language>.txt, where <language> is the language name.
- May 24, 2019
deuce authored
rswindell authored
binkit.js line 297: TypeError: bp.cb_data.binkitcfg.node[addr] is undefined
rswindell authored
We don't store (findable) hostnames in the file, so don't search for them. Don't search file if the host is listed in the spamblock_exempt.cfg file. If you have a really large spamblock.cfg file, this could result in the unnecessary reading of potential many megabytes of data for each inbound SMTP connection. We might want to read this file even less frequently and store the list in a searchable str_list_t or something.
- May 23, 2019
deuce authored
rswindell authored
for the word_wrap line length (not the default, 79 cols).
rswindell authored
of a QWK packet (sending the received-file-length as a post parameter): http[s]://host/qwk.ssjs?received=<length> If the file size matches the user's QWK packet size, the local (server-side) QWK packet is deleted. Passing an empty string to HTTPRequest.Post() since it requires a data paramater. :-( Using Post rather than Get 'cause the chicken hath spake: "<echicken> I think POST is probably technically the more correct way to do it"
rswindell authored
Open questions/issues: - How can we confirm the REP file was received successfully - before deleting our local file - We're reading entire REP and QWK packet contents into memory (JS variables) there's likely a better way
deuce authored
"Application" is not a registered category. Add TerminalEmulator and Dialup categories.
rswindell authored
I think that > 1MB post data is supported, but the http_request.post_data property won't be created if the length > MAX_POST_LEN. Perhaps would just store the post data in a file (uh, it already is?) and expose the filename to JS scripts? It'd be a lot cleaner than storing the data in a file and then reading (or mem-mapping) the file and then copying the contents into a JS property. Allow the JS http_request.post_data property to contain NULs. open_post_file() will now open the post file (and return the FILE*) even if session->req.post_data is NULL, it just won't try to write to the file if the post_data is NULL. mem-map the large post data files using XPMAP_WRITE (read/write) rather than XPMAP_READ (read-only) - without this change, this line in read_post_data() would cause an exception: session->req.post_data[session->req.post_len]=0; Now, we seem to have the potential of an off-by-one here (if the length mem-mapped is not post_len + 1), but that isn't happening. <shrug> Fixed a couple of FILE pointer/descriptor leaks if post_to_file() failed. Changed name of post data file to SBBS_POST.*.*.data (it's not necessarily html). So now, uploads > 1MB work, but questions remain: - wouldn't PUT be a more appropriate method (than POST) for file uploads? - how can we support post_data > MAX_POST_LEN (now 4MB) in JS?
- May 22, 2019
rswindell authored
(don't pass a NULL pointer to fwrite() which can assert or crash).
rswindell authored
sub-board (if there was one) which pointed to the cut-sub.
rswindell authored
(or deleted) or a group of sub-boards was deleted, and any of the deleted/cut sub-boards belonged to a configured QWKnet hub, that QWKnet sub-board would end-up pointing to the next sub-board in the configuration (possibly in another message group, possibly not part of the QWKnet in question). Now, if a QWKnet sub is deleted/cut, remove it (correctly) from any QWKnet hubs using a common (new) function: remove_sub(). The bug was: the remaining sub-board pointers were moved *before* the remove-sub pointer was compared against the list of QWKnet hub subs (and NULLed), so while the effort *was* made to address this problem, it didn't actually work in practice. Thanks for the bug report.
- May 20, 2019
rswindell authored
rswindell authored
rather than word-wrapped lines, leaving it to the things that display messages to perform any line-wrapping as needed. If you want/need the old behavior, set soft_cr=true in the [fseditor] section of your ctrl/modopts.ini file (new feature/section).
rswindell authored
not defined" exception, just report the load() exception - whatever it was (e.g. could not open load-file).
- May 16, 2019
rswindell authored
rswindell authored
- 'outbox' value from echocfg/sbbsecho.ini is used for additional outbound files - normal BSO directories are still searched for outbound files (too) - 'inbox' support not added (yet) - no node locking (.bsy file checking/creation) implemented - requires updated load/fidocfg.js
rswindell authored
BinkITCfg.node[] objects.
- May 15, 2019
mcmlxxix authored
mcmlxxix authored
check api result for success (200) response. use var instead of const for openweathermap instance (to accomodate ircbot "reload" command)
mcmlxxix authored
mcmlxxix authored
mcmlxxix authored
mcmlxxix authored
mcmlxxix authored
mcmlxxix authored
added max_paragraph_length and max_paragraphs settings. split client output at max_paragraph_length and allow sending in chunks x max_paragraphs.
- May 13, 2019
deuce authored
<Deuce> Yes. <mcmlxxix> :| <mcmlxxix> you took that as an or statement <mcmlxxix> i hate you so much sometimes
nightfox authored
Renamed the menuTitle property to topBorderText. Added a bottomBorderText property, for text to be displayed in the bottom border.
nightfox authored
Version 1.22: If the message score is 0, with upvotes and total_votes both 0, then don't show the score when using the default header ANSI. This is what was intended, but the 0 score started showing up in more recent builds of Synchronet.
- May 11, 2019
nightfox authored
Fixed a bug that somehow crept in: Tthe check mark for selections in multi-select mode was being displayed in the wrong place when using a menu border.
nightfox authored
Now supports a title in the top border line: Added a new property for the DDLightbarMenu object, menuTitle, which is a string that specifies the title text to write in the top border (if the border is being displayed). It defaults to an empty string (for no title). Synchronet attribute codes are supported.
rswindell authored
smb_freemsgmem(): bounce() is using a strange method of copying a message header in memory (not using smb_copymsgmem) and when it frees the message, ends up with a double-free of the 2 new smbmsg_t members (not header fields): text_subtype and text_charset.
- May 09, 2019