- Jul 08, 2003
rswindell authored
eventually, these may be non-ANSI-specific.
rswindell authored
rswindell authored
rswindell authored
rswindell authored
rswindell authored
indicator. Created CON_DELETELINE status to indicate getstr() returned due to line deletion (versus backspace).
rswindell authored
rswindell authored
rswindell authored
JS_BranchCallback behavior in regards to infinite-loop detection, periodic garbage collection, and periodic time-slice yields. Eliminated global reset_loop() method, ill side-effects. Use branch.limit=0 instead to defeat infinite-loop detection mechanism (e.g. for static services).
- Jul 07, 2003
- Jul 04, 2003
rswindell authored
branch limit, yield frequency, and garbage collection frequency. log() now goes to stderr (by default). New write(), writeln(), and reset_loop() global methods.
rswindell authored
Created writeln() method (with print as alias).
rswindell authored
writeln() is now an alias for print(). log() and print() now return the string they were passed (instead of void). printf() now returns the formatted string (instead of void). Created global write() method (same as print without the CRLF).
rswindell authored
print() is now an alias for writeln().
rswindell authored
be the CTRL directory.
- Jul 03, 2003
rswindell authored
auto-dependencies. Added JSEXEC build rule.
rswindell authored
rswindell authored
rswindell authored
rswindell authored
rswindell authored
rswindell authored
rswindell authored
rswindell authored
rswindell authored
rswindell authored
Created IS_PATH_DELIM() macro (stole websrvr.c->is_slash macro). Defines BSD _PATH_TMP and _PATH_DEVNULL macros for all platforms.
- Jul 02, 2003
deuce authored
(umask key in the unix section)
rswindell authored
Removed CRLFs even when K_NOCRLF mode bit is set under some circumstances. Ctrl-Z (if not handled by inkey) will undo any changes made to the line. Insert indicator (flashing block) is now placed in (normally unused) cell 1,80 (fixes wrap problem when using insert during input on bottom line of terminal). Insert mode is no longer automatically turned off at end of string. Ctrl-Y will now delete the entire line (ala Ctrl-X) if used at EOL. Optimized Ctrl-Y/X clearing of line for ANSI terminals.
rswindell authored
rswindell authored
rswindell authored
Fixed beep() method when called with no args.
rswindell authored
rswindell authored
rswindell authored
rswindell authored
rswindell authored
Created beep() method to send beep characters to remote console. ansi_gotoxy() method now accepts a single object argument with x and y properties (like that returned from ansi_gotoxy), or separate number arguments for x and y values (as before). All ansi_* methods now have aliases without the ansi_ prefix, in preperation of supporting other (non-ANSI) terminal emulations in the future.
rswindell authored
for full-screen editor functionality. Added support for CON_DOWNARROW, CON_LEFTARROW, and CON_BACKSPACE console status bits, used in combination with getstr(K_LEFTEXIT) for full-screen editor functionality. Insert mode (^V) still needs work.
rswindell authored
for full-screen editor functionality.
rswindell authored
CON_DOWNARROW, CON_LEFTARROW, and CON_BACKSPACE, used to determine when getstr() is terminated with arrow key/backspace movement. Used for full-screen editor functionality.