- Jul 08, 2017
- Jul 07, 2017
rswindell authored
When using this option, the file's timestamp is compared with the stored upload timestamp. If the file is the same or older than the upload date/time, it is skipped. I think this is what he was asking for.
rswindell authored
always truncated to zero-length. Also: more use of SAFECOPY.
- Jul 05, 2017
rswindell authored
deepthaw. Also, if there was only one line in the file listing, nothing would be imported (now fixed).
- Jun 28, 2017
rswindell authored
file area listings: Since these file don't contain paths, the paths are blank (which is normal and expected), but a recent change treated directories with the same path (even if blank) as the same directory and over-write. Now, only non-blank paths are compared to see if the directory is a duplicate and should be overwritten. Also changed references to FILEBONE.NA to FILEGATE.ZXX since that appears to be the currently distributed filename. Update help text to reflect this too. Also display a popup error if attempting to import a non-existant filename.
- Jun 21, 2017
rswindell authored
Updated more online help text.
- Jun 15, 2017
rswindell authored
Deepthaw (DS94): This was broken in revision 1.584 by deuce, Thu Aug 20 05:19:45 2015 UTC: The startup->socket_open callback is optional (may be NULL), and in the case of sbbsNTsvcs.exe, it is NULL, thus the crash when it was called unconditionally during socket creation. I guess not many people are running sbbsNTsvcs these days. :-/
- Jun 09, 2017
rswindell authored
rswindell authored
rswindell authored
- SBBSecho will now maintain a file called the Bad Area File (default name is data/badarea.lst), in BACKBONE.NA format - This file is suitable for importing in SCFG->Message Areas now, but expect some automation in the near future - To get area descriptions (not just echo tags) in the Bad Area File, be sure to configure at least one "Additional EchoList" to point a comprehensive echo list (e.g. BACKBONE.NA or similar) - SBBSecho will automatically add new areas (when new messages are received for msg areas you don't carry) or remove areas that you start to carry - no sysop maintenance of this file should be needed. And the file does not have to be deleted after being imported (e.g. with SCFG). - SBBSecho does not (and may never) actually modify your Synchronet Message Areas configuration directly, that is yet to be determined Another new feature: Area File (areas.bbs) backups: - Whenever the Area File is modified via AreaFix, the current file is backed up (e.g. areas.0.bbs, etc.) - This feature can be tweaked or disabled via the AreaFileBackups key in sbbsecho.ini (not yet in echocfg), default backup level is 100 * Numerous EchoCfg help text updates. * Some minor terminology updates (e.g. AREAS.BBS->areas.bbs, Areafix->AreaFix). * Incremented SBBSecho version from 3.00 to 3.01.
rswindell authored
reached (connections with a successful login aren't counted).
rswindell authored
- Jun 07, 2017
rswindell authored
1. Randomize the last 3 characters of the internal code to generate a unique internal code. 2. Attempt to skip sub-directory names when generating long/short names from imported path, if no sub-dirs are in the path, then just right-justify the truncated path - trying to generate meaninful long/short names from long paths. 3. Do not allow duplicate paths to be imported into the same library. 4. Skip (do not import) directory entries that are > 63 chars in length. 5. Stop importing if/when total dirs >= MAX_DIRS (65534).
rswindell authored
If anybody actually hit these limits I'd be impressed, but it's not impossible. 65535 (-1 as an int16_t) is a special value used to indicate an "invalid" item.
- Jun 05, 2017
rswindell authored
1. added option to import empty sub-directories (previously empty subdirs were always ignored). 2. attempt to generate a unique internal code when the auto-generated internal code (based on the characters in path) is not unique. 3. display "Scannnig Directories..." popup since this can take a while (especially on network drives and especially recurisvely). Note: if you're importing lots of deeply nested subdirs, it's likely that a unique internal code can't be generated (from the path) for all subdirs. A randomly generated internal code might be an option if this is really a problem for any sysops. Also updated the brace style of this .c file, finally.
- Jun 04, 2017
rswindell authored
globally (using a new macro in sbbbsdefs.h: STR_UNKNOWN_USER). "<unknown>" in some contexts was too vague (e.g. the 'c' command output from the sbbs console).
rswindell authored
not daemonized: log output would be repeated (once with a timestamp in the log string, once without). Now direct calls to lputs/lprintf from sbbscon.c won't go to syslog (in this mode), but I think that's okay. 2. Change the prompt when terminating the servers: replace the ?=help and colon implying you can enter commands with just "Termianting..." since you can't actually type commands while a terminate is in progress. 3. Output the inactivity timeout values when waiting for servers to terminate (e.g. because they'res till in use). 4. Report IP addresses in square-brackes in the client ('c' command) output to differentiate from hostnames.
- Jun 03, 2017
rswindell authored
other things to detect/display the actual filename (when different than what's stored in the database).
rswindell authored
This should fix KK4QBN's problem with Windows->Linux migration of file bases of Nighowl CDs (where the files.bbs contain lowercase filenames, but the files themselves are uppercase).
- Apr 11, 2017
rswindell authored
Added (back) the '-d' command-line option to disable the deletion of processed (e.g. imported) inbound netmail messages. - This option has no effect if DeleteNetmail is set to "false" in sbbsecho.ini. - This option *only* disables deletion of incoming netmail (no effect on outbound netmail deletion) - In SBBSecho v2, the '-d' option disabled all netmail deletion, even though the help output only mentioned "netmail after import" (it was wrong).
- Mar 22, 2017
rswindell authored
update the file path in the message subject to point to the inbound directory where the packet was found.
- Mar 07, 2017
rswindell authored
name(s) are zero-length strings.
- Mar 06, 2017
rswindell authored
attribute for netmail (both *.msg and in the mail base). This option should *not* be used when the DeleteNetmail option is enabled (set to 'Yes'). A warning will be logged in this configuration as dupe netmail msgs may be sent in that case.
rswindell authored
by Bill McGarrity.
rswindell authored
number is particularly interesting to me given the error's he reported seeing.
- Mar 01, 2017
rswindell authored
rswindell authored
sbbsecho.h:186:7: warning: array æpktTypeStringListÆ assumed to have one element Warning: size of symbol `pktTypeStringList' changed from 8 in .../rechocfg.o
rswindell authored
For packet creation, the only difference (from Type-2+) is with packets created from point nodes: the origNet field won't be set to 0xffff (as is the case with FSC-48, Type-2+ packets). The auxNet field is now always set to the originating net (ala Squish) when configured for Type-2+ packet generation. When importing Type-2e (FSC-39) packets, the detected/logged packet type may be reported as "2e" for valid "2+" packets. This is normal and expected when the originating node is not a point and the auxNet field is 0. The second set of orig/dest zone fields in a type 2e/2+ pkt header will now be used when importing if the old/QM orig/dest zone fields are 0. Also, the originating point field may now be imported even if the auxNet field is not used (origNet != 0xffff). New umask sbbsecho.ini configuration option (global), maybe used to over-ride the default *nix file creation mode mask (077), similar to sbbs.ini.
rswindell authored
Use more formal terminology (e.g. "Type-2", not "type 2.0").
- Feb 24, 2017
rswindell authored
- %RESCAN returns a different failure result if the requested echo is a pass-through area (cannot be rescanned) - %UNLINKED will return only the unlinked echoes even when an "additional echolist" is utliized and the linked areas are all pass-through (for Bill).
- Feb 21, 2017
rswindell authored
If what appears to be a QWKnet addressed was passed, but the QWK-ID portion was exactly 9 characters, a 1-byte stack corruption would occur as the 10-char local variable (node) could be written with 11 chars (9-char QWK-ID, colon, null). The reported issue happend when attempting to send netmail to "hemo@ujointbbs" which is neither a valid Internet email address or a valid QWKnet address.
- Feb 10, 2017
rswindell authored
findstr() and findstr_in_list(). This means that rather than listing an IP address range using the traditional wildcard characters (e.g. "192.168.1.*"), you could specify a subnet range using CIDR notation (e.g. ""). The '!' prefix is supported for CIDR match lines (for negated match results), but no other wildcard/match characters are (e.g. '^', '~', or '*'). You can mix and match traditional match lines and CIDR match lines in the same filter file. IPv6 CIDR notation is not yet supported.
- Jan 03, 2017
rswindell authored
- When importing echomail packets and tossing to linked-nodes, don't loop messages back to originating nodes, even if their address is not in the PATH or SEEN-BYs. - To get the full originating address of an echomail message (for loop-back prevention), parse the Origin Line before tossing to links. If the Origin Line cannot be parsed, log a warning message.
- Dec 10, 2016
- Dec 08, 2016
rswindell authored
than sprinkling the mapping around the source files. Also, disable the message thread nav keys (arrow keys, home, end) when not in Thread View Mode - too confusing.
rswindell authored
Removed some unused constant definitions/macros. Updated copyright date (to 2016).
rswindell authored
incoming mail): it turns out, stripping tabs (ctrl-i) is breaks many folded header fields (e.g. MIME-encoded messages). So, just strip bare carriage returns instead, as that was the original problem.