- Jan 14, 2025
Rob Swindell authored
White-space changes only, exception being the rare insertion of NL before closing brace (couldn't find the option to disable that behavior). I excluded some header files (e.g. sbbs.h) since uncrustify seemed to be doing more harm than good there. I might just end up applying different set of rules to .h files.
- Nov 13, 2024
Rob Swindell authored
... also the support for multiple spaces or commas separating each filename. Oh, FTS-1, how did I miss thee?
- Apr 16, 2024
Rob Swindell authored
Update to commit 85a2de04 (2 years ago). FSC-74 specifies: "The conference name shall be no more than 60 characters in length." SCFG was limiting sub and dir area-tags to 40 chars and SBBSecho was limiting area tags to 50 chars in length. FSC-74 isn't a standard, but lacking this detail in FTS-4 and considering it comes from the same authoritative source (the Conference Mail System User Manual), I think it's the best source of truth we have. Also, since we're no longer using .cnf files, we don't need different max area-tag lengths between SBBSecho and SCFG structs - they all now use the same macro: FIDO_AREATAG_LEN
- Jan 01, 2024
Rob Swindell authored
- Sep 23, 2021
Rob Swindell authored
Per FMail.txt: Area name This is the name of the conference. It can be up to 50 characters long. This name is often referred to as the area tag. I did not locate a FidoNet spec to contradict that and support a 35 character maximum area tag length. I think Mystic also has a 50 character area tag limit. So 50 character area tags are fine I guess. So up to 50 characters are now supported in SBBSecho and SCFG for area tags (for message and file echoes). The exception is the (new to 3.19) optional area tag stored in msgs.cnf/file.cnf is limited to 40 characters due to reserved space limitations. If you need a tag stored per sub (most sysops do not) and it needs to be longer than 40 chars, use the newsgroup name instead (limited to 63 chars). Changed at the request of Keyop via IRC.
- Aug 16, 2020
Rob Swindell authored
- Mar 24, 2020
rswindell authored
55 characters (per echobase.hlp and .que in http://echolist.net/echohelp.zip). ... who knew?
- Jul 25, 2019
rswindell authored
And remove the "CHRS: " portion of the FIDO_CHARSET_UTF8 definition as we're now storing these values in their own SMB hfields (FIDOCHARSET), not FIDOCTRL.
- Jul 08, 2019
rswindell authored
- Apr 29, 2019
rswindell authored
- Mar 31, 2018
rswindell authored
Created struct fidoaddr (5D address), though it's only used (so far) in pktdump.c - doesn't really need to be packed.
- Nov 24, 2017
rswindell authored
- Nov 13, 2017
rswindell authored
* AreaFix updates: - No longer accepts AreaFix requests to "SBBSecho", since we send mail from that name, accepting mail to the same name can create a bot-loop - Each linked node has a configurable "name" now, where to send notifications (not always "sysop") - AreaFix support for a node can be toggled without clearing their AreaMgr password - Area listings now include the echo descriptions (when available) - Fix: the badecho is not included in area lists returned via netmail - Improved log output around AreaFix requests/operations - %echostats [echo] command now supported to request most recents stats for an area - Notifications can now be toggled by AreaFix sysops using %NOTIFY On/Off - Notification mail to the local Area Manager (sysop) now have the correct date time/zone in the message header (not copied from the AreaFix request) * Added support for auto-responding to PING NetMail requests * When exporting EchoMail, if the date/time written or imported exceeds the configured maximum age for EchoMail, don't export it (rescan exempted) * The -g (generate notification messages) works with a passed address now * Better grunged packet detection (e.g. NULL-terminated header fields must be NULL-terminated) * Avoid bot-loop by refusing to send netmail from "SBBSecho" to "SBBSecho" If you setup an echolist to forward areafix requests to your hub a loop could occur :-(
- Mar 01, 2017
rswindell authored
Use more formal terminology (e.g. "Type-2", not "type 2.0").
- Jan 03, 2017
rswindell authored
- When importing echomail packets and tossing to linked-nodes, don't loop messages back to originating nodes, even if their address is not in the PATH or SEEN-BYs. - To get the full originating address of an echomail message (for loop-back prevention), parse the Origin Line before tossing to links. If the Origin Line cannot be parsed, log a warning message.
- Apr 11, 2016
rswindell authored
- Nov 24, 2015
rswindell authored
FidoNet NetMail can now be gated to an SMTP client (as before), but replies are now successfully gated back to FTN NetMail. This uses a new more RFC-compliant To/From address header field format, so older messages (previously gated to an SMTP client) cannot be successfully replied-to. Tested with Microsoft "Windows Live Mail 2012" (previously known as Outlook Express). Test reports/results with other SMTP mail clients would be welcome. Requires SBBSecho v2.30 or later. File attachments are not yet supported.
- Oct 05, 2013
rswindell authored
Print wanring if type 2+ orig/dest zones don't match the zone fields in the type-2 portion of the header. Updated some pkt header field names in fidodefs.h.
- Sep 17, 2013
rswindell authored
header fields, not just the filler portion) - much more sane.
- Sep 01, 2011
rswindell authored
- Jan 15, 2009
rswindell authored
(these are not fidonet standard values).
- Jul 08, 2007
deuce authored
- Nov 17, 2005
rswindell authored
- Jul 28, 2004
rswindell authored
anyway, so unnecessary.
- Apr 29, 2004
rswindell authored
- Oct 10, 2003
rswindell authored
- Oct 09, 2003
- Sep 20, 2003
rswindell authored
- Sep 18, 2003
rswindell authored
Moved fmsghdr_t and attribute constant definitions from sbbsdefs.h.