- Jan 05, 2025
If the timezone is set to automatic and it's not a new install, don't display "UTC0:01" as the time zone (that's weird), display "Automatic (UTC[+/-]HH:MM)" instead. When changing the system password via this config wizard, the cryptlib.key and ssl.cert files, if they exist, will be invalid, so delete them.
See issue #854 for details
Most of these shells (their menu/display files really) require a terminal at least 80 columns wide to look/work right.
warning C4244: 'return': conversion from 'uint64_t' to 'unsigned int', possible loss of data
... especially when it's already beeen installed
This'll keep your ip.can and spamblock.cfg files maintained.
Deucе authored
This is that rare case where a Coverity fix makes the code more obvious and shorter.
Deucе authored
Deucе authored
This ones does require SSIZE_MAX... so let's see what the pipes say...
Deucе authored
Deucе authored
These are either correct and trivial to fix, or false positives, but fixing is easy enough that it's not a problem.
Deucе authored
While it's only been around for about 18 years, I'll assume that anyone updating the exec directory has updated Synchronet as well.
(user_t.misc, User.settings), when enabling auto-terminal detection. This is similar to what we do in logon.cpp already: useron.misc |= (AUTOTERM | autoterm); We used to have this logic in useredit.cpp, but was removed in commit 8a71ab16, probably due to editing offline users (e.g. in ;uedit sysop comand). So just do the copy of autoterm flags when editing the *current* (online) user. This likely addresses the original concern in that commit. And it fixes issue #853, thanks to Deuce for root-causing
... since that puts us back into VGA tall-font mode
Each app can have its own config file as well (e.g. ctrl/scfg.ini)
We're just converting/upgrading this file (to time.ini), so don't log an error (reading) if/when the file doesn't exist.
Fixes Error: Unresolved external 'GetNetworkParams' referenced
Deucе authored
Deucе authored
Some things were using the global i and not a local i... this was not a problem. Added alerts when lightbar.draw() aborts due to no ANSI or no colour.
Deucе authored
Deucе authored
Fixes JPEG XL again.
... or at least, try really hard not to
Deucе authored
This is kinda valid... I am reading a 32-bit integer from a socket, then trying to loop that many times. What Coverity didn't notice though is that the loop will exit way before due to the buffer being exhausted. By ensuring that it's less than UINT32_MAX/4, I'm still not really enforcing anything since with the 32-bit value for extcnt, and a 32-bit value for every string, there could only be strings before it failed anyway, even with a 4GB buffer (which you couldn't do).
Deucе authored
This gets the assignment to the rip.* members out of the lock so Coverity doesn't assume they need to be protected by the lock. It should compile to the same thing.
Deucе authored
Deucе authored
They're not "leaking" if I want them to liver forever. :D This does prevent an extra needless load if User.dll though... but sdlfuncs and win32gdi both still load the same two DLLs.
since WordPad is no longer included in Windows
Check and log the length of the packet now (since fexist() continues to report that the file exists when fexistcase() said it did not, even when experimenting with adding a call to access(filanem, F_OK). This likely affects no system but VERT.
Cleans-up (deletes) expired filters in text/ip.can and ctrl/spamblock.cfg