- Oct 21, 2020
Rob Swindell authored
The mail (SMTP) server is a popular target of bots. Impose a maximum-concurrent-connections limit (optionally). Similar to the terminal server option, except, don't deduct the number of authenticated connections (I can add something like that if desired). The new config option is [mail] MaxConcurrentConnections in the ctrl/sbbs.ini (defaults to 0, no maximum). Fixed error responses in mail_server accept loop: was always sending POP3 error responses even if the connection was SMTP. Cleaned-up the service/port checking/logging in the mail_server accept loop: no strcmp() needed, log the protocol name (e.g. "SMTPS") instead of the service name (e.g. "submissions").
Rob Swindell authored
Also, if getuserdat() fails, don't count that as a failed login attempt. Also, track username and password of failed-login attempts of deleted or inactive user accounts.
Rob Swindell authored
When loginFailure() is called with NULL for the password argument, that indicates there was no password available (e.g. an aborted login attempt) - treat each of these as a unique (not duplicate) failed-login attempt. This'll trigger ban/filter thresholds sooner for clients that hammer servers and disconnect mid-login.
- Oct 17, 2020
Rob Swindell authored
At least on Windows, when realloc() is used to allocate a new buffer, guess what's in that buffer initially? undefined values. So you can't strcat() onto the end of that! Ouch. This was a fun one to track down.
- Oct 16, 2020
Rob Swindell authored
Rob Swindell authored
Also, don't truncate strings to accommodate screen width when the string contains a new-line character. This is so ScottD (from irc.synchro.net) can use TEXT:556 @-code to print the Ctrl-K menu (text.dat string) via a command shell written in Baja.
- Oct 15, 2020
Rob Swindell authored
Also, auto-set blank node paths in write_main_cfg() (which is called from SCFG) instead of save_cfg() and so now call write_node_cfg() *after* write_main_cfg() in save_cfg(). This should help insure we're saving sane node paths to main.cnf.
Rob Swindell authored
Use BIRTH instead of BDATE if you want MM/DD/YYYY (or DD/MM/YYYY) instead of MM/DD/YY or DD/MM/YY formatted birthdate display. New aliases (for consistency): BIRTHFMT -> BDATEFMT and BIRTH:<fmt> -> BDATE:<fmt>
Rob Swindell authored
Can't say I don't blame them, it is a little unnatural. So instead, use either MM/DD/YYYY (the default) or DD/MM/YYYY (European date mode). This required the use of a new @-code: BDATEFMT and the update of a couple of text.dat lines (in next commit).
Rob Swindell authored
- Oct 12, 2020
Rob Swindell authored
New bug, reported by Melkor (STARFRON).
http://[1234:1234::]Deon George authored
The host portion contains ":" after split_port_part(), resulting in a 400 error. Renaming is_legal_hostname() to is_legal_host(), since requests to webservers are to "hosts" not "hostnames".
- Oct 11, 2020
Rob Swindell authored
Have msgtoqwk() return a negative number upon error (e.g. blank message, failed to read to body text), which means *no* message header was written to the messages.dat file, so don't increment the record (block) counter used to create the index (NDX) file. If msgtoqwk() returns 0, that means that a header was written, but no body text (e.g. a vote message) and that is different than an error.
- Oct 10, 2020
Rob Swindell authored
When both Indexes (NDX files) and vote messages are included in a QWK packet (an unexpected, but valid combination), the "Record number" stored in NDX files for subs with votes would be incorrect as it did not increment when a vote message (with no body text) was added to the messages.dat file. Reported by user that was trying to use MultiMail to read a QWK packet that included both votes and indexes and "IgnoreNDX: No" in their .mmailrc file.
- Oct 09, 2020
Rob Swindell authored
putmsg(), used to display messages and display/menu files, will no longer pass-through the ANSI sequence ESC[c (found in some corrupted ANSI posts to fsxNet->FSX_BOT echo) to the client terminal since this will stimulate a (unwanted) response from the client. I do wonder if the outchar_esc value check should be == here instead of >=, but I'm not familiar with the string and SOS states. I wonder if any display files sent from the BBS would ever include those sequences.
Rob Swindell authored
No functional change with regard to the ANSI output state, just making the code easier to read. Removed the conversion of `[ and \xFA[ to \x1b[ in putmsg(). This unexplained output translation has been supported since at least v2.xx and I have no recollection of exactly why it was added. If I recall correctly, some BBS software at some point in time sent ANSI-encoded messages into message networks by translating the ESC (\x1b) character in the ANSI sequences to either ` or \xFA in the process. This "feature" seems like it would still work, but it's completely undocumented and I have no idea why it was added (and seriously doubt anyone relies on this behavior), so I'm removing it. If anyone misses this feature, I'll happily add it back, but I'm skeptical that'll happen.
Rob Swindell authored
Rob Swindell authored
When reading messages, circumvent ANSI-encoded messages by replacing the ESC character (ASCII 27) with '.'. This could be made an optional behavior if someone really wants ANSI-encoded messages to be read via smbutil. Also, allow continuous reading of 1 or more consecutive messages using the -<digit> option (no prompting).
- Oct 08, 2020
Rob Swindell authored
Rob Swindell authored
<nelgin> However, dm should probably maintain it at the source. <nelgin> DigitalMan, I've uploaded gtkuseredit_glade.c which also widens "Sex" to 5 chars <nelgin> I've also uploaded my .glade file for comparison <nelgin> and I've uploaded my convert perl script. <DigitalMan> the sex/gender field is a single character <nelgin> Yes, but it doesn't display properly unless I widen it to 5. <DigitalMan> ah
- Oct 06, 2020
Rob Swindell authored
The password was (recently) limited to 8 chars, so that made sense. The 24 character limit of the real name does not make sense and I can only assume it was a typo.
- Oct 05, 2020
Rob Swindell authored
- Oct 04, 2020
Rob Swindell authored
Truncating. str is a pointer, so sizeof(str) is only 4 (or 8) bytes.
Rob Swindell authored
e.g. MM/DD/YY for drop files that assume that format, or either MM/DD/YY or DD/MM/YY (depending on sysop preference) for backwards compatibility in expanded @-codes, Guru chat keyword. Fixed the birthdate check while logging on to work with new/all birthdate formats.
- Oct 03, 2020
Rob Swindell authored
... and up to 200 years old (hey, I'm optimistic!)
Rob Swindell authored
Rob Swindell authored
Also, fixed get_date(), it returns 0 on success, but the success return logic was inverted: it only returned 0 if the date was unchanged from the previous value. Note: It would be nice if this user editor prompted to save changes if changes have been made a new user is selected (e.g. with the arrow buttons).
Rob Swindell authored
Rob Swindell authored
These allow the easy reading or writing of these sub-field values of the user.birthdate property. When migrating from the legacy formats (e.g. MM/DD/YY or DD/MM/YY), it's required to write all 3 properties to get a correct birthdate/age. Otherwise, "13/31/69" could become "19691/69" (for example) which isn't going to parse correctly.
Rob Swindell authored
'i' is the return value of savemg(), used to determine success or failure (and what kind of failure) - so we can't use that for the usernumber of the recipient.
Rob Swindell authored
Rob Swindell authored
Support the old MM/DD/YY or DD/MM/YY format for reading. New users get the new format.
Rob Swindell authored
strcpy -> SAFECOPY sprintf -> safe_snprintf or SAFEPRINTF2 strcat -> SAFECAT
- Oct 02, 2020
Rob Swindell authored
Enabling this feature causes the node's temp directory to be cleared before running the external program and causes the drop file(s) to be created-in and read back from (when appropriate) the node's temp directory. Creating drop files in a node's temp directory eliminates the possiblity of an external program (e.g. door game) accidentally reading the wrong drop file (e.g. wrong-cased name or a stale file of a different type). Note: Synchronet/XSDK doors *always* read their drop file (xtrn.dat) from the node directory, so don't try to use this option with those doors. Only doors where you can configure the drop file path or specify on the command-line (e.g. %g for the temp dir or %f for the fullpath of the drop file) should potentially use this new feature.
- Oct 01, 2020
Rob Swindell authored
Rob Swindell authored
While SBBSecho would notify local users of imported messages addressed to them (both EchoMail and NetMail) and QWK-imported messages recently gained the ability to notify local recipients of messages addressed to them, other methods of posting messages (e.g. just using the normal terminal server method, e.g. the 'P' command) or using any JavaScript (e.g. web) methods of posting messages lacked recipient notifications. So that's now fixed. And for JavaScript-saved local email messages too. I don't *think* this will result in any duplicate notifications of received messages, but let me know if you see excess/duplicate notifications. Anonymously posted messages are excluded. Messages posted to yourself are excluded (who does that?).
- Sep 29, 2020
Rob Swindell authored
e.g. FILL:\x20 to fill with space (for Michael Long via USENET)
- Sep 28, 2020
Rob Swindell authored
NETMAIL: user's personal netmail or email address - for WitNik FWD: "On" if the user has opted for forwarding their mail to netmail or "Off" TMP: user's chosen temporay file type (e.g. "ZIP") NOTE: user's note (same as MEMO1) LASTIP: user's most recent IP address at time of logoff
- Sep 27, 2020
Rob Swindell authored
The return value of getlastmsg() is displayed as the total messages in a sub-board when scanning subs. For sub-boards that allow voting, use the new smb_msg_count() function to determine the number of displayable messages.
Rob Swindell authored
If you have a stored errno value (or Socket.error), these are how you convert that number to an error description.