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Snippets Groups Projects
  1. Feb 27, 2023
    • Rob Swindell's avatar
      Make new user QWK-related and Chat-related settings configurable · 56b8fd86
      Rob Swindell authored
      Added chat-settings to SCFG->System->New User Values->Toggle Options
      Added new menu: SCFG->System->New User Values->QWK Packet Settings
      Moved SCFG->System->New User Values->Question Toggles to:
            SCFG->System->New User Prompts...
      This fixes issue #11
    • Rob Swindell's avatar
      Add configurable chat section module, defaults to "chat_sec" · 87bee5d8
      Rob Swindell authored
      This includes a new JS bbs method: bbs.chat_sec()
      And the old command shells written in Baja now call the PCMS
      chat_section function, as they used to, rather than hard-coding the
      name of the module to execute.
    • Rob Swindell's avatar
      Add optional/configurable feedback module · b0a85a1e
      Rob Swindell authored
      Most sysops didn't know it, but if exec/feedback.* existed, it would be
      executed just before any user sent an email to the sysop (user #1),
      excluding new user validation requests:
      - make this module name configurable and loadable from mods
      - support JS module here (exit(1) to abort the feedback)
      - invoke for email being sent to *any* sysop (not just user #1)
      - don't invoke the module when sending *from* a sysop account
      This fixes issue #16
  2. Feb 26, 2023
  3. Feb 25, 2023
    • Rob Swindell's avatar
      Add support for 3 new loadable modules for file scanning/listing/viewing · 5373db33
      Rob Swindell authored
      Configured in SCFG->System->Loadable Modules:
      Scan Dirs:      User scans one or more directories for (e.g. new) files
      List Files:     User lists files within a file directory
      View File Info: User views detailed information on files in a directory
      This addresses/fixes feature request #521 for Nightfox
      Will need to document the mode argument bit values on the wiki, but
      it's the usual suspects: FL_* for scandirs and listfiles and FI_* for
      fileinfo. The scandirs_mod will be passed an extra bool (0/1) arg that
      indicates whether or not the user is scanning *all* directories.
      Test results would be welcome
  4. Feb 22, 2023
  5. Feb 21, 2023
  6. Feb 20, 2023
  7. Feb 19, 2023
  8. Feb 18, 2023
  9. Feb 17, 2023
    • Rob Swindell's avatar
    • Rob Swindell's avatar
      Move sysop notification settings from node to system level · e2a01274
      Rob Swindell authored
      The validation user (required new user feedback user number) and error notification/level settings don't make sense under node settings in today's world where all nodes typically run on the same system and serve the same BBS.
      Moved from SCFG->Nodes->... Advanced Options to (new sub-menu) SCFG->System->Notifications. Likewise, these 3 settings (valuser, erruser, errlevel) were moved from node*/node.ini to ctrl/main.ini.
      If you're already running v3.20a, then you'll want to make sure you set these in SCFG->System->Notifications how you prefer them as the migration (now handled in upgrade_to_v320.js) won't have been done for you automatically. The default is no-new-user-feedback required and no-error-notification user set.
      Added a prompt to the SCFG setup wizard to prompt for this setting since it still is a FAQ.
      Other cosmetic changes to SCFG help and setup wizard.
  10. Feb 16, 2023
  11. Feb 15, 2023
    • Rob Swindell's avatar
      Make the Configuration Wizard look cool · 1b517961
      Rob Swindell authored
      This kind of sort of matches the SBBSCTRL Config Wizard flow and set of
      settings now.
      Pretty neat the stuff you can do with UIFC it turns out.
      Also fixed a typo here and there and default to the currently-configured
      deleted-message-viewing policy and stuff like that.
  12. Feb 13, 2023
  13. Feb 12, 2023
  14. Feb 10, 2023
    • Rob Swindell's avatar
    • Rob Swindell's avatar
      Allow configurable system password timeout · f6b57f98
      Rob Swindell authored
      The default value is the same as the previously hard-coded value: 15 minutes.
      Increase this value to prompt the sysop for the system password less frequently, decrease for more frequent.
      This fixes issue #407.
    • Rob Swindell's avatar
      Overhaul the System Configuration menu - moved all Security Options to submenu · 6c37f34c
      Rob Swindell authored
      The security-related options were really spread around and this menu was
      getting very overloaded (the list of Toggle Options had grown huge), so now
      most of the content is actually under the new "Security Options" sub-menu.
      This does make a bunch of previous instructions/docs slightly out of sync
      (e.g. SCFG->System->Security Level Values should now be
      SCFG->System->Security Options->Security Level Values), but I think sysops
      will still find stuff just fine.
      This re-org will allow me to add more options that I've wanted to but needed
      better organization and structuring to do so logically and clearly.
      Using the memcmp() trick to detect changes in the configuration.
      No new settings/option were added in this commit.
  15. Jan 30, 2023
  16. Jan 05, 2023
  17. Dec 30, 2022
    • Rob Swindell's avatar
      Common login control (e.g. via real name) using new find_login_id() function · 7679dcf8
      Rob Swindell authored
      Previously, many servers and services didn't support login by real name
      (e.g. issue #469) even if the sysop had that option enabled in SCFG.
      Move login control settings from node.ini to system (main.ini -> login)
      The 3 node toggle options:
      - Allow Login by User Number
      - Allow Login by Real Name
      - Always Prompt for Password
      ... have been now moved from SCFG->Nodes->Node x->Toggle Options to
      SCFG-System->Toggle Options.
      If you upgraded to v3.20a before now, you'll want to double-check these
      settings to make sure they're how you want them set. New upgraders that run
      upgrade_to_v320.js (e.g. via 'jsexec update') will get these settings migrated
      Added some error detection/logging to upgrade_to_v320.js when failing to open
      .cnf files.
      Constified some more user/login related function args and return types.
  18. Nov 22, 2022
  19. Oct 18, 2022
    • Rob Swindell's avatar
      Full read/write support of new userbase file · 8a22b246
      Rob Swindell authored
      Also resolved some 32 vs 64-bit 'long' issues/ambiguities that have long-remained. :-)
      This commit also removes logon.lst file support.
      There's a TODO block remaining in js_user.c for setting portions of a user's birthdate (e.g. just the year or month or day).
  20. Aug 10, 2022
  21. Jul 07, 2022
  22. Apr 16, 2022
  23. Apr 15, 2022
  24. Apr 14, 2022
    • Rob Swindell's avatar
      Add configurable log size limit and retention count · 549c79aa
      Rob Swindell authored
      For the following log files:
      ... they can be limited in size, in bytes, by the sysop, along with a maximum retention limit (number of *.#.log files). Configured in SCFG->System->Advanced.
      By default, the limit and keep numbers are 0, so "unlimited" (same behavior as before). Once sufficiently tested, I'll change the default in a stock main.cnf file to use a sensible limit (e.g. 10 log files of 10MB each, something like that).
  25. Mar 24, 2022
    • Rob Swindell's avatar
      Support user credits and transfer stats > 4GB in total · 2d4ec7b8
      Rob Swindell authored
      Credits and daily free credits are accurate to the byte up to (a maximum) of 18446744073709551615 (that's 18 Exbibytes - 1).
      User's upload and download byte stats are now similarly extended in maximum range, but the accuracy is only "to the byte" for values less than 10,000,000,000. Beyond that value, the accuracy declines, but is generally pretty damn accurate (to 4 decimal places beyond the nearest multiple of a power of 1024), so I don't expect that to be an issue. This method of storing upload/download byte stats allowed me to use the same 10-character user record fields in the user.dat file.
      As a side-effect of this enhancements:
      * User and file credit values are now expressed in multiples of powers of 1024 (e.g. 4.0G rather than 4,294,967,296).
      * Free credits per day per security level has now been extended from 32 to 64-bits (to accommodate values >= 4GB).
      * adjustuserrec() now longer takes the record length since we can easily determine that automatically and don't need more "sources of truth" that can be out-of-sync (e.g. the U_CDT field length going from 10 to 20 chars with this change).
      * setting the stage for locale-dependent thousands-separators (e.g. space instead of comma) - currently still hard-coded to comma
      * more/better support for files > 4GB in size (e.g. in the batch download queue)
      * user_t ulong fields changed to either uint32_t or uint64_t - I didn't realize how many long/ulong's remained in the code (which are sometmies 32-bit, sometimes 64-bit) - ugh
      * Steve's ultoac() function renamed to u32toac() and created a C++ wrapper that still uses the old name, for homage
  26. Feb 21, 2022
    • Rob Swindell's avatar
      Rename "Allow Sysop Login" option to "Allow Sysop Access" · 4730f555
      Rob Swindell authored
      With this option set to "No", sysops can still login, they just can't perform most sysop functions.
      Updated System Password help text to clarify that the "Allow Sysop Access" option effectively disables the system password. Also mention the FTP Server use of the system password to enable sysop access.
  27. Feb 19, 2022
  28. Sep 25, 2021
  29. May 28, 2021
    • Rob Swindell's avatar
      Add optional "temp file transfer" module (defaults to "tempxfer"[.js]) · 89979874
      Rob Swindell authored
      This module (name configurable in SCFG->System->Loadable Modules) replaces the old hard-coded temp/archive file menu in v3.18 and earlier, going all the way back to v1a. Good-bye to yet more old and crufty Synchronet C source code. :-/
      Change the "Pre Xtrn Prog" and "Post Xtrn Prop" menu option in SCFG->System->Loadable Modules to just "Pre Xtrn" and "Post Xtrn". The help text had the wrong names anyway (now fixed).
      Save the menu lightbar position in the "Loadable Modules" SCFG menu.
  30. Mar 11, 2021