- Sep 13, 2019
nightfox authored
Version 1.26: Fixes a bug that was causing some of the message vote tally information to be displayed as "undefined"
- Aug 30, 2019
nightfox authored
Version 1.25: Added the ability to search for message groups and sub-boards when changing to another sub-board. Search can be started with the / key or CTRL-F (Find). Also, in lightbar mode, the N key can be used to highlight the next match in the list.
- Aug 17, 2019
nightfox authored
Version 1.24: When making a private reply on local email, an error is now outputted if the recipient's user number is not found. Also, fixed an 'undefined' bug that happened when searching for messages sometimes.
- Jul 28, 2019
nightfox authored
Version 1.23: If a message is in UTF-8 format and the user's terminal doesn't support UTF-8, the message text will be converted to CP437. Also, if there is a color/attribute code in the message before the message text and there are no other color/attribute codes, the color/attribute codes will be removed so that the entire message isn't colored
- May 13, 2019
nightfox authored
Version 1.22: If the message score is 0, with upvotes and total_votes both 0, then don't show the score when using the default header ANSI. This is what was intended, but the 0 score started showing up in more recent builds of Synchronet.
- May 04, 2019
nightfox authored
Version 1.21: Uses require() instead of load() to load the required .js libraries, if the require() function is defined (it was added in Synchronet 3.17). This avoids 'multiple definition' errors with the latest .js libarries & Synchronet binaries.
- Apr 26, 2019
nightfox authored
Added configurable options for the message score colors for the message list: msgListScoreColor, msgListToUserScoreColor, msgListFromUserScoreColor, and msgListScoreHighlightColor. Incremented version to 1.20.
nightfox authored
Version 1.19: If the terminal size is wide enough (at least 86 characters), the overall vote scores for the messages is now displayed in the message list. Also, fixed a bug introduced in the previous version where the vote scores were no longer being displayed when reading a message. It's no longer using MsgBase.get_index() and uses get_all_msg_headers(), as before, since that's what is required for message tallies to be included in the message headers.
- Apr 15, 2019
nightfox authored
Made use of the new MsgBase.get_index() function (if available) for better performance. Added 'undefined' checks for some of the messaeg attribute definitions before adding them to the attribute strings, since some of them have changed. Updated the version to 1.18.
- Jan 02, 2019
nightfox authored
Removed the 'beta' status from the version to (1.17), now that Synchronet 3.17b has been officially released.
- Jul 18, 2018
nightfox authored
Version 1.17 beta 63: Just before showing the message list or changing to another message area from the reader interface, it now writes "Loading..." in case there are a very large number of messages or sub-boards.
- Jun 25, 2018
nightfox authored
Version 1.17 beta 62: Made another fix to avoid the "Unknown destination" error when forwarding a message to a QWK-style address (such as "sysop@DIGDIST")
nightfox authored
Version 1.17 beta 61: Fixed a bug where it would report an "unknown destination" error when trying to forward a message to a FTN-style email address.
- May 09, 2018
- Apr 24, 2018
nightfox authored
Version 1.17 beta 59: When submitting a vote, the thread_id field is now set to the message/poll's message ID, not the message number.
- Mar 26, 2018
nightfox authored
- Mar 20, 2018
nightfox authored
Version 1.17 beta 57: Made a fix for voting input - It wasn't accepting Q to quit out of voting (a blank input worked though).
- Feb 02, 2018
nightfox authored
Version 1.17 beta 56: When replying to a message, the reader will now strip any control characters that might be in the subject line.
- Jan 28, 2018
- Jan 21, 2018
nightfox authored
Version 1.17 beta 54: Added a new configuration option, rightJustifyAvatars, which can be used to specify whether to right-justify avatars. Valid values are true and false (false means left-justify).
- Jan 13, 2018
nightfox authored
Version 1.17 beta 53: Added support for displaying user avatars for the sender of a message, recently added to Synchronet. Added the configuration option displayAvatars to toggle this feature. For this to work, you will need to updaet your .js files in sbbs\exec and sbbs\exec\load. This version of DDMsgReader specifically loads smbdefs.js and avatar_lib.js.
- Dec 29, 2017
nightfox authored
Version 1.17 beta 52 - Bug fix: When using the scrolling interface to read a message, any message color codes that might appear in the message lines are preserved across lines.
- Dec 18, 2017
nightfox authored
Version 1.17 beta 51: Updated the definitions of the KEY_PAGE_UP and KEY_PAGE_DOWN veriables to match what they are in sbbsdefs.js (if defined) from December 18, 2017 so that the PageUp and PageDown keys continue to work properly. This script should still also work with older builds of Synchronet.
- Dec 10, 2017
nightfox authored
Version 1.17 beta 50 - Fixed a bug introduced in beta 49 where it was no longer displaying vote stats (such as up/downvotes) for a message. Now, it gets a message header with expanded headers again (like it did before) for viewing a message, and when applying the MSG_READ attribute (when a user reads a message to them), it gets a header without expanded headers to apply MSG_READ and save it.
- Dec 05, 2017
nightfox authored
Version 1.17 beta 49: Fixed a bug when marking messages as 'read' when the user reads messages that were written to them - It was getting an 'expanded headers' error with recent builds (on/after December 1, 2017). A similar error used to happen occasionally but not all the time.
- Nov 29, 2017
nightfox authored
Version 1.17 beta 48 - Bug fix: When listing messages in reverse order in lightbar mode and all messages are selected/de-selected, the checkmarks on the screen now update properly. Also, updated so that when listing personal email, it will use the regular formatting colors rather than the colors for messages to the user, since all personal emails are to the user (the 'to user' colors for each email might be obnoxious).
- Oct 09, 2017
nightfox authored
Version 1.17 beta 47: Updated to set the message number field length dynamically based on the number of messages in the sub-board. It will be at least 4 but can be more than 4 if there are 10000 messages or more in a sub-board. Also, updated to not hold an open sub-board for a long period of time - It now opens a sub-board only when necessary. This simplified the code a bit. I also hoped it would fix issues I've seen where sbbs crashes sometimes when replying to a message, but it looks like it did not fix that.
- Aug 20, 2017
- Aug 19, 2017
nightfox authored
Version 1.17 beta 45: Made use of the new Msgbase.close_poll() method to close a poll. Requires the August 19, 2017 or newer build of Synchronet 3.17.
- Aug 18, 2017
nightfox authored
Version 1.17 beta 44: Added support for users to close polls (only if they created the poll or if they're the sysop). I ended up using the ! key for that, since many other keys were already taken. Also, renamed "Read Me.txt" and "Revision history.txt" so they don't have spaces in the filenames.
- Aug 17, 2017
nightfox authored
Updated to support multi-answer polls. Requires a Synchronet 3.17 build from August 14, 2017 or newer. Next, I want to add a command to close a poll (would only work for the person who created the poll or the sysop).
- Aug 05, 2017
nightfox authored
Version 1.17 beta 42: When showing tally information for messages with upvotes & downvotes, it now shows who voted on the message (for sysops only).
- Jul 07, 2017
nightfox authored
Version 1.17 beta 41: Bug fix - When submitting an upvote/downvote on a message using the scrollable interface, it was automatically moving to the next message. Now it stays at the same message and refreshes the screen so that the updated vote count for the message can be seen.
- Jun 10, 2017
nightfox authored
Version 1.17 beta 40: When doing a message search (by text, from name, etc.), now it does not update the last-read & scan pointers. This way, when the user lists/reads messages in a sub-board as usual, the user will still be where they left off.
- Jun 02, 2017
nightfox authored
Version 1.17 beta 39: Made an adjustment for ANSI content detection for when to convert to Synchronet codes to make the message look okay in ANSI scrolling mode
- May 22, 2017
nightfox authored