- Nov 22, 2023
Rob Swindell authored
Rob Swindell authored
In response to Nelgin's inquiry: DigitalMan would it be difficult to add login/logoff date/time to these messages? Node 2: xxuserxx logged on Telnet Node 2: xxuserxx logged off Now, you can just use @-codes to add that kind of thing to these text.dat strings.
Rob Swindell authored
Ideally, this would use startup.tls_error_level, but which one? And how? Also, make a TODO comment to fix the fact that all JS Socket log messages are logged to the terminal server log output. :-(
Rob Swindell authored
Saves some opening, reading, and logging, but otherwise was harmeless. Fix issue #422
- Nov 21, 2023
Rob Swindell authored
ddmr_cfg.js: Fixed the version number to match the current version of DDMsgReader (1.87) See merge request !366
Eric Oulashin authored
- Nov 20, 2023
Rob Swindell authored
ddmr_cfg.js: Added a type check that should fix an 'undefined' error when formatting option values See merge request !365
Eric Oulashin authored
Randy Sommerfeld authored
Rob Swindell authored
Fixed typo in ddmr_cfg causing an error on startup See merge request !364
- Nov 19, 2023
Eric Oulashin authored
Randy Sommerfeld authored
Randy Sommerfeld authored
Randy Sommerfeld authored
Randy Sommerfeld authored
Rob Swindell authored
DDMsgReader: Speed improvements and updates for newscans, and updates for the indexed newscan menu mode. See merge request !363
DDMsgReader: Speed improvements and updates for newscans, and updates for the indexed newscan menu mode.
Rob Swindell authored
Rob Swindell authored
Performance improvement
Rob Swindell authored
Similar to GNU gettext(), by loading gettext.js and enclosing all user-visible strings in gettext(), a script can get easy/easier support for non-default (i.e. US-English) locales by loading translated strings from the [JS] section of ctrl/text.<locale>.ini (if it exists), or customized strings from the [JS] section of ctrl/text.ini (if it exists). Results are cached for fast subsequent uses of the same string. What's *not* supported is different translations (e.g. colorization or whatever) for the same string used in a different scripts. That could be added (e.g. use a different section name for script-specific translations), pretty easily, if desired.
- Nov 14, 2023
Deucе authored
Randy Sommerfeld authored
Randy Sommerfeld authored
Randy Sommerfeld authored
Randy Sommerfeld authored
Rob Swindell authored
Randy Sommerfeld authored
Randy Sommerfeld authored
Randy Sommerfeld authored
Randy Sommerfeld authored
Randy Sommerfeld authored
- Nov 13, 2023
Randy Sommerfeld authored
Randy Sommerfeld authored
Rob Swindell authored
Finish removing the AutoLogonViaIP support from this script
Rob Swindell authored
Seriously though, this doesn't always do the same thing as outputting a '\n' (e.g. in PETSCII mode, it sends a "cursor down" (17) control character).
Rob Swindell authored
Also use sbbs_t::newline() as the underlying implementation of console.newline() rather than a hard-coded CR/LF output loop. Added new console methods: cond_newline() - equivalent of Ctrl-A/ cond_blankline() - equivlaent of Ctrl-A? cond_contline() - equivalent of Ctrl-A\ ... so a JS script author doesn't have to output Ctrl-A codes to invoke those functions.
Rob Swindell authored
- Nov 12, 2023
Rob Swindell authored
... from the other Synchronet servers and services. For advanced uses/debugging.
Rob Swindell authored
To enable a server that's disabled in the sbbs.ini file, just use the <server>+ option (e.g. 't+' to enable the terminal server). To run *only* that server (and no other servers), use the '<server>!' option (e.g. 'w!' to run *only* the web server).
Rob Swindell authored
DDFileLister: On start, if console.aborted is true (due to the user pressing Ctrl-C, etc.), then return -1 to stop a file scan in progress. See merge request !362