- Mar 06, 2018
deuce authored
Should fix possible issue with certificate being owned by root when _THREAD_SUID_BROKEN is true (ie: Linux).
- Mar 05, 2018
deuce authored
These waits could cause "bad" traffic (blocked, max client exceeded, etc) to prevent/delay accept()ing "good" traffic on other services.
- Mar 03, 2018
deuce authored
TLS servers without all of them needing to separately load the ssl certificate. It's destroyed in free_scfg(), and the config *must* be prepped both to destroy the certificate and to load it. This is because the "no cert" value is -1, not 0, so the prepped flag is all we really have to indicate if it's zero because it's a valid certificate or zero because no certificate has been loaded.
- Feb 23, 2018
deuce authored
Also add add_public_key() and get_public_key() methods to CryptKeyset. Not tested yet, but this should be everything we need to finish up LetSyncrypt.
deuce authored
This class allows saving and loading private keys. It doesn't currently allow saving or loading *public* keys, since they require certificate support which we don't yet have in our JavaScript Object Model. I'll fix the JSDocs build in a minute.
- Feb 20, 2018
rswindell authored
rswindell authored
HANDLE_PENDING() contains a return, so it's theoretically possible that the memory allocated by the previous JSVALUE/STRING_TO_... allocation could be leaked. So now we pass an optional pointer to HANDLE_PENDING() which will call free() on it if it's not NULL, and then sets it to NULL for good measure.
- Feb 18, 2018
rswindell authored
Convert up to 128 characters of the passed user name to a string we can use and log in case of failure (helps to debug the full actual user name passed to the sevice, e.g. by an IMAP client).
- Jan 15, 2018
rswindell authored
- Nov 24, 2017
rswindell authored
- Jun 04, 2017
rswindell authored
globally (using a new macro in sbbbsdefs.h: STR_UNKNOWN_USER). "<unknown>" in some contexts was too vague (e.g. the 'c' command output from the sbbs console).
- Nov 28, 2016
rswindell authored
- Nov 27, 2016
rswindell authored
Introduced a better progress indicator (similar to poll results), using the backfill() method. 2 new attr.cfg fields allow the progress indicator colors to be configured separately from poll results (though they default to the same white on magenta). This new progress indicator is used when loading msg ptrs and scanning for votes. I will be using it while performing other searches (e.g. file libraries/dirs) as well.
- Nov 21, 2016
rswindell authored
temp-ban (was logging the total number of login attempts, including dupes).
- Nov 19, 2016
sbbs authored
so use shorter thread names.
rswindell authored
How did startup->sem_chk_freq get set (back) to 0 in the first place? The reason: the startup struct sanitization only occured when the various server threads were first started. When recycled, the server would call back to the original caller (e.g. sbbscon) which may (and did) re-read the sbbs.ini file, which could have SemCheckFrequency set to 0 (or missing) and the sanitization did not happen again (so a 0 value was used in select() calls, resuilting in high CPU utilization for several threads). So now, all startup struct sanitization occurs inside the init/recycle loop and sem_chk_freq should never revert to 0 again. This was the main bug.
sbbs authored
value is missing or set to 0 in the sbbs.ini file, the sanity checking this value (setting it to 2 seconds) will not occur after a server recycle and the sbbs.ini is re-parsed. So if for any reason, the sem_chk_freq value becomes 0, these server threads won't hog the CPU because they all YIELD at the top of thier main loops. Also, changed all the thread names (e.g. adding "sbbs/" prefix), so they're more sensible in the Linux 'top' output. Also, started adding 'vi' modelines to auto-set tabstops when using vi/vim.
- Oct 17, 2016
rswindell authored
file (in .can file format) which lists IP addresses or hostnames which will be exempt from temporary bans or permanent filters.
- May 27, 2016
rswindell authored
- Never ban the server's own address - Log the login attempt and last name attempted - Use a compressed version of the HH:MM:SS "time remaining" portion of the log message
- May 18, 2016
rswindell authored
By default, after 20 consecutive (unique) failed login attempts, *or* a failed login attempt wtih a name from the name.can filter file. The default temporary ban duration is 10 minutes. The temporary ban thershold is configurable via LoginAttemptTempBanThreshold in sbbs.ini and the ban duration is configurable via LoginAttemptTempBanDuration (in seconds).
- Jan 21, 2016
- Dec 04, 2015
rswindell authored
to errorlog() so the data/error.log is less ambiguous about where an error occurred.
- Nov 30, 2015
rswindell authored
after a user (has been) disconnected and before the node transitions to waiting for connection (WFC) status. Usually the duration of this status is very short, but it can be longer (e.g. for running log-out module and event) and for (new) msg-scan pointer fix-ups. Updated logout() to remove some cruft and add some more log/debug output. Automatic new-scan pointer fix-ups when performing new-message scans (if the current pointer is greater than the last message number, set it to the last message number) and when saving message pointers. Passing user_t* to get/putmsgptrs() instead of message number now (to better detect Guest account).
- Aug 25, 2015
deuce authored
- Aug 23, 2015
deuce authored
This means moving ssl.o into libsbbs.so and out of libwebsrvr.so. I'll fix Windows in a minute (?).
- Aug 22, 2015
- Aug 21, 2015
- Aug 20, 2015
deuce authored
deuce authored
New Features: - Multiple bindings for each service Use comma-separated interfaces on Interface= lines in the ini file. Default is now ",::" - IPv6 support - TLS support for the webserver and (non-static) services New TLS option in services.ini (ie: Options=TLS) - Decrease LEN_SCAN_CMD to 35 chars, increase the CID field to 45 chars, and rename the MAIL_CMD string to IPADDR. I think this frees up the note field for SysOp use.
- Apr 25, 2015
deuce authored
scripts global scope (as opposed to js.global which is the instance global scope), and having exit() define exit_code in js.scope instead of js.global. This also sets exit_code in js.scope to null when preparing to execute a new script. If a new script starts in the same scope as an old one, the old exit_code value will be destroyed. This should only impact scripts where js.global != js.scope (bbs.exec()ed, and mailsrvr)
- Nov 18, 2014
deuce authored
- Mar 14, 2014
rswindell authored
initialization due to no service sockets being successfully bound. The crash was in cleanup(), while checking the 'theads_pending_start' protected-int, which had not been created/initialized yet. The fix is to create/init the threads_pending_start protected-int before any possible call to cleanup().
- Jan 08, 2014
rswindell authored
related crashes (mainly due to null pointer dereferences of scfg_t members freed in cleanup()). Use of new protected_int_value() for extra paranoia (but can't use it on destroyed protected-int's).
- Jan 07, 2014
rswindell authored
due to race condition betwen call of _beginthread() to thread function actually being executed and the notice of a recycle semaphore condition and the freeing of dynamically allocated elements of the global scfg instance.
- Feb 11, 2013
deuce authored