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Snippets Groups Projects
  1. Nov 19, 2016
  2. Nov 18, 2016
    • rswindell's avatar
      Resolved unused variable warning. · 9f32122b
      rswindell authored
    • rswindell's avatar
      Removed the boilerplate comment blocks from the auto-generated text.h · ce1fc4d0
      rswindell authored
      (no functional change).
    • rswindell's avatar
      Introduced 2 new poll concepts: · 0ac4f937
      rswindell authored
      - Closures (polls can be closed for new voting by the pollster)
      - Results can have configurable visibility:
        a. Only to voters (and the pollster) - the default
        b. Everyone
        c. Everyone once the poll has closed
        d. Only the pollster
      Changes to smb_getmsgtxt():
      Main change: poll questions can now be quoted when replying to a posted poll
      (the results cannot be quoted).
      Also: there's now automatically a blank line inserted between comment header
      fields and poll answers or the msg body text.
      Also: upon any malloc failure, the function now returns NULL.
      New functions: smb_msg_is_from() and smb_addpollclosure().
    • rswindell's avatar
      Added one more %s to the MsgAttr item. · 85c21d3f
      rswindell authored
    • rswindell's avatar
      Move sbbsecho.bsy mutex file locking until *after* the configuratino files have · b602f110
      rswindell authored
      been read. This way, the configured bsy_timeout value is used. Before, the
      value of 0 was used which results in an infinite timeout (max age) for the
      mutex, requiring a manual deletion of the file (no automatic recover) if
      SBBSecho happened to crash. Now, it'll use the default bsy_timeout value
      of 12 hours or the configured value in sbbsecho.ini.
    • rswindell's avatar
      Address 2 QWK/REP-importing security issues: · 0e99d274
      rswindell authored
      1. If QWKE was enabled for the QWKnet account on the Hub, a user could spoof
         their name with a "From:" QWKE kludge line in the message body. Fixed by
         not processing QWKE "From:" kludge lines at all, ever.
      2. If an @VIA kludge line was in the message body, it could over-ride the
         correct value from the HEADERS.DAT (oops). Really, the SENDERNET* lines
         in the HEADERS.DAT were always being overriden by either the @VIA kludge
         line (if present) or just the auto-genereated SENDERNET info (from the
         QWK-ID of the QWKnet account or hub. Normally, in a single hop QWKnet
         message, there will be no @VIA line, so spoofing is still possible in that
    • rswindell's avatar
      Fix memory leak: one message header per call to unpack_rep(). · 6ad0db8c
      rswindell authored
      Use the proper method to auto-set the QWK_EXT (QWKE) flag for the user when
      TODOOR.EXT is discovered in a REP packet.
  3. Nov 17, 2016
    • rswindell's avatar
      Fix getuserdat() bug introduced in rev 1.164: when failing to read a user · 6e7bf768
      rswindell authored
      record (e.g. the user number is invalid), the user number should be 0 after
      returning. This would cause, for example, sbbs_t::login() to accept a login
      string with an invalid usernumber (e.g. "12345") and do some strange things.
      The same side-effect was missing in the (new) fgetuserdat().
  4. Nov 16, 2016
  5. Nov 15, 2016
  6. Nov 13, 2016
    • rswindell's avatar
      Replaced text.dat line MsgVoteNotice with 2 new strings: MsgUpVoteNotice and · 7c17c5f2
      rswindell authored
      Also moved the R_Voting string, so the last few voting related strings in the
      text.dat have been re-arranged (sorry about the thrash) - if you don't have
      these new 8 lines, the default strings are used and you're fine.
      When listing messages from the "Reading" prompt, the vote status and Replied
      attribute flag are now indicated: 'V' = voted up (more than down), 'v' = voted
      down (more than up), and 'R' = replied-to. Unread/new messages still show a '*'
      in the A (for attributes) column.
      Voting via JS still does not automatically send a notice to the poster, that
      still needs to be worked out.
    • rswindell's avatar
      MsgBase.get_all_msg_headers() now returns the vote totals for each message · e4df751e
      rswindell authored
      (new header properties: upvotes and downvotes), regardless of the
      "include_votes" argument value (default: false).
      get_all_msg_headers() reads the entire index already, so there's really no
      performance penalty unless there are actual votes (and even then, very low).
      The MsgBase.get_msg_header() function will *not* return these vote totals since
      that would incur a pretty substatial performance hit on that function.
    • rswindell's avatar
    • rswindell's avatar
      Add new MsgBase method: vote_msg(). it takes a message header object · cd4c51bb
      rswindell authored
      (like save_msg), except you only need a few properties, in order of importarnce:
      attr: you need to have this set to MSG_UPVOTE, MSG_DOWNVOTE, or MSG_VOTE
      thread_back or reply_id: either of these must be set to indicate msg to vote on
      from: name of voter
      from_net_type and from_net_addr: if applicable