- Aug 14, 2003
- Aug 13, 2003
- Aug 12, 2003
rswindell authored
tagging, ignoring, or reporting "bad user". (DNSBL-based "session refusal" occurs before SMTP authentication can take place)
deuce authored
and upper-case x filename for nodes over 9 ie: node 10 would be dorinfoA.def
deuce authored
allows all the advantages of the Win32 threaded model with about half the calories.
deuce authored
- Aug 11, 2003
- Aug 10, 2003
deuce authored
deuce authored
deuce authored
deuce authored
deuce authored
deuce authored
deuce authored
deuce authored
deuce authored
deuce authored
deuce authored
deuce authored
deuce authored
deuce authored
deuce authored
that... is there no way of checking if somethings already been typedef'ed?
deuce authored
- Aug 09, 2003
rswindell authored
- Jul 30, 2003