- May 24, 2019
rswindell authored
We don't store (findable) hostnames in the file, so don't search for them. Don't search file if the host is listed in the spamblock_exempt.cfg file. If you have a really large spamblock.cfg file, this could result in the unnecessary reading of potential many megabytes of data for each inbound SMTP connection. We might want to read this file even less frequently and store the list in a searchable str_list_t or something.
- May 23, 2019
rswindell authored
I think that > 1MB post data is supported, but the http_request.post_data property won't be created if the length > MAX_POST_LEN. Perhaps would just store the post data in a file (uh, it already is?) and expose the filename to JS scripts? It'd be a lot cleaner than storing the data in a file and then reading (or mem-mapping) the file and then copying the contents into a JS property. Allow the JS http_request.post_data property to contain NULs. open_post_file() will now open the post file (and return the FILE*) even if session->req.post_data is NULL, it just won't try to write to the file if the post_data is NULL. mem-map the large post data files using XPMAP_WRITE (read/write) rather than XPMAP_READ (read-only) - without this change, this line in read_post_data() would cause an exception: session->req.post_data[session->req.post_len]=0; Now, we seem to have the potential of an off-by-one here (if the length mem-mapped is not post_len + 1), but that isn't happening. <shrug> Fixed a couple of FILE pointer/descriptor leaks if post_to_file() failed. Changed name of post data file to SBBS_POST.*.*.data (it's not necessarily html). So now, uploads > 1MB work, but questions remain: - wouldn't PUT be a more appropriate method (than POST) for file uploads? - how can we support post_data > MAX_POST_LEN (now 4MB) in JS?
- May 22, 2019
rswindell authored
(don't pass a NULL pointer to fwrite() which can assert or crash).
rswindell authored
sub-board (if there was one) which pointed to the cut-sub.
rswindell authored
(or deleted) or a group of sub-boards was deleted, and any of the deleted/cut sub-boards belonged to a configured QWKnet hub, that QWKnet sub-board would end-up pointing to the next sub-board in the configuration (possibly in another message group, possibly not part of the QWKnet in question). Now, if a QWKnet sub is deleted/cut, remove it (correctly) from any QWKnet hubs using a common (new) function: remove_sub(). The bug was: the remaining sub-board pointers were moved *before* the remove-sub pointer was compared against the list of QWKnet hub subs (and NULLed), so while the effort *was* made to address this problem, it didn't actually work in practice. Thanks for the bug report.
- May 20, 2019
rswindell authored
not defined" exception, just report the load() exception - whatever it was (e.g. could not open load-file).
- May 11, 2019
rswindell authored
smb_freemsgmem(): bounce() is using a strange method of copying a message header in memory (not using smb_copymsgmem) and when it frees the message, ends up with a double-free of the 2 new smbmsg_t members (not header fields): text_subtype and text_charset.
- May 09, 2019
rswindell authored
- for PETSCII, this is automatic and you don't lose blink, but you do lose colored foreground when enabling a bright background ("reverse video") - for ANSI, this mode is typically referred to as "iCE colors" and disables blinking-text support - Ctrl-AE (^AE) is the new attribute code to enable bright-background (will have no effect on ANSI terminals that are not iCE color enabled) "E" is now valid in the ctrl/attr.cfg file and string values for JS console.attributes assignments, as well - Ctrl-AI (^AI) - blink - now does nothing for ANSI/ICE color terminals (blinking is not supported in combination with bright-background) - Using a new/non-standard CGA attribute bit-flag to indicate the selection of bright-background colors (BG_BRIGHT, bit 10), separate from BLINK. This change required all/most char/uchar attribute representations to be converted to int/uint. New text.dat strings: - PetTerminalDetected (renamed from PetTermDetected) - PetTerminalQ - TerminalAutoDetect - TerminalColumns - TerminalRows - TerminalMonochrome - TerminalColor - TerminalIceColor - IceColorTerminalQ This also moved the MsgCarbonCopyList definition to the end of the file for now. PETSCII reverse-video attribute fix: When a CR is sent to the terminal, the reverse-video attibute is auto-disabled so update our "current attribute" (curatr) value to match the remote. Support new printfile/putmsg mode flag: P_WRAP to force an ungraceful line-wrap (splitting) to the specified column width. If no column width is specified (0), then this mode will force an ungraceful wrap before the last terminal column where some terminals *may* auto-wrap. JS console.printfile() and printtail() methods now support an optional "orig_columns" argument, similar to console.putmsg(). Must specify P_WORDWRAP or P_WRAP for this argument to have any effect. Much improved terminal-type selection/configuration in the user defaults menu and abort (^C) at any of the yes/no prompts is now detected/handled much better (to answers to the prompted questions are not saved to the user settings).
rswindell authored
rswindell authored
passesd filename is not found - function reports the symbol was not defined rather than file not found or something similar.
rswindell authored
return an error value (-33, it's the magic number).
rswindell authored
Borland Implib Version 3.0.22 Copyright (c) 1991, 2000 Inprise Corporation and MSVC-generated DLLs with exported functions using _cdecl calling convention ... sometimes or with some verisons of some DLLs, implib won't add the underscore prefix to the exported function name which caused the build error: Error: Unresolved external '_total_users' ... Using coff2omf instead to convert the MSVC-generated import library (sbbs.lib) to the Borland/OMF flavor works, however. I'd seen this issue before but it went away when the number of symbols in the source DLL changes. Newer versions of implib appear to *not* have this issue so when we upgrade to a newer C++Builder, this work-around will no longer be necessary.
- May 07, 2019
deuce authored
When the command is MLST, fp is NULL, so should not be passed to ftell().
- May 06, 2019
rswindell authored
backspace/delete key prompt, set the PETSCII flag in the autoterm *and* the user's setting. If a CBM/PETSCII user actually got that prompt, that means they were probably connecting to the wrong TCP port in the first place, so relying on auto-terminal won't work for them on subsequent connections. We probably should have a way to manually turn off/on PETSCII support, when needed. <sigh>
rswindell authored
^U, ^P, ^T, ^K, etc. and not 0. This allows a CBM/PETSCII terminal user to actual hit their Backspace/Delete key (^T) in response to the new new-user prompt
rswindell authored
rswindell authored
- turn off the user.misc PETSCII flag (too) - don't copy the current autoterm flags into user.misc - this should no longer be necessary since the correct way to detect current terminal capabiilites is via calls to term_supports().
rswindell authored
- "lsaquo" and "rsaquo" (angled versions of "lsquo" and "rsquo") - "zwj" and "znnj" (zero-width joiner / non-joiner)
- May 05, 2019
- May 04, 2019
rswindell authored
to a text/html part of a multi-part MIME encoded message if no text/plain part exists. Changed smbmsg_t.charset to smbmsg_t.text_charset. Added smbmsg_t.text_subtype (e.g. "plain" or "html"). Fixed issue with parsing parsed plain-text when the charset was the last element of the MIME-part header. MIMEDecodedPlainTextFmt text.dat line now includes the text sub-type arg
rswindell authored
rswindell authored
when set, force a clear-to-end-of-line sequence to be sent to the remote terminal before sending a carriage-return (CR, '\r') character. This is useful in scenarios where you want to move/home the cursor and *not* clear the screen and then display or execute something that assumes clean lines are being displayed on and thus wouldn'd bother with any clear-to-eol sequences before line-endings. Any scripts that enable this mode should disable it upon exit (e.g. using js.on_exit() to restore the original console status).
rswindell authored
JS's console.getkeys(). If no mode value is specified, K_UPPER is the default behavior (same as before). *.getkeys() currently only recognizes the following mode flags: - K_UPPER - K_NOECHO - K_NOCRLF K_NONE (0) is also a valid value.
rswindell authored
rswindell authored
MSVC had no problem with this. <sigh>
rswindell authored
Use this in place of JS_GetPrivate() in native class methods that need the class instance's private data pointer and will do bad things if that pointer points to something other than what is expected. mcmlxxix (matt) discovered that using Object.apply(), you can invoke class methods where the 'this' instance is a different class. This would result in "Internal Error: No Private Data." or a crash. So now, gracefully detect this condition and report a meaningful error: "'<class-name>' instance: No Private Data or Class Mismatch" Also, important to note: if the method uses JS_THIS_OBJECT to get the JSObject* to pass to JS_Get*Private, then it must do this *before* it calls JS_SET_RVAL. From jsapi.h: * NB: there is an anti-dependency between JS_CALLEE and JS_SET_RVAL: native * methods that may inspect their callee must defer setting their return value * until after any such possible inspection. Otherwise the return value will be * inspected instead of the callee function object. The js_crypt*.c files still need this treatment.
- May 03, 2019
rswindell authored
the 'keys' argument is optional. If no keys are specified (or NULL), then any/ all non-numeric keys are considered valid input and may be returned by this function/method.
rswindell authored
as well as the auxattr "Attach" when either FILEATTACH or MIMEATTACH is set (requires an updated MsgAttr line in text.dat).
rswindell authored
I know... this list of %s's was a bad idea to begin with, but oh well.
rswindell authored
after sending via POP3 (the MSG_READ attribute flag is already indicating that).
rswindell authored
- votes - priority - delivery_attempts
rswindell authored
headers). Don't reference the (currently unused) times_downloaded and last_downloaded msghdr_t elements/properties. Set the current node action value *before* calling the scanposts_mod ("Scan Msgs module") in sbbs_t::scanposts().
- May 02, 2019
rswindell authored
rswindell authored
rswindell authored
Expanded codes will not *not* go beyond the terminal column width (minus 1). If you need the old/wrap behavior, add a "-W" modifier to your @-code. If a length value is specified with -W, it is ignored. - MSG_TO, MSG_FROM, MSG_SUBJECT now reflect the header values passed to sbbs_t::show_msghdr(), JS bbs.show_msg_header() and not necessarily the actual stored (e.g. MIME-encoded) header values. New codes: - MSG_CC - reflect a message's CC list, if it has one - DATETIMEZONE - combines DATETIME and TIMEZONE in one string
rswindell authored
used to display a CC list, when applicable.
rswindell authored
"read mail" module is executed, so that the node action is correct more often.
rswindell authored
rswindell authored
show_msghdr(), over-riding the values from the passed smbmsg_t. This is useful for, say, displaying MIME-decoded values rather than the MIME-encoded versions of the header fields that you often find in email today.