- Jan 12, 2019
rswindell authored
There's no reason to call access() before stat() since stat() will fail (return -1) if the file does not exist.
rswindell authored
Loads child scripts (finger.js, sbbsimsg.js) quicker. Note: irc.js can't be load()ed from here because it calls exit(). Now using appropriate strings from text.dat (R_Chat, ON, OFF). Added modopts.ini [chat_sec] irc option (disable IRC access by setting to false).
rswindell authored
console.ctrlkey_passthru state. As it was, if the irc.js abended, many ctrl-keys (e.g. ^C) would not work after exiting. A lot of scripts that much with the console.ctrlkey_passthru have this/similar issue and this is a simple but very reliable fix.
rswindell authored
rswindell authored
(mostly migrated from exec/finger.js).
rswindell authored
tickit.js version pulled from $ID string in .js file. tickit version used in Created by line. tickit version used in Path line. utc time stamp of processing used in Path line per FTS-5006.001. per area uploader. address selection: per area aka matching in From and Path lines. per area source address in From and Path lines. global aka matching in From and Path lines (original addressing method). global source address in From and Path lines. main FTN address from system.fido_addr_list (preferred but last in line with the above overrides). can use domains on linked systems' addresses in sbbsecho.ini again. can use domains on any address in tickit.ini. domains are NOT currently written to the generated TIC files to avoid creating possible problems for other TIC processors. force replace is available globally and per area in the ini and not only the command line.
- Jan 11, 2019
rswindell authored
the beginning of a SAUCE record and the end of very old MS-DOS text files. Added support for ESC[1;1f/H (home cursor) and ESC[0J (clear to EOS) sequences (converted to the equivalent in Ctrl-A codes). Output Ctrl-A characters in uppercase, as they were documented and as is common practice. Covert ESC[xB and ESC[xD to the appropriate Ctrl-A sequences rather than converting to ASCII ctrl chars (CR, LF, BS).
rswindell authored
Ctrl-AJ (clear to EOS) Ctrl-A` (home cursor)
rswindell authored
Oct-14-2018: It turns out, PabloDraw actually inserts a Ctrl-AZ sequence at the end of .msg (and presumably Synchronet .asc) files it edits - before the SAUCE record. This resulted in a printed Ctrl-Z character (arrow pointing right) in most terminals when viewing text/menu files created or edited with PabloDraw. :-( So, now Ctrl-AZ (uppercase) will revert to the previous definition: premature end-of-file (EOF) and a Ctrl-Az (lowercase) will output a Ctrl-Z (substitute) character. I'm not a big fan of case-sensitive Ctrl-A codes, but frankly, running out of chars and I already started this pattern with the Ctrl-AF/f sequences. Hopefully there's no existing software that is/was putting Ctrl-Az (lowercase) in files, expecting that to trigger a premature EOF. I certainly was not.
rswindell authored
rswindell authored
- this change is dependant on the updated load/modopts.js. Cache the presence_lib and nodelist options in the bbs.mods object to speed up the re-loading of this script from the BBS. This means that changes to the presence_lib or modopts.ini will require the user log-off/back-on to experience the changes (only for the nodelist module).
rswindell authored
of the user_age_and_gender() method. Changed options.web_inactivity_timeout to just options.web_inactivity to be more consistent with the existing modopts.ini [web] option naming.
rswindell authored
You may now request the value of a single modopts.ini key value (optionally specifying a default option value), via: optval = load({}, 'modopts.js', 'modname', 'optname'); or: optval = load({}, 'modopts.js', 'modname', 'optname', default_optval); This usage will return just a single option value rather than an object containing properties reflecting all the options in the [modname] section. The pre-existing usage is still supported (and preferred in most cases).
rswindell authored
(default: 'browsing' - to match web UI verbiage).
rswindell authored
(includes web v4 users logged-in/recently-active). Added 'W' / who's online command to those shells that didn't have it (except for Wildcrap!) - equivalent of the Ctrl-U global hot-key.
rswindell authored
'include_web_users' is set to false in the [nodelist] section of the modopts.ini Document the arguments supported in comments. It's no '-noself' instead of '-notself' to exclude own node from output. Also more/better "use strict" enforcement.
rswindell authored
Provide better example of constructing/using User objects.
rswindell authored
Added more comments and use 'var' when defining a new variable (though 'const' might be better here, don't want to risk that change atm).
- Jan 10, 2019
rswindell authored
rswindell authored
numbers beginning w/0 are interpretted as octal by parseInt() by default.
echicken authored
rswindell authored
0-byte .msg files are normal and do not mean a msg is waiting for the user.
rswindell authored
rswindell authored
include_location (defaults to true) New comments at the top documenting the modopts.ini settings available. Include misc flags (M for msg waiting, P for do-not-disturb) in web user status active-users.json was excluding node with the POFF (do not disturb) flag set, thus making the do_not_disturb property kind of moot - fixed.
rswindell authored
Added properties to web_user object: do_not_disturb and msg_waiting
rswindell authored
The active-users.json response now includes a 'prot' (protocol) object, just in case we want to use that in the future.
rswindell authored
derived from a portion of ecwebv4's ndoelist.js. TODO (echicken, help!): fill-out the 'action' property from the web session and double-check on the logontime value (can we get this from the session blob?).
rswindell authored
Much of the code in these 2 modules was moved/migrated to the new presence_lib and made more reusable/modular.
rswindell authored
Migrated mostly from exec/nodelist.js, some from fingerservice.js.
rswindell authored
rswindell authored
when sending the "ANSI" output to stdout (and not a file).
- Jan 09, 2019
- Jan 08, 2019
echicken authored
Otherwise the temperature will appear to be hot hot hot but actually be in kelvin.
rswindell authored
key to [web] section.
rswindell authored
(to be consistent with [nodelist]): - include_age - include_gender and they can be separately controlled. Also fixed a 'use strict' violation I didn't find before with assignment to an undeclared variable (uname).
rswindell authored
If a SessionPwd (in sbbsecho.ini) value was (just) a number, it would barf-up binkp.js and cause an authentication BinkP failure for that node.
rswindell authored
rswindell authored
example is now actually a functional replacement for the 'exec/node list' command (e.g. using 'jsexec nodelist') and a replacement for the hard-coded Ctrl-U (who's online) handler. To install, run 'jsexec nodelist install'. Supports modopts.ini [nodelist] settings (default to false): - include_age - include_gender Other than the new age/gender options, *should* function identically to the hard-coded nodelist() and whos_online() functions from getnode.cpp