Fowarding Net Mails
Re: Fowarding Net Mails
By: Digital Man to Joe Delahaye on Thu Feb 09 2017 20:12:05
I wrote a general question a while ago. No response, so maybe nobody knows. I have occassion to forward netmail to other nodes. Using the forward command, (no matter which editor I use), I write in the name as per normal for netmail in the Forward To prompt. Joe Blow@123:456/789 and I get an error of Unknown User, and the message is closed. Can you only forward netmail to a user of the board?
That is correct. You just (A)uto-reply and quote (or copy/paste) the original message to a netmail address, however.
digital man
The idea behind the forward is that I wanted to keep all the original kludges, etc, and timestamps. Copy/Paste is how I ended up doing it, but that loses all of the original info, except for the text
--- SBBSecho 3.00-Win32
* Origin: The Lions Den BBS, Trenton, On, CDN (1:249/303)