Re: Backup scg configs
By: Rmh to Digital Man on Sun Jul 15 2018 07:05 am
DM>> So what is the current problem, just the slow loading of message
DM>> pointers?
Rm> Yes, that's what I am experiencing and I am not sure if I can improve/fix
Rm> that somehow.
Rm> On the other hard, and based on the previous steps I provided to remove
Rm> the messages
>>> I have done the following:
>>> * remove message sub board from scfg
>>> * remove Grouphub identifier from sbbsecho.ini
>>> * Remove anything related from the areas.bbs file
Rm> It doesn't seem to remove everything, I still have the slow Message
Rm> Pointers load on/happening, and it starts complaining:
Rm> 14-07-2018 06:51:29 USENETALALTBEAMO: Unrecognized internal code, assumed
Rm> passthru
Rm> 14-07-2018 06:51:29 USENETALALTBEAVI: Unrecognized internal code, assumed
Rm> passthru
Rm> 14-07-2018 06:51:29 USENETALALTBECKR: Unrecognized internal code, assumed
Rm> passthru
Rm> 14-07-2018 06:51:29 USENETALALTBEDOP: Unrecognized internal code, assumed
Rm> passthru
Rm> 14-07-2018 06:51:29 USENETALALTBEDWE: Unrecognized internal code, assumed
Rm> passthru
Rm> 14-07-2018 06:51:29 USENETALALTBEDWF: Unrecognized internal code, assumed
Rm> passthru
Rm> 14-07-2018 06:51:29 USENETALALTBEDWG: Unrecognized internal code, assumed
Rm> passthru
Rm> 14-07-2018 06:51:29 USENETALALTBEDWH: Unrecognized internal code, assumed
Rm> passthru
Rm> 14-07-2018 06:51:29 USENETALALTBEEKS: Unrecognized internal code, assumed
Rm> passthru
Rm> 14-07-2018 06:51:29 USENETALALTBEENZ: Unrecognized internal code, assumed
Rm> passthru
Rm> 14-07-2018 06:51:29 USENETALALTBEEOT: Unrecognized internal code, assumed
Rm> passthru
Digital Man,
I finally managed to have all sorted.
I had a massive mess between the sub-boards + the areas.bbs file. The amount of
stuff was just massive and I was literally getting lost in translation there.
I just restore an old copy of the areas.bbs file + removed all the sub-boards.
Waited a bit and Now it's all back to Normality. Loading pointers as it should.
It has been an interesting experience to load 2000 + boards. It was just
bringing the Box to it's knees. 1 CPU/Core was all the way up to 100% and I had
setup 10 nodes!!! So I coudn't imagine having jsut 4 simultaneous users!!
I can see the limitation now, anywhow do you see a way of getting all those
many boards and still keeping the service just working all right?
Anyway of users login in without the whole Message Point Loding issue?
Just wondering if there is a way around or I am just asking for an impossible.
Many thanks for all guys.
■ Synchronet ■ UNICYBER BBS -- 2424