[Bug] Terminal dimensions not detecting correctly with hyper.is
Using hyper terminal (https://hyper.is/) on Windows (WSL2 and CMD.exe), should be able to replicate with Windows/Linux/Mac since huper.is is cross platform, I SSH to vert.synchro.net - I've used both Fira Code and Cascadia Code font families.
During login, my screen size is not detecting properly...
System : Vertrauenscreen: 78x17 > 80x10
If I go to user Defaults (D) then Terminal Dimanesions (L), it does seem to detect correctly.
Auto 98 columns, Auto 31 rows
Version 1 (latest) Rob Swindell
Version 1 (latest) Rob Swindell
- 2020-11-23__1_.png
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Seems to work okay. If you have the terminal server debug-level log output during the initial connection/detection, that could be helpful.
- Owner
BTW, this is what a successful 80x25 Hyper Terminal connection over Telnet look like in the Synchronet terminal server log output:
11/23 10:21:30p 3012 Telnet connection accepted from: port 58549 11/23 10:21:31p 3012 Telnet Hostname: vert [] 11/23 10:21:31p Node 2 constructor using socket 3012 (settings=8212) 11/23 10:21:31p Node 2 temporary file directory: s:\sbbs\node2\temp\ 11/23 10:21:31p Node 2 socket 3012 duplicated as 2964 11/23 10:21:31p Node 2 socket 3012 attached to local interface port 23 11/23 10:21:31p Node 2 passthru listen socket 2392 opened 11/23 10:21:31p Node 2 passthru socket listening on port 58550 11/23 10:21:31p Node 2 passthru connect socket 1948 opened 11/23 10:21:31p Node 2 input thread started 11/23 10:21:31p Node 2 output thread started 11/23 10:21:31p Node 2 thread started 11/23 10:21:31p Node 2 JavaScript: Creating node runtime: 104857600 bytes 11/23 10:21:31p Node 2 JavaScript: Initializing node context (stack: 16384 bytes) 11/23 10:21:31p Node 2 10:21p Mon Nov 23 2020 Node 2 11/23 10:21:31p Node 2 Telnet vert [] 11/23 10:21:31p Node 2 sending telnet cmd: WILL Echo 11/23 10:21:31p Node 2 sending telnet cmd: WILL Suppress Go Ahead 11/23 10:21:31p Node 2 sending telnet cmd: DO Terminal Type 11/23 10:21:31p Node 2 sending telnet cmd: DO Terminal Speed 11/23 10:21:31p Node 2 sending telnet cmd: DO Send Location 11/23 10:21:31p Node 2 sending telnet cmd: DO Negotiate About Window Size 11/23 10:21:31p Node 2 sending telnet cmd: DO New Environment Option 11/23 10:21:31p Node 2 received telnet cmd: DO Echo 11/23 10:21:31p Node 2 received telnet cmd: DO Suppress Go Ahead 11/23 10:21:31p Node 2 received telnet cmd: WILL Terminal Type 11/23 10:21:31p Node 2 requesting telnet terminal type 11/23 10:21:31p Node 2 received telnet cmd: WILL Negotiate About Window Size 11/23 10:21:31p Node 2 received telnet cmd: WON'T Terminal Speed 11/23 10:21:31p Node 2 sending telnet cmd: DON'T Terminal Speed 11/23 10:21:31p Node 2 received telnet cmd: WON'T Send Location 11/23 10:21:31p Node 2 sending telnet cmd: DON'T Send Location 11/23 10:21:31p Node 2 received telnet sub-negotiation command: Negotiate About Window Size (9 bytes) 11/23 10:21:31p Node 2 received telnet window size: 80x25 11/23 10:21:31p Node 2 received telnet cmd: WILL New Environment Option 11/23 10:21:31p Node 2 received telnet cmd: WON'T Terminal Speed 11/23 10:21:31p Node 2 received telnet cmd: WON'T Send Location 11/23 10:21:31p Node 2 received telnet sub-negotiation command: Terminal Type (10 bytes) 11/23 10:21:31p Node 2 received telnet terminal type: ANSI 11/23 10:21:32p Node 2 received terminal auto-detection response: '\e[?1;0c\e[25;80R\e[6;4R' 11/23 10:21:32p Node 2 received ANSI cursor position report [1]: 80x25 11/23 10:21:32p Node 2 received ANSI cursor position report [2]: 4x6 11/23 10:21:32p Node 2 auto-detected terminal type: 80x25 ANSI 11/23 10:21:32p Node 2 terminal type: 80x25 ANSI 11/23 10:21:32p Node 2 Adding mouse hot spot 0-0 x 24 = '\r'
... where the terminal size was correctly reported and detected via both Telnet option and ANSI cursor position reporting.
This was with Hyper 3.0.2 (Stable) running on Windows 10.
- Author Developer
It seems to work okay via telnet, it's when I use SSH I seem to be experiencing the problems...
Okay, SSH under WSL isn't an issue, the one included with git-bash seems to be the problem... will update git for windows to check it out.
Was mainly doing a sanity check for xterm.js with fira code and cascadia code fonts... seeing how it came through in Huper.
- Author Developer
Update to git for windows updated seems to have resolved the issue... closing.
- Michael J. Ryan closed