DDMsgReader error when displayBoardInfoInHeader=true
When DDMsgReader.cfg has displayBoardInfoInHeader set to true, it throws an error when trying to list messages ('M' when reading a message):
!JavaScript DDMsgReader.js line 6877: TypeError: msgbase is undefined
Looks like the variable definitions are out of order. My line numbers are different than what I see in gitlab, so not sure if this actually starts at 6877 or 6987.
var msgGroupName = msg_area.grp_list[msgbase.cfg.grp_number].description;
var subBoardName = "Unspecified";\
var msgbase = new MsgBase(this.subBoardCode);
Moving msgbase above the others makes the error go away and the header start working. But not sure if it breaks anything else.
This still breaks if trying to list messages 'L' from main, so not sure if that's related or should be a new issue. I'm unsure if curgrp and cursub aren't being passed to the module or if DDMsgReader isn't dealing with them properly.