Need workaround for possible broken tera term zmodem implimentation
I tried to receive a file from my BBS using both ssh and telnet and received the same issue. Keyop also had a user with the same issue of hanging zmodem but wasn't able to determine the client:
Jul 26 01:56:41 bbs synchronet: term Node 1 <Nelgin> Executing external: /sbbs/exec/sexyz 129 -raw sz /sbbs/data/dirs/metronet/metronetmetronet/METLIST.Z21
Jul 26 01:56:41 bbs synchronet: term Node 1 <Nelgin> sexyz: Synchronet External X/Y/ZMODEM v3.0 master/f9a44f56e Copyright Rob Swindell
Jul 26 01:56:51 bbs synchronet: term Node 1 <Nelgin> sexyz: !Receive timeout (10 seconds)
Jul 26 01:56:51 bbs synchronet: term Node 1 <Nelgin> sexyz: !zmodem_send_file UNEXPECTED TIMEOUT received instead of ZRINIT
Jul 26 01:56:52 bbs synchronet: term Node 1 <Nelgin> sexyz: !zmodem_recv_hex_header HEX header not terminated with LF: 141 (8Dh)
Jul 26 01:56:52 bbs synchronet: term Node 1 <Nelgin> sexyz: !zmodem_recv_header detected an INVALID HEADER
in one case this apparently caused my user's connection to hang and didn't disconnect him when he dropped. He was told he was already logged in when attempting to login again.
All works fine with SyncTerm.