MRC client crashes with error - !JavaScript inputline.js line 150: Error: Infinite loop (864001 operation callbacks) detected
After running MRC client for several hours, I get this error message which aborts the MRC client.
!JavaScript inputline.js line 150: Error: Infinite loop (864001 operation callbacks) detected
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- Keyop Troy assigned to @echicken
assigned to @echicken
- Developer
It looks like the solution is to update the mrc-connector example file to include
in the [MRC-Connector] section and
var js.time_limit=0
in the mrc-client.js file.
per discussion on irc.
Collapse replies - Author Developer
I'm still getting the timeout after 24 hours... I think this is due to a safety feature in JS?
- Developer
Could be. I'll bring up a client and leave it running myself and see.
Unassigning self. I see that one or two others have made contributions to the MRC client in my absence, so perhaps they can deal with this. The original author has abandoned this module.
(I like MRC at a philosophical level, but not at a technical one, and I regret implementing it.)
Collapse replies - Author Developer
Well I'm glad you did add it
- Owner
If the client (not the connector), then the solution would be to add the following line somewhere in the client JS source:
js.time_limit = 0
This would allow the client to run forever.
Collapse replies - Author Developer
Line 17 in mrc-client.js on my system has:
but still produces the message:
term Node 2 !JavaScript /sbbs/mods/chat_sec.js line 163: Error: Infinite loop (864336 operation callbacks) detected
When I exit the client after 24 hours ...
- Developer
That's chat_sec.js not mrc-client.js then, isn't it?
- Owner
It probably should be configurable as not all sysops likely want that behavior.
- Author Developer
For clarification, the error occurs after quiting MRC client after 24 hours.
- Author Developer
The original issue was fixed (MRC client exiting during use) and now we have a different issue with the client reporting an error after closing the client after 24 hours.
Will submit new issue to cover the latest issue as recommended by nelgin.
- Keyop Troy closed