Possibly change behaviour of mqtt topic sbbs/+/host/+/server/+/log/+
When the web monitor loads up, the last event of each level for each service gets displayed on the various panels. For the most part that's not a big deal, but a few days ago I had a critical error occur, so seeing that every time I load the monitor is a little off-putting, especially since it's shown with the time the message was received (ie right now) instead of the time the error occurred the other day.
I'm wondering if it makes sense to either:
- Don't publish to the log topics with the persist flag, so then when web monitor loads up it'll have a clean slate (like when you load sbbsctrl in NT service mode, and all the panels start blank)
- Include a timestamp when publishing to the log topics, so then web monitor can display the correct time for the old events
If you don't think either option makes sense, or would cause problems for how people are already using mqtt, then I can always make a change on the subscriber side instead of needing one of the above changes on the publisher side (ie ignore the first second's worth of log messages, or don't output a timestamp for the first second's worth of log messages)
Tagging @nelgin too since he's the mqtt guy.