Separate XYZ modem repo, or provide a different make file that just builds XYZ modem
I have had difficulty using various BBS software's zmodems to work correctly in all test situations. On one end is ztelnet using lrzsz package on macOS, and on the other end is a Synchronet or Mystic BBS running in a VM on my laptop or a production BBS running on a remote machine. Some ztelnet <-> BBS connections that work smoothly for upload/download become unreliable when a socat-based encrypted port tunnel is added between them (only zmodem download/upload is affected, while rest of the BBS UI works as expected). Note: ztelnet just looks for rz/sz commands, so I would guess it can be hooked to sexyz like you describe in your Mystic BBS config for sexyz.
In my test matrix, one thing I have not been able to do is have sexyz transmitting and receiving on both ends. But to build sexyz standalone (on Linux and macOS) seems a pain, file dependencies are spread in different directories (read "conios", etc) of main Synchronet repo. It would be great if you could provide sexyz as a separate repo/package (like lrzsz is available for open source unix community), so one can easily build it on different platforms and test . Or perhaps please add a separate build script that builds just sexyz from your repo (though that might won't work for macOS...). I really want BBSes to work on Linuxes, and ztelnet-able/zssh-able from macOS/Linux. Though downloads/uploads don't always work, which really limits BBS use to messaging and browsing... Homebrew macOS packages for ztelent/zssh, and lrzsz. Homebrew packages are also available for 64-bit Linux, search "linux" on those links. Though I have tested on macOS. As an example, I tried zssh-ing to one of the premier and latest Synchronet BBSes, but zmodem transfers didn't work always.
Sidenote: Synchronet wiki talks about sexyz being a 32-bit program... Does that mean it needs something special to build on 64-bit linux/macOS platforms?