DDMsgReader: For indexed mode newscan, default to showing "No new messages" instead of showing the indexed menu if there are no new messages. This can be toggled via a user setting & new configuration option, displayIndexedModeMenuIfNoNewMessages
requested to merge dd_msg_reader_indexed_newscan_default_no_menu_if_no_new_messages into master
1 unresolved thread
DDMsgReader Indexed newscan: By default, if there are no new messages, it now shows "No new messages." (578 QWKNoNewMessages from text.dat). There's a new user setting to toggle whether to use the indexed newscan menu even if there are no new messages. New configuration file option: displayIndexedModeMenuIfNoNewMessages, which is a default for a user setting to toggle whether or not to use the Indexed newscan menu even when there are no new messages.
Merge request reports
assigned to @rswindell
added 1 commit
- 4c29d37f - DDMsgReader: ddmr_cfg.js update for showing the indexed mode menu even with no...
added 1 commit
- 4867d816 - DDMsgReader: Marking all as read in indexed mode no longer writes a checkmark...
mentioned in commit b638c310
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