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DDMsgReader: quotes.txt is now in the correct case for the user's editor. "terminalSupportsUTF8 not defined" error eliminated.

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@@ -148,6 +148,9 @@
* 2024-02-04 Eric Oulashin Version 1.95b
* Bug fix: Use the P_UTF8 mode bit when printing UTF-8 message header info (such as 'from' and 'to').
* A dd_lightbar_menu.js update goes along with this.
* 2024- Eric Oulashin Version 1.95c
* The filename of quotes.txt is now in the correct case for the user's editor.
* "terminalSupportsUTF8 not defined" error eliminated.
"use strict";
@@ -252,8 +255,8 @@ var ansiterm = require("ansiterm_lib.js", 'expand_ctrl_a');
var hexdump = load('hexdump_lib.js');
// Reader version information
var READER_VERSION = "1.95b";
var READER_DATE = "2024-02-04";
var READER_VERSION = "1.95c";
var READER_DATE = "2024-02-15";
// Keyboard key codes for displaying on the screen
var UP_ARROW = ascii(24);
@@ -4760,7 +4763,50 @@ function DigDistMsgReader_PrintMessageInfo(pMsgHeader, pHighlight, pMsgNum, pRet
var msgIsUTF8 = pMsgHeader.hasOwnProperty("is_utf8") && pMsgHeader.is_utf8;
if (msgIsUTF8)
if (!userConsoleSupportsUTF8)
if (userConsoleSupportsUTF8)
//fromName = sbbsifyStr(fromName);
// Temporary
var fieldNew = "";
for (var fieldI = 0; fieldI < fromName.length; ++fieldI)
// Credit to Deuce for this code (this was seen in fseditor.js)
var encoded = utf8_encode(fromName[fieldI].charCodeAt(0));
for (var encodedI = 0; encodedI < encoded.length; ++encodedI)
fieldNew += encoded[encodedI];
fromName = fieldNew;
// Temporary
if (user.is_sysop)
var curPos = console.getxy();
if (fromName[0] == "D")
for (var tmpI = 0; tmpI < fromName.length; ++tmpI)
console.gotoxy(1, 1);
var debugMsg = tmpI + ": " + fromName[tmpI] + " ASCII: " + str_is_ascii(fromName[tmpI]) + " ";
console.print(debugMsg, P_UTF8);
// End Temporary
var printedLen = console.strlen(fromName, P_UTF8);
if (fromName.length > printedLen)
fromName += format("%*s", fromName.length - printedLen, "");
fromName = utf8_cp437(fromName);
toName = utf8_cp437(toName);
@@ -4801,6 +4847,35 @@ function DigDistMsgReader_PrintMessageInfo(pMsgHeader, pHighlight, pMsgNum, pRet
else if (msgHdrHasAttachmentFlag(pMsgHeader))
msgIndicatorChar = "\x01n" + this.colors.selectedMsgMarkColor + this.colors.msgListHighlightBkgColor + this.msgListStatusChars.attachments + "\x01n";
// TODO: Handle UTF-8 in the header fields
var fromNameForItemStr = fromName.substr(0, this.FROM_LEN);
var toNameForItemStr = toName.substr(0, this.TO_LEN);
var subjectForItemStr = subject.substr(0, this.SUBJ_LEN);
if (msgIsUTF8 && userConsoleSupportsUTF8)
var printedLen = console.strlen(fromNameForItemStr, P_UTF8);
fromNameForItemStr = fromNameForItemStr.length + "; " + printedLen;
if (fromNameForItemStr.length > printedLen)
//fromNameForItemStr += format("%*s", fromNameForItemStr.length - printedLen, "");
if (this.showScoresInMsgList)
msgHdrStr += format(this.sMsgInfoFormatHighlightStr, msgNum, msgIndicatorChar,
fromNameForItemStr, toNameForItemStr, subjectForItemStr,
msgVoteInfo.voteScore, sDate, sTime);
msgHdrStr += format(this.sMsgInfoFormatHighlightStr, msgNum, msgIndicatorChar,
fromNameForItemStr, toNameForItemStr, subjectForItemStr,
sDate, sTime);
if (this.showScoresInMsgList)
msgHdrStr += format(this.sMsgInfoFormatHighlightStr, msgNum, msgIndicatorChar,
@@ -4847,6 +4922,45 @@ function DigDistMsgReader_PrintMessageInfo(pMsgHeader, pHighlight, pMsgNum, pRet
formatStr = (msgToUser ? this.sMsgInfoToUserFormatStr : (msgIsFromUser ? this.sMsgInfoFromUserFormatStr : this.sMsgInfoFormatStr));
// TODO: Handle UTF-8 in the header fields
// Deuce said:
// <Deuce> JS Strings are intended for each codepoint to be "one character" in the JS string.
// <Deuce> Synchronet does it differently though.
// <Deuce> If you want substr to work, you'll ned to convert from UTF-8 into a JS native string.
// <Deuce> But then it won't work with format().
// <Deuce> Passing a JS native string that has real unicode codepoints in it to a Synchronet function would corrupt the string in wild and wacky ways.
//var fromNameForItemStr = format("%-" + this.FROM_LEN + "s", fromName.substr(0, this.FROM_LEN));
var fromNameForItemStr = fromName.substr(0, this.FROM_LEN);
//if (fromNameForItemStr[0] == "D") fromNameForItemStr = str_is_ascii(fromNameForItemStr);
var toNameForItemStr = toName.substr(0, this.TO_LEN);
var subjectForItemStr = subject.substr(0, this.SUBJ_LEN);
if (msgIsUTF8 && userConsoleSupportsUTF8)
var printedLen = console.strlen(fromNameForItemStr, P_UTF8);
//fromNameForItemStr = fromNameForItemStr.length + "; " + printedLen;
if (fromNameForItemStr.length > printedLen)
// TODO: This isn't working
//fromNameForItemStr += format("%*s", fromNameForItemStr.length - printedLen, "");
//fromNameForItemStr = format("%-" + this.FROM_LEN + "s", fromName.substr(0, this.FROM_LEN));
fromNameForItemStr = utf8_decode(fromName).substr(0, this.FROM_LEN);
if (this.showScoresInMsgList)
msgHdrStr += format(formatStr, msgNum, msgIndicatorChar, fromNameForItemStr, toNameForItemStr, subjectForItemStr,
msgVoteInfo.voteScore, sDate, sTime);
msgHdrStr += format(formatStr, msgNum, msgIndicatorChar, fromNameForItemStr, toNameForItemStr, subjectForItemStr,
sDate, sTime);
if (this.showScoresInMsgList)
msgHdrStr += format(formatStr, msgNum, msgIndicatorChar, fromName.substr(0, this.FROM_LEN),
@@ -4864,6 +4978,7 @@ function DigDistMsgReader_PrintMessageInfo(pMsgHeader, pHighlight, pMsgNum, pRet
var returnStrInstead = (typeof(pReturnStrInstead) == "boolean" ? pReturnStrInstead : false);
if (!returnStrInstead)
var terminalSupportsUTF8 = (typeof(USER_UTF8) != "undefined" ? console.term_supports(USER_UTF8) : false);
var printMode = (terminalSupportsUTF8 && hdrIsUTF8 ? P_UTF8 : P_NONE);
console.print(msgHdrStr, printMode);
console.cleartoeol("\x01n"); // To clear away any extra text that may have been entered by the user
@@ -10975,8 +11090,14 @@ function DigDistMsgReader_ReplyToMsg(pMsgHdr, pMsgText, pPrivate, pMsgIdx)
// Get the user's setting for whether or not to wrap quote lines (and how long) from
// their external editor settings
var editorQuoteCfg = getExternalEditorQuoteWrapCfgFromSCFG(user.editor);
// Check for the drop file casing
var quotesFilename = "";
if (xtrn_area.editor[user.editor].settings & XTRN_LWRCASE)
quotesFilename = "quotes.txt";
quotesFilename = "QUOTES.TXT";
// Write the message text to the quotes file
quoteFile = new File(system.node_dir + "QUOTES.TXT");
quoteFile = new File(system.node_dir + quotesFilename);
if ("w"))
var msgNum = (typeof(pMsgIdx) === "number" ? pMsgIdx+1 : null);
@@ -11580,8 +11701,25 @@ function DigDistMsgReader_DisplayEnhancedMsgHdr(pMsgHdr, pDisplayMsgNum, pStartS
for (var hdrFileIdx = 0; hdrFileIdx < enhHdrLines.length; ++hdrFileIdx)
console.gotoxy(screenX, screenY++);
console.putmsg(this.ParseMsgAtCodes(enhHdrLines[hdrFileIdx], pMsgHdr,
pDisplayMsgNum, dateTimeStr, useBBSLocalTimeZone, false), printMode);
// For Synchronet 3.20:
<git_rswindell> From: Rob Swindell (on Windows 11)
<git_rswindell> Modified src/sbbs3/js_bbs.cpp
<git_rswindell> Support optional msg_header argument to bbs.expand_atcodes()
<git_rswindell> For Nightfox's use in DDMsgReader.
//if (typeof(bbs.expand_atcodes) === "function")
if (false)
console.putmsg(enhHdrLines[hdrFileIdx], pMsgHdr);
console.putmsg(this.ParseMsgAtCodes(enhHdrLines[hdrFileIdx], pMsgHdr,
pDisplayMsgNum, dateTimeStr, useBBSLocalTimeZone, false), printMode);
// Older - Used to center the header lines, but I'm not sure this is necessary,
// and it might even make the header off by one, which could be bad.
@@ -24430,7 +24568,6 @@ function entryExistsInGlobalEmailFilter(pEmailAddr)
return entryExists;
// For debugging: Writes some text on the screen at a given location with a given pause.