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Custom external program menus mod. Allows making custom external menus that...

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* Custom External Program Menu Library for Custom External Program Menus
* by Michael Long mlong
* This provides common functionality for retrieving menus used by
* the loadable module xtrnmenu.js and by the web interface
* 099-xtrnmenu-games.xjs
"use strict";
load("sbbsdefs.js", "K_NONE");
/* text.dat entries */
require("text.js", "XtrnProgLstFmt");
function ExternalMenus() {
this.options = {};
this.xtrn_custommenu_options = {};
this.menuconfig = {};
ExternalMenus.prototype.getMenuConfig = function() {
var config_file = new File(system.ctrl_dir + "xtrnmenu.cfg");
var config_src;
this.menuconfig = undefined;
if ('r+')) {
config_src =;
if (typeof config_src !== "undefined") {
this.menuconfig = JSON.parse(config_src.toString());
ExternalMenus.prototype.getOptions = function(menutype, menuid) {
if (typeof menutype === "undefined") {
menutype = 'custommenu';
// Get xtrn_sec options from modopts.ini [xtrn_sec]
if ((this.options = load({}, "modopts.js", "xtrn_sec")) == null) {
this.options = { multicolumn: true, sort: false };
// Get xtrn_custommenu options from modopts.ini [xtrn_custommenu]
if ((this.xtrn_custommenu_options = load({}, "modopts.js", "xtrnmenu")) == null) {
this.xtrn_custommenu_options = { };
// in all cases, we start with the xtrn_sec options as the base and set the defaults
if (this.options.multicolumn === undefined)
this.options.multicolumn = true;
if (this.options.multicolumn_separator === undefined)
this.options.multicolumn_separator = " ";
if (this.options.multicolumn_fmt === undefined)
this.options.multicolumn_fmt = system.text(XtrnProgLstFmt);
if (this.options.singlecolumn_fmt === undefined)
this.options.singlecolumn_fmt = "\x01h\x01c%3u \xb3 \x01n\x01c%s\x01h ";
if (this.options.singlecolumn_margin == undefined)
this.options.singlecolumn_margin = 7;
if (typeof bbs !== "undefined") {
if (this.options.singlecolumn_height == undefined)
this.options.singlecolumn_height = console.screen_rows - this.options.singlecolumn_margin;
// override and turn off multicolumn if terminal width is less than 80
if (console.screen_columns < 80)
options.multicolumn = false;
if (this.options.restricted_user_msg === undefined)
this.options.restricted_user_msg = system.text(R_ExternalPrograms);
if (this.options.no_programs_msg === undefined)
this.options.no_programs_msg = system.text(NoXtrnPrograms);
if (this.options.header_fmt === undefined)
this.options.header_fmt = system.text(XtrnProgLstHdr);
if (this.options.titles === undefined)
this.options.titles = system.text(XtrnProgLstTitles);
if (this.options.underline === undefined)
this.options.underline = system.text(XtrnProgLstUnderline);
if (this.options.which === undefined)
this.options.which = system.text(WhichXtrnProg);
if (this.options.clear_screen === undefined)
this.options.clear_screen = true;
if (this.options.section_fmt === undefined)
this.options.section_fmt = "\x01y\x01g%3d:\x01n\x01g %s"
if (this.options.section_header_fmt === undefined)
this.options.section_header_fmt = "\x01-\x01gSelect \x01hExternal Program Section\x01-\x01g:"
if (this.options.section_which === undefined)
this.options.section_which = "\r\n\x01-\x01gWhich, \x01w\x01h~Q\x01n\x01guit or [1]: \x01h"
// if its a custom menu, then override with custommenu_options
if (menutype == 'custommenu') {
if (typeof this.xtrn_custommenu_options.multicolumn_fmt !== "undefined") {
this.options.multicolumn_fmt = this.xtrn_custommenu_options.multicolumn_fmt;
} else {
// cannot default to xtrn_sec multicolumn_fmt due to use of %u instead of %s
this.options.multicolumn_fmt = "\x01h\x01c%3s \xb3 \x01n\x01c%-32.32s\x01h ";
if (typeof this.xtrn_custommenu_options.singlecolumn_fmt !== "undefined") {
this.options.singlecolumn_fmt = this.xtrn_custommenu_options.singlecolumn_fmt;
} else {
// cannot default to xtrn_sec multicolumn_fmt due to use of %u instead of %s
this.options.singlecolumn_fmt = "\x01h\x01c%3s \xb3 \x01n\x01c%s\x01h ";
this.options.header_fmt = (typeof this.xtrn_custommenu_options.header_fmt !== "undefined")
? this.xtrn_custommenu_options.header_fmt : this.options.header_fmt;
this.options.titles = (typeof this.xtrn_custommenu_options.titles !== "undefined")
? this.xtrn_custommenu_options.titles : this.options.titles;
this.options.which = (typeof this.xtrn_custommenu_options.which !== "undefined")
? this.xtrn_custommenu_options.which : this.options.which;
this.options.underline = (typeof this.xtrn_custommenu_options.underline !== "undefined")
? this.xtrn_custommenu_options.underline : this.options.underline;
this.options.multicolumn_separator = (typeof this.xtrn_custommenu_options.multicolumn_separator !== "undefined")
? this.xtrn_custommenu_options.multicolumn_separator : this.options.multicolumn_separator;
this.options.multicolumn = (typeof this.xtrn_custommenu_options.multicolumn !== "undefined")
? this.xtrn_custommenu_options.multicolumn : this.options.multicolumn;
this.options.sort = (typeof this.xtrn_custommenu_options.sort !== "undefined")
? this.xtrn_custommenu_options.sort : this.options.sort;
this.options.clear_screen = (typeof this.xtrn_custommenu_options.clear_screen !== "undefined")
? this.xtrn_custommenu_options.clear_screen : this.options.clear_screen;
this.options.singlecolumn_margin = (typeof this.xtrn_custommenu_options.singlecolumn_margin !== "undefined")
? this.xtrn_custommenu_options.singlecolumn_margin : this.options.singlecolumn_margin;
if (typeof bbs !== "undefined") {
this.options.singlecolumn_height = (typeof this.xtrn_custommenu_options.singlecolumn_height !== "undefined")
? this.xtrn_custommenu_options.singlecolumn_height : this.options.singlecolumn_height;
// no need to override restricted_user_msg or no_programs_msg - these
// will be the same for both types of menus
// Allow overriding on a per-menu basis
var menuoptions = load({}, "modopts.js", "xtrnmenu:" + menuid);
if ((typeof menuid !== "undefined") && (menuoptions != null)) {
for (var m in menuoptions) {
this.options[m] = menuoptions[m];
// these options only apply to terminals/consoles
// the intention is to obtain all the mod_opts options for xtrn_sec, and
// override if a custom menu global setting is set
//// The following are used for the enhanced custom menu functionality
if (this.options.custom_menu_not_found_msg === undefined) {
this.options.custom_menu_not_found_msg = "Menu %MENUID% not found";
if (this.options.custom_menu_program_not_found_msg === undefined) {
this.options.custom_menu_program_not_found_msg = "Program %PROGRAMID% not found";
return this.options;
// return a custom menu object
ExternalMenus.prototype.getMenu = function(menuid) {
// grab the specified menu, or get the main menu
if ((typeof menuid === "undefined") || !menuid) {
menuid = "main";
} else {
menuid = menuid.toLowerCase();
var menu;
if ((typeof this.menuconfig !== "undefined") && (typeof this.menuconfig.menus !== "undefined")) {
this.menuconfig.menus.some(function (indmenu) {
if ( == menuid) {
menu = indmenu;
if (!menu && (menuid == "main")) {
// no custom menus defined, make one to mimic old behavior
var menuitems = [];
var i;
xtrn_area.sec_list.forEach(function (sec) {
if (sec.can_access) {
"input": i,
"target": sec.code,
"type": "xtrnmenu",
"access_string": sec.ars
menu = {
"id": "main",
"title": "Main Menu",
"items": menuitems
return menu;
// return a section menu object (stock synchronet external door section)
ExternalMenus.prototype.getSectionMenu = function(menuid) {
// grab the specified menu, or get the main menu
if ((typeof menuid === "undefined") || !menuid) {
return false;
var menuitems = [];
var menu, title;
xtrn_area.sec_list.some(function (sec) {
if (sec.code.toLowerCase() == menuid.toLowerCase()) {
title =;
if (!sec.can_access || sec.prog_list.length < 1) {
return false;
var i = 1;
sec.prog_list.some(function (prog) {
'input' : i,
'target': prog.code,
'type': 'xtrnprog',
'access_string': prog.ars,
'cost': prog.cost
if (menuitems.length > 0) {
menu = {
'id': menuid,
'title': title,
'items': menuitems,
return menu;
// Sort the menu items according to options
ExternalMenus.prototype.getSortedItems = function(menuobj) {
var sort_type;
if ((typeof menuobj.sort_type !== "undefined") && menuobj.sort_type) {
sort_type = menuobj.sort_type; // "name" or "key"
} else {
sort_type = this.options.sort; // bool
// first, build a new menu with only options they have access to
var menuitemsfiltered = [];
for (i in menuobj.items) {
switch (menuobj.items[i].type) {
case 'xtrnmenu':
for (j in xtrn_area.sec_list) {
if (xtrn_area.sec_list[j].code.toUpperCase() == menuobj.items[i].target.toUpperCase()) {
if (xtrn_area.sec_list[j].can_access) {
case 'xtrnprog':
for (j in xtrn_area.sec_list) {
for (var k in xtrn_area.sec_list[j].prog_list) {
if (xtrn_area.sec_list[j].prog_list[k].code.toUpperCase() == menuobj.items[i].target.toUpperCase()) {
if (xtrn_area.sec_list[j].prog_list[k].can_access) {
case 'custommenu':
if ((typeof menuobj.items[i].access_string === "undefined") || !menuobj.items[i].access_string) {
// no access string defined, everyone gets access
} else {
if (user.compare_ars(menuobj.items[i].access_string)) {
// they have access
// if no custom input keys are specified for an input, then assign a numeric input
// this would mimic the built-in external section menu functionality
// but this is only assigned on sort_type key because if the sort type is for
// titles, we need to sort by title first before assigning the sequential numbers
var sortind = 0;
// make sure we only use the next available number for automatic assignment
for (i in menuitemsfiltered) {
if (!isNaN(menuitemsfiltered[i].input)) {
if (menuitemsfiltered[i].input > sortind) {
sortind = menuitemsfiltered[i].input;
if (sort_type == "key") {
for (i in menuitemsfiltered) {
if (!menuitemsfiltered[i].input) {
menuitemsfiltered[i].input = sortind;
if (sort_type) {
switch (sort_type) {
case "key":
case "title":
case "name":
// if this is a sort by title and the key is empty, it will be assigned the next available number
// this is to support auto-generated inputs like is done on the built-in section menus
// however, to keep the numeric keys in order, the numbers could not be pre-assigned like it done
// on the sort_type key
for (i in menuitemsfiltered) {
if ((sort_type !== "key") && !menuitemsfiltered[i].input) {
menuitemsfiltered[i].input = sortind;
return menuitemsfiltered;
// Original sort function used by external_program_menu and external_section_menu
ExternalMenus.prototype.sort_by_name = function(a, b) {
if(> return 1;
if(< return -1;
return 0;
// Sort by title - used by external_section_menu_custom
ExternalMenus.prototype.sort_by_title = function(a, b) {
if (a.title.toLowerCase() < b.title.toLowerCase()) {
return -1;
if (a.title.toLowerCase() > b.title.toLowerCase()) {
return 1;
return 0;
// Sort by input key - used by external_section_menu_custom
ExternalMenus.prototype.sort_by_input = function(a, b) {
if (a.input.toString().toLowerCase() < b.input.toString().toLowerCase()) {
return -1;
if (a.input.toString().toLowerCase() > b.input.toString().toLowerCase()) {
return 1;
return 0;