MRC: Session stats, mentions, themes, indenting, buffer display, and more
A separate set of stats is now shown for displaying local session info, including chatters (count of users in the current room), latency (as calculated by mrc-connector; see below), and mentions. This set of stats is shown by default, with global MRC stats (BBSES, Users, Rooms, and Activity Level) available by using /toggle_stats.
Basic mention handling. Messages from others containing the user's alias are highlighted during chat, and the number of times mentioned shows on the status bar.
Long chat messages are indented to the width of the time stamp. This is achieved by pre-wrapping the text and inserting spaces after the carriage- returns before passing the msg object to the frame to be displayed.
Configurable theme options. User selects a theme by typing /theme . A set of pre-configured theme ini files are included, and the sysop may add or edit them as desired. mrc-client will automatically detect any available theme files matching the pattern "mrc-theme-<theme_name>.ini". The user's selected theme is saved to settings for future sessions.
Buffer/MaxBuffer is now shown in the status bar.
inputline.max_buffer is now a flat 140, rather than calculated to 140 minus the alias length. This is because the message portion of the message packet is allowed to be 140 characters.
PgUp, PgDn, Home, and End all now work in scroll mode.
nicklist.transparent property now gets set based on the show_nicks value, in order to get an extra column's worth of width.
The user's nicklist preference (toggle_nicks) is saved in settings for future sessions.
Added a save_setting function for convenience. Used by both the set_alias and set_theme functions.
mention_count and latency added to state properties.
The room_topic session state property now holds the room topic string (previously it wasn't used).
Added afk, register, identify, update, and trust commands, so now they can be called directly instead without using /quote.
Latency is now calculated and passed to mrc-client for display on the status bar. It's the number of milliseconds elapsed between the time the last message was sent and acknowledged by the server.
The FROM_SITE constant is now the more descriptive (spaces replaced with underscores) instead of the less descriptive system.qwk_id. This is what gets shown in the /whoon list, as well as whenever a user enters or exits MRC.
Stats weren't truly being requested "every 20 seconds" like they're supposed to be. This is fixed.
(this 20-second frequency is hard-coded in Mystic's multiplexer, but maybe this could/should be configurable in the mrc-connector.ini file.)
Things to consider for future revisions (?):
- Let user review history of mentions with option to reset mention counter.
- Banners display; server periodically sends points of interest, and sysop may opt to display local banners.
- Make the top bar 2 rows high; the added row could be used by themes and/or the aforementioned banner display.
- Twit filter.
- Let user change text color using left/right arrows.