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  • 638-can-t-control-c-during-a-file-search
  • add_body_to_pager_email
  • c23-playing
  • cryptlib-3.4.7
  • dailybuild_linux-x64
  • dailybuild_macos-armv8
  • dailybuild_win32
  • dd_file_lister_filanem_in_desc_color
  • dd_msg_reader_are_you_there_warning_improvement
  • hide_remote_connection_with_telgate
  • master default protected
  • mingw32-build
  • mlong/darkmodetweak
  • mode7
  • new_config_format
  • new_file_base
  • new_user_dat
  • ree/mastermind
  • revert-9d6b6c2f
  • syncterm-1.2
  • sbbs320d
  • syncterm-1.6
  • syncterm-1.5
  • syncterm-1.4
  • sbbs320b
  • syncterm-1.3
  • syncterm-1.2
  • syncterm-1.2rc6
  • syncterm-1.2rc5
  • push
  • syncterm-1.2rc4
  • syncterm-1.2rc2
  • syncterm-1.2rc1
  • sbbs319b
  • sbbs318b
  • goodbuild_linux-x64_Sep-01-2020
  • goodbuild_win32_Sep-01-2020
  • goodbuild_linux-x64_Aug-31-2020
  • goodbuild_win32_Aug-31-2020
  • goodbuild_win32_Aug-30-2020
40 results
Created with Raphaël 2.2.026Mar2524232221201918171615141312111098765432128Feb2726252423222120191817161514Version 0.36 Beta: For non-lightbar voting, updated to use BallotHdr (791) instead of SelectHdr (501).Use the FIDO_TLD macro from fidodefs.h rather than copy/pasta here.Attempt to address multiple redundant SSH related error/log messages fromFix a large number of errors involving re-using an in-use index variable asputmsgptrs():Address GCC warning: "/*" within commentChanged user' message pointer/last-read/scan-config storage to a new fileStore the remote software version in the BinkP object, don't do specialAdd comment in binkp about why we detect Mystic as well.Add comment regarding Mystic password workaround.Attept to work around Mystic CRAM+CRYPT issue.The SubLstHdr and SubLstFmt lines display the number of posts per sub-board,Removed PostLink/PCRelay configuration stuff - nobody has used thisMore detailed log output when posting a message via SMTP (successfullyLog a generic "SSH session establishment failed" message (with NOTICERaise the log-level severity (from DEBUG to NOTICE) when sending any M_ERRDon't allow the CRAM-MD5 challenge length to be overridden (always useFix weird compile error triggered by *some* revisions of msvc which dont'Fix the log msg repeat count (off by one).Clean-up the log output around server shutdown/recycle:Log the UNIX socket name (filename) the status thread is listening onFix more typos.Fixed typo in status thread error message string ("stat" not "ftp").Make hexdump_lib.js more lib-like and change the functions (methods) toBug-fix: JS service calls to random() would return the same sequence onWe can't take a lockfile that doesn't exist.Only add the SCFG outbound root if it's not in the FTNDomains config already.I don't know how objects are "true", or "false", so don't risk it.More elaborate fix for missing outbound directories (don't create them),<@Deuce> If there's no outbound dir, it should just skip the node.Fix errors when outbound directory does not exist (create it):Finally a first pass at an sbbslist online help file.Update the help text to list all keys.Update for all currently supported CTRL keys.Add CTRL-\ as a synonym for CTRL-S to avoid collision with Xon.Update to match currently used control keys.Add CTRL-N to ctrlkey passthru and remove CTRL-O.Remove CTRL-N to "select none" (deselect all) in quote mode since DigitalManDocument the cterm_version property to unbreak jsdocs.Apply patch from Psi-Jack in 2014: